Fibonacci sequence long[] array throws negative numbers after index 92 - java

I'm testing this code to insert the Fibonacci sequence in a long[] array:
public class Test {
public static void Fibonacci(int n){
long[] array = new long[n];
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if (i==1) {
else {
array[i] = array[i-2] + array[i-1];
System.out.println(array[n-3]+" "+array[n-2]); // verify sum
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Insert Fibonacci sequence index: ");
int n = scan.nextInt();
However, after position 92, it starts throwing wrong or negative numbers. I'm using this Fibonacci Calculator to verify the numbers and until 92 it's correct.
I've seen some questions here about this problem and most answers say its about Integer overflow, and that you should use long, which I am using.
Is 93th number over the limit of long type? What should I use instead to reach 100 or bigger numbers and still manage it with an array?

You are overflowing the range of long. You can use BigInteger (and extract array[1] from the loop); something1 like
public static void fibonacci(int n) {
BigInteger[] array = new BigInteger[n];
array[0] = array[1] = BigInteger.ONE;
for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
array[i] = array[i - 2].add(array[i - 1]);
System.out.println(array[n - 3] + " " + array[n - 2]); // verify sum
System.out.println(array[n - 1]);
1Also, please follow Java naming conventions. Method names start with a lower case letter, Fibonacci looks like a class name.

You are running into numeric overflow. Use arbitrary precision arichmetics to fix this problem: replace long[] with BigInteger[], and change formulas to method invocations, for example
array[0] = 1;
array[i] = array[i-2] + array[i-1];
array[0] = BigInteger.ONE;
array[i] = array[i-2].add(array[i-1]);

You are correct that the 93rd number is large than 2^63 - 1 (the largest possible long value in java). This means after the 92nd iteration the variable will overflow. If you want to use even larger number you should look into BigInteger

From this table, the 92nd Fibonacci number is 7540113804746346429 and the 93rd is 12200160415121876738.
The range of a Java long is –9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
Comparing the 93rd number in your Fibonacci sequence to the maximum value a long can take reveals what is happening:
9223372036854775807 -- max long value
7540113804746346429 -- 92nd number in Fibonacci sequence (works)
12200160415121876738 -- 93rd number in Fibonacci sequence (doesn't work)
You can consider using a BigInteger to store your sequence numbers instead.


Array form of integer

I was trying to convert the array to integer sum=999999999999 (twelve 9) , when i am limiting the array to less than ten 9s it is giving the result but when i am giving the array of more than ten 9s it is giving an unexpected result , please explain it will be really helpful for me
int[] arr={9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9};
int p=arr.length-1;
int m;
int num=0;
for (int i = 0; i <= p; i++) {
m=(int) Math.pow(10, p-i);
num += arr[i]*m; // it is executing like: 900+90+9=999
this happens because you're exceeding the Integer.MAX_VALUE.
You can read about it here.
You can use instead of int a long, to store large values,
and if that is not enough for you, you can use - BigInteger
BigInteger num = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
for (int i = 0; i <= p; i++) {
BigInteger m = BigInteger.valueOf((int) Math.pow(10, p-i));
BigInteger next = BigInteger.valueOf(arr[i]).multiply(m));
num = num.add(BigInteger.valueOf(arr[i]*m));
A couple of things.
You don't need to use Math.pow.
for up to 18 digits, you can use a long to do the computation.
I added some extra digits to demonstrate
int[] arr={9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,1,1,2,3,4};
long sum = 0; // or BigInteger sum = BigInteger.ZERO;
for (int val : arr) {
sum = sum * 10 + val; // or sum.multiply(BigInteger.TEN).add(BigInteger.valueOf(val));
Here is the sequence for 1,2,3,4 so you can see what is happening.
- sum = 0
- sum = sum(0) * 10 + 1 (sum is now 1)
- sum = sum(1) * 10 + 2 (sum is now 12)
- sum = sum(12)* 10 + 3 (sum is now 123)
- sum = sum(123)*10 + 4 (sum is now 1234)
It is because an int is coded on 4 byte so technically you can only go from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
Consider using the long type.
Try using long (or any other type which can represent larger numbers) instead of int.
I suggest this because the int overflows: see
Because it overflows integer boundry. The maximum integer value that can be stored in Java is 2147483647. When you try to store a value greater than this, the result will be an unexpected value. To solve this issue, you can use a long data type instead of an int data type
you can read about it here and here

Why do I get a negative output when I run my program to compute the sum of all even Fibonacci numbers?

I'm working on Project Euler problem #2 and I have a class built to solve the problem. For those who haven't done this before, this is the problem:
Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be:
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ... .
By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million, find the sum of the even-valued terms.
The problem:
I have the program built to solve the problem given, but when I run it, I get the value -1833689714. This should not be the value returned, as I sum only positive numbers and no multiplications are performed that I know of. How do I fix this?
My code
import java.util.ArrayList;
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int answer = resultsSum(fibonacci(4000000));
public static int resultsSum(ArrayList<Integer> resultList){
int total = 0;
for(Integer r : resultList){
total += r.intValue();
return total;
public static ArrayList<Integer> fibonacci(int n){
ArrayList fibEvens = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
for(int i = 1; i < (n - 1); i++) {
int tempVar = a;
a = b;
b += tempVar;
if(b % 2 == 0){
return fibEvens;
The reason you're getting a negative result is that the the terms of the Fibonacci sequence above the 88th term are in excess of the maximum positive value of the Long data type in java, which is 9,223,372,036,854,775,80.
When you attempt to increment the long data type beyond it's max value by one it wraps around to the minimum value (-9,223,372,036,854,775,80). At the point the Fibonacci terms exceed the max value, you're doing this many times over.
Additionally, the problem you've posted indicates that you should be stopping when the value of the number derived from the sequence is greater than 4 million, not trying to add the even values of the first 4 million values (which is huge).
It looks like your code is attempting to get to the 4-millionth Fibonacci number, which is quite different than the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million.
int data type stores number from -2^31 to 2^31 - 1
Integer data type stores number from -2^63 to 2^63 - 1
Try with BigInteger
public static BigInteger fibonacci(int n) {
BigInteger[] f = new BigInteger[n + 1];
f[0] = BigInteger.ZERO;
if (n > 0) {
f[1] = BigInteger.ONE;
for (int i = 2; i < f.length; i++) {
f[i] = f[i - 1].add(f[i - 2]);
return f[n];
But the 4 million Fibonacci value very long. See more 300th, 500th

I'm trying to convert a binary number to a decimal number but my Output is always 0

Here is my code. I tried to Convert the binary to a Char array, then multiply each char in the array by 2 to the power of its corresponding number in the array, then sum up all the values of the char array into a double. New to programming so a bit confused. My input Binary is txfBinaryInput, and my output label is lblDisplay.
private void btnProcessActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
if (txfBinaryInput.getText().equals(""))
lblDisplay.setText("ERROR: NO INPUT");
} else
int n = 0;
int[] binaryValueStorage = new int[100];
double[] decimalValueStorage = new double[100];
String binaryInput = txfBinaryInput.getText();
int binaryNumber = binaryInput.length();
char[] binaryDigits = binaryInput.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i >= binaryNumber; i++)
binaryValueStorage[n] = binaryDigits[n];
decimalValueStorage[n] = binaryValueStorage[n] * (Math.pow(2, n));
double sum = 0;
for (double a : decimalValueStorage)
sum += a;
lblDisplay.setText("The Deciaml Value Is " + sum);
Beware: in your for loop condition, you have i >= binaryNumber instead of i < binaryNumber, therefore your program will never enter the loop!
And on a side note, why are you using two variables, i and n, for the same purpose (incrementing and accessing the array)?
Edit: another issue:
In binary numbers, lower order bits are to the right, but in arrays, indices are from left to right!!
So you want your rightmost digit to be multiplied by 2^0, the next one right to its left by 2^1, and so on.
But in your code, what is happening is the opposite: it is the leftmost digit (your digit at index 0) that is being multiplied by 2^0!
To fix, you can either:
1) reverse your binaryDigits array before starting to convert, and keep the rest of your code untouched
2) replace decimalValueStorage[n] = binaryValueStorage[n] * (Math.pow(2, n)); by decimalValueStorage[n] = binaryValueStorage[n] * (Math.pow(2, binaryNumber - n));
Hope this helps!
Well, this is a lot to throw at you, but this is how I'd attack this problem:
public class BinaryToDecimalTest {
private static long binaryToDecimal(String binaryInput)
long sum = 0;
for (int i = 0 ; i < binaryInput.length() ; i++) {
sum *= 2;
if (binaryInput.charAt(i) == '1')
sum += 1;
return sum;
private static void test(String binaryInput) {
long n = binaryToDecimal(binaryInput);
System.out.println(String.format("The Deciaml Value of %s Is %d", binaryInput, n));
public static void main(String...args) {
The Deciaml Value of 0100 Is 4
The Deciaml Value of 1011 Is 11
The Deciaml Value of 1010 Is 10
The Deciaml Value of 10000000 Is 128
The Deciaml Value of 10000000000000000 Is 65536
I don't want to just hit you with code, but I didn't know where to start given all of the issues with your code. I wanted you to see how directly you can often attack a problem. I'd be happy to keep working with you, and explain what's going on here.
The one dirty trick I'm using is multiplying the entire accumulated sum by two each time around. This lets you work naturally from the front of the array, rather than having to work your way backwards. The first digit gets multiplied by 2 (length - 1) times, the second (length - 2) times, etc., down to the last number, which doesn't get multiplied at all.

Iterate through each digit in a number

I am trying to create a program that will tell if a number given to it is a "Happy Number" or not. Finding a happy number requires each digit in the number to be squared, and the result of each digit's square to be added together.
In Python, you could use something like this:
SQUARE[d] for d in str(n)
But I can't find how to iterate through each digit in a number in Java. As you can tell, I am new to it, and can't find an answer in the Java docs.
You can use a modulo 10 operation to get the rightmost number and then divide the number by 10 to get the next number.
long addSquaresOfDigits(int number) {
long result = 0;
int tmp = 0;
while(number > 0) {
tmp = number % 10;
result += tmp * tmp;
number /= 10;
return result;
You could also put it in a string and turn that into a char array and iterate through it doing something like Math.pow(charArray[i] - '0', 2.0);
Assuming the number is an integer to begin with:
int num = 56;
String strNum = "" + num;
int strLength = strNum.length();
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < strLength; ++i) {
int digit = Integer.parseInt(strNum.charAt(i));
sum += (digit * digit);
I wondered which method would be quickest to split up a positive number into its digits in Java, String vs modulo
public static ArrayList<Integer> splitViaString(long number) {
ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
String s = Long.toString(number);
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
result.add(s.charAt(i) - '0');
return result; // MSD at start of list
public static ArrayList<Integer> splitViaModulo(long number) {
ArrayList<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
while (number > 0) {
int digit = (int) (number % 10);
number /= 10;
return result; // LSD at start of list
Testing each method by passing Long.MAX_VALUE 10,000,000 times, the string version took 2.090 seconds and the modulo version 2.334 seconds. (Oracle Java 8 on 64bit Ubuntu running in Eclipse Neon)
So not a lot in it really, but I was a bit surprised that String was faster
In the above example we can use:
int digit = Character.getNumericValue(strNum.charAt(i));
instead of
int digit = Integer.parseInt(strNum.charAt(i));
You can turn the integer into a string and iterate through each char in the string. As you do that turn that char into an integer
This code returns the first number (after 1) that fits your description.
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i=2;
// starting the search at 2, since 1 is also a happy number
while(true) {
int sum=0;
for(char ch:(i+"").toCharArray()) { // casting to string and looping through the characters.
int j=Character.getNumericValue(ch);
// getting the numeric value of the current char.
sum+=Math.pow(j, j);
// adding the current digit raised to the power of itself to the sum.
if(sum==i) {
// if the sum is equal to the initial number
// we have found a number that fits and exit.
System.out.println("found: "+i);
// otherwise we keep on searching

Quickest way to find missing number in an array of numbers

This question's answers are a community effort. Edit existing answers to improve this post. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
I have an array of numbers from 1 to 100 (both inclusive). The size of the array is 100. The numbers are randomly added to the array, but there is one random empty slot in the array.
What is the quickest way to find that slot as well as the number that should be put in the slot? A Java solution is preferable.
You can do this in O(n). Iterate through the array and compute the sum of all numbers. Now, sum of natural numbers from 1 to N, can be expressed as Nx(N+1)/2. In your case N=100.
Subtract the sum of the array from Nx(N+1)/2, where N=100.
That is the missing number. The empty slot can be detected during the iteration in which the sum is computed.
// will be the sum of the numbers in the array.
int sum = 0;
int idx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
if (arr[i] == 0)
idx = i;
sum += arr[i];
// the total sum of numbers between 1 and arr.length.
int total = (arr.length + 1) * arr.length / 2;
System.out.println("missing number is: " + (total - sum) + " at index " + idx);
We can use XOR operation which is safer than summation because in programming languages if the given input is large it may overflow and may give wrong answer.
Before going to the solution, know that A xor A = 0. So if we XOR two identical numbers the value is 0.
Now, XORing [1..n] with the elements present in the array cancels the identical numbers. So at the end we will get the missing number.
// Assuming that the array contains 99 distinct integers between 1..99
// and empty slot value is zero
int XOR = 0;
for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
if (ARRAY[i] != 0) // remove this condition keeping the body if no zero slot
XOR ^= ARRAY[i];
XOR ^= (i + 1);
return XOR;
//return XOR ^ ARRAY.length + 1; if your array doesn't have empty zero slot.
Let the given array be A with length N. Lets assume in the given array, the single empty slot is filled with 0.
We can find the solution for this problem using many methods including algorithm used in Counting sort. But, in terms of efficient time and space usage, we have two algorithms. One uses mainly summation, subtraction and multiplication. Another uses XOR. Mathematically both methods work fine. But programatically, we need to assess all the algorithms with main measures like
Limitations(like input values are large(A[1...N]) and/or number of
input values is large(N))
Number of condition checks involved
Number and type of mathematical operations involved
etc. This is because of the limitations in time and/or hardware(Hardware resource limitation) and/or software(Operating System limitation, Programming language limitation, etc), etc. Lets list and assess the pros and cons of each one of them.
Algorithm 1 :
In algorithm 1, we have 3 implementations.
Calculate the total sum of all the numbers(this includes the unknown missing number) by using the mathematical formula(1+2+3+...+N=(N(N+1))/2). Here, N=100. Calculate the total sum of all the given numbers. Subtract the second result from the first result will give the missing number.
Missing Number = (N(N+1))/2) - (A[1]+A[2]+...+A[100])
Calculate the total sum of all the numbers(this includes the unknown missing number) by using the mathematical formula(1+2+3+...+N=(N(N+1))/2). Here, N=100. From that result, subtract each given number gives the missing number.
Missing Number = (N(N+1))/2)-A[1]-A[2]-...-A[100]
(Note:Even though the second implementation's formula is derived from first, from the mathematical point of view both are same. But from programming point of view both are different because the first formula is more prone to bit overflow than the second one(if the given numbers are large enough). Even though addition is faster than subtraction, the second implementation reduces the chance of bit overflow caused by addition of large values(Its not completely eliminated, because there is still very small chance since (N+1) is there in the formula). But both are equally prone to bit overflow by multiplication. The limitation is both implementations give correct result only if N(N+1)<=MAXIMUM_NUMBER_VALUE. For the first implementation, the additional limitation is it give correct result only if Sum of all given numbers<=MAXIMUM_NUMBER_VALUE.)
Calculate the total sum of all the numbers(this includes the unknown missing number) and subtract each given number in the same loop in parallel. This eliminates the risk of bit overflow by multiplication but prone to bit overflow by addition and subtraction.
missingNumber = 0;
foreach(index from 1 to N)
missingNumber = missingNumber + index;
//Since, the empty slot is filled with 0,
//this extra condition which is executed for N times is not required.
//But for the sake of understanding of algorithm purpose lets put it.
if (inputArray[index] != 0)
missingNumber = missingNumber - inputArray[index];
In a programming language(like C, C++, Java, etc), if the number of bits representing a integer data type is limited, then all the above implementations are prone to bit overflow because of summation, subtraction and multiplication, resulting in wrong result in case of large input values(A[1...N]) and/or large number of input values(N).
Algorithm 2 :
We can use the property of XOR to get solution for this problem without worrying about the problem of bit overflow. And also XOR is both safer and faster than summation. We know the property of XOR that XOR of two same numbers is equal to 0(A XOR A = 0). If we calculate the XOR of all the numbers from 1 to N(this includes the unknown missing number) and then with that result, XOR all the given numbers, the common numbers get canceled out(since A XOR A=0) and in the end we get the missing number. If we don't have bit overflow problem, we can use both summation and XOR based algorithms to get the solution. But, the algorithm which uses XOR is both safer and faster than the algorithm which uses summation, subtraction and multiplication. And we can avoid the additional worries caused by summation, subtraction and multiplication.
In all the implementations of algorithm 1, we can use XOR instead of addition and subtraction.
Lets assume, XOR(1...N) = XOR of all numbers from 1 to N
Implementation 1 => Missing Number = XOR(1...N) XOR (A[1] XOR A[2] XOR...XOR A[100])
Implementation 2 => Missing Number = XOR(1...N) XOR A[1] XOR A[2] XOR...XOR A[100]
Implementation 3 =>
missingNumber = 0;
foreach(index from 1 to N)
missingNumber = missingNumber XOR index;
//Since, the empty slot is filled with 0,
//this extra condition which is executed for N times is not required.
//But for the sake of understanding of algorithm purpose lets put it.
if (inputArray[index] != 0)
missingNumber = missingNumber XOR inputArray[index];
All three implementations of algorithm 2 will work fine(from programatical point of view also). One optimization is, similar to
1+2+....+N = (N(N+1))/2
We have,
1 XOR 2 XOR .... XOR N = {N if REMAINDER(N/4)=0, 1 if REMAINDER(N/4)=1, N+1 if REMAINDER(N/4)=2, 0 if REMAINDER(N/4)=3}
We can prove this by mathematical induction. So, instead of calculating the value of XOR(1...N) by XOR all the numbers from 1 to N, we can use this formula to reduce the number of XOR operations.
Also, calculating XOR(1...N) using above formula has two implementations. Implementation wise, calculating
// Thanks to for this implementation
xor = (n>>1)&1 ^ (((n&1)>0)?1:n)
is faster than calculating
xor = (n % 4 == 0) ? n : (n % 4 == 1) ? 1 : (n % 4 == 2) ? n + 1 : 0;
So, the optimized Java code is,
long n = 100;
long a[] = new long[n];
//XOR of all numbers from 1 to n
// n%4 == 0 ---> n
// n%4 == 1 ---> 1
// n%4 == 2 ---> n + 1
// n%4 == 3 ---> 0
//Slower way of implementing the formula
// long xor = (n % 4 == 0) ? n : (n % 4 == 1) ? 1 : (n % 4 == 2) ? n + 1 : 0;
//Faster way of implementing the formula
// long xor = (n>>1)&1 ^ (((n&1)>0)?1:n);
long xor = (n>>1)&1 ^ (((n&1)>0)?1:n);
for (long i = 0; i < n; i++)
xor = xor ^ a[i];
//Missing number
This was an Amazon interview question and was originally answered here: We have numbers from 1 to 52 that are put into a 51 number array, what's the best way to find out which number is missing?
It was answered, as below:
1) Calculate the sum of all numbers stored in the array of size 51.
2) Subtract the sum from (52 * 53)/2 ---- Formula : n * (n + 1) / 2.
It was also blogged here: Software Job - Interview Question
Here is a simple program to find the missing numbers in an integer array
ArrayList<Integer> arr = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int a[] = { 1,3,4,5,6,7,10 };
int j = a[0];
for (int i=0;i<a.length;i++)
if (j==a[i])
System.out.println("missing numbers are ");
for(int r : arr)
System.out.println(" " + r);
Recently I had a similar (not exactly the same) question in a job interview and also I heard from a friend that was asked the exactly same question in an interview.
So here is an answer to the OP question and a few more variations that can be potentially asked.
The answers example are given in Java because, it's stated that:
A Java solution is preferable.
Variation 1:
Array of numbers from 1 to 100 (both inclusive) ... The numbers are randomly added to the array, but there is one random empty slot in the array
public static int findMissing1(int [] arr){
int sum = 0;
for(int n : arr){
sum += n;
return (100*(100+1)/2) - sum;
This solution (as many other solutions posted here) is based on the formula of Triangular number, which gives us the sum of all natural numbers from 1 to n (in this case n is 100). Now that we know the sum that should be from 1 to 100 - we just need to subtract the actual sum of existing numbers in given array.
Variation 2:
Array of numbers from 1 to n (meaning that the max number is unknown)
public static int findMissing2(int [] arr){
int sum = 0, max = 0;
for(int n : arr){
sum += n;
if(n > max) max = n;
return (max*(max+1)/2) - sum;
In this solution, since the max number isn't given - we need to find it. After finding the max number - the logic is the same.
Variation 3:
Array of numbers from 1 to n (max number is unknown), there is two random empty slots in the array
public static int [] findMissing3(int [] arr){
int sum = 0, max = 0, misSum;
int [] misNums = {};//empty by default
for(int n : arr){
sum += n;
if(n > max) max = n;
misSum = (max*(max+1)/2) - sum;//Sum of two missing numbers
for(int n = Math.min(misSum, max-1); n > 1; n--){
if(!contains(n, arr)){
misNums = new int[]{n, misSum-n};
return misNums;
private static boolean contains(int num, int [] arr){
for(int n : arr){
if(n == num)return true;
return false;
In this solution, the max number isn't given (as in the previous), but it can also be missing of two numbers and not one. So at first we find the sum of missing numbers - with the same logic as before. Second finding the smaller number between missing sum and the last (possibly) missing number - to reduce unnecessary search. Third since Javas Array (not a Collection) doesn't have methods as indexOf or contains, I added a small reusable method for that logic. Fourth when first missing number is found, the second is the subtract from missing sum.
If only one number is missing, then the second number in array will be zero.
Variation 4:
Array of numbers from 1 to n (max number is unknown), with X missing (amount of missing numbers are unknown)
public static ArrayList<Integer> findMissing4(ArrayList<Integer> arr){
int max = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> misNums = new ArrayList();
int [] neededNums;
for(int n : arr){
if(n > max) max = n;
neededNums = new int[max];//zero for any needed num
for(int n : arr){//iterate again
neededNums[n == max ? 0 : n]++;//add one - used as index in second array (convert max to zero)
for(int i=neededNums.length-1; i>0; i--){
if(neededNums[i] < 1)misNums.add(i);//if value is zero, than index is a missing number
return misNums;
In this solution, as in the previous, the max number is unknown and there can be missing more than one number, but in this variation, we don't know how many numbers are potentially missing (if any). The beginning of the logic is the same - find the max number. Then I initialise another array with zeros, in this array index indicates the potentially missing number and zero indicates that the number is missing. So every existing number from original array is used as an index and its value is incremented by one (max converted to zero).
If you want examples in other languages or another interesting variations of this question, you are welcome to check my Github repository for Interview questions & answers.
(sum of 1 to n) - (sum of all values in the array) = missing number
int sum = 0;
int idx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] == 0) idx = i; else sum += arr[i];
System.out.println("missing number is: " + (5050 - sum) + " at index " + idx);
On a similar scenario, where the array is already sorted, it does not include duplicates and only one number is missing, it is possible to find this missing number in log(n) time, using binary search.
public static int getMissingInt(int[] intArray, int left, int right) {
if (right == left + 1) return intArray[right] - 1;
int pivot = left + (right - left) / 2;
if (intArray[pivot] == intArray[left] + (intArray[right] - intArray[left]) / 2 - (right - left) % 2)
return getMissingInt(intArray, pivot, right);
return getMissingInt(intArray, left, pivot);
public static void main(String args[]) {
int[] array = new int[]{3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10};
int missingInt = getMissingInt(array, 0, array.length-1);
System.out.println(missingInt); //it prints 9
Well, use a bloom filter.
int findmissing(int arr[], int n)
long bloom=0;
int i;
for(i=0; i<;n; i++)bloom+=1>>arr[i];
for(i=1; i<=n, (bloom<<i & 1); i++);
return i;
This is c# but it should be pretty close to what you need:
int sumNumbers = 0;
int emptySlotIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
if (arr[i] == 0)
emptySlotIndex = i;
sumNumbers += arr[i];
int missingNumber = 5050 - sumNumbers;
The solution that doesn't involve repetitive additions or maybe the n(n+1)/2 formula doesn't get to you at an interview time for instance.
You have to use an array of 4 ints (32 bits) or 2 ints (64 bits). Initialize the last int with (-1 & ~(1 << 31)) >> 3. (the bits that are above 100 are set to 1) Or you may set the bits above 100 using a for loop.
Go through the array of numbers and set 1 for the bit position corresponding to the number (e.g. 71 would be set on the 3rd int on the 7th bit from left to right)
Go through the array of 4 ints (32 bit version) or 2 ints(64 bit version)
public int MissingNumber(int a[])
int bits = sizeof(int) * 8;
int i = 0;
int no = 0;
while(a[i] == -1)//this means a[i]'s bits are all set to 1, the numbers is not inside this 32 numbers section
no += bits;
return no + bits - Math.Log(~a[i], 2);//apply NOT (~) operator to a[i] to invert all bits, and get a number with only one bit set (2 at the power of something)
Example: (32 bit version) lets say that the missing number is 58. That means that the 26th bit (left to right) of the second integer is set to 0.
The first int is -1 (all bits are set) so, we go ahead for the second one and add to "no" the number 32. The second int is different from -1 (a bit is not set) so, by applying the NOT (~) operator to the number we get 64. The possible numbers are 2 at the power x and we may compute x by using log on base 2; in this case we get log2(64) = 6 => 32 + 32 - 6 = 58.
Hope this helps.
I think the easiest and possibly the most efficient solution would be to loop over all entries and use a bitset to remember which numbers are set, and then test for 0 bit. The entry with the 0 bit is the missing number.
This is not a search problem. The employer is wondering if you have a grasp of a checksum. You might need a binary or for loop or whatever if you were looking for multiple unique integers, but the question stipulates "one random empty slot." In this case we can use the stream sum. The condition: "The numbers are randomly added to the array" is meaningless without more detail. The question does not assume the array must start with the integer 1 and so tolerate with the offset start integer.
int[] test = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 12,13,14 };
/*get the missing integer*/
int max = test[test.length - 1];
int min = test[0];
int sum =;
int actual = (((max*(max+1))/2)-min+1);
//the missing value
System.out.println(actual - sum);
//the slot
System.out.println(actual - sum - min);
Success time: 0.18 memory: 320576 signal:0
I found this beautiful solution here:
public class MissingNumberInArray
//Method to calculate sum of 'n' numbers
static int sumOfNnumbers(int n)
int sum = (n * (n+1))/ 2;
return sum;
//Method to calculate sum of all elements of array
static int sumOfElements(int[] array)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
sum = sum + array[i];
return sum;
public static void main(String[] args)
int n = 8;
int[] a = {1, 4, 5, 3, 7, 8, 6};
//Step 1
int sumOfNnumbers = sumOfNnumbers(n);
//Step 2
int sumOfElements = sumOfElements(a);
//Step 3
int missingNumber = sumOfNnumbers - sumOfElements;
System.out.println("Missing Number is = "+missingNumber);
function solution($A) {
// code in PHP5.5
for($i=1;$i<=$n;$i++) {
if(!in_array($i,$A)) {
return (int)$i;
Finding the missing number from a series of numbers. IMP points to remember.
the array should be sorted..
the Function do not work on multiple missings.
the sequence must be an AP.
public int execute2(int[] array) {
int diff = Math.min(array[1]-array[0], array[2]-array[1]);
int min = 0, max = arr.length-1;
boolean missingNum = true;
while(min<max) {
int mid = (min + max) >>> 1;
int leftDiff = array[mid] - array[min];
if(leftDiff > diff * (mid - min)) {
if(mid-min == 1)
return (array[mid] + array[min])/2;
max = mid;
missingNum = false;
int rightDiff = array[max] - array[mid];
if(rightDiff > diff * (max - mid)) {
if(max-mid == 1)
return (array[max] + array[mid])/2;
min = mid;
missingNum = false;
return -1;
One thing you could do is sort the numbers using quick sort for instance. Then use a for loop to iterate through the sorted array from 1 to 100. In each iteration, you compare the number in the array with your for loop increment, if you find that the index increment is not the same as the array value, you have found your missing number as well as the missing index.
Below is the solution for finding all the missing numbers from a given array:
public class FindMissingNumbers {
* The function prints all the missing numbers from "n" consecutive numbers.
* The number of missing numbers is not given and all the numbers in the
* given array are assumed to be unique.
* A similar approach can be used to find all no-unique/ unique numbers from
* the given array
* #param n
* total count of numbers in the sequence
* #param numbers
* is an unsorted array of all the numbers from 1 - n with some
* numbers missing.
public static void findMissingNumbers(int n, int[] numbers) {
if (n < 1) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[n / 8];
int countOfMissingNumbers = n - numbers.length;
if (countOfMissingNumbers == 0) {
for (int currentNumber : numbers) {
int byteIndex = (currentNumber - 1) / 8;
int bit = (currentNumber - byteIndex * 8) - 1;
// Update the "bit" in bytes[byteIndex]
int mask = 1 << bit;
bytes[byteIndex] |= mask;
for (int index = 0; index < bytes.length - 2; index++) {
if (bytes[index] != -128) {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if ((bytes[index] >> i & 1) == 0) {
System.out.println("Missing number: " + ((index * 8) + i + 1));
// Last byte
int loopTill = n % 8 == 0 ? 8 : n % 8;
for (int index = 0; index < loopTill; index++) {
if ((bytes[bytes.length - 1] >> index & 1) == 0) {
System.out.println("Missing number: " + (((bytes.length - 1) * 8) + index + 1));
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int n = 128;
int m = 5;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
System.out.println("Removing:" + arrayList.remove(i));
int[] array = new int[n - m];
for (int i = 0; i < (n - m); i++) {
array[i] = arrayList.get(i);
System.out.println("Array is: " + Arrays.toString(array));
findMissingNumbers(n, array);
Lets say you have n as 8, and our numbers range from 0-8 for this example
we can represent the binary representation of all 9 numbers as follows
in the above sequence there is no missing numbers and in each column the number of zeros and ones match, however as soon as you remove 1 value lets say 3 we get a in balance in the number of 0's and 1's across the columns. If the number of 0's in a column is <= the number of 1's our missing number will have a 0 at this bit position, otherwise if the number of 0's > the number of 1's at this bit position then this bit position will be a 1. We test the bits left to right and at each iteration we throw away half of the array for the testing of the next bit, either the odd array values or the even array values are thrown away at each iteration depending on which bit we are deficient on.
The below solution is in C++
int getMissingNumber(vector<int>* input, int bitPos, const int startRange)
vector<int> zeros;
vector<int> ones;
int missingNumber=0;
//base case, assume empty array indicating start value of range is missing
if(input->size() == 0)
return startRange;
//if the bit position being tested is 0 add to the zero's vector
//otherwise to the ones vector
for(unsigned int i = 0; i<input->size(); i++)
int value = input->at(i);
if(getBit(value, bitPos) == 0)
//throw away either the odd or even numbers and test
//the next bit position, build the missing number
//from right to left
if(zeros.size() <= ones.size())
//missing number is even
missingNumber = getMissingNumber(&zeros, bitPos+1, startRange);
missingNumber = (missingNumber << 1) | 0;
//missing number is odd
missingNumber = getMissingNumber(&ones, bitPos+1, startRange);
missingNumber = (missingNumber << 1) | 1;
return missingNumber;
At each iteration we reduce our input space by 2, i.e N, N/2,N/4 ... = O(log N), with space O(N)
//Test cases
[1] when missing number is range start
[2] when missing number is range end
[3] when missing number is odd
[4] when missing number is even
Solution With PHP $n = 100;
$n*($n+1)/2 - array_sum($array) = $missing_number
and array_search($missing_number) will give the index of missing number
Here program take time complexity is O(logn) and space complexity O(logn)
public class helper1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
int k = missing(a, 0, a.length);
public static int missing(int[] a, int f, int l) {
int mid = (l + f) / 2;
//if first index reached last then no element found
if (a.length - 1 == f) {
System.out.println("missing not find ");
return 0;
//if mid with first found
if (mid == f) {
System.out.println(a[mid] + 1);
return a[mid] + 1;
if ((mid + 1) == a[mid])
return missing(a, mid, l);
return missing(a, f, mid);
public class MissingNumber {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int array[] = {1,2,3,4,6};
int x1 = getMissingNumber(array,6);
System.out.println("The Missing number is: "+x1);
private static int getMissingNumber(int[] array, int i) {
int acctualnumber =0;
int expectednumber = (i*(i+1)/2);
for (int j : array) {
acctualnumber = acctualnumber+j;
return expectednumber-acctualnumber;
Use sum formula,
class Main {
// Function to ind missing number
static int getMissingNo (int a[], int n) {
int i, total;
total = (n+1)*(n+2)/2;
for ( i = 0; i< n; i++)
total -= a[i];
return total;
/* program to test above function */
public static void main(String args[]) {
int a[] = {1,2,4,5,6};
int miss = getMissingNo(a,5);
simple solution with test data :
class A{
public static void main(String[] args){
int[] array = new int[200];
for(int i=0;i<100;i++){
if(i != 51){
array[i] = i;
for(int i=100;i<200;i++){
array[i] = i;
int temp = 0;
for(int i=0;i<200;i++){
temp ^= array[i];
//Array is shorted and if writing in C/C++ think of XOR implementations in java as follows.
int num=-1;
for (int i=1; i<=100; i++){
num =2*i;
System.out.println("index: "+i+" Array position: "+ num);
else if(arr[num-1]==0){
System.out.println("index: "+i+ " Array position: "+ (num-1));
}// use Rabbit and tortoise race, move the dangling index faster,
//learnt from Alogithimica, Ameerpet, hyderbad**
If the array is randomly filled, then at the best you can do a linear search in O(n) complexity. However, we could have improved the complexity to O(log n) by divide and conquer approach similar to quick sort as pointed by giri given that the numbers were in ascending/descending order.
This Program finds missing numbers
Now I'm now too sharp with the Big O notations but couldn't you also do something like (in Java)
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
if(numbers[i] != i+1){
where numbers is the array with your numbers from 1-100.
From my reading of the question it did not say when to write out the missing number.
Alternatively if you COULD throw the value of i+1 into another array and print that out after the iteration.
Of course it might not abide by the time and space rules. As I said. I have to strongly brush up on Big O.
========Simplest Solution for sorted Array===========
public int getMissingNumber(int[] sortedArray)
int missingNumber = 0;
int missingNumberIndex=0;
for (int i = 0; i < sortedArray.length; i++)
if (sortedArray[i] == 0)
missingNumber = (sortedArray[i + 1]) - 1;
System.out.println("missingNumberIndex: "+missingNumberIndex);
return missingNumber;
Another homework question. A sequential search is the best that you can do. As for a Java solution, consider that an exercise for the reader. :P
