I am trying to encrypt a string with php open_ssl and then decrypt it with Java. I thought I kind of understood what was going on, but apparently not.
At first I was unable to get the algorithms to match up. From what I can gather, openssl_private_encrypt() is using RSA and although the documentation is about PKCS1_PADDING, from what I read it seems that it was changed to use PKCS5/7 to become more secure. And I cannot get any Java cipher with RSA/NONE/PKCS5 or PKCS7.
But I thought I was having success by using NoPadding, and filling the block myself. This is with an existing 512 bit key that I converted from DER to PEM with openssl. I had a test string of
I was able to read in the private key in php and encrypt the text with
$privkey = openssl_pkey_get_private($privkey_res);
openssl_private_encrypt($texttocrypt, $encryptedtext, $privkey, $padding);
file_put_contents("/folder/encrypted.txt", $encryptedtext );
Then back in Java I then was able to correctly decrypt that string using
Cipher cipherb = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/NONE/NoPadding");
cipherb.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, publicKey);
decrypted = cipherb.doFinal(text.getBytes());
So I thought I could get things working to be useful. However, then I changed the test string slightly, like the last 'f' to 'g'
And then I got complete garbage on the decryption. Although no error. And if I just changed the first character, it still decrypted correctly.
At this point I am not even sure what it is that I don't understand. But is there a way to do my original goal? Encrypt with php open_ssl and decrypt with Java.
I am newbie in regards to AES encryption/decryption.
I found the following nice article from Michael Remijan
I have tried the example tests, and it runs just fine whith smaller length passwords.
However when I change the length of the message (password) string to a length >= 16 it fails with the following exception.
javax.crypto.AEADBadTagException: Tag mismatch!
at com.sun.crypto.provider.GaloisCounterMode.decryptFinal(GaloisCounterMode.java:578)
at com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherCore.finalNoPadding(CipherCore.java:1049)
at com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherCore.doFinal(CipherCore.java:985)
at com.sun.crypto.provider.CipherCore.doFinal(CipherCore.java:847)
at com.sun.crypto.provider.AESCipher.engineDoFinal(AESCipher.java:446)
at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(Cipher.java:2047)
I have contacted Michael about this issue, yet he does not currently know why this behaviour occurs.
However I recently just found a fix for this but I unfortunately do not understand why. I hope you guys can help here :-)
The fix looks like this and is to be found in the encrypt method of the Aes class.
The original encrypt method in the Aes class (from the article) contains the following :
public byte[] encrypt(String message, Optional<String> aad) {
// Add message to encrypt
// Encrypt
byte[] encryptedBytes = c.doFinal();
I changed it to this :
public byte[] encrypt(String message, Optional<String> aad) {
// Add message to encrypt
// REMOVE THIS c.update(message.getBytes("UTF-8"));
// Encrypt
byte[] encryptedBytes = c.doFinal(message.getBytes("UTF-8"));
and it works :-) but why ?
Thanks alot.
I have updated my original blog post to fix the error Peter found.
For demonstration purposes, I made my Aes class abstract with two new concrete classes which extend it:
AesUsingSinglePartEncryption.java - Demonstrates the single-part encryption operation, which uses a single call to Cipher#doFinal(byte[]) to get the encrypted bytes.
AesUsingMultiplePartEncryption.java - Demonstrates the multiple-part encryption operation which makes multiple calls to Cipher#update(byte[]) and then a final call to Cipher#doFinal(). All the encrypted bytes are store along the way and returned after the call to Cipher#doFinal().
This solves the problem and demonstrates two different ways of using Cipher to get encrypted bytes.
So I have a very basic openssl command that was provided to me openssl smime -encrypt -binary -aes-256-cbc -in $inPath -out $encryptedPath -outform DER $pubCert, this command also works correctly and outputs an encrypted file. I need to use the equivalent of this command in a java application, preferably without invoking process and using openssl itself (only because I feel like that is probably bad practice).
I have researched quite a lot and there does not seem to be any equivalent out there that I can find.. I have tried several things and most of them do not seem to work. The weird thing is... I am able to get a simple "Hello World" string to encrypt using the code I wrote (although I don't believe it was encrypting it correctly because I had the cipher set to "RSA" not "AES") but when the byte array was coming from a file, it silently failed and just wrote 0 bytes. Right now this is what my code looks like.
Cipher aes = Cipher.getInstance("RSA");
CertificateFactory certF = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
File public_cert = new File( getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("public.crt").getFile());
FileInputStream certIS = new FileInputStream(public_cert);
X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) certF.generateCertificate(certIS);
aes.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, cert);
File tarGz = new File("C:\\volatile\\generic.tar.gz");
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(tarGz);
byte[] tarGzBytes = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(tarGz);
tarGzBytes = "Hello World".getBytes();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream("Hello World".getBytes());
File encFile = new File("C:\\volatile\\generic.tar.gz.enc");
FileOutputStream enc = new FileOutputStream(encFile);
CipherOutputStream cos = new CipherOutputStream(enc, aes);
//IOUtils.copy(fis, cos);
//IOUtils.copy(bais, cos);
So this works, and encrypts a little file with Hello World encrypted in it. I don't believe this is AES-256-CBC though, and it does not work when I use the FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(tarGz), although the resulting byte array in a debugger is correctly sized at about 94MB. Which seems really odd to me, that it works with "Hello World".toByteArray() and not FileUtils.readAllBytes(tarGz). Also as a side note, the ByteArrayInputStream using IOUtils.copy works, whereas the FileInputStream version writes 0 bytes as well.
Also, when I set the cipher mode to AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding (because I found something online suggesting to set it to that and it looks more like what I want) I get the following error message:
java.security.InvalidKeyException: No installed provider supports this key: sun.security.rsa.RSAPublicKeyImpl
at javax.crypto.Cipher.chooseProvider(Cipher.java:892)
at javax.crypto.Cipher.init(Cipher.java:1724)
If anyone has any suggestions, or if I need to provide more information please let me know. I am fairly stuck right now and I am at this point debating writing a script to simply run the openssl command and run that script from java...
After reading through #dave-thompson-085's answer I realized that there was a really good reason why I could not find what I was wanting to do. So therefore I decided to go ahead and just call the openssl process from java using a process builder. I was able to recreate the openssl command from above as a Process in java, start it and run it with the following code:
File cert = new File(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("public.crt").getFile());
ProcessBuilder openSslBuilder = new ProcessBuilder("openssl", "smime", "-encrypt", "-binary",
"-aes-256-cbc", "-in", "C:\\volatile\\generic.tar.gz", "-out",
"C:\\volatile\\generic.tar.gz.enc", "-outform", "DER", cert.getPath());
Process openssl = openSslBuilder.start();
Hopefully this helps someone else who is looking to attempt this as well and maybe save someone a bunch of time!
First, to be clear: the openssl smime command actually handles both S/MIME and CMS (aka PKCS7) formats; these are related but different standards that basically use different file formats for essentially the same cryptographic operations. With -outform DER you are actually doing CMS/PKCS7.
Second and more fundamental: CMS/PKCS7, and S/MIME, and most other common cryptographic schemes like PGP, actually does hybrid encryption. Your data is not actually encrypted with RSA; instead your data is encrypted with a symmetric algorithm (here AES-256-CBC, since you selected that) using a randomly generated key called the DEK (data encryption key) and the DEK is encrypted with RSA using the recipient's publickey (obtained from their certificate), and both of those results plus a good deal of metadata is arranged into a fairly complicated data structure. The recipient can parse the message to extract these pieces, then use RSA with their privatekey to decrypt the DEK, then AES-decrypt the data with the DEK. Note you always use RSA keys for RSA, and AES keys for AES; symmetric keys are pretty much all just bits and only vary in size, but public-key cryptographic keys including RSA (also DH, DSA, ECC and more) are much more complicated and cannot be intermixed.
Trying to encrypt data directly with RSA as you did, in addition to being wrong, won't work in general because RSA can only encrypt limited amounts of data, depending on the key size used, typically about 100-200 bytes. Symmetric encryption also has some limits, but they are generally much larger; AES-CBC is good for about 250,000,000,000,000,000 bytes.
If you want to implement this yourself, you need to read the standard for CMS particularly the section on EnvelopedData using KeyTransRecipientInfo (for RSA), combined with the rules for ASN.1 BER/DER encoding. This is not a simple job, although it can be done if you want to put the effort in.
If you can use a third-party library in Java, the 'bcpkix' jar from https://www.bouncycastle.org has routines that support CMS, among several other things. This is usually easy if you are writing a program to run yourself, or in your department. If this is to be delivered to outside users or customers who may not like having to manage a dependency, maybe not.
That said, running another program to do something isn't necessarily bad practice in my book, and can be done directly from java (no script). Unless you (need to) do it very often, such as 100 times a second.
I am trying to duplicate an encryption process that is working in Java over to iOS/OSX.
My Java code is as follows:
PublicKey publicKey = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA").
generatePublic(new RSAPublicKeySpec(firstKeyInteger, secondKeyInteger));
// This always results in the public key OpenSSLRSAPublicKey{modulus=2b3b11f044.....58df890,publicExponent=10001}
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/OAEPWITHSHA1ANDMGF1PADDING");
String stringToEncode = "EncodeThisString";
byte[] bytesToEncode = stringToEncode.getBytes("UTF-8");
cipher.init(cipher.PUBLIC_KEY, publicKey);
byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(plain);
The first challenge i'm struggling with is how to use the public key in iOS. Can I just dump the modulus into NSData and use it? Or must I store it in the keychain first? (I don't really need to use the keychain unless I must). Or is there a method similar to generatePublic() were I can recreate the public key using the 2 integers?
Then would I use SecKeyEncrypt to encrypt? Whenever I add this to my project I get Implicit declaration warnings even though I import the Security framework.
EDIT -----
I think I have managed to get a Base64 encoded public key, which I believe is what is in a PEM certificate. Now, how to use it.
I am planning to do game data mining in LOL but stuck at parsing replay files. I find that the most popular replay recorder is LOL Replay which records games in .lrf files. They are saved as binary files. I try to print a lrf file to find some patterns in it. As far as I know, the file has two parts:
The initial part is meta data. It's human readable. At the end of it, it shows an encryption key(32bytes) and a client hash for this .lrf file.
The second part has several sections. Each section is in "RESTful URL+encryption+padding(possibly)" format. For example:
?S4GI____GET /observer-mode/rest/consumer/getGameDataChunk/EUW1/1390319411/1/token
??6GI____GET /observer-mode/rest/consumer/getGameDataChunk/EUW1/1390319411/2/token
Some are even unreadable characters.3
I have followed this link and this wiki. It seems like they use BlowFish ECB Algorithm plus PKCS5Padding to encrypt after using GZIP to compress contents. But I failed to decrypt contents using the 32 bytes encryptionkey in meta data. And I am not sure where I should start to read and where to stop because JVM keeps warning me that Given final block not properly padded.
So my question is:
Is there any one who is familiar with Blowfish Algorithm and PKCS5Padding? Which part of those binary files should I read to decrypt between two consecutive RESTful URL? Do I use the right key to decrypt? (the 32 bytes encryption key in the meta data)
Given the patterns around each RESRful URL, could anyone make a guess which algorithm exactly LOL uses to encrypt/decrypt contents? Is it Blowfish algorithm?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you guys.
Edit #6.17:
Following Divis and avbor's answers, I tried the following Java snippet to decode chunks:
// Decode EncryptKey with GameId
byte[] gameIdBytes = ("502719605").getBytes();
SecretKeySpec gameIdKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(gameIdBytes, "Blowfish");
Cipher gameIdCipher = Cipher.getInstance("Blowfish/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
gameIdCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, gameIdKeySpec);
byte[] encryptKeyBytes = Base64.decode("Sf9c+zGDyyST9DtcHn2zToscfeuN4u3/");
byte[] encryptkeyDecryptedByGameId = gameIdCipher.doFinal(encryptKeyBytes);
// Initialize the chunk cipher
SecretKeySpec chunkSpec = new SecretKeySpec(encryptkeyDecryptedByGameId, "Blowfish");
Cipher chunkCipher = Cipher.getInstance("Blowfish/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
chunkCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, chunkSpec);
byte[] chunkContent = getChunkContent();
byte[] chunkDecryptedBytes = chunkCipher.doFinal(chunkContent);
It works with no error when decoding encryptionkey with gameid. However it doesn't work in the last two lines. Currently I just hard coded getChunkContent() to return an byte array containing the bytes between two RESTful URLs. But Java either returns "Exception in thread "main" javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length must be multiple of 8 when decrypting with padded cipher"
returns "Exception in thread "main" javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Given final block not properly padded".
I notice that the hex pattern between two RESTful URLs are as follows:
(hex for first URL e.g. /observer-mode/rest/consumer/getKeyFrame/EUW1/502719605/2/token) + 0a + (chunk contents) + 000000 + (hex for next URL)
My questions are:
Which part of chunks need to be included? Do I need to include "0a" right after the last URL? Do I need to include "000000" before the next URL?
Am I using the right padding algorithm (Blowfish/ECB/PKCS5Padding)?
My test lrf file could be downloaded on : https://www.dropbox.com/s/yl1havphnb3z86d/game1.lrf
EDIT # 6.18
Thanks to Divis! Using the snippet above, I successfully got some chunk info decrypted without error. Two things worth noting when you write your own getChunkContent():
The chunk content starts right after "hex for previous url 0a".
The chunk content ends as close as possible to "0000000 (hex for next url)" when its size reaches exactly a multiple of 8.
But I still got two questions to ask:
Here is an example of what I decode for the content between two .../getKeyframe/... RESTful urls.
39117e0cc2f7e4bb1f8b080000000000000bed7d0b5c15d5 ... 7f23a90000
I know Gzip compressed data starts with "1f8b08..." according to this RFC doc. Can I just discard "39117e0cc2f7e4bb" and start gzip decompress the proceeding content? (Actually I've already tried to start decoding from "1f8b08..", at least it could be decompressed without error)
After the gzip decompression, the result is still a long sequence of binary (with some readable strings like summoners names, champions names, etc.) When I look at the wiki, it seems like it is far from finish. What I expect is to read every item, rune, or movement in readable string. How exactly can I read those game events from it? Or we just need some patience to figure them out ourselves with the community?
Millions of thanks!
Repository dev contributor here, according to the wiki, the key is the base64 Blowfish ECB "encryption_key" (with game id as key for the blowfish).
Then, use this decrypted key to decode the content (blow fish ECB too). Then, gzip decode.
base64decode encryptionkey = decodedKey
blowfishECBdecode decodedKey with (string) gameId as key = decodedKey
blowfishECBdecode content with decodedKey as key = decodedContent
gzipdecode decodedContent = binary
I made a library to download and decode replay files : https://github.com/EloGank/lol-replay-downloader and the CLI command is also available : https://github.com/EloGank/lol-replay-downloader-cli
Hope it'll help :)
To my knowledge, you decrypt the chunks and keyframes using Blowfish. In order to get the key to decrypt said chunks and keyframes, you take the given encryption key, base64 encode it, and then use Blowfish on that using the game id as the key in order to get the actual encryption key for the chunks and keyframes.
We are migrating some code from perl to java/scala and we hit a roadblock.
We're trying to figure out how to do this in Java/scala:
use Crypt::CBC;
$aesKey = "some key"
$cipher = new Crypt::CBC($aesKey, "DES");
$encrypted = $cipher->encrypt("hello world");
print $encrypted // prints: Salted__�,%�8XL�/1�&�n;����쀍c
$decrypted = $cipher->decrypt($encrypted);
print $decrypted // prints: hello world
I tried a few things in scala but didn't really get it right, for example something like this:
val secretKey = new SecretKeySpec("some key".getBytes("UTF-8"), "DES")
val encipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
encipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey)
val encrypted = encipher.doFinal(bytes)
println("BYTES:" + bytes)
println("ENCRYPTED!!!!!!: " + encrypted)
Any help or direction in Java/scala would very much be appreciated
Assuming that Crypt module is the one I find at https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt::CBC it is documented as by default doing (the same as) openssl, apparently meaning commandline 'enc' (openssl library has MANY other options). That is not encryption
with the specified key (and IV) directly, but instead 'password-based' encryption (PBE) with a key and IV derived from the specified 'key' (really passphrase) plus (transmitted) salt, using a twist on the original (now unrecommended) PKCS#5 v1.5 algorithm, retronymed PBKDF1. See http://www.openssl.org/docs/crypto/EVP_BytesToKey.html (or the man page on a Unix system with openssl installed) and rfc2898 (or the original RSA Labs PKCS documents now somewhere at EMC).
You say you cannot change the perl sender. I hope the users/owners/whoever realize that original DES,
retronymed single-DES for clarity, has been practically brute-forceable for well over a decade, and
PBE-1DES may be even weaker; the openssl twist doesn't iterate as PKCS#5 (both KDF1 and KDF2) should.
Java (with the Suncle providers) does implement PBEWithMD5AndDES, which initted with PBEParameterSpec (salt, 1)
does successfully decrypt data from 'openssl enc -des-cbc', and thus I expect also your perl sender (not tested).
FWIW if you could change to triple-DES, Java implements PBEWithMD5AndTripleDES using an apparently nonstandard
extension of PBKDF1 (beyond hash size) that is quite unlike openssl's nonstandard extension, and thus incompatible if the perl module is in fact following openssl.
You would have to do the key-derivation yourself and then direct 3DES-CBC-pad, which isn't very hard.
Also note encrypted data from any modern computer algorithm is binary. "Printing" it as if it were text
in perl, or Java or nearly anything else, is likely to cause data corruption if you try to use it again.
If you are only looking to see 'is there any output at all, and is it visibly not the plaintext' you're okay.