websocket code not working on Prod Tomcat Server - 404 Error - java

I am trying to run my first websocket app and refered this link to get some sample code . I simply created CustomEndPoint , WSClient class , html file and then ran it on netbeans IDE and it was working like a charm.
I tried to deploy it on tomcat server whose url is accessible using https by changing ws:// with wss:// and it worked on my dev environment but when I deployed the same code on Production env its throwing below error in console:
WebSocket connection to 'wss://xxxxxx-xxx.xxxx.com/websoc/ratesrv' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 404
For dev environment I below WS call is working :
wsocket = new WebSocket("wss://dev_ip:8443/websoc/ratesrv");
For Prod I am using(note the .com in url):
Do I need to explicitly provide the port number as well in PROD ?

Does your Tomcat version includes Websockets Runtime?
If it does you must delete all the Websockets dependencies from your WAR. Ensure that you call mvn clean after change scope to provided.
If not, you should include it. If you want to use Tyrus just put
And check that that there are no errors in the Tomcat console when deploy.

Try to use the latest version of tomcat.
tomcat8.5.20 worked for me.


Could not create File Client. Mismatch found for java and native libraries java build version

I am trying to access mapr path remotely, using a spring boot application. I have set the fs.mapr.bailout.on.library.mismatch property to false, to avoid the error on version mismatch. Still whenever the getFileStatus() function gets called, the application stops with the following error:
2020-12-15 10:07:18,7377 ERROR JniCommon fs/client/fileclient/cc/jni_MapRClient.cc:691 Thread: 123145425235968 Mismatch found for java and native libraries java build version, native build version java patch vserion $Id: mapr-version: 1aeeb6d3c17c777fcba0, native patch version $Id: mapr-version: 1aeeb6d3c17c777fcba0
2020-12-15 10:07:18,7378 ERROR JniCommon fs/client/fileclient/cc/jni_MapRClient.cc:708 Thread: 123145425235968 Client initialization failed.
FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.newInstance(new Configuration());
Configuration conf = fileSystem.getConf();
conf.set("fs.mapr.bailout.on.library.mismatch", "false");
Path OffsetPath = new Path(filePath);
FileStatus file = fileSystem.getFileStatus(filePath); ====> This statement gives error
hbase dependencies used:
How can I correct this?
So it isn't a great idea to just disable the version mismatch error. Some mismatch is OK for some tasks, but some mismatch can be fatal.
To say much more, it would be helpful to have a little bit of clarification.
when you say remote access, are you talking from one cluster to another? Or from a client machine that is outside the cluster?
assuming that you mean the second case (client outside the cluster), what did you install on the client machine?
why did you disable the version mismatch? What versions are you worried will not match?
does the POSIX interface or the local loopback NFS work from the problem node?
does the hadoop shell work from the problem node?

The Tomcat installation directory is not valid. It is missing expected file or folder tcruntime-ctl.sh

Even after searching too much i couldn't find any suitable answer for my problem.
I am using Spring Tool Suite and trying to create a new server but getting error as The specified server is not valid. The .tc-runtime-instance file is missing.
So, I tried updating pivotal using Windows> Preferences and tried editing pivotal with new release but got the error as attached:
I tried changing tomcat version from 9 to 7 too but still no success. Please help.
It looks like you are trying to use the server adapter for the "Pivotal tc Server" to configure your server in the IDE. This server adapter is for the Pivotal tc Server only and doesn't work with a plain Tomcat installation on your disc. For that, you should select the "Apache Tomcat" server adapter when creating a server instance in your IDE.

Vert.x use OpenSslEngine for HTTP server

I'm trying to use OpenSSL engine on an HTTP server.
My configuration looks like
HttpServerOptions options = new HttpServerOptions()
.setSslEngineOptions(new OpenSSLEngineOptions())
I'm using Vert.x 3.6.2, which brings Netty dependencies 4.1.30. I also added to my pom:
Because my HTTP server is deployed on RHEL 7 with OpenSSL 1.0.1 (I know it's old). I'm getting the following error:
io.vertx.core.VertxException: OpenSSL is not available
And as I can see from logs, netty handler try to load this native library netty-tcnative and can't find it in the classpath:
netty-tcnative not in the classpath; OpenSslEngine will be unavailable. I don't know how to resolve this issue.

Eclipse - Could not publish server configuration for Tomcat8.0 server at localhost

I have created some example web service methods and trying to publish in my localhost with Tomcat v8.0. I use Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers with Mars version 4.5.0.
I configured the server Tomcat v8.0. I got the configured server in Eclipe's Servers list. I Start the server. But Eclipse prompts saying
Publishing to tomcat v8.0 Server at localhost..." has encountered a problem.
And the error details shows that Multiple context have a path for /HelloWorldServlet and /com.vogeila.jersy.first. These are the servlet projects I created in my workspace.
You can refer this screen shot:
I followed this answer.
"Server Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost failed to start" without stack trace while it works in terminal
But It didn't work for my case.
Share your ideas.
The prompted message helped me. The Server.xml file under Servers has multiple entries of <Context> tag. I deleted everything by leaving only one entry. It worked for me. 
Delete Existing tomcat server...
Then add new server.. its work for me

JDBC via JT400 works on local Apache Tomcat 8 install but fails on Apache Tomcat 8 running on server

I have a Java application running and tested on my development workstation running Apache Tomcat 8. I have an established IBM i (AS/400) database connection working locally using the JT400.jar file. When I build and deploy the application to our production server running Apache Tomcat 8 with the same JT400.jar file, the database connection seems to fail and I cannot figure out why.
I get the following "HTTP Status 500 - Servlet execution threw an exception" error:
What is different and how do I resolve the issue?
I had the same error while using the current latest version (as of today 9.3).
The problem was that I was using the JDK 8, and using maven to fetch the package I received a version that was not appropriate for this JDK.
To solve this problem I used the proper maven qualifier:
Note that if you download the zip with the full suite, all version of the jar do have the same name (i.e. jt400.jar) which makes them hard to distinguish.
Problem solved. Rookie mistake. I inadvertently left the old jt400 jar files in the lib folder on the Apache Tomcat 8 server by renaming them. Once I deleted the old jar files my issues were solved with the new jt400 jar that I installed last week that started the conflict to begin with. Thanks!
