Return String from Java stream - java

I have a class Person, which stores the code of each person and a list of friends. I'm trying to get the code of the person with the highest number of friends, but cannot figure it out. The methods getFriends and getCode are provided by the Person class.
How can I return a string from the stream?
HashMap<String,Person> persons = new HashMap<>();
public String personWithLargestNumberOfFriends() {
return persons.values().stream()
.sorted(comparing(p -> ((Person)p).getFriends().size()).reversed())
.forEach(p -> ((Person)p).getCode());

Instead of sorting, use max().
return persons.values().stream()
.max(comparing(Person::getFriends, comparingInt(List::size)))
.orElse("empty code");
See the Optional class to see if some other getter would suit your needs, like orElseThrow().


Stream - filter based on hashMap value

I want to start from a collection of diploma projects and by using stream I want to get an arrayList of diploma project titles, from the students that have taken a course identified by courseId. They will also need to have passed the course with grade of 2 or higher.
I have this DiplomaProject class:
public class DiplomaProject{
String title;
ArrayList<Student> authors
Each diplomaProject can have multiple authors.
I have this Course class:
public class Course{
String courseName;
String courseId;
This Student class:
public class Student{
String name;
HashMap<Course, Integer> courseList;
DiplomaProject diplomaProject;
The grade of the course is the Integer value of courseList.
This is my current solution, but I know it does not do what I want. I can't find a way to filter based on the value of the courseList, and I do not know how I can get the the diplomaProject titles at the end of the streams (only at the top level).
public static List<String> diplomaProjectTitle(List<DiplomaProject> diplomaProjects) {
.map(diplomaProject -> diplomaProject.authors)
.flatMap(students ->
.filter(student -> student.courseList.keySet().equals("math1001"))
.flatMap(student -> student.courseList.keySet().stream())
.map(student -> student.courseName)
You are losing the info on the diploma projects with the the .map functions. What you want to do is operate within the .filter() functions of the first diplomaproj stream.
public List<String> diplomaProjectTitles(List<DiplomaProject> diplomaProjects) {
.filter(projects -> projects.getAuthors().stream().map(Student::getCourseList)
//get the course matching this one (both name and id)
.map(c -> c.get(new Course("math101", "1")))
//check if that course has grade greater than the minimum
.anyMatch(grade -> grade>=2))
For this to work though you would need to modify your Course class. Since you are using it within a hash map as a key, and want to get it through a custom query you will need to add the hashCode() function.
public class Course {
private String courseName;
private String courseId;
public int hashCode() {
return courseName.hashCode() + courseId.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(o instanceof Course oc) {
return oc.getCourseName().equals(this.getCourseName()) && oc.getCourseId().equals(this.getCourseId());
return false;
//getters and setters
In order to test it I created a simple method that prepares a test case
public void filterStudents() {
List<DiplomaProject> diplomaProjects = new ArrayList<>();
List<Course> courses = new ArrayList<>();
courses.add(new Course("math101", "1"));
courses.add(new Course("calc101", "2"));
courses.add(new Course("calc102", "3"));
List<Student> students = new ArrayList<>();
Map<Course, Integer> courseMap = Map.of(courses.get(0), 3, courses.get(1), 1);
students.add(new Student("TestSubj", courseMap));
Map<Course, Integer> courseMap2 = Map.of(courses.get(0), 1, courses.get(1), 3);
students.add(new Student("TestSubj2", courseMap2));
diplomaProjects.add(new DiplomaProject("Project1", students));
diplomaProjects.add(new DiplomaProject("Project2", List.of(students.get(1))));"Dimploma projects are " + diplomaProjectTitles(diplomaProjects));
this way Project 1 will have a student with math101 with grade 3 and one with grade 1, and Project2 will have a student with math101 with grade 1. As expected, the result of the filtering method is only project1
I want to get a List of diploma project titles, from the students that have taken a Course identified by the given courseId. They will also need to have passed the course with grade of 2 or higher.
In your method diplomaProjectTitle you're actually losing the access to the titles of the diploma projects at the very beginning of the stream pipe-line because the very first operation extracts authors from the stream element.
You need to need the stream to of type Stream<DiplomaProject> in order to get a list of diploma project titles as a result. Therefore, all the logic needed to filter the desired diploma project should reside in the filter() operation.
That's how it might be implemented:
public static List<String> diplomaProjectTitle(List<DiplomaProject> diplomaProjects,
String courseId,
Integer grade) {
.filter(diplomaProject -> diplomaProject.getAuthors().stream()
.anyMatch(student ->
student.getCourseList().getOrDefault(courseId, 0) >= grade
.toList(); // or .collect(Collectors.toList()) for JDK version earlier than 16
A couple of important notes:
Avoid using public fields and accessing the fields from outside the class directly rather than via getters.
Pay attention to the names of your method, variables, etc. The name courseList is confusing because it's actually not a List. This map should rather be named gradeByCourse to describe its purpose in a clear way.
Leverage abstractions - write your code against interfaces. See What does it mean to "program to an interface"?
Pay attention to the types you're working with keySet().equals("math1001") even IDE is capable to tell you that something is wrong here because Set can never be equal to a String.
A step-by-step way of thinking:
We need to filter projects based on the criteria that these have at least one author (student) who has passed a specific course (courseId) with a grade >= 2 (another filter).>p.getAuthors().stream().anyMatch(s->s.getCourseList().getOrDefault(courseId,0) >= grade)).map(p->p.getTitle()).collect(Collectors.toList());

How to iterate over a map and return all the ones that match?

I have made various methods for someone to add a key which then includes various values from another created object.
I need to then allow a user to search using a method name which will then return all the people that match their search.
public Set findPerson(String aTrade)
Set<String> suitablePeople = new HashSet<>();
for (String test :
if (contractors.containsValue(aTrade))
return suitablePeople;
I know this code is wrong but I'm just not sure how I can simply go through and find a value and return all the people that have this value within a range of values. For instance, their age, job, location.
Some assumptions, because your question is rather unclear:
contractors is a Map<String, ContractorData> field. Possibly ContractorData is some collection type (such as MyList<Contractor>), or named differently. The String represents a username.
aTrade is a string, and you want to search for it within the various ContractorData objects stored in your map. Then you want to return a collection of all username strings that are mapped to a ContractorData object that contains a trade that matches aTrade.
Whatever ContractorData might be, it has method containsValue(String) which returns true if the contractordata is considered a match. (If that was pseudocode and it's actually a List<String>, just .contains() would do the job. If it's something else you're going to have to elaborate in your question.
Then, there is no fast search available; maps allow you to do quick searches on their key (and not any particular property of their key, and not on their value or any particular property of their value). Thus, any search inherently implies you go through all the key/value mappings and check for each, individually, if it matches or not. If this is not an acceptable performance cost, you'd have to make another map, one that maps this property to something. This may have to be a multimap, and is considerably more complicated.
The performance cost is not important
Okay, then, just.. loop, but note that the .entrySet() gives you both key (which you'll need in case it's a match) and value (which you need to check if it matches), so that's considerably simpler.
var out = new ArrayList<String>();
for (var e : contracts.entrySet()) {
if (e.getValue().containsValue(aTrade)) out.add(e.getKey());
return out;
or if you prefer stream syntax:
return contracts.entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> e.getValue().containsValue(aTrade))
The performance cost is important
Then it gets complicated. You'd need a single object that 'wraps' around at least two maps, and you need this because you want these maps to never go 'out of sync'. You need one map for each thing you want to have a find method for.
Thus, if you want a getTradesForUser(String username) as well as a findAllUsersWithTrade(String aTrade), you need two maps; one that maps users to trades, one that maps trades to users. In addition, you need the concept of a multimap: A map that maps one key to (potentially) more than one value.
You can use guava's MultiMaps (guava is a third party library with some useful stuff, such as multimaps), or, you roll your own, which is trivial:
class ContractData {
private List<String> trades;
public boolean containsValue(String trade) {
return trades.contains(trade);
public List<String> getTrades() {
return trades;
class TradesStore {
Map<String, ContractData> usersToTrades = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, List<String>> tradesToUsers = new HashMap<>();
public void put(String username, ContractData contract) {
usersToTrades.put(username, contract);
for (String trade : contract.getTrades()) {
tradesToUsers.computeIfAbsent(username, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(username);
public Collection<String> getUsersForTrade(String trade) {
return tradesToUsers.getOrDefault(trade, List.of());
The getOrDefault method lets you specify a default value in case the trade isn't in the map. Thus, if you ask for 'get me all users which have trade [SOME_VALUE_NOBODY_IS_TRADING]', this returns an empty list (List.of() gives you an empty list), which is the right answer (null would be wrong - there IS an answer, and it is: Nobody. null is means: Unknown / irrelevant, and is therefore incorrect here).
The computeIfAbsent method just gets you the value associated with a key, but, if there is no such key/value mapping yet, you also give it the code required to make it. Here, we pass a function (k -> new ArrayList<>()) which says: just.. make a new arraylist first if I ask for a key that isn't yet in there, put it in the map, and then return that (k is the key, which we don't need to make the initial value).
Thus, computeIfAbsent and getOrDefault in combination make the concept of a multimap easy to write.
Assuming that your Map's values are instances of Contractor and the Contractor class has a Set<String> of trades (implied by the contains method call) and a getTrades() method that returns the list you could do it like this. Not certain what value the Map key would play in this.
get the values from the map and stream them.
filter only those Contractors that have the appropriate trade.
aggregate to a set of able contractors.
Set<Contractor> suitablePeople =
Note that a possible improvement would be to have a map like the following.
Map<String, Set<Contractors>> // where the key is the desired trade.
Then you could just get the Contractors with a single lookup up for each desired trade.
Set<Contractors> plumbers = mapByTrade.get("plumbers"); // all done.
Here is how you would set it up. The Contractor class is at the end. It takes a name and a variable array of trades.
Set<Contractor> contractors = Set.of(
new Contractor("Acme", "plumbing", "electrical", "masonry", "roofing", "carpet"),
new Contractor("Joe's plumbing", "plumbing"),
new Contractor("Smith", "HVAC", "electrical"),
new Contractor("Ace", "electrical"));
Then, iterate over the list of contractors to create the map. Then those are grouped by trade, and each contractor that matches is put in the associated set for that trade.
Map<String,Set<Contractor>> mapByTrade = new HashMap<>();
for (Contractor c : contractors) {
for (String trade : c.getTrades()) {
mapByTrade.computeIfAbsent(trade, v->new HashSet<>()).add(c);
And here it is in action.
Set<Contractor> plumbers = mapByTrade.get("plumbing");
[Acme, Joe's plumbing]
[Ace, Acme, Smith]
And here is the Contractor class.
class Contractor {
private Set<String> trades;
private String name;
public int hashCode() {
return name.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object ob) {
if (ob == name) {
return true;
if (ob == null) {
return false;
if (ob instanceof Contractor) {
return ((Contractor)ob).name.equals(;
return false;
public Contractor(String name, String...trades) { = name;
this.trades = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(trades));
public Set<String> getTrades() {
return trades;
public String toString() {
return name;

Find max size of an element among list of objects

class Person {
private String fname;
private String lname;
private List<String> friends;
private List<BigDecimal> ratings;
class People {
private List<Person> people;
suppose i have the above classes, and need to figure out what is the most number of friends any one person has. I know the pre-streams way of doing it... by looping over every element in the list and
checking if friends.size() is greater than the currently stored number of longest list. is there a way to streamline the code with streams? something like this answer?
Compute the max Person contained in People according to a comparator that relies on the size of Person.getFriends() :
Optional<Person> p = people.getPeople()
.max(Comparator.comparingInt(p -> p.getFriends()
Note that you could also retrieve only the max of friends without the Person associated to :
OptionalInt maxFriends = people.getPeople()
.mapToInt(p -> p.getFriends()
You can declare the following method in Person class:
public int getNumberOfFriends(){
return friends.size();
and then use it in a stream like this:
Optional <Person> personWithMostFriends =;
With this approach you will get the Person object with the most friends, not only the maximum number of friends as someone suggested.
Your question already answered. but i add this for one thing. if your list of person size large and if you have multi-core pc and you want to used this efficiently then use parallelstream().
To get person:
Person person = people.getPeople()
.max(Comparator.comparingInt(p-> p.getFriends().size()))
To get size:
int size = people.getPeople()
.mapToInt(p -> p.getFriends().size())

Creating a list of booleans on the fly

Imagine we are pulling data about people and their favourite foods.
The data would come to us in the format: "Name, FavFood1, FavFood2..FavFoodn".
e.g. "James, Beans, Chicken".Notice how we do not know how many foods a person will favour.
From this data we create an instance of a Person object which captures the person's name and favourite foods. After we have pulled data on every person, we want to create a spreadsheet whose columns would be: Name|Potato|Chicken|Beans|Curry etc.
All of the values to the right of the person's name will be simple boolean values representing whether or not that food was one of the person's favourites.
The problem is: we do not know in advance; all the foods that someone could possibly favour, and as such cannot just set up boolean instance variables in the Person class.
I've given this some thought, implementing sets,hash-sets and hash-maps, however every solution I think of ends up being horribly inelegant and so I've turned to the genius of stackoverflow for help on this one.
My question is: What design pattern / approach can I use to cleanly achieve the outcome I desire? Whilst this is a language-agnostic question I am programming this in Java, so if there's anything in the Java API or elsewhere built for this, do let me know.
Thanks in advance!
Try this. It generates data in csv form.
class Person {
final String name;
final Set<String> foods;
Person(String name, Set<String> foods) { = name;
this.foods = foods;
Stream<Boolean> getBooleans(List<String> foods) {
return -> this.foods.contains(food));
public String toString() {
return "Person(" + name + ", " + foods +")";
class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
List<String> data = Arrays.asList(
"James, Beans, Chicken",
"Emily, Potato, Curry",
"Clara, Beans, Curry"
List<String> foodNames = Arrays.asList(
"Potato", "Chicken", "Beans", "Curry"
Stream<Person> persons = -> {
String[] split = d.split(",");
for(int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
split[i] = split[i].trim();
String name = split[0];
Set<String> foods = Stream.of(split).skip(1).collect(Collectors.toSet());
return new Person(name, foods);
Stream<String> csvData = -> + ", " + p.getBooleans(foodNames)
.map(b -> b.toString())
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "))
First of all, I highly recommend that whatever you do it in a separate class with methods like addFavoriteFood(String food) and boolean isFavoriteFood(String food) getFavorites(String food).
Personally I think the implementation of this class should contain both an instance HashSet (to hold the foods this person likes) and a SortedSet that is common to all the foods that can contain a list of ALL foods. (See notes at end)
Add would add it to both sets, getFavorites would return those in the first Hash set.
Hmm, it may also need a static getAllFavorites() method to return the SortedSet
Since your FavoiteFoods class knows the master list AND the person's favorites, you could even have it do most of the work by having a getFormattedRow() and static getFormattedHeaderRow() method. then your implementaiton is just:
for(Person person:people)
Again, the best thing here is that you can just use the Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work for your implementation and re-do it later if need be since, being isolated in another class, it doesn't infect all your code with nasty implementation-specific sets, classes, booleans, etc.
Notes about the master list: This master list could naively be implemented as a Static but that's a bad idea--optimally the same masterList SortedSet would be passed into each instance on construction. Also since it is shared among all instances and is mutable it brings in issues if your solution is threaded!
What is so inelegant about this pseudocode?
Set<String> allFoods = new TreeSet<String>();
List<Person> allPersons = new ArrayList<Person>();
while (hasMorePersons()) {
Person person = getNextPerson();
spreadSheet.writeHeader("Name", allFoods);
for (Person person : allPersons) {
for (String food : allFoods) {
// assume getFoods() return a Set<String>,
// not necessarily ordered (could be a HashSet)
boolean yourBooleanHere = person.getFoods().contains(food);
If you need a table of booleans or whatever else, you can easily store them anywhere you want during the second loop.
Note: TreeSet orders foods according to the natural order (that is, alphabetically). To output them in the order they are encountered, use a LinkedHashSet instead.

Returning all the keys from a HashMap withou looping

I am attemping to populate a JComboBox with the names of cities.
My program has a class called 'Country'. The Country object contains a HashMap of objects called 'City' with a method getName, returning a String value.
public class Country {
private final Map<String, City> cities = new HashMap<>();
public Collection<City> getCities() {
return cities.values();
public class City {
String cityName;
public String getName() {
return cityName;
Is it possible to return an String array of cityName without using a loop? I was trying the following but it did not work:
Country country 1 = new Country();
String[] cityNames = country1.getCities().toArray();
JComboBox cityChoice = new JComboBox(cityNames);
This returns an Array of City objects, however I am not sure how to use the City getName method in conjunction with this.
You can not avoid looping. Either, you will loop, or Java will loop in the background.
You can avoid writing your own loop if keys in your map are city names. Then, you could only ask .keySet() from the map. But, even in that case, Java would loop in the background and copy the keys.
Other way is that you loop, but hide the loop in some method (lets say getCitiesArray()) in the class. So, you could do country1.getCitiesArray(); in the calling method. Code would look better and be easier to read, but you would still need to have loop inside of the class.
You can store Map key as CityName then do below to get Names.
The city object can be used directly in the combobox with some minor alterations.
public class City {
String cityName;
public String getName() {
return cityName;
public String toString() {
return getName();
Then the population code
Country country1 = new Country();
City[] cities = country1.getCities().toArray();
JComboBox<City> cityChoice = new JComboBox<City>(cities);
You should probably override hashCode and equals also.
If you are using Java 8, you can use the Stream API to map the names of the cities to a String:
String []cityNames = country1.getCities().stream().map(City::getName).toArray(String[]::new);
