Finding nearest point excluding last point LibGDX Java - java

I am trying to find a way to get a bunch of points to connect via the ShapeRenderer`s method of line(Vector2 first, Vector2 second). So I will explain then show image and code to help.
There is a List of type Vector2 and I need to find the next closest vertice and then exclude the first point. Here is an image of what I mean. I labeled the iterations of the loop in the image.
1st iteration.) it finds the closest point.
2nd iteration.) it sees that the first point is closer but still chooses the third point. This is the core problem, I need to make sure the second point finds the third point even though the first point is the closer one.
Here is the code I have tried to do this.
private void cleanVertices(Array<Vector2> verts){
newVerts = new Array<Vector2>();
Vector2 tmpKey, tmpClose = null;
tmpKey = verts.get(0);
for(int i = 0; i < verts.size; i++){
for(int k = 0; k < (verts.size - 1); k++){
if(k == i)
//Distance formula
double dist = MathFactory.distance(verts.get(i), verts.get(k));
if(MathFactory.distance(verts.get(i), verts.get(k + 1)) < dist){
tmpClose = verts.get(k + 1);
tmpClose = verts.get(i);
tmpKey = tmpClose;
This does not accomplish what I need, instead, it seems to connect points closest on x-axis. I desperately need help with this. Thanks!

Make a deep copy of the input parameter verts (i.e. a new Array containing the same list of references in verts). Then iterate over that, but remove each point after you choose it as the next "nearest" neighbor.
I'm not familiar with the Array class, but an ArrayList would have the correct behavior when you remove an element. At each point only unvisited points would remain in the list.

since your problem is to find the closest vertex to the second vertex,which is the third in your case, without considering the first one. Make the second for loop starts from the position of the first for loop in every iteration ( k = i). Meaning that the second for loop will not consider the first vertex as point to calculate the distance from.


How to get old position of snake body parts in Java

I will try my best to explain the issue. So basically I have come to the point in my snake game which I feared the most - the array. So I what I have done is an ArrayList full of Rectangles.
I then add a Rectangle each time I eat the food and I am now at the "looping" part where I have to loop the different rectangles.
I succeded with adding one rectangle to the snake - I just took the old head.x location and the head.y location and but it into the snakeParts.get(0).setLocation.
The problem I am having is drawing the rest of the array (which would be index nr 1 to infinity).
I can't seem to get the rest of the ArrayLists's old positions. For example: I want snakeParts.get(1) to get snakeParts.get(0)'s old position but I can't seem to figure out how to do that logic. I wonder if any of you could give me a hand?
Here is the part of the code that is affected:
for(int z = 0; z < snakeParts.size(); z++) {
System.out.println(z); //Test printing
if(z == 0) {
snakeParts.get(z).setLocation(head.x, head.y); //Printing index 0
else {
snakeParts.get(z).setLocation(snakeParts.get(z - 1).getLocation());
//Takes all the indexes and puts them where the snakeParts.get(0) is. I want them to get longer - like the Snake game
//Loop different might solve the issue?
head.x += speedx;
head.y += speedy;
I am doing this in JPanel and my ArrayList is an array of the Rectangle class which can be found here: Rectangle Class
If you want the entire code - please ask! I thought it would be easier to just show you guys this code sample because it's the only part that affects what I am trying to achieve.
Thanks in advance!
Start from the end and go towards the head, get last part, set its position to where last-1 is.
Then go, for last-1, set its position to where last-2 is.
Repeat that until you reach second part, once you set its position to head, then move your head.
Here is how does forward vs backward loop look like:
for(int z = 0; z < snakeParts.size(); z++) {}
for(int z = snakeParts.size() - 1; z >= 0; z--){}
First one starts at 0, goes to size of snake parts by increases of 1.
Second one starts at size of snakeparts - 1 (we decrease by 1 because snakeParts are counted from 0, not from 1), works as long as z is greater-equal to 0, and at each step it reduces z by 1.
Hope that helps :)
In your code you should make sure you are not trying to access indices smaller or larger than the array.

How to quickly insert an element into array with duplicates after all of the equal elements?

I have an ArrayList, which contains game objects sorted by their 'Z' (float) position from lower to higher. I'm not sure if ArrayList is the best choice for it but I have come up with such a solution to find an index of insertion in a complexity faster than linear (worst case):
GameObject go = new GameObject();
int index = 0;
int start = 0, end = displayList.size(); // displayList is the ArrayList
while(end - start > 0)
index = (start + end) / 2;
if(go.depthZ >= displayList.get(index).depthZ)
start = index + 1;
else if(go.depthZ < displayList.get(index).depthZ)
end = index - 1;
while(index > 0 && go.depthZ < displayList.get(index).depthZ)
while(index < displayList.size() && go.depthZ >= displayList.get(index).depthZ)
The catch is that the element has to be inserted in a specific place in the chain of elements with equal value of depthZ - at the end of this chain. That's why I need 2 additional while loops after the binary search which I assume aren't too expensive becouse binary search gives me some approximation of this place.
Still I'm wondering if there's some better solution or some known algorithms for such problem which I haven't heard of? Maybe using different data structure than ArrayList? At the moment I ignore the worst case insertion O(n) (inserting at the begining or middle) becouse using a normal List I wouldn't be able to find an index to insert using method above.
You should try to use balanced search tree (red-black tree for example) instead of array. First you can try to use TreeMap witch uses a red-black tree inside to see if it's satisfy your requirements. Possible implementation:
Map<Float, List<Object>> map = new TreeMap<Float, List<Object>>(){
public List<Object> get(Object key) {
List<Object> list = super.get(key);
if (list == null) {
list = new ArrayList<Object>();
put((Float) key, list);
return list;
Example of usage:
One way to do it would to do a halving search, where the first search is half way thru your list (list.size()/2), then for the next one you can do half of that, and so on. With this exponential method, instead of having to do 4096 searches when you have 4096 objects, you only need 12 searches
sorry for the complete disregard for technical terms, I am not the best at terms :P
Unless I overlook something, your approach is essentially correct (but there's an error, see below), in the sense that your first while tries to compute the insert-index such that it will be placed after all lower OR EQUAL Z: there's correctly an equal sign in your first test (updating "start" if it yields TRUE).
Then, of course, there's no need to worry anymore about its position among equals. However, your follow-up while destroys this nice situation: the test in the first follow-up while yields always TRUE (one time) and so you move back; and then you need the second follow-up while to undo that. So, you should remove BOTH follow-up whiles and you're done...
However, there's a little problem with your first while, such that it doesn't always exactly do what the purpose is. I guess that the faulty outcomes triggered you to implement the follow-up whiles to "repair" that.
Here's the issue in your while. Suppose you have a try-index (start+end)/2 that points to a larger Z, but the one just before it has value Z. You then get into your second test (elseif) and set "end" to the position where that Z-value resides. Finally you wind up with precisely that position.
The remedy is simple: in your elseif assignment, put "end = index" (without the -1). Final remark: the test in the elseif is unnecessary, just else is sufficient.
So, all in all you get
GameObject go = new GameObject();
int index = 0;
int start = 0, end = displayList.size(); // displayList is the ArrayList
while(end - start > 0)
index = (start + end) / 2;
if(go.depthZ >= displayList.get(index).depthZ)
start = index + 1;
end = index;
(I hope I haven't overlooked something trivial...)
Add 1 to the least significant byte of the key (with carry); binary search for that insert position; and insert it there.
Your binary search has to be so constructed as to end at the leftmost of a sequence of duplicates, but this is trivial given an understanding of the various Binary search algorithms.

How to hard-code legal moves for fast lookup?

I have created a gameboard (5x5) and I now want to decide when a move is legal as fast as possible. For example a piece at (0,0) wants to go to (1,1), is that legal? First I tried to find this out with computations but that seemed bothersome. I would like to hard-code the possible moves based on a position on the board and then iterate through all the possible moves to see if they match the destinations of the piece. I have problems getting this on paper. This is what I would like:
//game piece is at 0,0 now, decide if 1,1 is legal
Point destination = new Point(1,1);
The first problem I face is that I don't know how to put a list of possible moves in an array at for example index [0][0]. This must be fairly obvious but I am stuck at this for some time. I would like to create an array in which there is a list of Point objects. So in semi-code: legalMoves[0][0] = {Point(1,1),Point(0,1),Point(1,0)}
I am not sure if this is efficient but it makes logically move sense than maybe [[1,1],[0,1],[1,0]] but I am not sold on this.
The second problem I have is that instead of creating the object at every start of the game with an instance variable legalMoves, I would rather have it read from disk. I think that it should be quicker this way? Is the serializable class the way to go?
My 3rd small problem is that for the 25 positions the legal moves are unbalanced. Some have 8 possible legal moves, others have 3. Maybe this is not a problem at all.
You are looking for a structure that will give you the candidate for a given point, i.e. Point -> List<Point>.
Typically, I would go for a Map<Point, List<Point>>.
You can initialise this structure statically at program start or dynamically when needing. For instance, here I use 2 helpers arrays that contains the possible translations from a point, and these will yield the neighbours of the point.
// (-1 1) (0 1) (1 1)
// (-1 0) (----) (1 0)
// (-1 -1) (0 -1) (1 -1)
// from (1 0) anti-clockwise:
static int[] xOffset = {1,1,0,-1,-1,-1,0,1};
static int[] yOffset = {0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1};
The following Map contains the actual neighbours for a Point with a function that compute, store and return these neighbours. You can choose to initialise all neighbours in one pass, but given the small numbers, I would not think this a problem performance wise.
static Map<Point, List<Point>> neighbours = new HashMap<>();
static List<Point> getNeighbours(Point a) {
List<Point> nb = neighbours.get(a);
if (nb == null) {
nb = new ArrayList<>(xOffset.length); // size the list
for (int i=0; i < xOffset.length; i++) {
int x = a.getX() + xOffset[i];
int y = a.getY() + yOffset[i];
if (x>=0 && y>=0 && x < 5 && y < 5) {
nb.add(new Point(x, y));
neighbours.put(a, nb);
return nb;
Now checking a legal move is a matter of finding the point in the neighbours:
static boolean isLegalMove(Point from, Point to) {
boolean legal = false;
for (Point p : getNeighbours(from)) {
if (p.equals(to)) {
legal = true;
return legal;
Note: the class Point must define equals() and hashCode() for the map to behave as expected.
The first problem I face is that I don't know how to put a list of possible moves in an array at for example index [0][0]
Since the board is 2D, and the number of legal moves could generally be more than one, you would end up with a 3D data structure:
Point legalMoves[][][] = new legalMoves[5][5][];
legalMoves[0][0] = new Point[] {Point(1,1),Point(0,1),Point(1,0)};
instead of creating the object at every start of the game with an instance variable legalMoves, I would rather have it read from disk. I think that it should be quicker this way? Is the serializable class the way to go?
This cannot be answered without profiling. I cannot imagine that computing legal moves of any kind for a 5x5 board could be so intense computationally as to justify any kind of additional I/O operation.
for the 25 positions the legal moves are unbalanced. Some have 8 possible legal moves, others have 3. Maybe this is not a problem at all.
This can be handled nicely with a 3D "jagged array" described above, so it is not a problem at all.

Best way to put 20 elements in a coordinate system with neighbouring elements unique

This question is regarding libGDX, but I think it's in fact more Java/algorithm related.
Part of my game includes placing 20 elements out of predefined 30 elements list on a screen (so effectively a coordinate system) in 20 partially-predefined places.
By partially predefined I mean that they are predefined for each screen, but there can be dozens of screens, so they can be as well treated as random.
The elements will be selected randomly, but the elements close to each other must be unique. By close I mean in range of some arbitrary defined distance X. Effectively each place will have around 3 'close neightbours'.
The best way I can think of so far is as follows:
Calculate the distance between all places. If a given distance between A and B is lower than X put two entries in a map - one (A,B) and one (B,A)
Now start filling the places with elements
For each place create a list with all neightbours using the map from point 1 (let's call it N-list)
For each place create a temporary list with all possible (30) elements (let's call it E-list)
Get a random element from E-list
Iterate through N-list. For each place from the list get an element currently there (if there's any). For this a (place, element) map is needed, so it will be filled as the algorithm progresses.
If the found element is equal to the current random element remove this element from E-list and this place from N-list and come back to point 5
Proceed until all places are filled
Step 1 is in fact a separate algorithm, that probably can be tweaked, ex. if we calculated the A->B distance we don't need to calculate B->A, but that needs an additional map to store calculation info, etc.
I would like to know what you think of this way and if you have any ideas for a better one.
Thanks in advance for your answers.
P.S. Perhaps the terms I used could be better chosen, but I'm not a native speaker and I don't know English math terms :-)
Ok, I think I understood your solution and this is what I thought of initially. But I think it can be slightly optimized by eliminating extra pairs and maps (or maybe not :)
First, create a map of locations where key is location position (or the location itself) and value is a list of location's parents who fall within the close range. Yes it will have multiple parents, not children, it is actually the same but parents are more fitting here as we'll see.
ArrayList<Place> place_list; // your list of places here
ArrayList<Element> element_list; // your list of elements here
HashMap<Place,ArrayList<Place>> parent_map = new HashMap<Place,ArrayList<Place>>;
ArrayList<Place> a;
for (int i = 0; i < place_list.size() - 1; i++) {
Place place1 = place_list.get(i);
for (int j = i + 1; j < place_list.size(); j++) {
Place place2 = place_list.get(j);
int dist = getDistance(place1, place2);
if (dist > DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) continue;
// if this place is within range,
// add parent place to its list and put/update it to the map
a = parent_map.get(place2);
if (a == null) a = new ArrayList<Place>();
parent_map.put(place2, a);
Now we have a map of all places that have parents. Next we do the following: if place does not have parents, it can choose any random element freely. If it does have parents, it checks what elements parents own and reduces the available set of elements. After the set was reduced, any random element can be chosen from it.
HashMap<Place,Element> used_place_map = new HashMap<Place,Element>(); // key is place, value is assigned element
ArrayList<Element> tmp_element_list;
for (i = 0; i < place_list.size(); i++) {
Place place = place_list.get(i);
a = parent_map.get(place);
if (a == null) { // this place has no parents, use elements freely
tmp_element_list = element_list;
} else { // if it has parents, they have already registered their elements in used_place_map
tmp_element_list = new ArrayList<Element>();
// create list of available elements, lame
for (j = 0; j < element_list.size(); j++) tmp_element_list.add(element_list.get(j));
// now reduce it, very lame, sorry
for (Place pl : a) {
Element used_element = used_place_map.get(pl);
for (j = 0; j < tmp_element_list.size(); j++) {
if (used_element.equals(tmp_element_list.get(j)) {
// finally, get the random index on (probably reduced) array
int element_id = Random.nextInt(tmp_element_list.size());
Element element = element_list.get(element_id);
// store our choice as future parent
used_place_map.put(place, element);

Contents in an ArrayList get modified

I have a problem on a program I'm making that I honestly can't find a solution for. It seems the objects contained on a Java ArrayList collection are being modified without me programming such modifications.
The program as a whole is meant to basically create a random connection between two nodes on a 10x10 grid by moving through a path. This path is represented as an ArrayList collection of points in the grid, with the first index containing the first node's location (node A) and the last index containing the second node's location (node B). How I do this is by locating myself on A's location, and then moving randomly to contiguous points in the grid, repeating this in a while loop until B's location is reached.
Everything seems to work except that the "path" collection is altered somehow, such that every point in it ends up being the same as the last point to which I move, which is also B's location.
The method is as follows:
public void generateRandomPath()
path = new ArrayList<Point>();
complete = false;
k = path.get(path.size()-1);
d = selectDirection(k);
GUI.log.append("==== Before the method. ==== \n");
GUI.log.append(Integer.toString(path.get(path.size()-1).getX())+" - "+Integer.toString(path.get(path.size()-1).getY())+"\n");
x = move(k, d);
if(k.getX() == pEnd.getX() && k.getY() == pEnd.getY())
complete = true;
GUI.log.append("Finished. \n");
"Point" are simply points, with an X
and Y coordinate represented by
"pInitial" is the point representing the location of node A.
"pEnd" is the point representing the location of node B.
"d" is the direction on which I'm going to move on this repetition. This can be either up, right, down, or left represented by an integer 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively.
"k" is the last point in the path, which is the point to which it moved on the previous repetition.
"x" is the new point to which it moved on the current repetition.
So what it basically does is it grabs the last point in the path as reference, chooses a direction, and then moves to the point contiguous on that direction. Each repetition of the while loop should add a new point to path. However what ends up happening is that not only is this new point added, but every other point already in path takes the value of this last point added. By utilizing the log entries show above (GUI.log.append) I managed to see that path is being mysteriously altered inside the step:
x = move(k, d);
Which is the following method:
private Point move(Point n, int y)
GUI.log.append("==== Inside the method. ==== \n");
GUI.log.append(Integer.toString(path.get(path.size()-1).getX())+" - "+Integer.toString(path.get(path.size()-1).getY())+"\n");
Point newP = n;
if(y == 1)
if(y == 2)
if(y == 3)
if(y == 4)
GUI.log.append("==== After method. ==== \n");
GUI.log.append(Integer.toString(path.get(path.size()-1).getX())+" - "+Integer.toString(path.get(path.size()-1).getY())+"\n");
return newP;
Integer y is the direction as mentioned before. As you can see this method does not alter path in any way, yet the logs show it does. In this example node A was on the point X = 2, Y = 3. The log shows what the coordinates of the last point in path are. As you can see, the coordinates of the last point in path take on the value of the coordinates of the new point, but this new point was not yet added to path.
I honestly don't know how this is happening. If anyone could think of a reason I would appreciate it very much if you could tell me.
Point newP = new Point(n.getX(), n.getY());
instead of
Point newP = n;
