I'm becoming crazy by trying to optimize the following function in java with OpenCV:
static Mat testPossibleCentersFormula(int x, int y, Mat weight, double gx, double gy, Mat outSum){
Mat out = outSum;//new Mat(weight.rows(), weight.cols(), CvType.CV_64F);
float weight_array [] = new float [weight.rows()*weight.cols()];
double out_array [] = new double [weight.rows()*weight.cols()];
for (int cy = 0; cy < out.rows(); ++cy) {
for (int cx = 0; cx < out.cols(); ++cx) {
if (x == cx && y == cy) {
// create a vector from the possible center to the gradient origin
double dx = x - cx;
double dy = y - cy;
// normalize d
double magnitude = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
dx = dx / magnitude;
dy = dy / magnitude;
double dotProduct = dx*gx + dy*gy;
dotProduct = Math.max(0.0,dotProduct);
// square and multiply by the weight
if (kEnableWeight) {
out_array[cy*out.cols()+cx] = out_array[cy*out.cols()+cx] +dotProduct * dotProduct * (weight_array[cy*out.cols()+cx]/kWeightDivisor);
} else {
out_array[cy*out.cols()+cx] = out_array[cy*out.cols()+cx] +dotProduct * dotProduct;
} }
out.put(0, 0, out_array);
return out;
The function accesses some pictures' values pixel by pixel, for each frame in a video, and makes it impossible to use it in real time.
I've already converted the Mat operations into array operations, and that has made a great difference, but it is still very very slow. Do you see any way to replace the nested for loop?
Thank you very much,
As I have alluded to in my comment above, I think that the allocation of weight_array and out_array is very suspicious: whilst the Javadoc that I can find for Mat is unhelpfully silent on what is put into an array larger than the image depth when you call mat.get(...), it feels like an abuse of the API to assume that it will return the entire image's data.
Allocating such large arrays each time you call the method is unnecessary. You can allocate a much smaller array, and just reuse that on each iteration:
float[] weight_array = new float[weight.depth()];
double[] out_array = new double[out.depth()];
for (int cy = 0; cy < out.rows(); ++cy) {
for (int cx = 0; cx < out.cols(); ++cx) {
// Use weight.get(cx, cy, weight_array)
// instead of weight_array[cy*out.cols()+cx].
// Use out.get(cx, cy, out_array) and out.put(cx, cy, out_array)
// instead of out_array[cy*out.cols()+cx] += ...
Note that this does still allocate (probably very small) arrays on each iteration. If you needed to, you could allocate the weight_array and out_array outside the method, and pass them in as parameters; but I would try as suggested here first, and optimize further when/if necessary.
I want to draw an arc using center point,starting point,ending point on opengl surfaceview.I have tried this given below code so far. This function draws the expected arc if we give the value for start_line_angle and end_line_angle manually (like start_line_angle=0 and end_line_angle=90) in degree.
But I need to draw an arc with the given co-ordinates(center point,starting point,ending point) and calculating the start_line_angle and end_line_angle programatically.
This given function draws an arc with the given parameters but not giving the desire result. I've wasted my 2 days for this. Thanks in advance.
private void drawArc(GL10 gl, float radius, float cx, float cy, float start_point_x, float start_point_y, float end_point_x, float end_point_y) {
int start_line_angle;
double sLine = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan((cy - start_point_y) / (cx - start_point_x))); //normal trigonometry slope = tan^-1(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) for line first
double eLine = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan((cy - end_point_y) / (cx - end_point_x))); //normal trigonometry slope = tan^-1(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) for line second
//cast from double to int after round
int start_line_Slope = (int) (sLine + 0.5);
* mapping the tiriogonometric angle system to glsurfaceview angle system
* since angle system in trigonometric system starts in anti clockwise
* but in opengl glsurfaceview angle system starts in clock wise and the starting angle is 90 degree of general trigonometric angle system
if (start_line_Slope <= 90) {
start_line_angle = 90 - start_line_Slope;
} else {
start_line_angle = 360 - start_line_Slope + 90;
// int start_line_angle = 270;
// int end_line_angle = 36;
//casting from double to int
int end_line_angle = (int) (eLine + 0.5);
if (start_line_angle > end_line_angle) {
start_line_angle = start_line_angle - 360;
int nCount = 0;
float[] stVertexArray = new float[2 * (end_line_angle - start_line_angle)];
float[] newStVertextArray;
FloatBuffer sampleBuffer;
// stVertexArray[0] = cx;
// stVertexArray[1] = cy;
for (int nR = start_line_angle; nR < end_line_angle; nR++) {
float fX = (float) (cx + radius * Math.sin((float) nR * (1 * (Math.PI / 180))));
float fY = (float) (cy + radius * Math.cos((float) nR * (1 * (Math.PI / 180))));
stVertexArray[nCount * 2] = fX;
stVertexArray[nCount * 2 + 1] = fY;
//taking making the stVertextArray's data in reverse order
reverseArray = new float[stVertexArray.length];//-2 so that no repeatation occurs of first value and end value
int count = 0;
for (int i = (stVertexArray.length) / 2; i > 0; i--) {
reverseArray[count] = stVertexArray[(i - 1) * 2 + 0];
reverseArray[count] = stVertexArray[(i - 1) * 2 + 1];
//reseting the counter to initial value
count = 0;
int finalArraySize = stVertexArray.length + reverseArray.length;
newStVertextArray = new float[finalArraySize];
/**Now adding all the values to the single newStVertextArray to draw an arc**/
//adding stVertextArray to newStVertextArray
for (float d : stVertexArray) {
newStVertextArray[count++] = d;
//adding reverseArray to newStVertextArray
for (float d : reverseArray) {
newStVertextArray[count++] = d;
Log.d("stArray", stVertexArray.length + "");
Log.d("reverseArray", reverseArray.length + "");
Log.d("newStArray", newStVertextArray.length + "");
ByteBuffer bBuff = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(newStVertextArray.length * 4);
sampleBuffer = bBuff.asFloatBuffer();
gl.glVertexPointer(2, GL10.GL_FLOAT, 0, sampleBuffer);
gl.glDrawArrays(GL10.GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, nCount * 2);
To begin with the trigonometry you may not simply use the atan to find degrees of the angle. You need to check what quadrant the vector is in and increase or decrease the result you get from atan. Better yet use atan2 which should include both dx and dy and do the job for you.
You seem to create the buffer so that a point is created per degree. This is not the best solution as for large radius that might be too small and for small radius this is way too much. Tessellation should include the radius as well such that number of points N is N = abs((int)(deltaAngle*radius*tessellationFactor)) then use angleFragment = deltaAngle/N but make sure that N is greater then 0 (N = N?N:1). The buffer size is then 2*(N+1) of floats and the iteration if for(int i=0; i<=N; i++) angle = startAngle + angleFragment*i;.
As already pointed out you need to define the radius of the arc. It is quite normal to use an outside source the way you do and simply force it to that value but use the 3 points for center and the two borders. Some other options that usually make sense are:
getting the radius from the start line
getting the radius from the shorter of the two lines
getting the average of the two
interpolate the two to get an elliptic curve (explained below)
To interpolate the radius you need to get the two radiuses startRadius and endRadius. Then you need to find the overall radius which was already used as deltaAngle above (watch out when computing this one, it is more complicated as it seems, for instance drawing from 320 degrees to 10 degrees results in deltaAngle = 50). Anyway the radius for a specific point is then simply radius = startRadius + (endRadius-startRadius)*abs((angleFragment*i)/deltaAngle). This represents a simple linear interpolation in polar coordinate system which is usually used to interpolate vector in matrices and is the core functionality to get nice animations.
There are some other ways of getting the arc points which may be better performance wise but I would not suggest them unless and until you need to optimize your code which should be very late in production. You may simply keep stepping toward the next point and correcting the radius (this is only a concept):
vec2 start, end, center; // input values
float radius; // input value
// making the start and end relative to center
start -= center;
end -= center;
vec2 current = start/length(start) * radius; // current position starts in first vector
vec2 target = end/length(end) * radius; // should be the last point
outputBuffer[0] = current+center; // insert the first point
for(int i=1;; i++) { // "break" will need to exit the loop, we need index only for the buffer
vec2 step = vec2(current.y, -(current.x)); // a tangential vector from current start point according to center
step = step/length(step) / tessellationScale; // normalize and apply tessellation
vec2 next = current + step; // move tangentially
next = next/length(next) * radius; // normalize and set the
if(dot(current-target, next-target) > .0) { // when we passed the target vector
current = next; // set the current point
outputBuffer[i] = current+center; // insert into buffer
else {
current = target; // simply use the target now
outputBuffer[i] = current+center; // insert into buffer
break; // exit
Rotating Asteroids ( Polygons )
I am trying to rotate asteroids(polygons) so that they look nice. I am doing this through multiple mathematical equations. To start I give the individual asteroid a rotation velocity:
rotVel = ((Math.random()-0.5)*Math.PI/16);
Then I create the polygon shape,
this.shape = new Polygon();
Followed by generating the points,
for (j = 0; j < s; j++) {
theta = 2 * Math.PI / s * j;
r = MIN_ROCK_SIZE + (int) (Math.random() * (MAX_ROCK_SIZE - MIN_ROCK_SIZE));
x = (int) -Math.round(r * Math.sin(theta)) + asteroidData[0];
y = (int) Math.round(r * Math.cos(theta)) + asteroidData[1];
shape.addPoint(x, y);
Finally, in a loop a method is being called in which it attempts to move the polygon and its points down as well as rotating them. (I'm just pasting the rotating part as the other one is working)
for (int i = 0; i < shape.npoints; i++) {
// Subtract asteroid's x and y position
double x = shape.xpoints[i] - asteroidData[0];
double y = shape.ypoints[i] - asteroidData[1];
double temp_x = ((x * Math.cos(rotVel)) - (y * Math.sin(rotVel)));
double temp_y = ((x * Math.sin(rotVel)) + (y * Math.cos(rotVel)));
shape.xpoints[i] = (int) Math.round(temp_x + asteroidData[0]);
shape.ypoints[i] = (int) Math.round(temp_y + asteroidData[1]);
now, the problem is that when it prints to the screen the asteroids appear to 'warp' or rather the x and y positions on some of the polygon points 'float' off course.
I've noticed that when I make 'rotVel' be a whole number the problem is solved however the asteroid will rotate at mach speeds. So I've concluded that the problem has to be in the rounding but no matter what I do I can't seem to find a way to get it to work as the Polygon object requires an array of ints.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Currently your asteroids rotate around (0 , 0) as far as i can see. Correct would be to rotate them around the center of the shape, which would be (n , m), where n is the average of all x-coordinates of the shape, and m is the average of all y-coordinates of the shape.
Your problem is definitely caused by rounding to int! The first improvement is to make all shape coordinates to be of type double. This will solve most of your unwanted 'effects'.
But even with double you might experience nasty rounding errors in case you do a lot of very small updates of the coordinates. The solution is simple: Just avoid iterative updates of the asteroid points. Every time, you update the coordinates based on the previous coordinates, the rounding error will get worse.
Instead, add a field for the rotation angle to the shape and increment it instead of the points themselves. Not until drawing the shape, you compute the final positions by applying the rotation to the points. Note that this will never change the points themselves.
You can extend this concept to other transformations (e.g. translation) too. What you get is some kind of local coordinate system for every shape/object. The points of the shape are defined in the local coordinate system. By moving and rotating this system, you can reposition the entire object anywhere in space.
public class Shape {
// rotation and position of the local coordinate system
private double rot, x, y;
// points of the shape in local coordinate system
private double[] xp, yp;
private int npoints;
// points of the shape in world coordinates
private int[][] wxp, wyp;
private boolean valid;
public void setRotation(double r) { this.rot = r; valid = false; }
public void setPosition(double x, double y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; valid = false; }
public void addPoint(double x, double y) {
// TODO: add point to xp, yp
valid = false;
public void draw(...) {
if (!valid) {
computeWorldCoordinates(wxp, wyp);
valid = true;
// TODO: draw shape at world coordaintes wxp and wyp
protected void computeWorldCoordinates(int[] xcoord, int[] ycoord) {
for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
double temp_x = xp[i] * Math.cos(rot) - yp[i] * Math.sin(rot);
double temp_y = xp[i] * Math.sin(rot) + yp[i] * Math.cos(rot);
xcoord[i] = (int) Math.round(x + temp_x);
ycoord[i] = (int) Math.round(y + temp_y);
I need to calculate the linear acceleration based on the accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer. I found an application for android, which does exactly what I want to achieve:
I'm trying to port it to a pure java. Because some elements of the code are based on virtual sensors (Gravity Sensor), I would like to achieve the same result by compute direction of gravity based on three basic sensors. I read that the force of gravity can be calculated using the Low Pass Filter (same as Android < 4.0), but this method does not give very accurate results.
From android 4.0, the force of gravity on each axis is calculated using sensor fusion. I found the code responsible for these measurements, but it is written in the CPP:
Method used there is called "getRotationMatrix". The same method in SensorManager.java class: https://gitorious.org/android-eeepc/base/source/9cb3e09ec49351401cf19b5ae5092dd9ca90a538:core/java/android/hardware/SensorManager.java#L1034
public static boolean getRotationMatrix(float[] R, float[] I,
float[] gravity, float[] geomagnetic) {
// TODO: move this to native code for efficiency
float Ax = gravity[0];
float Ay = gravity[1];
float Az = gravity[2];
final float Ex = geomagnetic[0];
final float Ey = geomagnetic[1];
final float Ez = geomagnetic[2];
float Hx = Ey*Az - Ez*Ay;
float Hy = Ez*Ax - Ex*Az;
float Hz = Ex*Ay - Ey*Ax;
final float normH = (float)Math.sqrt(Hx*Hx + Hy*Hy + Hz*Hz);
if (normH < 0.1f) {
// device is close to free fall (or in space?), or close to
// magnetic north pole. Typical values are > 100.
return false;
final float invH = 1.0f / normH;
Hx *= invH;
Hy *= invH;
Hz *= invH;
final float invA = 1.0f / (float)Math.sqrt(Ax*Ax + Ay*Ay + Az*Az);
Ax *= invA;
Ay *= invA;
Az *= invA;
final float Mx = Ay*Hz - Az*Hy;
final float My = Az*Hx - Ax*Hz;
final float Mz = Ax*Hy - Ay*Hx;
if (R != null) {
if (R.length == 9) {
R[0] = Hx; R[1] = Hy; R[2] = Hz;
R[3] = Mx; R[4] = My; R[5] = Mz;
R[6] = Ax; R[7] = Ay; R[8] = Az;
} else if (R.length == 16) {
R[0] = Hx; R[1] = Hy; R[2] = Hz; R[3] = 0;
R[4] = Mx; R[5] = My; R[6] = Mz; R[7] = 0;
R[8] = Ax; R[9] = Ay; R[10] = Az; R[11] = 0;
R[12] = 0; R[13] = 0; R[14] = 0; R[15] = 1;
if (I != null) {
// compute the inclination matrix by projecting the geomagnetic
// vector onto the Z (gravity) and X (horizontal component
// of geomagnetic vector) axes.
final float invE = 1.0f / (float)Math.sqrt(Ex*Ex + Ey*Ey + Ez*Ez);
final float c = (Ex*Mx + Ey*My + Ez*Mz) * invE;
final float s = (Ex*Ax + Ey*Ay + Ez*Az) * invE;
if (I.length == 9) {
I[0] = 1; I[1] = 0; I[2] = 0;
I[3] = 0; I[4] = c; I[5] = s;
I[6] = 0; I[7] =-s; I[8] = c;
} else if (I.length == 16) {
I[0] = 1; I[1] = 0; I[2] = 0;
I[4] = 0; I[5] = c; I[6] = s;
I[8] = 0; I[9] =-s; I[10]= c;
I[3] = I[7] = I[11] = I[12] = I[13] = I[14] = 0;
I[15] = 1;
return true;
takes four arguments:
float [] R, float [] I, float [] gravity, float [] Geomagnetic.
One of them is just gravity... The code I'm working on currently is similar to
with the exception of methods that refer to SensorManager. These are copied from android source:
I did not found any examples of how implement this in Java.
So my question is: How I can implement method (in java), based only on three basic sensors, which returns me array of gravity direction (x, y, z), similar to Android one, but without using Android API.
Gravity is a steady contribution in the accelerometer signals (x, y & z).
So, logically, to isolate the gravity values in function of time, just low-pass filter the 3 accelerometer signals, at a frequency of 2Hz, for example.
A simple FIR would do the job.
On this site
I calculated the following coefficients:
[0.000381, 0.001237, 0.002634, 0.004607, 0.007100, 0.009956, 0.012928,
0.015711, 0.017987, 0.019480, 0.020000, 0.019480, 0.017987, 0.015711,
0.012928, 0.009956, 0.007100, 0.004607, 0.002634, 0.001237, 0.000381]
based on those caracteristics:
Fa=0Hz, Fb=1Hz, Length=21Pts, Fs=100Hz, Att=60dB.
You will get a signal that will be the three values of gravity in function of time.
You can find here some FIR explaination and Java implementation.
What you want is the rotation matrix (SensorManager.getRotationMatrix). Its last three components (i.e. rotation[6], rotation[7], rotation[8]) are the vector that points straight up, thus the direction to the center of the earth is the negative of that. To subtract gravity from your accelerometer reading just multiply that vector by g (~9.8m/s^2, though you might want to know that more precisely).
I have a problem that I can't seem to get a working algorithm for, I've been trying to days and get so close but yet so far.
I want to draw a triangle defined by 3 points (p0, p1, p2). This triangle can be any shape, size, and orientation. The triangle must also be filled inside.
Here's a few things I've tried and why they've failed:
Drawing lines along the triangle from side to side
Failed because the triangle would have holes and would not be flat due to the awkwardness of drawing lines across the angled surface with changing locations
Iterate for an area and test if the point falls past the plane parallel to the triangle and 3 other planes projected onto the XY, ZY, and XZ plane that cover the area of the triangle
Failed because for certain triangles (that have very close sides) there would be unpredictable results, e.g. voxels floating around not connected to anything
Iterate for an area along the sides of the triangle (line algorithm) and test to see if a point goes past a parallel plane
Failed because drawing a line from p0 to p1 is not the same as a line from p1 to p0 and any attempt to rearrange either doesn't help, or causes more problems. Asymmetry is the problem with this one.
This is all with the intent of making polygons and flat surfaces. 3 has given me the most success and makes accurate triangles, but when I try to connect these together everything falls apart and I get issues with things not connecting, asymmetry, etc. I believe 3 will work with some tweaking but I'm just worn out from trying to make this work for so long and need help.
There's a lot of small details in my algorithms that aren't really relevant so I left them out. For number 3 it might be a problem with my implementation and not the algorithm itself. If you want code I'll try and clean it up enough to be understandable, it will take me a few minutes though. But I'm looking for algorithms that are known to work. I can't seem to find any voxel shape making algorithms anywhere, I've been doing everything from scratch.
Here's the third attempt. It's a mess, but I tried to clean it up.
// Point3i is a class I made, however the Vector3fs you'll see are from lwjgl
public void drawTriangle (Point3i r0, Point3i r1, Point3i r2)
// Util is a class I made with some useful stuff inside
// Starting values for iteration
int sx = (int) Util.min(r0.x, r1.x, r2.x);
int sy = (int) Util.min(r0.y, r1.y, r2.y);
int sz = (int) Util.min(r0.z, r1.z, r2.z);
// Ending values for iteration
int ex = (int) Util.max(r0.x, r1.x, r2.x);
int ey = (int) Util.max(r0.y, r1.y, r2.y);
int ez = (int) Util.max(r0.z, r1.z, r2.z);
// Side lengths
float l0 = Util.distance(r0.x, r1.x, r0.y, r1.y, r0.z, r1.z);
float l1 = Util.distance(r2.x, r1.x, r2.y, r1.y, r2.z, r1.z);
float l2 = Util.distance(r0.x, r2.x, r0.y, r2.y, r0.z, r2.z);
// Calculate the normal vector
Vector3f nn = new Vector3f(r1.x - r0.x, r1.y - r0.y, r1.z - r0.z);
Vector3f n = new Vector3f(r2.x - r0.x, r2.y - r0.y, r2.z - r0.z);
Vector3f.cross(nn, n, n);
// Determines which direction we increment for
int iz = n.z >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
int iy = n.y >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
int ix = n.x >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
// Reorganize for the direction of iteration
if (iz < 0) {
int tmp = sz;
sz = ez;
ez = tmp;
if (iy < 0) {
int tmp = sy;
sy = ey;
ey = tmp;
if (ix < 0) {
int tmp = sx;
sx = ex;
ex = tmp;
// We're we want to iterate over the end vars so we change the value
// by their incrementors/decrementors
ex += ix;
ey += iy;
ez += iz;
// Maximum length
float lmax = Util.max(l0, l1, l2);
// This is a class I made which manually iterates over a line, I already
// know that this class is working
GeneratorLine3d g0, g1, g2;
// This is a vector for the longest side
Vector3f v = new Vector3f();
// make the generators
if (lmax == l0) {
v.x = r1.x - r0.x;
v.y = r1.y - r0.y;
v.z = r1.z - r0.z;
g0 = new GeneratorLine3d(r0, r1);
g1 = new GeneratorLine3d(r0, r2);
g2 = new GeneratorLine3d(r2, r1);
else if (lmax == l1) {
v.x = r1.x - r2.x;
v.y = r1.y - r2.y;
v.z = r1.z - r2.z;
g0 = new GeneratorLine3d(r2, r1);
g1 = new GeneratorLine3d(r2, r0);
g2 = new GeneratorLine3d(r0, r1);
else {
v.x = r2.x - r0.x;
v.y = r2.y - r0.y;
v.z = r2.z - r0.z;
g0 = new GeneratorLine3d(r0, r2);
g1 = new GeneratorLine3d(r0, r1);
g2 = new GeneratorLine3d(r1, r2);
// Absolute values for the normal
float anx = Math.abs(n.x);
float any = Math.abs(n.y);
float anz = Math.abs(n.z);
int i, o;
int si, so;
int ii, io;
int ei, eo;
boolean maxx, maxy, maxz,
midy, midz, midx,
minx, miny, minz;
maxx = maxy = maxz =
midy = midz = midx =
minx = miny = minz = false;
// Absolute values for the longest side vector
float rnx = Math.abs(v.x);
float rny = Math.abs(v.y);
float rnz = Math.abs(v.z);
int rmid = Util.max(rnx, rny, rnz);
if (rmid == rnz) midz = true;
else if (rmid == rny) midy = true;
midx = !midz && !midy;
// Determine the inner and outer loop directions
if (midz) {
if (any > anx)
maxy = true;
si = sy;
ii = iy;
ei = ey;
else {
maxx = true;
si = sx;
ii = ix;
ei = ex;
else {
if (anz > anx) {
maxz = true;
si = sz;
ii = iz;
ei = ez;
else {
maxx = true;
si = sx;
ii = ix;
ei = ex;
if (!midz && !maxz) {
minz = true;
so = sz;
eo = ez;
else if (!midy && !maxy) {
miny = true;
so = sy;
eo = ey;
else {
minx = true;
so = sx;
eo = ex;
// GeneratorLine3d is iterable
Point3i p1;
for (Point3i p0 : g0) {
// Make sure the two 'mid' coordinate correspond for the area inside the triangle
if (midz)
do p1 = g1.hasNext() ? g1.next() : g2.next();
while (p1.z != p0.z);
else if (midy)
do p1 = g1.hasNext() ? g1.next() : g2.next();
while (p1.y != p0.y);
do p1 = g1.hasNext() ? g1.next() : g2.next();
while (p1.x != p0.x);
eo = (minx ? p0.x : miny ? p0.y : p0.z);
so = (minx ? p1.x : miny ? p1.y : p1.z);
io = eo - so >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
for (o = so; o != eo; o += io) {
for (i = si; i != ei; i += ii) {
int x = maxx ? i : midx ? p0.x : o;
int y = maxy ? i : midy ? p0.y : o;
int z = maxz ? i : midz ? p0.z : o;
// isPassing tests to see if a point goes past a plane
// I know it's working, so no code
// voxels is a member that is an arraylist of Point3i
if (isPassing(x, y, z, r0, n.x, n.y, n.z)) {
voxels.add(new Point3i(x, y, z));
You could use something like Besenham's line algorithm, but extended into three dimensions. The two main ideas we want to take from it are:
rotate the initial line so its slope isn't too steep.
for any given x value, find an integer value that is closest to the ideal y value.
Just as Bresenham's algorithm prevents gaps by performing an initial rotation, we'll avoid holes by performing two initial rotations.
Get the normal vector and point that represent the plane your triangle lies on. Hint: use the cross product of (line from p0 to p1) and (line from p0 to p2) for the vector, and use any of your corner points for the point.
You want the plane to be sufficiently not-steep, to avoid holes. You must satisfy these conditions:
-1 >= norm.x / norm.y >= 1
-1 >= norm.z / norm.y >= 1
Rotate your normal vector and initial points 90 degrees about the x axis and 90 degrees about the z axis until these conditions are satisfied. I'm not sure how to do this in the fewest number of rotations, but I'm fairly sure you can satisfy these conditions for any plane.
Create a function f(x,z) which represents the plane your rotated triangle now lies on. It should return the Y value of any pair of X and Z values.
Project your triangle onto the XZ plane (i.e., set all the y values to 0), and use your favorite 2d triangle drawing algorithm to get a collection of x-and-z coordinates.
For each pixel value from step 4, pass the x and z values into your function f(x,z) from step 3. Round the result to the nearest integer, and store the x, y, and z values as a voxel somewhere.
If you performed any rotations in step 2, perform the opposite of those rotations in reverse order on your voxel collection.
Start with a function that checks for triangle/voxel intersection. Now you can scan a volume and find the voxels that intersect the triangle - these are the ones you're interested in. This is a lousy algorithm but is also a regression test for anything else you try. This test is easy to implement using SAT (separating axis theorem) and considering the triangle a degenerate volume (1 face, 3 edges) and considering the voxels symmetry (only 3 face normals).
I use octtrees, so my preferred method is to test a triangle against a large voxel and figure out which of the 8 child octants it intersects. Then use recursion on the intersected children until the desired level of subdivision is attained. Hint: at most 6 of the children can be intersected by the triangle and often fewer than that. This is tricky but will produce the same results as the first method but much quicker.
Rasterization in 3d is probably fastest, but IMHO is even harder to guarantee no holes in all cases. Again, use the first method for comparison.
OK, so I'm trying to make a simple asteroids clone. Everything works fine, except for the collision detection.
I have two different versions, the first one uses java.awt.geom.Area:
// polygon is a java.awt.Polygon and p is the other one
final Area intersect = new Area();
intersect.add(new Area(polygon));
intersect.intersect(new Area(p.polygon));
return !intersect.isEmpty();
This works like a charm... if you don't care about 40% CPU for only 120 asteroids :(
So I searched the net for the famous separating axis theorem, since I'm not thaaaaaat good a the math I took the implementation from here and converted it to fit my Java needs:
public double dotProduct(double x, double y, double dx, double dy) {
return x * dx + y * dy;
public double IntervalDistance(double minA, double maxA, double minB,
double maxB) {
if (minA < minB) {
return minB - maxA;
} else {
return minA - maxB;
public double[] ProjectPolygon(double ax, double ay, int p, int[] x, int[] y) {
double dotProduct = dotProduct(ax, ay, x[0], y[0]);
double min = dotProduct;
double max = dotProduct;
for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
dotProduct = dotProduct(x[i], y[i], ax, ay);
if (dotProduct < min) {
min = dotProduct;
} else if (dotProduct > max) {
max = dotProduct;
return new double[] { min, max };
public boolean PolygonCollision(Asteroid ast) {
int edgeCountA = points;
int edgeCountB = ast.points;
double edgeX;
double edgeY;
for (int edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < edgeCountA + edgeCountB; edgeIndex++) {
if (edgeIndex < edgeCountA) {
edgeX = xp[edgeIndex] * 0.9;
edgeY = yp[edgeIndex] * 0.9;
} else {
edgeX = ast.xp[edgeIndex - edgeCountA] * 0.9;
edgeY = ast.yp[edgeIndex - edgeCountA] * 0.9;
final double x = -edgeY;
final double y = edgeX;
final double len = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
final double axisX = x / len;
final double axisY = y / len;
final double[] minMaxA = ProjectPolygon(axisX, axisY, points, xp,
final double[] minMaxB = ProjectPolygon(axisX, axisY, ast.points,
ast.xp, ast.yp);
if (IntervalDistance(minMaxA[0], minMaxA[1], minMaxB[0], minMaxB[1]) > 0) {
return false;
return true;
It works... kinda. Actually it seems that the "collision hull" of the asteroids is too big when using this code, it's like 1.2 times the size of the asteroid. And I don't have any clue why.
Here are two pictures for comparison:
As you can hopefully see, the asteroids in picture one are much denser than the ones in picture 2 where is use the SAT code.
So any ideas? Or does anyone knows a Polygon implementation for Java featuring intersection tests that I could use?
It looks like your second result is doing collision detection as if the polygons were circles with their radius set to the most distant point of the polygon from the center. Most collision detection stuff I've seen creates a simple bounding box (either a circle or rectangle) into which the polygon can fit. Only if two bounding boxes intersect (a far simpler calculation) do you continue on to the more detailed detection. Perhaps the appropriated algorithm is only intended as a bounding box calculator?
Also, from wikipedia
The theorem does not apply if one of the bodies is not convex.
Many of the asteroids in your image have concave surfaces.