In netty, how we can send string messages with different arbitrary length? - java

I want to send string message by netty. To do that I need to use StringDecoder and encoder as follows:
ch.pipeline().addLast("frameDecoder", new LineBasedFrameDecoder(**maxLength**));
ch.pipeline().addLast("stringDecoder", new StringDecoder(CharsetUtil.UTF_8));
// Encoder
ch.pipeline().addLast("stringEncoder", new StringEncoder(CharsetUtil.UTF_8));
It is nice, but the only part that make me disappointed in the maxLengh?! I don't know the maximum size of my string messages? Why it needs that, it can find string by a delimiter or \r\n why it need the maxLength?
Is there any way to send string messages without specifying a length for them? And by the way, if I set the limit to a large number, and only use the small portion, do I loose anything? Am I wasting space?
I am writing a distributed key-value store, servers in my system replicate new write to each other, I don't know how large is a the value of a key.

Everything has a beginning must have an end. What if no LF is sent to the server? That's why there is a max length. I believe you should set a limit of line length when designing this kind of system.
If you set a very large number, and only short lines are received, no space is wasted.

I found another post that can be used for sending string:
Netty channel.write not writing message
So using the method suggested there, I came up with this solution, but I don't if it is efficient.
String str = "Hello";
ctx.writeAndFlush(Unpooled.copiedBuffer(str, CharsetUtil.UTF_8)); // (3)
I first deifne an StringBuffer in the class as a member:
StringBuffer sBuf = new StringBuffer("");
Then in the channelRead I will have:
public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
System.out.println("Inside channelRead");
ByteBuf in = (ByteBuf) msg;
while (in.isReadable()) {
byte b = in.readByte();
char c = (char)b;
if (c == '\n') {
System.out.println("Client received: " + sBuf.toString());
sBuf = new StringBuffer("");
} else {
I know, it does not looks efficient, but I check the java code for readLine() method of the BufferReader that I used to use in in the traditional way here:
I think it is doing the same thing (which I don't like) it uses the StringBuffer and append method, it looks complex though, maybe that makes it more efficient than my simple idea :p
So what do you thing guys? I tested it, it works fine, the only concern is the efficiency.


how to read a large log file which other process current write

Create log file by day, one file about 400MB,JVM memory about 2GB。
Have one process write a large log file with 'a' mode。
I want to read this file and be able to achieve some functions:
Append read newly written data
I will store the offset to restore the read after jvm restart
This is my simple implementation, but I don't know if the time and memory consumption are good. I want to know if there is a better way to solve this problem
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String filePath = "D://test.log";
long restoreOffset = resotoreOffset();
RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(filePath, "r");;
while (true) {
String line = randomAccessFile.readLine();
if(line != null) {
// doSomething(line);
restoreOffset = randomAccessFile.getFilePointer();
It's not, unfortunately.
There are 2 major problems with this code. First I'll tackle the simple one, but the most important one is the second point.
Encoding issues
String line = randomAccessFile.readLine();
This line converts bytes to characters implicitly, and that's generally a bad idea, because bytes aren't characters, and converting from one to the other requires a charset encoding.
This method (readLine() from RAF) is a bizarre case - probably because RandomAccessFile is incredibly old API. Using this method will apply some bizarro ISO-8859-1 esque charset encoding: It converts bytes to chars by taking each byte as a complete char, assuming the byte represents the unicode character as listed, which isn't actually a sane encoding, just a lazy programmer.
The upshot for you is: Unless you can guarantee that this log file shall always only ever contain ASCII characters, this code is broken, and readLine cannot be used at all. Instead you'll have to do considerably more work: read bytes until you hit a newline, then turn the bytes so gathered into a string with new String(byteArray, StandardCharsets.UTF_8), or use ByteBuffer and apply similar tactics. But keep reading, because solving the second problem kinda solves this one automatically.
Modern computer systems tend to like 'packeting'. You can't really operate on a single byte. Take SSDs (though this applies to spinning platter disks as well): The actual SSD hardware can't read single bytes. It can only read entire blocks worth of data.
When you therefore ask the OS explicitly for a single byte, that ends up setting off a chain of events that causes the SSD to read the entire block, then pass that entire block to the operating system, which will then disregard everything except the one byte you wanted, and returns just that.
If your code then asks for the next byte, we do that routine again.
So, if you read 1024 bytes consecutively from an SSD that has 1024-byte blocks, doing so by calling read() 1024 times causes the SSD to perform 1024 reads, whereas calling read(byteArr) once, passing it a 1024-byte array, causes the SSD to perform a single read.
Yup, that means the byte array solution is literally 1000 times faster.
The same applies to networking, too. Sending 1 byte a thousand times is usually nearly 1000 times slower than sending 1000 bytes once; TCP/IP packets can carry about 1800 bytes worth of data, so sending any less than that gains you almost nothing.
RAF's readLine() works like the first (bad) scenario: It reads bytes one at a time until it hits a newline character. Thus, to read a 100 character string, it's 100x slower than just knowing you need to read 100 characters and reading them in one go.
The solution
You may want to abandon RandomAccessFile entirely, it's quite old API.
A major issue with buffering is that it's a lot harder unless you know how many bytes to read beforehand. Here, you don't know that: You want to keep reading until you hit a newline character, but you have no idea how long it'll be until we get there. Furthermore, buffering APIs tend to just return what's convenient, and may therefore read fewer bytes than we ask for (it'll always read at least 1, though, unless we hit end of file). So, we need to write code that will repeatedly read entire chunk's worth of data, analyse the chunk for a newline, and if it's not there, keep reading.
Furthermore, opening channels and such is expensive. So, if you want to dig through all log lines, writing code that opens a new channel every time is suboptimal.
How about this, using the newer file API from java.nio.file:
public class LogLineReader implements AutoCloseable {
private final byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
private final ByteBuffer bb = wrap(buffer);
private final SeekableByteChannel channel;
private final Charset charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
public LogLineReader(Path p) {
channel = Files.newByteChannel(p, StandardOpenOption.READ);
channel.position(111L); // you seek to pos 111 in your code...
#Override public void close() throws IOException {
// This code buffers: First, our internal buffer is scanned
// for a new line. If there is no full line in the buffer,
// we read bytes from the file and check again until we find one.
public String readLine() {
int len = 0;
if (!channel.isOpen()) return null;
int scanStart = 0;
while (true) {
// Scan through the bytes we have buffered for a newline.
for (int i = scanStart; i < buffer.position(); i++) {
if (buffer[i] == '\n') {
// Found it. Take all bytes up to the new line, turn into
// a string.
String res = new String(buffer, 0, i, charset);
// Copy all bytes from _after_ the newline to the front.
System.arraycopy(buffer, i + 1, buffer, 0, buffer.position() - i - 1);
// Adjust the position (which represents how many bytes are buffered).
buffer.position(buffer.position() - i - 1);
return res;
scanStart = buffer.position();
// If we get here, the buffer is empty or contains no newline.
if (scanStart == buffer.limit()) {
throw new IOException("Log line too long");
int read =; // let's fetch more bytes!
if (read == -1) {
// we've reached the end of the file.
if (buffer.position() == 0) return null;
return new String(buffer, 0, buffer.position(), charset);
For the sake of efficiency, this code cannot deal with log lines longer than 1024 in length; feel free to up that number. If you want to be capable of reading infinite size loglines, at some point a gigantic buffer is a problem. If you must, you could write code that resizes the buffer if you hit 1024, or you can update this code that it'll keep reading, but only returns a truncated string with the first 1024 characters. I'll leave that as an exercise for you.
NB: I also didn't test this, but at the very least it should give you the general gist of using SeekableByteChannel, and the concept of buffers.
To use:
Path p = Paths.get("D://logfile.txt");
try (LogLineReader reader = new LogLineReader(p)) {
for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine()) {
// do something with line
You must ensure the LLR object is closed, hence, use try-with-resources.

How to convert clob to string with encoding in java

We are doing massive batch of xml processing and the logic to convert clob to string is shown below.
import java.sql.Clob
String extractXml(Clob xmlClob) { "DefaultCharset: " + groovy.util.CharsetToolkit.getDefaultSystemCharset()
String sourceXml
try {
sourceXml = new String(IOUtils.toByteArray(xmlClob?.getCharacterStream()), encoding) // 1. Encoding not working
sourceXml = new String(IOUtils.toByteArray(xmlClob?.getCharacterStream(), encoding), encoding) // 2. Encoding working
} catch (Exception e) {
return sourceXml
My queries:
a. I am not sure why (1) doesn't work even though I am using getCharacterStream() instead of getAsciiStream().
but (2) seems to work fine may be I am using explicit overriding of system encoding ?
b. The solution (2) looks bit odd as you are specifing 2 times the encoding format (one for bytes array and one for string creation).
I am not sure if there are any performance issues or wondered if there are better ways to write them?
c. I thought of not using the Apache-commons libraries and use a simple java package solution.
But the suprising thing is, I did not give any explicit encoding but it seems to work perfectly.
Is it because It does "streams character -> straight to string buffering" ?
* working perfectly and retuns encoding correctly
String extractXmlWithoutApacheCommons(Clob xmlClob) { "DefaultCharset: " + groovy.util.CharsetToolkit.getDefaultSystemCharset()
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer((int) xmlClob.length())
try {
Reader r = xmlClob.getCharacterStream()
char[] cbuf = new char[2048]
int n = 0
while ((n =, 0, cbuf.length)) != -1) {
if (n > 0) {
sb.append(cbuf, 0, n)
} catch (Exception e) {
return sb.toString()
Can you guys please shed some light to understand them.
The Clob already has an encoding. It's whatever you've specified in the database, and once you read it on Java side it'll be a String (with the implicit UTF-16 encoding, not that it matters at all).
Whatever you think you're doing with all those encoding tricks is wrong and useless. You only need to specify an encoding when turning bytes to chars or the other way around. You're dealing with chars only (except in your first example where you for some unknown reason want to turn them to bytes).
If you want to use IOUtils, then readFully(Reader input, char[] buffer) would be the method to use.
The platform default encoding has no effect in this whole question, since you shouldn't be working with bytes at all.
A slightly more modern way with the standard JDK classes would be to use target) like
CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.allocate((int) xmlClob.length());
while( != -1)
return cb.toString();
but it doesn't really make a huge difference (it's a bit nicer looking).

Using something else instead of String

I have a big file and I want to do some „operations” on it.(find some text, check if some text exists, get the offset of some text, maybe changing the file).
My current aproach is this:
public ResultSet getResultSet(String fileName) throws IOException {
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(fileName);
byte[] buffer = new byte[CAPACITY];
byte[] doubleBuffer = new byte[2 * CAPACITY];
long len =;
while (true) {
String reconstitutedString = new String(doubleBuffer, 0 ,doubleBuffer.length);
// stuff
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
os.write(doubleBuffer, CAPACITY, CAPACITY);
readUntilNow += len;
len =;
if (len <= 0) {
os.write(buffer, 0, CAPACITY);
doubleBuffer = os.toByteArray();
return makeResult();
I would like to change the String reconstitutedString into something else. What would be the best alternative considering I want to be able to get some information about the content of that data, information that I may get calling an IndexOf on a String
You may use StringBuffer or StringBuilder . This two class has almost like String class with the advantage of mutability.
Moreover you can easily convert them to String whenever you required some functionality that only String provides. To convert them you can just use the toString() method.
You may use some other data type as an alternative to String based on your situation. But in general StringBuffer and StringBuilder is the best alternative instead of string. Use StringBuffer for synchronization and StringBuilder in other case.
The best type to do split or indexOf on is String. Just use it.
The most natural choice would be CharBuffer. Like String and StringBuilder it implements the CharSequence interface, therefore it can be used with a lot of text oriented APIs, most notably the regex engine which is the back-end for most search, split, and replacing operations.
What makes CharBuffer the natural choice is that it is also the type that is used by the charset package which provides the necessary operations for converting characters from and to bytes. By dealing with this API you can do the conversion directly from and to CharBuffers without additional data copying steps.
Note that Java’s regex API is prepared for processing buffers containing partially read files and can report whether reading more data might change the result (see hitEnd() and requireEnd()).
These are the necessary tools for building applications which can process large files in smaller chunks and without creating String instance out of it (or only when necessary, e.g. when extracting a matching subsequence).

how to append CR and LF to array returned by String.getBytes()

In going through some socket connection code of mine, I noticed this method:
public void write(String line) throws IOException, NullPointerException {
byte[] bytes = line.getBytes();
outputStream.write(bytes); // append 13 and 10 here before the write
and it occurs that I may be introducing some latency, perhaps, by writing the line and then appending CR and LF before flushing.
Would it be more efficient to append the CR and LF to the byte array, making for only a single call to outputStream.write() instead of three calls?
The context is a socket connection based MUD client. (No, SSH isn't an option, MUD games use telnet.)
Because it's not an ArrayList or something easy to work with, I'm not sure how big the array is, so I don't know the index to the last element. Iterate the Array into a new array, and then append CR and LF to the next elements? That seems weird. I'm not sure how to avoid a NullPointerException when adding to the end of the array.
If your outputStream object is at one level a BufferedOutputStream, then you are good. Nothing to worry about. However, even if you don't have a BufferedOutputStream, socket streams are always buffered, I think.
To answer your question, you could do something like this:
byte[] msg = line.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
byte[] output = new byte[msg.length + 2];
System.arraycopy(msg, 0, output, 0, msg.length);
output[msg.length] = (byte) 13;
output[msg.length] = (byte) 10;
Or even better would be:
byte[] msg = line.concat("\r\n").getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));

Reading characters from a file written with .net

I'm trying to use java to read a string from a file that was written with a .net binaryWriter.
I think the problem is because the .net binary writer uses some 7 bit format for it's strings. By researching online, I came across this code that is supposed to function like the binary reader's readString() method. This is in my CSDataInputStream class that extends DataInputStream.
public String readStringCS() throws IOException {
int stringLength = 0;
boolean stringLengthParsed = false;
int step = 0;
while(!stringLengthParsed) {
byte part = readByte();
stringLengthParsed = (((int)part >> 7) == 0);
int partCutter = part & 127;
part = (byte)partCutter;
int toAdd = (int)part << (step*7);
stringLength += toAdd;
char[] chars = new char[stringLength];
for(int i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) {
chars[i] = readChar();
return new String(chars);
The first part seems to be working as it is returning the correct amount of characters (7). But when it reads the characters they are all Chinese! I'm pretty sure the problem is with DataInputStream.readChar() but I have no idea why it isn't working... I have even tried using
to read the char to see if that would work, but it would just return different Chinese characters.
Maybe I need to emulate .net's way of reading chars? How would I go about doing that?
Is there something else I'm missing?
Okay, so you've parsed the length correctly by the sounds of it - but you're then treating it as the length in characters. As far as I can tell from the documentation it's the length in bytes.
So you should read the data into a byte[] of the right length, and then use:
return new String(bytes, encoding);
where encoding is the appropriate coding based on whatever was written from .NET... it will default to UTF-8, but it can be specified as something else.
As an aside, I personally wouldn't extend DataInputStream - I would compose it instead, i.e. make your type or method take a DataInputStream (or perhaps just take InputStream and wrap that in a DataInputStream). In general, if you favour composition over inheritance it can make code clearer and easier to maintain, in my experience.
