"Cast" a String Attribute to String Java [duplicate] - java

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Closed 6 years ago.
I have a little problem with Attributes. I am currently working on a project that parses emails from an LDAP server into the Java application that will be doing some interesting stuff with emails in the future.
I am currently having this code that takes emails from users on LDAP and it needs to put emails in the User class as seen in my code:
[some code here, TRY CATCH is also included]
LdapContext ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env, null);
NamingEnumeration<?> namingEnum2 = ctx.search("[path to the server]", "(objectClass=user)", getSimpleSearchControls());
System.out.println("Test: print emails from whole DIRECOTRY: \n");
while (namingEnum2.hasMore()) {
SearchResult result = (SearchResult) namingEnum2.next();
Attributes attrs = result.getAttributes();
/** This line above works fine, but every time there is no email
in User info, it prints "null" in some cases when there is
no email, which is not perfect. But this is just here to see
if everything works and indeed it does.**/
/**User Class accepts a String parameter, checks if it's empty
and all that, does some checking and etc... BUT! attrs.get("mail")
is an Attribute, NOT a String. And I need to somehow "cast" this
attribute to a String, so I can work with it.**/
User user = new User(attrs.get("mail")); //error yet,because the parameter is not a String.
User user = new User(attrs.get("mail").toString());//gives an expeption.
/** And I know that there is a toString() method in Attribute Class,
but it doesn't work, it gives an "java.lang.NullPointerException"
exception when I use it as attrs.get("mail").toString() **/
Here is User class's constructor:
public User(String mail){
eMail = "NO EMAIL!";
if (mail != null && !mail.isEmpty()){
eMail = mail;
eMail = "NO EMAIL!";

try this
User user = new User(attrs.get("mail")!=null?attrs.get("mail").toString():null);

First you need to check that given attribute exists by using != null (e.g. using Objects.toString which does that inside, or manual if) check, and then use either toString on the Attribute, just like println does inside:
User user = new User(Objects.toString(attrs.get("mail")));
Or you can also use (to retrieve a single value in the attribute, if you have many you need to use getAll):
Object mail = null;
if (attrs.get("mail") != null) {
mail = attrs.get("mail").get();
User user = new User(mail.toString());


How to initialize Email without hardcoding using sendgrid with java

How can I initialize email in my service class without hardcoding(eg : Email to = new Email("1234#gmail.com"). I use the following code to initialize my email but it returns some error. Help me to fix this. I'm using SendGrid API. Here is my service code:
Email to = new Email();
to.setEmail(emailIDTO.getTO()); //emailIDTO is an object of IDTO class
// IDTO class takes the value from the JSON request body and initializes it to the email object
And the relevant IDTO snippet:
public Email getTo(){
return to;
} // method getTo return the mail id of the recipient.
public Email createTo(EmailIDTO emailIDTO){
return null;
Error :
setEmail (java.lang.String) in Email cannot be applied to (com.sendgrid.Email)
Your code is failing because your emailIDTO.getTO() method is returning Email object, which you are trying to assign using method that accepts String parameter. The error is pretty self-explanatory in this case.
You can try one of the following:
Option 1 - set object directly from IDTO:
Email to = emailIDTO.getTO();
Option 2 - extract the string value:
Email to = new Email();
Caution - your IDTO.createTo() method returns null, which may have unexpected consequences. Perhaps you wanted to return to?

Ldap search by email value can't find records

I have written a Java application that searches Active directory via LDAP for user information. I have a list of instances of custom Person class that is passed in. In it I have either DN or email defined. I am modifying the search criteria accordingly. Here is the code:
for (Person person : members) {
boolean ready = false;
String filter = getConfig().getUserSearchFilter();
// (&(|(objectclass=user)(objectclass=person)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(objectclass=organizationalPerson)))
String base = person.getDistinguishedName();
if (base != null && !base.isEmpty()) {
ready = true;
} else if (person.getEmail() != null) {
base = getConfig().getMemberSearchBase();
// ou=Users,ou=Managed,dc=division,dc=company,dc=com
String mail = person.getEmail();
StringBuilder filterBuilder = new StringBuilder(filter);
int pIdx = filterBuilder.lastIndexOf(")");
filterBuilder.insert(pIdx, "(|(mail=" + mail + ")(x-personalmail=" + mail + "))");
filter = filterBuilder.toString();
LOG.debug("New value of a filter = {}", filter);
ready = true;
if (ready) {
try {
NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> search = getContext().search(base, filter, searchControls);
} catch (NamingException nex) {
throw new IOException(nex);
} else {
LOG.error("Incorrect search criteria for user {} of group {}. Person skipped", person.getName(), this.group.getName());
Code is working without errors, but when DN is specified it does find a person, but when email is defined it finds nothing.
However, If I copy generated filter string and pass it to ldapsearch command in a form of:
ldapsearch -LLL -x -H ldaps://my.ldap.server.com -D 'svc-acct#corp-dev.company.com' -W -b "ou=Users,ou=Managed,dc=division,dc=company,dc=com" '(&(|(objectclass=user)(objectclass=person)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(objectclass=organizationalPerson))(|(mail=person#domain.com)(x-personalmail=person#domain.com)))'
It does find this person perfectly.
Did anyone faced similar problem? Do you see any flaws in my code?
Please, do help me.
I did find the cause of my problem.
In the search control I had scope defined as OBJECT_SCOPE.
It does work when you are specifying DN, but with the search per one of the fields it fails finding the object.
I changed the scope to SUBTREE_SCOPE and everything started working as expected.

Can I use the ListUsers API to query a Cognito User Pool by a user's uuid?

The docs for cognito user pools can be found here:
In this they do not say whether you can query users by the automatically generated sub attribute, which is a uuid. It explicitly says you can't search for users by custom attributes, but sub/uuid is not a custom attribute. Weirdly though, in the list of searchable attributes sub/uuid is not one of them. Surely though you can look up users by their UUID, how would this be done though??
You know, I have used COgnito but never needed to look up via sub (or other params other than the username). I looked into it because surely you can, but it is not very clear (like a lot of their documentation). Here is what I saw that you could try... hope it helps man.
// the imported ListUsersResult is...
import com.amazonaws.services.cognitoidp.model.ListUsersRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.cognitoidp.model.ListUsersResult;
// class var
protected final AWSCognitoIdentityProviderClient identityUserPoolProviderClient;
// omitted stuff...
// initialize the Cognito Provider client. This is used to talk to the user pool
identityUserPoolProviderClient = new AWSCognitoIdentityProviderClient(new BasicAWSCredentials(AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY)); // creds are loaded via variables that are supplied to my program dynamically
identityUserPoolProviderClient.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(USER_POOL_REGION)); // var loaded
// ...some code omitted
ListUsersRequest listUsersRequest = new ListUsersRequest();
listUsersRequest.withUserPoolId(USER_POOL_ID); // id of the userpool, look this up in Cognito console
listUsersRequest.withFilter("sub=xyz"); // i THINK this is how the Filter works... the documentation is terribad
// get the results
ListUsersResult result = identityUserPoolProviderClient.listUsers(listUsersRequest);
List<UserType> userTypeList = result.getUsers();
// loop through them
for (UserType userType : userTypeList) {
List<AttributeType> attributeList = userType.getAttributes();
for (AttributeType attribute : attributeList) {
String attName = attribute.getName();
String attValue = attribute.getValue();
System.out.println(attName + ": " + attValue);
If you have the username you could get the user like this
// build the request
AdminGetUserRequest idRequest = new AdminGetUserRequest();
// call cognito for the result
AdminGetUserResult result = identityUserPoolProviderClient.adminGetUser(idRequest);
// loop through results

Lotus Notes - Mail Document - Principal/From,INetFrom, SentTime, ReceivedTime fields

I have a requirement to fetch the SenderName,SenderEmail,ToNames,ToEmails,CCNames,CcEmails from a lotus notes document instance.
Looking into lotus.domino.Document API I found out the method getItems. When I write the elements to the system.out values for SenderEmail, ToEmails and CcEmails can be found.
However values for SenderName(a.k.a From), ToNames cannot be derived that easily.
The values seems to be using an common name format. For example check check my system.output below.
Principal = "CN=Amaw Scritz/O=fictive"
$MessageID = "<OF0FF3779B.36590F8A-ON80257D15.001DBC47-65257D15.001DC804#LocalDomain>"
INetFrom = "AmawScritz#fictive.com"
Recipients = "CN=Girl1/O=fictive#fictive"
MailOptions = "0"
SaveOptions = "1"
From = "CN=Amaw Scritz/O=fictive"
AltFrom = "CN=Amaw Scritz/O=fictive"
SendTo = "CN=Girl1/O=fictive#fictive"
CopyTo = "CN=Girl2/O=fictive#fictive"
BlindCopyTo = ""
InetSendTo = "Girl1#fictive.com"
InetCopyTo = "Girl2#fictive.com"
$Abstract = "sasdasda"
$UpdatedBy = "CN=Amaw Scritz/O=fictive"
Body = "Hello World"
The question is how can I get 'Amaw Scritz' from the common name 'CN=Amaw Scritz/O=fictive'. Is there any look up mechanism that can be used. (I would prefer to have a option other than doing a substring of the common name)
is it possible to retrieve SentTime and ReceivedTime from mail document instance?
I know that there are two methods called getCreated and getLastModified. getCreated can be loosely associated with the SentTime and getLastModified can be loosely associated with ReceivedTime. Are there are other ways to get times for SentTime and ReceivedTime.
How can one distinguish whether a mail document is a Sent mail or a Received Mail?
You can use Name class.
Here example from this link:
import lotus.domino.*;
public class JavaAgent extends AgentBase {
public void NotesMain() {
try {
Session session = getSession();
AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext();
// (Your code goes here)
// Create a hierarchical name
Name nam = session.createName(
"CN=John B Goode/OU=Sales/OU=East/O=Acme/C=US");
// Returns:
// John B Goode
// John B Goode/Sales/East/Acme/US
// CN=John B Goode/OU=Sales/OU=East/O=Acme/C=US
} catch(Exception e) {
Use values of PostedDate field and DeliveredDate field of mail document.
Check that $Inbox folder contains your mail document. Or take a look at Dave Delay answer.
I agree with #nempoBu4 on Issues 1 and 2. I disagree with the answer to Issue 3. A received message can be removed from the inbox, so checking $Inbox doesn't help you distinguish between sent and received messages.
Assuming you have the document open, the best approach is to check two items. Sent and received messages both have a PostedDate item, but only a received message has a DeliveredDate item. Incidentally, a draft message has neither PostedDate or DeliveredDate.

insert a domain name into servlet authentication token

I am using Waffle for an SSO solution in my web-app.
Everything works fine but I would like to modify some functionality slightly:
Currently, if a user is not connected to the domain the SSO fails and opens a little authorization dialog:
The windows authorization requires the user name formatted like Domain\Username but most of my users will not know to add the domain in front of their username. So I would like to provide a default domain name if one is not specified.
I found a waffle function that I can override which will give me access to the decoded authentication token, I added a println to the waffle function and it shows the username in plain text (either with or without the domain depending on what is typed in the dialog):
public IWindowsSecurityContext acceptSecurityToken(String connectionId, byte[] token, String securityPackage) {
// I can see the passed username in the logs with this
System.out.println(new String(token));
// I don't understand any of the JNA stuff below this comment:
IWindowsCredentialsHandle serverCredential = new WindowsCredentialsHandleImpl(
null, Sspi.SECPKG_CRED_INBOUND, securityPackage);
SecBufferDesc pbServerToken = new SecBufferDesc(Sspi.SECBUFFER_TOKEN, Sspi.MAX_TOKEN_SIZE);
SecBufferDesc pbClientToken = new SecBufferDesc(Sspi.SECBUFFER_TOKEN, token);
NativeLongByReference pfClientContextAttr = new NativeLongByReference();
CtxtHandle continueContext = _continueContexts.get(connectionId);
CtxtHandle phNewServerContext = new CtxtHandle();
int rc = Secur32.INSTANCE.AcceptSecurityContext(serverCredential.getHandle(),
continueContext, pbClientToken, new NativeLong(Sspi.ISC_REQ_CONNECTION),
new NativeLong(Sspi.SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP), phNewServerContext,
pbServerToken, pfClientContextAttr, null);
WindowsSecurityContextImpl sc = new WindowsSecurityContextImpl();
switch (rc)
case W32Errors.SEC_E_OK:
// the security context received from the client was accepted
// if an output token was generated by the function, it must be sent to the client process
if (pbServerToken != null
&& pbServerToken.pBuffers != null
&& pbServerToken.cBuffers.intValue() == 1
&& pbServerToken.pBuffers[0].cbBuffer.intValue() > 0) {
// the server must send the output token to the client and wait for a returned token
_continueContexts.put(connectionId, phNewServerContext);
throw new Win32Exception(rc);
return sc;
That whole function is from the Waffle API I only added the println at the beginning.
The passed username prints in plain text inside this token between a bunch of random byte chars (ÉsR=ÍtÍö?æ¸+Û-).
I am admittedly in very far over my head with JNA and java in general but I thought that because I can see the username here there must be a way to prepend the domain name to the username part of this token? I could be wrong.
My other idea was to add the domain to the pbClientToken that is created from the raw byte[] token this method is passed.
The pbClientToken is a JNA Structure object derivative. It has the Stucture method writeField which looked promising but I can't seem to figure out what field I should write. The Structure.getFields method doesn't seem to be available from pbClientToken.
I was hoping that this was a simple problem for someone more familiar with byte[] processing or JNA.
You cannot do this. What happens behind this dialog is a call to LogonUser on the user's machine, which gives you a ticket, which is then sent to the server. Unfortunately the server is not in the same domain, so even if you manage to extract the username it's completely useless.
