HQL order by for two different fileds - java

I want to select data from Workflow table using order by.How to do so?
public Workflow getDocById(String id) {
Query queryWfManager = sessionfactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from Workflow where id =:id");
queryWfManager.setParameter("id", id);
Workflow wfManagerList = (Workflow) queryWfManager.list();
Query queryWfDetails = sessionfactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from WorkflowDetails where workflowCode =:workflowCode order by wfBlockId order by stepSeq");
queryWfDetails.setParameter("workflowCode", wfManagerList.getWorkflowCode());
List<WorkflowDetails> queryWfDetailList = queryWfDetails.list();
return wfManagerList;
Which One is correct Writing oreder by order by wfBlockId , stepSeq OR order by wfBlockId order by stepSeq?
public Workflow getDocById(String id) {
Query queryWfManager = sessionfactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from Workflow where id =:id");
queryWfManager.setParameter("id", id);
Workflow wfManagerList = (Workflow) queryWfManager.list();
Query queryWfDetails = sessionfactory.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from WorkflowDetails where workflowCode =:workflowCode order by wfBlockId , stepSeq");
queryWfDetails.setParameter("workflowCode", wfManagerList.getWorkflowCode());
List<WorkflowDetails> queryWfDetailList = queryWfDetails.list();
return wfManagerList;

Query queryWfDetails = sessionfactory.getCurrentSession()
.createQuery("FROM WorkflowDetails where workflowCode =:workflowCode ORDER BY wfBlockId , stepSeq");
The above query is correct.


How do i check if record already exists use same record else create in java using spring boot

I want to check if user alraedy exits use same data else create new record
public void on(ContentSaveUserEvent event) {
var existingRecord =classesCurriculumMapRepository.findByClassIdAndCurriculumMapId(Long.valueOf(event.getClassId()), event.getCurriculumMapId());
if (!existingRecord.isEmpty()) {
// here i want to use same record if already exits based on classid and curriculummapid
else {
Class_CurriculumMap classCurriculumMap= new Class_CurriculumMap();
classCurriculumMap.setId(new Class_CurriculumMapPK(Long.valueOf(event.getClassId()), event.getCurriculumMapId()));
classCurriculumMap.setDateLastModified(new Date());
the query i am using is:
#Query(value ="select * from class_curriculummap where ClassId =?1 And CurriculumMapId='?2'", nativeQuery = true)
List<Class_CurriculumMap> findByClassIdAndCurriculumMapId(Long classId, String curriculumMapId);
The response i am sending from postman is:
"classId": 1388126554733599886,
Replace your Query with below:
#Query(value ="select exists(select * from class_curriculummap where ClassId =?1 And CurriculumMapId='?2')", nativeQuery = true)
boolean isExists findByClassIdAndCurriculumMapId(Long classId, String curriculumMapId);
For more details, please refer to this article : Check if a row exists, otherwise insert

Hibernate makes unnecessary subquery to fetch data

I'm using Spring Boot 2.x, Spring Data REST, Spring HATEOAS.
I'm exposing a Repository over REST:
public interface DocumentRepository extends JpaRepository<Document, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor {
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
#Query("SELECT d FROM Document d LEFT JOIN FETCH Contact c ON d.contact.id=c.id WHERE d.type='SALES_ORDER' AND d.status='PENDING' AND d.store.id=:storeId AND (SELECT COUNT(row) FROM DocumentRow row JOIN ProductAvailability pa ON (pa.productCode=row.productCode AND pa.productType=row.productType) WHERE row.document.id=d.id AND row.product.id IS NOT NULL AND pa.qtyOnHand-pa.qtyAllocated < row.qty)=0")
Page<Document> findOrdersReadyToProcess(#Param("storeId") Long storeId, Pageable pageable);
Because I need some information of the Contact, I'm using a Spring Projection defined as:
#org.springframework.data.rest.core.config.Projection(name = "table", types = {Document.class})
public interface Projection {
Instant getCreatedDate();
Instant getDate();
boolean isElectronic();
BigDecimal getTotalAmount();
DocumentType getType();
String getCode();
String getFiscalReceiptNumber();
String getPurchaseRefCode();
DocumentStatus getStatus();
DocumentDeliveryStatus getDeliveryStatus();
boolean isAssemble();
ContactProjection getContact();
StoreProjection getStore();
and the ContactProjection is:
#Projection(types = {Contact.class})
public interface ContactProjection {
String getFullName();
Contact is defines as follows in Document entity:
#JsonDeserialize(using = ContactUriDeserializer.class)
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Contact contact;
However, when I call the endpoint Hibernate do N subquery to fetch Contact information:
Hibernate: select document0_.`id` as id1_12_, document0_.`createdBy` as createdB2_12_, document0_.`createdDate` as createdD3_12_, document0_.`lastModifiedBy` as lastModi4_12_, document0_.`lastModifiedDate` as lastModi5_12_, document0_.`sid` as sid6_12_, document0_.`version` as version7_12_, document0_.`amount` as amount8_12_, document0_.`assemble` as assemble9_12_, document0_.`code` as code10_12_, document0_.`contact_id` as contact36_12_, document0_.`costAmount` as costAmo11_12_, document0_.`date` as date12_12_, document0_.`deliveryDate` as deliver13_12_, document0_.`deliveryStatus` as deliver14_12_, document0_.`destinationStore_id` as destina37_12_, document0_.`electronic` as electro15_12_, document0_.`embeddedContact` as embedde16_12_, document0_.`eyeExam_id` as eyeExam38_12_, document0_.`fiscalReceiptDate` as fiscalR17_12_, document0_.`fiscalReceiptNumber` as fiscalR18_12_, document0_.`fiscalReceiptPrintDate` as fiscalR19_12_, document0_.`fiscalReceiptSerialNumber` as fiscalR20_12_, document0_.`grossMargin` as grossMa21_12_, document0_.`grossProfit` as grossPr22_12_, document0_.`number` as number23_12_, document0_.`numberSeries` as numberS24_12_, document0_.`paymentTerm_id` as payment39_12_, document0_.`paymentType` as payment25_12_, document0_.`project_id` as project40_12_, document0_.`purchaseRefCode` as purchas26_12_, document0_.`rounding` as roundin27_12_, document0_.`sourceStore_id` as sourceS41_12_, document0_.`status` as status28_12_, document0_.`store_id` as store_i42_12_, document0_.`stsTaxDeductionDenial` as stsTaxD29_12_, document0_.`supplyType` as supplyT30_12_, document0_.`taxAmount` as taxAmou31_12_, document0_.`totalAmount` as totalAm32_12_, document0_.`type` as type33_12_, document0_.`workingDistance` as working34_12_, document0_.`year` as year35_12_ from `Document` document0_ left outer join `Contact` contact1_ on (document0_.`contact_id`=contact1_.`id`) where document0_.`type`='SALES_ORDER' and document0_.`status`='PENDING' and document0_.`store_id`=? and (select count(documentro2_.`id`) from `DocumentRow` documentro2_ inner join `ProductAvailability` productava3_ on (productava3_.`productCode`=documentro2_.`productCode` and productava3_.`productType`=documentro2_.`productType`) where documentro2_.`document_id`=document0_.`id` and (documentro2_.`product_id` is not null) and productava3_.`qtyOnHand`-productava3_.`qtyAllocated`<documentro2_.`qty`)=0 limit ?
Hibernate: select contact0_.`id` as id1_6_0_, contact0_.`createdBy` as createdB2_6_0_, contact0_.`createdDate` as createdD3_6_0_, contact0_.`lastModifiedBy` as lastModi4_6_0_, contact0_.`lastModifiedDate` as lastModi5_6_0_, contact0_.`sid` as sid6_6_0_, contact0_.`version` as version7_6_0_, contact0_.`billingAddress` as billingA8_6_0_, contact0_.`billingCity` as billingC9_6_0_, contact0_.`billingCountry` as billing10_6_0_, contact0_.`billingDistrict` as billing11_6_0_, contact0_.`billingZipCode` as billing12_6_0_, contact0_.`birthCity` as birthCi13_6_0_, contact0_.`birthDate` as birthDa14_6_0_, contact0_.`certifiedEmail` as certifi15_6_0_, contact0_.`companyName` as company16_6_0_, contact0_.`email` as email17_6_0_, contact0_.`fax` as fax18_6_0_, contact0_.`firstName` as firstNa19_6_0_, contact0_.`fullName` as fullNam20_6_0_, contact0_.`gender` as gender21_6_0_, contact0_.`iban` as iban22_6_0_, contact0_.`job` as job23_6_0_, contact0_.`landlinePhone` as landlin24_6_0_, contact0_.`lastName` as lastNam25_6_0_, contact0_.`mobilePhone` as mobileP26_6_0_, contact0_.`personType` as personT27_6_0_, contact0_.`preset` as preset28_6_0_, contact0_.`publicAdministration` as publicA29_6_0_, contact0_.`sdiAccountId` as sdiAcco30_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingAddress` as shippin31_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingCity` as shippin32_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingCountry` as shippin33_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingDistrict` as shippin34_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingZipCode` as shippin35_6_0_, contact0_.`store_id` as store_i45_6_0_, contact0_.`computerUser` as compute36_6_0_, contact0_.`drivingFrequency` as driving37_6_0_, contact0_.`electronicDeviceUser` as electro38_6_0_, contact0_.`jobCategory` as jobCate39_6_0_, contact0_.`sporty` as sporty40_6_0_, contact0_.`swift` as swift41_6_0_, contact0_.`taxCode` as taxCode42_6_0_, contact0_.`type` as type43_6_0_, contact0_.`vatNumber` as vatNumb44_6_0_ from `Contact` contact0_ where contact0_.`id`=?
Hibernate: select store0_.`id` as id1_40_0_, store0_.`createdBy` as createdB2_40_0_, store0_.`createdDate` as createdD3_40_0_, store0_.`lastModifiedBy` as lastModi4_40_0_, store0_.`lastModifiedDate` as lastModi5_40_0_, store0_.`sid` as sid6_40_0_, store0_.`version` as version7_40_0_, store0_.`address` as address8_40_0_, store0_.`certifiedEmail` as certifie9_40_0_, store0_.`city` as city10_40_0_, store0_.`code` as code11_40_0_, store0_.`country` as country12_40_0_, store0_.`district` as distric13_40_0_, store0_.`email` as email14_40_0_, store0_.`fax` as fax15_40_0_, store0_.`landlinePhone` as landlin16_40_0_, store0_.`mobilePhone` as mobileP17_40_0_, store0_.`name` as name18_40_0_, store0_.`zipCode` as zipCode19_40_0_ from `Store` store0_ where store0_.`id`=?
Hibernate: select contact0_.`id` as id1_6_0_, contact0_.`createdBy` as createdB2_6_0_, contact0_.`createdDate` as createdD3_6_0_, contact0_.`lastModifiedBy` as lastModi4_6_0_, contact0_.`lastModifiedDate` as lastModi5_6_0_, contact0_.`sid` as sid6_6_0_, contact0_.`version` as version7_6_0_, contact0_.`billingAddress` as billingA8_6_0_, contact0_.`billingCity` as billingC9_6_0_, contact0_.`billingCountry` as billing10_6_0_, contact0_.`billingDistrict` as billing11_6_0_, contact0_.`billingZipCode` as billing12_6_0_, contact0_.`birthCity` as birthCi13_6_0_, contact0_.`birthDate` as birthDa14_6_0_, contact0_.`certifiedEmail` as certifi15_6_0_, contact0_.`companyName` as company16_6_0_, contact0_.`email` as email17_6_0_, contact0_.`fax` as fax18_6_0_, contact0_.`firstName` as firstNa19_6_0_, contact0_.`fullName` as fullNam20_6_0_, contact0_.`gender` as gender21_6_0_, contact0_.`iban` as iban22_6_0_, contact0_.`job` as job23_6_0_, contact0_.`landlinePhone` as landlin24_6_0_, contact0_.`lastName` as lastNam25_6_0_, contact0_.`mobilePhone` as mobileP26_6_0_, contact0_.`personType` as personT27_6_0_, contact0_.`preset` as preset28_6_0_, contact0_.`publicAdministration` as publicA29_6_0_, contact0_.`sdiAccountId` as sdiAcco30_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingAddress` as shippin31_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingCity` as shippin32_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingCountry` as shippin33_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingDistrict` as shippin34_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingZipCode` as shippin35_6_0_, contact0_.`store_id` as store_i45_6_0_, contact0_.`computerUser` as compute36_6_0_, contact0_.`drivingFrequency` as driving37_6_0_, contact0_.`electronicDeviceUser` as electro38_6_0_, contact0_.`jobCategory` as jobCate39_6_0_, contact0_.`sporty` as sporty40_6_0_, contact0_.`swift` as swift41_6_0_, contact0_.`taxCode` as taxCode42_6_0_, contact0_.`type` as type43_6_0_, contact0_.`vatNumber` as vatNumb44_6_0_ from `Contact` contact0_ where contact0_.`id`=?
Hibernate: select contact0_.`id` as id1_6_0_, contact0_.`createdBy` as createdB2_6_0_, contact0_.`createdDate` as createdD3_6_0_, contact0_.`lastModifiedBy` as lastModi4_6_0_, contact0_.`lastModifiedDate` as lastModi5_6_0_, contact0_.`sid` as sid6_6_0_, contact0_.`version` as version7_6_0_, contact0_.`billingAddress` as billingA8_6_0_, contact0_.`billingCity` as billingC9_6_0_, contact0_.`billingCountry` as billing10_6_0_, contact0_.`billingDistrict` as billing11_6_0_, contact0_.`billingZipCode` as billing12_6_0_, contact0_.`birthCity` as birthCi13_6_0_, contact0_.`birthDate` as birthDa14_6_0_, contact0_.`certifiedEmail` as certifi15_6_0_, contact0_.`companyName` as company16_6_0_, contact0_.`email` as email17_6_0_, contact0_.`fax` as fax18_6_0_, contact0_.`firstName` as firstNa19_6_0_, contact0_.`fullName` as fullNam20_6_0_, contact0_.`gender` as gender21_6_0_, contact0_.`iban` as iban22_6_0_, contact0_.`job` as job23_6_0_, contact0_.`landlinePhone` as landlin24_6_0_, contact0_.`lastName` as lastNam25_6_0_, contact0_.`mobilePhone` as mobileP26_6_0_, contact0_.`personType` as personT27_6_0_, contact0_.`preset` as preset28_6_0_, contact0_.`publicAdministration` as publicA29_6_0_, contact0_.`sdiAccountId` as sdiAcco30_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingAddress` as shippin31_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingCity` as shippin32_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingCountry` as shippin33_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingDistrict` as shippin34_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingZipCode` as shippin35_6_0_, contact0_.`store_id` as store_i45_6_0_, contact0_.`computerUser` as compute36_6_0_, contact0_.`drivingFrequency` as driving37_6_0_, contact0_.`electronicDeviceUser` as electro38_6_0_, contact0_.`jobCategory` as jobCate39_6_0_, contact0_.`sporty` as sporty40_6_0_, contact0_.`swift` as swift41_6_0_, contact0_.`taxCode` as taxCode42_6_0_, contact0_.`type` as type43_6_0_, contact0_.`vatNumber` as vatNumb44_6_0_ from `Contact` contact0_ where contact0_.`id`=?
Hibernate: select contact0_.`id` as id1_6_0_, contact0_.`createdBy` as createdB2_6_0_, contact0_.`createdDate` as createdD3_6_0_, contact0_.`lastModifiedBy` as lastModi4_6_0_, contact0_.`lastModifiedDate` as lastModi5_6_0_, contact0_.`sid` as sid6_6_0_, contact0_.`version` as version7_6_0_, contact0_.`billingAddress` as billingA8_6_0_, contact0_.`billingCity` as billingC9_6_0_, contact0_.`billingCountry` as billing10_6_0_, contact0_.`billingDistrict` as billing11_6_0_, contact0_.`billingZipCode` as billing12_6_0_, contact0_.`birthCity` as birthCi13_6_0_, contact0_.`birthDate` as birthDa14_6_0_, contact0_.`certifiedEmail` as certifi15_6_0_, contact0_.`companyName` as company16_6_0_, contact0_.`email` as email17_6_0_, contact0_.`fax` as fax18_6_0_, contact0_.`firstName` as firstNa19_6_0_, contact0_.`fullName` as fullNam20_6_0_, contact0_.`gender` as gender21_6_0_, contact0_.`iban` as iban22_6_0_, contact0_.`job` as job23_6_0_, contact0_.`landlinePhone` as landlin24_6_0_, contact0_.`lastName` as lastNam25_6_0_, contact0_.`mobilePhone` as mobileP26_6_0_, contact0_.`personType` as personT27_6_0_, contact0_.`preset` as preset28_6_0_, contact0_.`publicAdministration` as publicA29_6_0_, contact0_.`sdiAccountId` as sdiAcco30_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingAddress` as shippin31_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingCity` as shippin32_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingCountry` as shippin33_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingDistrict` as shippin34_6_0_, contact0_.`shippingZipCode` as shippin35_6_0_, contact0_.`store_id` as store_i45_6_0_, contact0_.`computerUser` as compute36_6_0_, contact0_.`drivingFrequency` as driving37_6_0_, contact0_.`electronicDeviceUser` as electro38_6_0_, contact0_.`jobCategory` as jobCate39_6_0_, contact0_.`sporty` as sporty40_6_0_, contact0_.`swift` as swift41_6_0_, contact0_.`taxCode` as taxCode42_6_0_, contact0_.`type` as type43_6_0_, contact0_.`vatNumber` as vatNumb44_6_0_ from `Contact` contact0_ where contact0_.`id`=?
I want to avoid this N+1 SELECT problem! I tried several modification to the query, but every time I ended up to have these subqueries.
Am I doing something wrong? Why Hibernate doesn't fetch contact property and avoid subsequent subqueries?
Any hint would be appreciated.
Try to add the following annotation to your repository method:

How to delete an entity by two attributes in Hibernate?

i've come across a problem in these days, which would be simple for other languages, like php, but the project I'm doing is in Spring MVC.
The question is: In Spring MVC, how can i delete an entity with two attributes ids coming from this entity?
Example: "Delete from Entity Where id1 =: id1 and id2 =: id2" (This is the query that i want)
Thanks for the attention.
What i was trying ...
public boolean remover(int idUsuario, int idCategoria) {
EntityManagerFactory factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(PERSISTENCE_UNIT);
EntityManager manager = factory.createEntityManager();
String hqlStr = "delete from UsuarioEscolheCategoria where idUsuario = :idUsuario and idCategoria = :idCategoria";
Query query = null;
try {
query = manager.createQuery(hqlStr);
query.setParameter("idUsuario", idUsuario);
query.setParameter("idCategoria", idCategoria);
return true;
}catch(Exception e) {
return false;
If i take the exception, it gives me:
String hqlStr = "delete from UsuarioEscolheCategoria where usuario.idUsuario = :idUsuario and categoria.idCategoria = :idCategoria";
The important part is usuario.idUsuario and categoria.idCategoria. That way you're making a reference to the attribute type Usuario, which is on your model class.
you prblem is the session factory, check how you have created it, here a simple usefull example:
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
protected Session getSession() {
return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
public void deleteById(Integer id) {
Query query = getSession().createSQLQuery("delete from TABLE where id = :t_id");
query.setInteger("t_id", id);

How to convert hql to sql and apply filters on it?

I call this method to convert hql query to sql:
public String toSql(String hqlQueryText) {
if (hqlQueryText != null && hqlQueryText.trim().length() > 0) {
QueryTranslatorFactory translatorFactory = new ASTQueryTranslatorFactory();
SessionFactoryImplementor factory = (SessionFactoryImplementor) sessionFactory;
QueryTranslator translator = translatorFactory.createQueryTranslator(hqlQueryText, hqlQueryText, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, factory, null);
translator.compile(Collections.EMPTY_MAP, false);
return translator.getSQLString();
return null;
and I have this filter in .hbm.xml file of domain class:
<filter name="userAuthorize" condition="some sql query here" />
but I don't know how I should tell hibernate to apply this filter when converting from hql to sql.
Assume that I call above method like this:
public Session getSession() {
try {
return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
catch (Exception e) {
return sessionFactory.openSession();
public List<DomainClass> getAll() {
String hql = " some hql query ";
Session session = getSession();
String sql = toSql(hql);
return session.createSQLQuery(sql).list();
Not a great Idea. But maybe It helps.
HQL and SQL have some differences, for instance with join , 'on' is used in SQL and 'with' is used in HQL.
So maybe you can use list of words that are unique to HQL and check for them in your String using
hql.contains("with") or hql.indexOf("with").
It is not the responsibility of the QueryTranslator to apply filters. Also, filters don't get applied to native SQL.
It looks like you just want to execute the HQL query? There is no need to have it translated to SQL first:
public List<DomainClass> getAll() {
String hql = " some hql query ";
return session.createQuery(hql).list();

How to insert values into database using queries using entity manager, persistence using a java class?

I want to insert data into a table using the following code
public User registerUser(String usr, String pwd) {
return null;
String query1 = "insert into users values('" + usr + "','" + pwd +"')";
Query q = em.createQuery(query1);
return u;
here 'u' is the object of User class and em is EntityManager.
I get this following exception:
Servlet.service() for servlet action threw exception
org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: expecting OPEN, found 'values' near line 1, column 19 [insert into users values('pawan','am')]
public User registerUser(String usr, String pwd) {
return null;
//Now saving...
em.persist(u); //em.merge(u); for updates
return u;
If the PK is Identity, it will be set automatically in your persisted class, if you are using auto generation strategy (thanks to David Victor).
Edit to #aman_novice comment:
set it in your class
//Do this BEFORE getTransaction/persist/commit
//Set names are just a example, change it to your class setters
//Now you can persist or merge it, as i said in the first example
About #David Victor, sorry I forgot about that.
You're not using SQL but JPAQL, there is no field-based insert. You persist object rather than inserting rows.
You should do something like this:
public User registerUser(String usr, String pwd) {
return u;
u = new User(usr, pwd);
return u;
This isn't really the way to go. You are trying to insert a row in a table but have no associated attached entity. If you're using the JPA entity manager - then create a new instance - set the properties & persist the entity.
User u = new User();
// em.flush() <<-- Not required, useful for seeing what is happening
// etc..
If you enable SQL loggging in Hibernate & flush the entity then you'll see what is sent to the database.
E.g. in persistence.xml:
<property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true" />
