I am trying to find the maven dependencies required to successfully run a Hibernate 5 application with MySQL database.
Maven Dependencies for Hibernate5 and for mysql connector:
<!-- Hibernate5 dependecy-->
<!-- MySQL database driver -->
The following dependancies needs to be added to successfully run Hibernate 5 with mySQL database.
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.hibernate/hibernate-validator -->
I had database connection issues on my Java project because of mysql's replacement with mariadb on Debian 10. I am using HikariCP to connect, I updated the code so that it works with mariadb :
HikariConfig hikariConfig = new HikariConfig();
hikariConfig.setDriverClassName("org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver"); // added after internet research about hikaricp and mariadb
hikariConfig.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/" + db);
I upgraded my HikariCP setup : I replaced 2.7.8 with 3.4.5 (even though I don't know what's the difference) and added the mysql-connector dependency after viewing this post (btw there is no version for this guy's mysql-connector in his pom.xml but I had to put one so I chosed 6.0.6) and I am still getting a Java error :
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to load driver class org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver in either of HikariConfig class loader or Thread context classloader
at com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig.setDriverClassName(HikariConfig.java:486)
pom.xml dependencies
Thank you for reading me, I hope someone has a solution
You are using mariadb now, not mysql. Change
I'm trying to move from wildfly9 to wildfly 10.
My code works properly on wildfly9
But when I try to deploy my ejb module on wildfly 10 I get the following error:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.dom4j.DocumentFactory cannot be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory
I tried all the options available out there to correct this error but nothing helped me.
Here are the dependencies that i have in my pom
<!-- ehcache dependency -->
<!-- ehcache dependency -->
<!-- dependencies require for test asserts -->
<!-- <dependency> <groupId>za.co.ecommunicate</groupId> <artifactId>pl4sms-web</artifactId>
<version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> </dependency> -->
According to the solutions available I have found the the problem is related to hibernate, I have updated hibernate dependencies, changing the scope and also adding dom4j dependency but nothing worked.
The same module gets deployed without any problem on wildfly 9.
Can anybody help me out in resolving this error.
I have found the solution of my question may be it will help others.
i got the solution from this blog.
I added the line in my war's MANIFEST.MF file:
Open {your war}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Add this line at the end - Dependencies: org.dom4j export
and added the following line in persistence.xml:
<property name="hibernate.listeners.envers.autoRegister" value="false"/ >
And it worked for me.
You problem is this:
It brings in the old dom4j jar: Reference this ticket: org.dom4j.DocumentFactory cannot be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory.
You either need to remove it, declare it as provided in scope, or not run the application on the Wildfly Server (which is probably not your preferred option).
I'm using Hibernate Spatial in combination with Postgis and Java Spring Boot.
When my service starts pulling records from the database everything works fine, but the code ends up in org.hibernate.spatial.jts.mgeom.MCoordinate.
I would like to use default measure-less Coordinates instead, because other components of my application are not used to work with MCoordinate (and M-like geometries).
I guess it is a dependency issue? What should I have done differently?
DATABASE Postgres, Postgis; In my database I have a GEOMETRY field.
dialect org.hibernate.spatial.dialect.postgis.PostgisDialect
ENTITY In my domain class I have the following:
#Column(name="myfield", columnDefinition="Geometry")
private Polygon myField;
I have been trying to integrate Struts 2 with Zero Configuration, Spring, Hibernate and Maven.
But, what I think there must be something which I am missing in integration and it must be related to the configuration of Maven's Pom.xml:
<!-- Struts 2 + Spring plugins -->
<!-- MySQL database driver -->
<!-- Spring framework -->
<!-- Hibernate core -->
<!-- Hibernate core library dependency start -->
<!-- Hibernate core library dependency end -->
<!-- Hibernate query library dependency start -->
As when I use this configuration it gives me an error
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.finder.UrlSet.<init>(Lcom/opensymphony/xwork2/util/finder/ClassLoaderInterface;Ljava/util/Set;)V
And instead of opensymphony XWork libaray I use dependency of
It throws me this exception
Caused by: Unable to load configuration. - [unknown location]
at com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.ConfigurationManager.getConfiguration(ConfigurationManager.java:58)
When you upgrade the version of Struts2, you have to update the libraries requires by your application to the target version. Each distro of Struts2 supplied with the corresponding set of libraries in the lib folder that are compatible with the version of distro. If you use maven to resolve and fetch the dependencies you should consider the artifact struts2-core.
It will fetch all required dependencies for this artifact, other dependencies, such as plugins you need to add separately. Use the same version targeted to plugins. For example to add a convention plugin use
The targeted version number I've chosen 2.3.8 but it's possibly incompatible with the other features i.e. Hibernate and Spring which versions need to upgrade separately by adding corresponding artifacts to the dependencies.
And finally and most time consuming is changes to the source code of the project, update the configuration files according to newer DTDs , API changes, fix deprecations. For this purpose consider reading the release notes.
Also see the example of developing a Maven project: Create Struts 2 Web Application Using Maven To Manage Artifacts and To Build The Application.
I have a IDEA project using maven2.
I want to use hibernate + mysql, what dependancies do I need?
first of all, I separate the versions from the artifacts:
then I reference them like this:
<!-- perhaps using scope = provided, as this will often
be present on the app server -->
<!-- or hibernate-entitymanager if you use jpa -->
That way you keep the versions all in one place and can easily update them, especially if you reference e.g. multiple spring artifacts.
BTW: these should be the current versions, but you can always look up current versions using MvnRepository.com
Pasting these dependencies into pom.xml after <depdendencies> should work:
<!-- MySQL database driver -->
<!-- Hibernate framework -->
<!-- Hibernate library dependecy start -->
<!-- Hibernate library dependecy end -->
Shamelessly cloned from http://www.mkyong.com/hibernate/quick-start-maven-hibernate-mysql-example/ (with the addition of jta as recommended by a commenter)
You may want to tweak the version numbers on the dependencies.
IntelliJ IDEA 9 can find Maven dependencies based on class name. If you start using a class which isn't available in the current dependencies you can get IntelliJ to help find it by using Alt-Enter.
I used this to great effect with a Java-base Subversion hook implementation I am building at work. I was able to get SVNKit and Google Guice dependencies into my project fairly easily this way.
MySQL in your case may be trickier since it is more of a runtime dependency when using Hibernate.