Can somebody direct me to a right approach ?
Do I need first to create a tree after parsing the input and then trasverse it ?
The input is given in the following form:
Sample input:
a: {
b: {
c: { d: "" },
c1: ""
x: { b: "" },
m: ""
Here is a JS solution that uses recursion to process each path.
function parse(paths) {
var resultObj = {};
paths.forEach(function(path) {
var nodes = path.split("/");
recurse(nodes, resultObj);
function recurse(path, obj) {
if (!path.length)
return obj;
var node = path.shift();
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(node))
obj[node] = path.length ? {} : "";
return recurse(path, obj[node]);
var arr = ["a/b/c1", "x/b", "a/b/c/d", "m"];
If you want to do this in python, you could do this:
output = {}
lines = ["a/b/c1", "x/b", "a/b/c/d", "m"]
for line in lines:
nodePath = line.split('/')
current = output
for node in nodePath[:-1]:
current[node] = {} if node not in current else current[node]
current = current[node]
current[nodePath[-1]] = ""
print output # gives us {'a': {'b': {'c1': '', 'c': {'d': ''}}}, 'x': {'b': ''}, 'm': ''}
Then turn output into json however you want.
I have string like this.
val input = "perm1|0,perm2|2,perm2|1"
Desired output type is
val output: Set<String, Set<Long>>
and desired output value is
{perm1 [], perm2 [1,2] }
Here I need empty set if value is 0. I am using groupByTo like this
val output = input.split(",")
.map { it.split("|") }
keySelector = { it[0] },
valueTransform = { it[1].toLong() }
However the output structure is like this
MutableMap<String, MutableList<Long>>
and output is
{perm1 [0], perm2 [1,2] }
I am looking for best way to get desired output without using imperative style like this.
val output = mutableMapOf<String, Set<Long>>()
input.split(",").forEach {
val t = it.split("|")
if (t[1].contentEquals("0")) {
output[t[0]] = mutableSetOf()
if (output.containsKey(t[0]) && !t[1].contentEquals("0")) {
output[t[0]] = output[t[0]]!! + t[1].toLong()
if (!output.containsKey(t[0]) && !t[1].contentEquals("0")) {
output[t[0]] = mutableSetOf()
output[t[0]] = output[t[0]]!! + t[1].toLong()
You can simply use mapValues to convert values type from List<Long> to Set<Long>
var res : Map<String, Set<Long>> = input.split(",")
.map { it.split("|") }
.groupBy( {it[0]}, {it[1].toLong()} )
.mapValues { it.value.toSet() }
And of you want to replace list of 0 with empty set you can do it using if-expression
var res : Map<String, Set<Long>> = input.split(",")
.map { it.split("|") }
.groupBy( {it[0]}, {it[1].toLong()} )
.mapValues { if(it.value == listOf<Long>(0)) setOf() else it.value.toSet() }
Note that you cannot have Set with key-value pair, result will be of type map. Below code gives sorted set in the values.
val result = "perm1|0,perm2|2,perm2|1".split(",")
.map {
val split = it.split("|")
split[0] to split[1].toLong()
}.groupBy({ it.first }, { it.second })
.mapValues { it.value.toSortedSet() }
While the other answer(s) might be easier to grasp, they build immediate lists and maps in between, that are basically discarded right after the next operation. The following tries to omit that using splitToSequence (Sequences) and groupingBy (see Grouping bottom part):
val result: Map<String, Set<Long>> = input.splitToSequence(',')
.map { it.split('|', limit = 2) }
.groupingBy { it[0] }
.fold({ _, _ -> mutableSetOf<Long>() }) { _, accumulator, element ->
accumulator.also {
You can of course also filter out the addition of 0 in the set with a simple condition in the fold-step:
// alternative fold skipping 0-values, but keeping keys
.fold({ _, _ -> mutableSetOf<Long>() }) { _, accumulator, element ->
accumulator.also {
val value = element[1].toLong()
if (value != 0L)
Alternatively also aggregating might be ok, but then your result-variable needs to change to Map<String, MutableSet<Long>>:
val result: Map<String, MutableSet<Long>> = // ...
.aggregate { _, accumulator, element, first ->
(if (first) mutableSetOf<Long>() else accumulator!!).also {
val value = element[1].toLong()
if (value != 0L)
In the library json4s, I intend to write a weakly typed deserializer for some malformed data (mostly the result of XML -> JSON conversions)
I want the dynamic program to get the type information of a given constructor (easy, e.g. 'Int'), apply it on a parsed string (e.g. "12.51"), automatically convert string into the type (in this case 12.51 should be typecasted to 13), then call the constructor.
I come up with the following implementation:
import org.json4s.JsonAST.{JDecimal, JDouble, JInt, JString}
import org.json4s._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object WeakNumDeserializer extends Serializer[Any] {
def cast[T](cc: Class[T], v: Any): Option[T] = {
implicit val ctg: ClassTag[T] = ClassTag(cc)
try {
catch {
case e: Throwable =>
override def deserialize(implicit format: Formats): PartialFunction[(TypeInfo, JValue), Any] = Function.unlift{
tuple: (TypeInfo, JValue) =>
tuple match {
case (TypeInfo(cc, _), JInt(v)) =>
cast(cc, v)
case (TypeInfo(cc, _), JDouble(v)) =>
cast(cc, v)
case (TypeInfo(cc, _), JDecimal(v)) =>
cast(cc, v)
case (TypeInfo(cc, _), JString(v)) =>
cast(cc, v.toDouble)
case _ =>
However executing the above code on a real Double => Int case always yield IllegalArgumentException. Debugging reveals that the line:
does not convert Double type to Int in memory, it remains as a Double number after type erasure, and after it is used in reflection to call the constructor it triggers the error.
How do I bypass this and make the reflective function figuring this out?
Is there a way to tell the Java compiler to actually convert it into an Int type?
UPDATE: to help validating your answer I've posted my test cases:
case class StrStr(
a: String,
b: String
case class StrInt(
a: String,
b: Int
case class StrDbl(
a: String,
b: Double
case class StrIntArray(
a: String,
b: Array[Int]
case class StrIntSeq(
a: String,
b: Seq[Int]
case class StrIntSet(
a: String,
b: Set[Int]
class WeakSerializerSuite extends FunSuite with TestMixin{
implicit val formats = DefaultFormats ++ Seq(StringToNumberDeserializer, ElementToArrayDeserializer)
import org.json4s.Extraction._
test("int to String") {
val d1 = StrInt("a", 12)
val json = decompose(d1)
val d2 = extract[StrStr](json)
test("string to int") {
val d1 = StrStr("a", "12")
val json = decompose(d1)
val d2 = extract[StrInt](json)
test("double to int") {
val d1 = StrDbl("a", 12.51)
val json = decompose(d1)
val d2 = extract[StrInt](json)
test("int to int array") {
val d1 = StrInt("a", 12)
val json = decompose(d1)
val d2 = extract[StrIntArray](json)
d2.copy(b = null).toString.shouldBe("StrIntArray(a,null)")
test("int to int seq") {
val d1 = StrInt("a", 12)
val json = decompose(d1)
val d2 = extract[StrIntSeq](json)
test("int to int set") {
val d1 = StrInt("a", 12)
val json = decompose(d1)
val d2 = extract[StrIntSet](json)
test("string to int array") {
val d1 = StrStr("a", "12")
val json = decompose(d1)
val d2 = extract[StrIntArray](json)
d2.copy(b = null).toString.shouldBe("StrIntArray(a,null)")
test("string to int seq") {
val d1 = StrStr("a", "12")
val json = decompose(d1)
val d2 = extract[StrIntSeq](json)
test("string to int set") {
val d1 = StrStr("a", "12")
val json = decompose(d1)
val d2 = extract[StrIntSet](json)
I've found the first solution, TL:DR: its totally absurd & illogical, and absolutely full of boilerplates for a established strongly typed language. Please post your answer deemed any better:
abstract class WeakDeserializer[T: Manifest] extends Serializer[T] {
// final val tpe = implicitly[Manifest[T]]
// final val clazz = tpe.runtimeClass
// cannot serialize
override def serialize(implicit format: Formats): PartialFunction[Any, JValue] = PartialFunction.empty
object StringToNumberDeserializer extends WeakDeserializer[Any] {
override def deserialize(implicit format: Formats): PartialFunction[(TypeInfo, JValue), Any] = {
case (TypeInfo(cc, _), JString(v)) =>
cc match {
case java.lang.Byte.TYPE => v.toByte
case java.lang.Short.TYPE => v.toShort
case java.lang.Character.TYPE => v.toInt.toChar
case java.lang.Integer.TYPE => v.toInt
case java.lang.Long.TYPE => v.toLong
case java.lang.Float.TYPE => v.toFloat
case java.lang.Double.TYPE => v.toDouble
case java.lang.Boolean.TYPE => v.toBoolean
//TODO: add boxed type
object ElementToArrayDeserializer extends WeakDeserializer[Any] {
val listClass = classOf[List[_]]
val seqClass = classOf[Seq[_]]
val setClass = classOf[Set[_]]
val arrayListClass = classOf[java.util.ArrayList[_]]
override def deserialize(implicit format: Formats): PartialFunction[(TypeInfo, JValue), Any] = {
case (ti# TypeInfo(this.listClass, _), jv) =>
List(extractInner(ti, jv, format))
case (ti# TypeInfo(this.seqClass, _), jv) =>
Seq(extractInner(ti, jv, format))
case (ti# TypeInfo(this.setClass, _), jv) =>
Set(extractInner(ti, jv, format))
case (ti# TypeInfo(this.arrayListClass, _), jv) =>
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
new java.util.ArrayList[Any](List(extractInner(ti, jv, format)).asJava)
case (ti# TypeInfo(cc, _), jv) if cc.isArray =>
val a = Array(extractInner(ti, jv, format))
mkTypedArray(a, firstTypeArg(ti))
def mkTypedArray(a: Array[_], typeArg: ScalaType) = {
import java.lang.reflect.Array.{newInstance => newArray}
a.foldLeft((newArray(typeArg.erasure, a.length), 0)) { (tuple, e) => {
java.lang.reflect.Array.set(tuple._1, tuple._2, e)
(tuple._1, tuple._2 + 1)
def extractInner(ti: TypeInfo, jv: JValue, format: Formats): Any = {
val result = extract(jv, firstTypeArg(ti))(format)
def firstTypeArg(ti: TypeInfo): ScalaType = {
val tpe = ScalaType.apply(ti)
val firstTypeArg = tpe.typeArgs.head
I am having a ccode, which bulids jsonfile in the below format.
If I validate this jsonfile data i get an error as:
Parse error on line 4:
...": 1, "si": 11},{ "system": 1,
---------------------^ Expecting 'EOF'
How to resolve this issue?
Wrap those jsonObjects in to an JsonArray while building. Then in java iterate through the jsonarray.
In jsonevery key is double quoted "key". Your jsonis missing double quotes at host key. Make sure you're writing a well-formed json.
{ "system": 1, "host": "new" }
^ ^
am not a expert in JSON but i think you want to change a JSON like array value
insted of
You can also use this custom function even if you have complex objects.
static getParsedJson(jsonString) {
const parsedJsonArr = [];
let tempStr = '';
let isObjStartFound = false;
for (let i = 0; i < jsonString.length; i += 1) {
if (isObjStartFound) {
tempStr += jsonString[i];
if (jsonString[i] === '}') {
try {
const obj = JSON.parse(tempStr);
tempStr = '';
isObjStartFound = false;
} catch (err) {
// console.log("not a valid JSON object");
if (!isObjStartFound && jsonString[i] === '{') {
tempStr += jsonString[i];
isObjStartFound = true;
return parsedJsonArr;
I'm writing a small data access library to help me use Cassandra prepared statements in a Scala program (its not open source but maybe one day). What I'd like to do is automatically generate a Java Array for the bind statement from the case class
public BoundStatement bind(Object... values);
So currently I have
case class Entity(foo:String, optionalBar:Option[String])
object Entity {
def toJArray(e:Entity) = { Array(, e.optionalBar.getOrElse(null)) }
val e1 = Entity("fred", Option("bill"))
val e2 = Entity("fred", None)
res5: Array[String] = Array(fred, bill)
res6: Array[String] = Array(fred, null)
The toJArray returns an Array I can use in the bind statement. The boiler plate code gets worse if there is a date or double or a java enum
new java.util.Date(createdOn)
Is there a way of automatically generating the Array in Scala assuming the bind parameters have the same order as the case class fields?
EDIT Thanks to #srgfed01
Here's what I came up with (not complete) but allows me to do something like
val customer1 = Customer( "email", "name", None, Option(new Date), OrdStatus.New)
session.execute(populate(customer1, insert))
val customer2 = Customer( "email2", "name2", Option(22), Option(new Date), OrdStatus.Rejected)
session.execute(populate(customer2, insert))
using this function
def populate(state:Product, statement:PreparedStatement): BoundStatement = {
def set(bnd:BoundStatement, i:Int, aval:Any): Unit = {
aval match {
case v:Date => bnd.setDate(i, v)
case v:Int => bnd.setInt(i, v)
case v:Long => bnd.setLong(i, v)
case v:Double => bnd.setDouble(i, v)
case v:String => bnd.setString(i, v)
case null => bnd.setToNull(i)
case _ => bnd.setString(i, aval.toString)
val bnd = statement.bind
for(i <- 0 until state.productArity) {
state.productElement(i) match {
case op: Option[_] => set(bnd, i, op.getOrElse(null))
case v => set(bnd, i, v)
You can use productIterator call for your case class object:
case class Entity(foo: String, optionalBar: Option[String])
val e1 = Entity("fred", Option("bill"))
val e2 = Entity("fred", None)
def run(e: Entity): Array[Any] = e.productIterator
.map {
case op: Option[_] => op.getOrElse(null)
case v => v
println(run(e1).mkString(" ")) // fred bill
println(run(e2).mkString(" ")) // fred null
I had following json format :
{ "Otype" : "win"},
{ "Otype" : "win"},
{ },
{ },
{ "Otype" : " win 7"},
{ "Otype" : " Linux"}
for accessing Otype I write java code as below:
while(cur.hasNext() && !isStopped()) {
String json =;
JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject(json);
}//end of while
So above print statement print only following results:
but not print:
{ "Otype" : " win 7"}
{ "Otype" : " Linux"}
I think it may be first white space in value field that's why it not print above two key so I changed in print statement as below:
but still not work :( .
How I can access all above json value using java code?
I found my solution. I changed my code as below:
while(cur.hasNext() && !isStopped()) {
String json =;
JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject(json);
}//end of if
}//end of while
use toString() like this