I am absolutely confused with application context in spring. If i use spring (simple spring) create a beans.xml and then invoke Application context from (for example) main() method.
ApplicationContext context = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext
all works well. But I don't understand if i move file on directory above or in another directory(for example) it will be ok?
in spring-mvc there is context for each DispatcherServlet which i create and where i specify some beans, there is common context for all servlets, how to specify this? in web.xml?
in general, please explain me this moment (I read spring in action, i undesrstand almost all, but these tricky moment isn't shown there.
From FileSystemXmlApplicationContext java doc:
Standalone XML application context, taking the context definition files from the file system or from URLs, interpreting plain paths as relative file system locations (e.g. "mydir/myfile.txt"). Useful for test harnesses as well as for standalone environments.
The key words here are context definition files, so you can pass paths to as many xml-files, as you want. Besides that, you can create an application context and pass it to the new one as a parent:
FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(String[] configLocations, ApplicationContext parent)
Thus you can easily create the needed hierarchy of contexts.
ApplicationContext parentContext = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext
ApplicationContext childContext = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext
(new String[]{"C:/some/path/ChildBeans1.xml", "C:/some/path/ChildBeans2.xml"}, parentContext);
if i move file on directory above all in another directory(for example) it will be ok?
As long as your path to file is correct and reachable - it's Ok.
the difference between ContextLoader and ContextLoaderListenerI am not understanding the difference. I have tried to search on google but I am not able to search. Please help me on this.
Performs the actual initialization work for the root application context. Called by ContextLoaderListener and ContextLoaderServlet.
Regards a "contextClass" parameter at the web.xml context-param level, falling back to the default context class (XmlWebApplicationContext) if not found. With the default ContextLoader, a context class needs to implement ConfigurableWebApplicationContext.
Passes a "contextConfigLocation" context-param to the context instance, parsing it into potentially multiple file paths which can be separated by any number of commas and spaces, like "applicationContext1.xml, applicationContext2.xml". If not explicitly specified, the context implementation is supposed to use a default location (with XmlWebApplicationContext: `
Note: In case of multiple config locations, later bean definitions
will override ones defined in earlier loaded files, at least when
using one of Spring's default ApplicationContext implementations. This
can be leveraged to deliberately override certain bean definitions via
an extra XML file.
I have a default package called com.voja.springtest and another one called com.voja.springtest.beans where I have an beans.xml file.
I can get it like so using FileSystemXmlApplicationContext :
ApplicationContext context = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("C:/Users/Voja/Desktop/_/vj/springtest/src/main/java/com/voja/springtest/beans/beans.xml");
But ClassPathXmlApplicationContext can't find it like so (and it should per the tutorial I am doing):
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("com/voja/springtest/beans/beans.xml");
you use wrong parh , in your case it should be like :
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath*:beans.xml"); The classpath*: prefix
When constructing an XML-based application context, a location string
may use the special classpath*: prefix:
ApplicationContext ctx =
new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath*:conf/appContext.xml"); This
special prefix specifies that all classpath resources that match the
given name must be obtained (internally, this essentially happens via
a ClassLoader.getResources(...) call), and then merged to form the
final application context definition.
The Classpath*: portability classpath*: prefix
FileSystemXmlApplicationContext picks the XML file from absolute path by appending keyword "file" and also can fetch from classpath by appending keyword "classpath".
You can access the file as below
ApplicationContext context = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("classpath:spring-app.xml");
The project I am working at the moment uses camel as the routing framework.
When configuring camel context in spring we pass a property file that contains a bunch of global properties needed when configuring camel routes or for controlling run time behavior:
<camel:camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring" id="my-id">
<camel:propertyPlaceholder location="my-system.properties" id="global-properties"/>
and say my-system.properties has an entry like below:
# Global properties that control my-system configuration and run time
When configuring the routes I can access foo property using the {{foo}} notation. It is also available to other beans using #PropertyInject annotation. However there is one use case in my design when a plain POJO not created by spring (an enum instead but this is not relevant) needs to access my foo property. Because this POJO it is passed the CamelContext as a method argument I find it natural to think I should be able to get the value of foo from there. However I spent a bit of time and could not figure out by myself how.
I know I can load the properties file again or even get the system property System.getProperty("bar") and everything will work but it looks like cheating to me.
There is an api on CamelContext to resolve property placeholders - its the resolvePropertyPlaceholders method:
If your POJO is not being managed by the SpringContext I don't see any way you can automatically inject the property. Although your approach may not seem the most fancy or elegant, it has the advantage of not giving you any overhead you could have by using another injection tool.
Not sure if this question was previously asked, but I cannot seem to find the answer.
Where does one store the properties when loaded in a webapp.
I have a web application which has settings to allow system administrators via a user interface to change settings in the app.
For example the app allows only selected user groups to be able to go a certain page.
I wanted to allow system admins to go in and set the user groups that can go to the above mentioned page, and then change it at a later date.
The issue I'm facing is that once loaded the properties file, where do I store the data rather than continuously loading the properties file each time a user goes into the page.
I'm probably not getting the full concept of how properties are used so any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Just make sure I can read the user groups in, can change the user groups without reloading the class/app and allow it to be thread safe and quick without two different threads having two different properties because we are using a load balanced environment. With a content share which is where the properties files are stored and accessed (not having any issues with this so not looking for help with where to store the properties file).
Any help greatly appreciated.
The application runs on a clustered environment which means that other application servers could potentially have different values due to multiple ServletContexts.
Register ServletContextListener to load Init parameters and properties at server start-up.
Load properties at single time and make it visible to other classes statically or you can store it in application context as well to access it from anywhere such as JSP and Servlet.
Note: Make the properties file location configurable in web.xml rather than hard-coding it in Java class. You can retrieve the properties file location as system environment variable as well.
Sample code:
public class AppServletContextListener implements ServletContextListener {
private static Properties properties;
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent servletContextEvent) {
String cfgfile = servletContextEvent.getServletContext().getInitParameter("config_file");
properties.load(new FileInputStream(cfgfile));
// store it in application scope as well
public static Properties getProperties(){
return properties;
Please have a look at my another post that is asked in the same context:
Retrieve Init parameters outside servlet
If you are changing the properties at run-time then don't use Servlet context according to the ServletContext javadoc:
In the case of a web application marked "distributed" in its deployment descriptor, there will be one context instance for each virtual machine. In this situation, the context cannot be used as a location to share global information (because the information won't be truly global). Use an external resource like a database instead.
The Servlet specification also states in "SRV.4.4.1 Context Attributes in a Distributed Container":
Context attributes are local to the JVM in which they were created. This prevents ServletContext attributes from being a shared memory store in a distributed container. When information needs to be shared between servlets running in a distributed environment, the information should be placed into a session (See Chapter SRV.7, “Sessions”), stored in a database, or set in an Enterprise JavaBeansTM component.
In that case you can try with some third party cache that works in distributed environment as well as mentioned below:
OR store all the properties in the database.
The Servlet container offers the concept of Contexts. I find it helpful to consider a Context as a useful box for storing things in, and operates like a Map.
There are a number of different Contexts available to a Java Webapp, and they differ in scope (that is, how long the data held in the context lasts for, and where it can be accessed from). There is the Page Context, the Session Context and the Servlet Context
The Page Context has the narrowest scope, and is only lasts as long as a single page takes to process.
The Session Context has a greater scope, and lasts as long as single user session, i.e. multiple requests from a browser. It is useful if your webapp requires authentication - information about the authenticated user will be stored in the Session Context.
The Servlet Context is effectively global and is always available to the whole application. This is where I would recommend storing configuration properties which effect the functioning of the application.
In a Servlet, you may access the Servlet Context like this:
ServletContext context = request.getSession().getServletContext();
You can store something in the context like this:
context.setAttribute("key", object);
Where key is a String - the name of the attribute.
You may retrieve it again like this:
object = context.getAttribute("key");
Which returns an Object. You may cast it to whatever type it really is. If you want to, you can store a Properties object in it:
Properties props = //... get the properties from file
context.setAttribute("props", props);
And then retrieve them:
Properties props = (Properties) context.getAttribute("props");
Or you can store the individual properties as separate attributes in the context.
All contexts are accessed the same way.
You could go with the classic singleton pattern, where you have a single ApplicationProperties class which holds globally valid values for your application backed by a property file so no part of your application has to care about how to store the properties. Pseudo code:
public class ApplicationProperties {
private static final String PATH = "app.properties";
private static final ApplicationProperties INSTANCE = new ApplicationProperties();
private String userGroup;
private ApplicationProperties() {
// Load properties from PATH and populate fields.
this.userGroup = ...
public static ApplicationProperties getInstance() {
return INSTANCE;
public String getUserGroup() {
return this.userGroup;
public String setUserGroup(String userGroup) {
// Save to property file to persist.
this.userGroup = userGroup;
You just have to synchronize access to the fields that no two threads overwrite properties and create race conditions.
What is the best approach for creating services that load a property set at runtime (bean is passed "xyz" and loads xyz.properties)? These properties files need to be able to be dropped into a folder outside the classpath before a command is entered to start the service (edit: this could happen at any time while the program is running).
I already have a system to do this that we've been using for over a year, but I'm migrating to spring to make the code more modular (customize services more easily through DI) and easier to maintain. My current method of creating an environment and then passing it with "this" to the dependencies just seems upside down from an IoC standpoint.
Is there a way to use a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer without hardcoding the name of the property file? Maybe just a reference to a variable I pass into the constructor of the service that its dependencies can load? So far, it looks like I will have to create a service and inject its dependencies without any config and then call a separate load method for each to pass in the properties, but that just seems like I'm not really using spring.
USE CASE: The app will pool client connections to various servers and will forward requests from other applications to these servers. New profiles must be able to be added by non-programmers without taking down or restarting the app. The profiles will include basic things like host, port, and login info, but also more complex things like whether to use tcp/http, ssl/https (which will determine which client type to use), and timeouts and pool min/max/etc (which will need default values).
I tried with PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and frankly, I couldn't wrap my head around it, somehow. It's easy enough to use when you use the existing options but I couldn't extend the framework.
So my approach was much more simple:
Create an annotation #InjectConfig which takes a config key as parameter.
In your beans/services, annotate fields or public setters with this annotation.
Write a BeanPostProcessor which takes options from a "config provider" and injects them into the fields / setters.
Now all you need is a config provider. Inject that into the post processor and you're done.
Note: I prefer annotating setters because that means you can easily configure your services from tests (just call the setters) without having to come up with smart names for 238576 config files.
EDIT If you have many configs, then a config factory might be a better choice:
Create a key to describe a config bundle (I usually use an enum or a new type here to prevent typos)
Put this key into the service when you create it (manually or via Spring)
Write a config factory that can return Properties or a Map for a config key.
Inject this factory into your service
In the init code of your service, use the key to lookup your config via the factory.
Using this approach, you can have a dummy factory that always returns the same thing in tests and a more complex factory for production.
The real factory can then be configured via spring so it knows where to look for configuration files. One approach is to register a java.io.File per config key. Now your concerns (configuring a service and loading configs) are completely separated.
PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer reads and initialize files on application context initialization and only once. So most probably you cannot configure it at runtime.
But you can have variables. For example, for my case I have default properties and user specific properties. So PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer loads properties from classpath first and after that is trying to find additional properties at defined location (user home folder). I user's property file exists so configurer loads it and override properties.
Here is my example:
<bean id="config" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="ignoreResourceNotFound" value="true"/> <!-- do not throw exception if file not found -->
<property name="locations">
I'm not sure that this answer is what you're exactly need. But I'm trying to guess what is your actual task. So if you need re-read properties runtime each time you access them you have to do it manually like you did before because spring application context helps you configure your application initial configuration.
It seems like the best approach may be to use a ServiceManager that contains the main ApplicationContext and then have each Service initialize its own FileSystemXmlApplicationContext with the main context as the parent like so:
public class ServiceManager {
ApplicationContext appContext;
String APP_HOME = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator;
public void init() {
//set main spring context
appContext = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);
public void start(String serviceName) throws Exception {
ApplicationContext serviceContext = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(
new String[]{APP_HOME + serviceName + ".xml"}, //path to child ctx
appContext); //reference to parent ctx to build hierarchy
Service service = (Service) serviceContext.getBean("service");
The ApplicationContext is a bit heavy to be duplicating, but memory is pretty cheap these days and this provides total separation of concerns. I still have shared logging and an event system managed by the parent context, and each service is now simplified in its own config. I built a proof of concept using two services, and it seems to work fine so far. I'll add another comment once I finish the other services and finish testing.