I have tried the below code for getting the single NotificationSubType Object. But finding exception like " org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException: Encountered "from" at character 1, but expected: ["DELETE", "SELECT", "UPDATE"]."
Please help me on given problem.
Code is given below :
try {
Query query = this.em.createQuery("from NotificationSubType conc WHERE conc.id.alertTyC = ?1 and conc.id.alertSubTyC = ?2");
query.setParameter(1, "MPPRINT");
query.setParameter(2, "REIN");
NotificationSubType trackIdResLst = (NotificationSubType)query.getSingleResult();
if (null != trackIdResLst) {
} else{
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new NotificationServiceException(e.getMessage());
Why not read the exception? and read the JPA spec ?
JPQL statements have to start with SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE. Anything other than those is illegal (and yours starts with FROM for some reason). Put a SELECT and the candidate alias in front of it for more chance of success
Yes Hibernate bastardises the JPQL standard with HQL (which allows you to omit SELECT plus the alias) but you are using OpenJPA so you need to use JPA compliant queries, and besides it would be good practice even when using Hibernate to obey the standard!
How to execute native query (create table) in java and also in return get information about is operation was successfull or not. Every method i did try always work the same. Query is working but i am getting errors about "how really bad that query was" but as i said it works.
session.createNativeQuery("create table test (id number)").getResultList()
catch(Exception e){
// I am getting error "Could not extract result set metadata"
// Is there any way to execute getResultList() only if operation was select?
Summarizing, I need execute CRUD.
1. If "select" was executed i need resultList.
2. If "create" i don't want to execute getResultSet()
3. If "insert" was executed i need information about numbers of row affected.
etc... ... ...
And most important i always need information about eventual errors! If query had missing syntax or something i always need to get that information.
Guys can someone help me? I am fighting with this from several days...
A simple example using Native Query. You can determine the result of query from the affected rows value.
EntityTransaction entityTransaction;
EntityManager entityManager;
entityTransaction = entityManager.getTransaction();
// rowsUpdated - The number of "affected rows".
int rowsUpdated = entityManager.createNativeQuery("create table test (id nubmer)").executeUpdate();
catch (HibernateException | IllegalStateException e)
// handle exceptions
if (entityTransaction != null && entityTransaction.isActive())
I'm using an ebean query in the play! framework to find a list of records based on a distinct column. It seems like a pretty simple query but the problem is the ebean method setDistinct(true) isn't actually setting the query to distinct.
My query is:
List<Song> allSongs = Song.find.select("artistName").setDistinct(true).findList();
In my results I get duplicate artist names.
From what I've seen I believe this is the correct syntax but I could be wrong. I'd appreciate any help. Thank you.
I just faced the same issue out of the blue and can not figure it out. As hfs said its been fixed in a later version but if you are stuck for a while you can use
So in your example use
List<Song> allSongs = Song.find.select("artistName").setDistinct(true).findSet();
According to issue #158: Add support for using setDistinct (by excluding id property from generated sql) on the Ebean bug tracker, the problem is that an ID column is added to the beginning of the select query implicitly. That makes the distinct keyword act on the ID column, which will always be distinct.
This is supposed to be fixed in Ebean 4.1.2.
As an alternative you can use a native SQL query (SqlQuery).
The mechanism is described here:
This is from the documentation:
public interface SqlQuery
extends Serializable
Query object for performing native SQL queries that return SqlRow's.
Firstly note that you can use your own sql queries with entity beans by using the SqlSelect annotation. This should be your first approach when wanting to use your own SQL queries.
If ORM Mapping is too tight and constraining for your problem then SqlQuery could be a good approach.
The returned SqlRow objects are similar to a LinkedHashMap with some type conversion support added.
// its typically a good idea to use a named query
// and put the sql in the orm.xml instead of in your code
String sql = "select id, name from customer where name like :name and status_code = :status";
SqlQuery sqlQuery = Ebean.createSqlQuery(sql);
sqlQuery.setParameter("name", "Acme%");
sqlQuery.setParameter("status", "ACTIVE");
// execute the query returning a List of MapBean objects
List<SqlRow> list = sqlQuery.findList();
i have a solution for it:-
RawSql rawSql = RawSqlBuilder
Query<ToolsDetail> query = Ebean.find(ToolsDetail.class);
ExpressionList<ToolsDetail> expressionList = query.setRawSql(rawSql).where();//ToolsDetail.find.where();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sortBy)) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sortMode) && sortMode.equals("descending")) {
expressionList.setOrderBy("LPAD("+sortBy+", 20) "+"desc");
}else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sortMode) && sortMode.equals("ascending")) {
expressionList.setOrderBy("LPAD("+sortBy+", 20) "+"asc");
// expressionList.orderBy().asc(sortBy);
} else {
expressionList.setOrderBy("LPAD("+sortBy+", 20) "+"desc");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fullTextSearch)) {
fullTextSearch = fullTextSearch.replaceAll("\\*","%");
.ilike("customerSerialNumber", fullTextSearch)
.ilike("organizationalReference", fullTextSearch)
.ilike("costCentre", fullTextSearch)
.ilike("inventoryKey", fullTextSearch)
.ilike("toolType", fullTextSearch);
//add filters for date range
String fromContractStartdate = Controller.request().getQueryString("fm_contract_start_date_from");
String toContractStartdate = Controller.request().getQueryString("fm_contract_start_date_to");
String fromContractEndtdate = Controller.request().getQueryString("fm_contract_end_date_from");
String toContractEnddate = Controller.request().getQueryString("fm_contract_end_date_to");
if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(fromContractStartdate) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(toContractStartdate))
Date fromSqlStartDate=new Date(AppUtils.convertStringToDate(fromContractStartdate).getTime());
Date toSqlStartDate=new Date(AppUtils.convertStringToDate(toContractStartdate).getTime());
}if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(fromContractEndtdate) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(toContractEnddate))
Date fromSqlEndDate=new Date(AppUtils.convertStringToDate(fromContractEndtdate).getTime());
Date toSqlEndDate=new Date(AppUtils.convertStringToDate(toContractEnddate).getTime());
PagedList pagedList = ToolsQueryFilter.getFilter().applyFilters(expressionList).findPagedList(pageNo-1, pageSize);
ToolsListCount toolsListCount = new ToolsListCount();
return toolsListCount;
I am trying to query a table based on criteria from a join table using ORMLite.
Here is how I would express the query I am trying to write in tsql:
select * from media m inner join file f on m.fileId = f.fileId
where m.isNew = 1 OR f.isNew = 1
The result should be a list of media records where either the media record or the corresponding file record has isNew = 1.
I have read through the documentation on using OR in ORMLite, but all of the examples use a single table, not joining. Likewise I have read the documentation on joins, but none of the examples include a where clause that spans both tables. Is there any way besides a raw query to do this?
I had a look at this question: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12629645/874782 and it seems to ask the same thing, but the accepted answer produces an AND query, not an OR. Here is my code that I used to test that theory:
public List<Media> getNewMedia() {
Session session = getSession();
Account account = session.getSelectedAccount();
ContentGroup contentGroup = account.getSelectedContentGroup();
List<Media> results = null;
try {
QueryBuilder<Category, Integer> categoryQueryBuilder = getHelper().getCategoryDao().queryBuilder();
categoryQueryBuilder.where().eq("group_id", contentGroup.getId());
QueryBuilder<MediaCategory, Integer> mediaCatQb = getHelper().getMediaCategoryDao().queryBuilder();
mediaCatQb = mediaCatQb.join(categoryQueryBuilder);
QueryBuilder<FileRecord, Integer> fileQueryBuilder = getHelper().getFileDao().queryBuilder();
fileQueryBuilder.where().ge("lastUpdated", contentGroup.getLastDownload());
QueryBuilder<Media, Integer> mediaQb = getHelper().getMediaDao().queryBuilder();
mediaQb.where().eq("seen", false);
// join with the media query
results = mediaQb.join(fileQueryBuilder).join(mediaCatQb).query();
} catch (SQLException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Sql Exception", e);
return results;
For the sake of completion, this is querying for a slightly more complex example than the one I gave above, this one expressed in tsql would be
select * from Media m join FileRecord f on m.fileRecordId = f.fileRecordId
where m.seen = false OR f.lastUpdated >= lastUpdateDate
When I run it, it is actually doing an AND query, which is what I would expect based on two joins with independent where clauses.
I think the key issue is that a where clause is inherently tied to a table, because it is performed on a QueryBuilder object which comes from a Dao that is specific to that table. How can I get around this?
I think what you are looking for is joinOr search for it in the ORMLite docs.
Like join(QueryBuilder) but this combines the WHERE statements of two
query builders with a SQL "OR".
I have the following criteria query:
String cat = "H";
Criteria criteria = currentSession().createCriteria(this.getPersistentClass()).
add(Restrictions.ne("category", cat)).
createAlias("employees", "emp").
createAlias("emp.company", "company");
Disjunction disjunction = Restrictions.disjunction();
for(Region r: regions){
disjunction.add(Restrictions.eq("company.region", r));
if(status != null) {
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("status", status));
if (period != null) {
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("period", period));
criteria.setProjection(Projections.groupProperty("id")) //this line was added to try to "fix" the error, but it still happened.
I guess a query that explains my criteria query could be:
select n.* from NOMINATION n
join NOMINEE i on n.NOM_ID = i.NOM_ID
join EMPLOYEE e on e.EMP_ID = i.EMP_ID
where n.CATEGORY_CODE!='H' and (c.REGION_ID = ? or c.REGION_ID = ? or c.REGION_ID = ?) and n.STATUS_ID = ? and n.PERIOD_ID = ?
order by n.NOM_ID
What I am trying to do here, is pretty confusing but for the most part it works except when I add this specific line (though the query works fine):
and then I get error:
java.sql.SQLException: Column "NOMINATION.NOM_ID" is invalid in the ORDER BY clause because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
Which I suspect is something that has to do with SQL-SERVER. I am already grouping by id. So what am I doing wrong here, or should I just use HQL?
Your current query seems to be a simple Query which doesn't have any group function used or not a group by query. According to your current requirements you do not have to use this line.
Or you have to modify your sql statements.
I try to figure out what is the problem with this method that uses JPQL to validate if an email already exist in the DB, for some reason it does not work. Someone can have a look? Or give another alternative query more simple?
public boolean emailAlreadyExists(String value) {
Query checkEmailExists = em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(b.email) FROM "
+ Buyer.class.getName() + " b WHERE email = :emailparam");
checkEmailExists.setParameter("emailparam", value);
long matchCounter = 0;
matchCounter = (Long) checkEmailExists.getSingleResult();
if (matchCounter > 0) {
return true;
return false;
This is part of the console output:
Caused by: Exception [EclipseLink-8024] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.0.1.v20100213-r6600): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.JPQLException
Exception Description: Syntax error parsing the query [SELECT COUNT(b.email) FROM entities.Buyer b WHERE b.email = :emailparam], line 1, column 35: syntax error at [.].
Internal Exception: MismatchedTokenException(83!=78)
Im sure it has to do something with the syntax. But where i am making the mistake?
Typically JPA uses short class names (without package name). And I personally have never used aliases in JPA queries, so I am not sure they are supported there. And you do not need them in your query. And I am not sure the space between = and : is permitted.
So, try this: SELECT COUNT(email) FROM Buyer WHERE email=:emailparam
I hope this will work. In this case try to play with the query and see which one of the changes really does the work.