I'd really like to use Errai UI(3.2.4) in my GWT (2.8) application. I already have one setup with an EntryPoint implementation and an onModuleLoad. I have restGWT setup and interacting with my server (which uses Jersey).
All of the documentation I find assumes that you are building a full-on Errai project, starting from scratch using the forge addon thing. I'm not. I just want to use the templating stuff and data-binding. I'm working with a barebones setup and I can't even make a label show in my app.
I have this GWT entry point:
public class App implements EntryPoint
private ApplicationContainer applicationContainer;
public void onModuleLoad()
And the ApplicationContainer:
public class ApplicationContainer extends Composite
private Element applicationContainer = DOM.createDiv();
public void init()
And it's accompanying template:
<div id="applicationContainer" data-field="applicationContainer">
Application Container
I should see "Application Container" in the browser, but I get this error in the browser console:
ComplexPanel.java:96 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeFromParent_0_g$' of undefined
The widget and the template are named the same and in the same package. My widget is created just like the documentation shows: http://erraiframework.org/getting-started/index.html#ErraiUIPage
Can someone tell me what I'm missing here? Examples for this are very minimal, and they all assume a complete Errai project. Do I still need an #EntryPoint? Do I need #PostConstruct? Is Errai even designed to work like this?
Thanks for any help.
Yes, the #EntryPoint annotation is important and I'm not sure you'll be able to mix up part of this framework with some other approach. It doesn't mean you need to use all the modules, but you should rather follow the Errai's guidelines if about the part you use.
Please see example entry point here:
You'll find also more examples from the path .../3.2.4.Final/errai-demos/
Above is about Errai 3.x.
Please also note that Errai 4.x brings some changes if it is just about the Errai UI. It's nicely described here:
Now your #Templated bean do not need to extend Composite. The root element of the template is accessible as a #DataField etc.
Hope you'll find it helpful. Good luck!
The answer to your questions is here: https://github.com/errai/errai-tutorial
You basically need to migrate your app to use Maven so you get the dependencies right first, then use the POM in this project and snap it in your project.
Then you can include a Bootstrap file to add a #EntryPoint class however this is not necessary you can just add a Page in the client path e.g.:
Where the java file here contains the default page, i.e.
#Page(role = DefaultPage.class)
public class MyPage extends Composite{}
According to the documentation (see the link below) the static resources can be customized with Java by extending SwaggerIndexPageTransformer and overriding the transform method.
As I understand the following files could be customized:
According to the example code I can check the name of the resource like:
if (resource.toString().contains("swagger-ui.css")) {
My problem is the only resource handled by this method is "META-INF/resources/webjars/swagger-ui/4.10.3/index.html"
Anybody had the same issue or do I misunderstand something?
I upgraded Spring to 2.7.0 and the issue disappeared.
I had a class called MyClass under app.models and when I did
it worked fine. But now I moved MyClass into another dependency library under com.company.newpackage.models and after the move the bind is not able to access any public field that does not have a getter. I tried finding any configuration or something that might help but so far, I am not able to find any.
I’m building a large application and I would like to split it in several modules like Core Module for initialization, users management, etc…, Customer Module, Production Module, etc…
I want to split it in multiples GWT modules (not using GWT splitting technique) and share an EventBus for broadcast some events like LoginEvent, LogoutEvent. I don’t want uses the code splitting technique because I want reduce the compile time and re-compile only the module that I modified.
This allow also to enable or disable a module by commenting the script tag in the HTML host page.
I’ve write the following code with using JSNI:
CoreModule’s EntryPoint:
private static SimpleEventBus eventBus = null;
public void onModuleLoad() {
getEventBus().addHandler(MyEvent.TYPE, new MyEventHandler() {
public void onEvent(MyEvent myEvent) {
public static SimpleEventBus getEventBus() {
if (eventBus == null)
eventBus = new SimpleEventBus();
return eventBus;
public static native void export() /*-{
$wnd.getEventBus = $entry(#testExporter.client.TestExporter::getEventBus());
CustomerModule’s EntryPoint:
public void onModuleLoad() {
Button button = new Button("Click me");
button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
getEventBus().fireEvent(new MyEvent("Button clicked !"));
public static native SimpleEventBus getEventBus() /*-{
// Create a useless eventBus because the GWT compiler make a call to a null instance
var eventBus = #com.google.gwt.event.shared.SimpleEventBus::new()();
eventBus = $wnd.getEventBus();
return eventBus;
But I’ve the following exception in Firebug when executing in the browser:
uncaugth exception [object Object]
I copied also the MyEvent and MyEventHandler classes that implements/interfaces a customer event.
P.S.: I know also the technique that consist to comment the other modules references to avoid to compile it.
A simpler answer is to not use multiple entry points.
If what you are trying to achieve is breaking you code into manageable units but want to use all of them in the same page, you can:
create an "Application.gwt.xml" module with an entry point (equivalent to your initialization module, if I understand correctly)
create "UserManagement.gwt.xml" module without an entry point class
create other XXX modules without entry points
To create a module without entry point just remove the
<entry-point class='xxx'/>
from your gwt.xml files except for the "Application" one
You then need to include these modules into the "Application" module using
<inherits name="com.yourpackage.Module1Name" />
<inherits name="com.yourpackage.Module2Name" />
You then need to compile all of them together in one GWT build for module "com.yourpackage.Application".
When you do that make sure that both the compiled *.class and the source .java files for all your modules are available on the classpath.
Your "Application" entry point just needs to initialize and use the objects from the other modules
You cannot share code between different GWT compiled modules, unless you make some parts of your code available via jsni and call these exported methods via jsni, like you are trying in your query.
But be aware that: first, shared classes would be incompatible because each compilation would rename the classes/methods in a different way, and second, each compilation would remove different dead code pieces.
So in your case the SimpleEventBus returned in your window.getEventBus exported method is not known in other modules, although the other modules are using SimpleEventBus as well
The easiest way to do what you want, is to use GWT-exporter. First select correctly the js-api you want to export in each module, how you want to name it, and implement Exportable and annotate methods conveniently. Second take in account which objects would you use for the communication, because some of then could be incompatible. I would use primitive types, javascript object, and functions which are supported in GWT-exporter
I think that with GWT-exporter, for shared classes, if you annotate them in the same namespace and you export the same methods, hopefully you could use then in all modules but I'm not sure.
So export a js API via jsni or gwt-exporter and transfer pure primitive or js objects between them.
You can use the Frames and setup communication between the modules via WebMessage protocol. It will help only if the modules in one page and modules in separated war.
Currently my project developed using simple JSP and servlets has the following packages
1-Business package (Contains summed up methods from service package under a business rule)
2-Service package (Contains different services and their implementation - along with factory
method to call a specific implementation of each service)
3-Controller package (All the servlet controls ..)
3-Views (All the jsps)
4-CustomTags (Contain the Custom Tags)
5-Domain (Contains Domain objects)
Now I am planning to implement the same project using struts2 could you tell me what packages should i introduce. I know the service and business package will remain intact what about the controller package ? Should i place all the actions in the controller package ? Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Do not organise all your classes based on their type, they should be organised or grouped together with their immediate collaborators. If you can help it, place XAction and XController together in the same package. Its silly to place XAction in a separate package with 49 other actions that really have no relation while its controller is somewhere else.
If you group collaborators together in the same package its quite easy to know the working group and be reasonably more confident that changing one probably affects the other. With your original suggestion, who really knows what Action works with what Controller and so on.
Is possible!
Struts from 2.0 to 2.3.x (I used theses versions), if you use the annotations struts2-convention-plugin.jar dependency, you can do that:
The package default (generally is zx.yz.actions) mapped all Actions on the project and it is your package namespace from image above.
When you create a new package inner Actions package, zx.yz.actions.example for instance, you are creating a new namespace /servletContext/example in your application.
To disable it, you only need put a '/' before your "Action()" annotation method. For example:
public class ExampleAction {
#Result(name="ok", type="httpheader", params={"status", "200"})
public String execute() {
The '/' in '/example', will put in de namespace default.
I am working with SpringData's Neo4j graph DB hello-worlds example and I ran across the following code in WorldRepositoriesImpl.java...
#Autowired private WorldRepository worldRepository;
Furthermore, WorldRepository is defined as...
public interface WorldRepository extends MyWorldRepository,
{/* no method defined here */}
Now the odd part, no class that I can find actually implements WorldRepository.So, a few questions...
How is this possible? Where is this documented? Is there a way to make this a bit more explicit (less mysterious)?
Running the code with a debugger attached shows that the worldRepository instance wired up by Spring is a proxy object created at runtime.
Looking at the pom.xml and the dependencies included, it looks like the spring-neo4j library bundles in some Aspects that create this implementation class at runtime.
In other words, there is no implementation of this interface declared in the source code - but one is created at runtime with AspectJ and other tools.