I have the following java code that I'd like to use in an android app to query an api for continuous lat/lng changes of a device that is running a client app, I want to track the device. I believe the WebSocketCall method I'm attempting to use is deprecated. From what I can tell, there's a problem with how I'm trying to use the webSocket call to create the retrofit client and enqueue the data from the WebSocketListner into retrofit. I've researched several WebSocketListener examples and being a total n00b, I haven't been able to figure out the code. My idea is to keep the connection open to the api via WebSocket and process the data response using retrofit. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
private WebSocketCall webSocket;
private void createWebSocket() {
final MainApplication application = (MainApplication) getActivity().getApplication();
application.getServiceAsync(new MainApplication.GetServiceCallback() {
public void onServiceReady(final OkHttpClient client, final Retrofit retrofit, WebService service) {
User user = application.getUser();
new LatLng(user.getLatitude(), user.getLongitude()), user.getZoom()));
service.getDevices().enqueue(new WebServiceCallback<List<Device>>(getContext()) {
public void onSuccess(retrofit2.Response<List<Device>> response) {
for (Device device : response.body()) {
if (device != null) {
devices.put(device.getId(), device);
Request request = new Request.Builder().url(retrofit.baseUrl().url().toString() + "api/socket").build();
webSocket = WebSocketCall.create(client, request);
webSocket.enqueue(new WebSocketListener() {
public void onOpen(WebSocket webSocket, Response response) {
public void onFailure(IOException e, Response response) {
public void onMessage(ResponseBody message) throws IOException {
final String data = message.string();
handler.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.w(MainFragment.class.getSimpleName(), e);
public void onClose(int code, String reason) {
public boolean onFailure() {
return false;
So because I'm a total n00b it took some time and a lot of questions to figure this out. Maybe it'll help someone else in the future.
private WebSocket webSocket;
private void createWebSocket() {
final MainApplication application = (MainApplication) getActivity().getApplication();
application.getServiceAsync(new MainApplication.GetServiceCallback() {
public void onServiceReady(final OkHttpClient client, final Retrofit retrofit, WebService service) {
User user = application.getUser();
new LatLng(user.getLatitude(), user.getLongitude()), user.getZoom()));
service.getDevices().enqueue(new WebServiceCallback<List<Device>>(getContext()) {
public void onSuccess(retrofit2.Response<List<Device>> response) {
for (Device device : response.body()) {
if (device != null) {
devices.put(device.getId(), device);
Request request = new Request.Builder().url(retrofit.baseUrl().url().toString() + "api/socket").build();
Log.e("WebSockets", "Headers: " + request.headers().toString());
WebSocketListener webSocketListener = new WebSocketListener() {
private static final int NORMAL_CLOSURE_STATUS = 1000;
public void onOpen(WebSocket webSocket, Response response) {
Log.e("WebSockets", "Connection accepted!");
public void onFailure(#NotNull WebSocket webSocket, #NotNull Throwable t, #Nullable Response response) {
public void onMessage(#NotNull WebSocket webSocket, #NotNull String text) {
final String data = text;
Log.e("WebSockets", "Receiving : " + text);
handler.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.w(MainFragment.class.getSimpleName(), e);
public void onMessage(WebSocket webSocket, ByteString bytes) {
Log.e("WebSockets", "Receiving bytes : " + bytes.hex());
public void onClosing(WebSocket webSocket, int code, String reason) {
webSocket.close(NORMAL_CLOSURE_STATUS, null);
Log.e("WebSockets", "Closing : " + code + " / " + reason);
public void onClosed(#NotNull WebSocket webSocket, int code, #NotNull String reason) {
webSocket = client.newWebSocket(request, webSocketListener);
public boolean onFailure() {
return false;
I have multiple requests (upload files) into Observable and I want to execute them in parallel. The code is:
private void myMethod(List<String> filePathsList) {
List<Observable<String>> observables = new ArrayList<>();
for (String filePath : filePathsList) {
MultipartBody.Part multipartFile = getMultipartFile("some_file_name", filePath);
//here I'm just creating request from Retrofit restclient - the problem can't be here ;)
Observable<String> fileUploadObservable = UploadsRestClient.get().sendFile(multipartFile, "another_post_param");
Observable<String> combinedObservable = Observable.zip(observables, new FuncN<String>() {
public String call(Object... args) {
return null;
.subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() {
public void onCompleted() {
//called at the end
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
//called if error occurs
public void onNext(String string) {
//should be called foreach request, but it's called only after the last one
The problem is that onNext() is called only after the last call is done, before onCompleted(),how can I get triggered after each request?
I'm new on Android development and I'm learning how to use MVP pattern correctly in recently.
Now I'm facing a tricky problem, hope can get some helpful suggestion or solution from here.
First, here is my presenter
public class MVPPresenter {
private MVPView mvpView;
public MVPPresenter(MVPView mvpView) {
this.mvpView = mvpView;
public void loadData() {
final List<MVPModel> list = new ArrayList<>();
//the part that I trying to extract starts here.
Call call = DataRetriever.getDataByGet(URLCombiner.GET_FRONT_PAGE_ITEMS);
call.enqueue(new Callback() {
public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
try {
JSONObject result = new JSONObject(response.body().string());
int errorCode = result.getInt("ErrorCode");
if (errorCode == 0) {
JSONArray value = result.getJSONObject("Value").getJSONArray("hot");
for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
MVPModel mvpModel = new MVPModel();
String name = null;
String image = null;
try {
name = value.getJSONObject(i).getString("title");
image = URLCombiner.IP + value.getJSONObject(i).getString("pic");
} catch (JSONException e) {
if (list.size() > 0) {
} else {
} else {
} catch (JSONException e) {
} else {
//the part that I trying to extract ends here.
As you can see, I'm trying to extract the part which is using OKHttp libs into a class (I call it data manager) which I hope it can handle every task between server and client. But here's the thing, when I trying to pass the result from the data manager to presenter, I got NullPointException because of the async mechanism.
I would like to know how to passing the data, which is come from server in async, to the presenter when the data has finish downloading.
And here's my ideal data manager, I know this might looks stupid but I think this can make my problem more clearly.
public class LoadServerData {
private static JSONArray arrayData = new JSONArray();
public static JSONArray getServerData() {
Call call = DataRetriever.getDataByGet(URLCombiner.GET_FRONT_PAGE_ITEMS);
call.enqueue(new Callback() {
public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
try {
JSONObject result = new JSONObject(response.body().string());
int errorCode = result.getInt("ErrorCode");
if (errorCode == 0) {
arrayData = result.getJSONObject("Value").getJSONArray("hot"); //the data I would like to return.
} catch (JSONException e) {
return arrayData; //this is gonna be an empty data.
I've reading some article that might can solve my problem, but still not getting any fine answer. Perhaps I've using wrong keyword I think. Hopes you guys can give me some ideas or solutions to help me or inspire me.
P.S. version of OKhttp libs is 3.7.0
Create a simple Listener so it can be called whenever the server call finishes:
public class LoadServerData {
public static interface Listener {
public void onSuccess(JSONArray data);
public void onError(Exception error);
public static void getServerData(Listener listener) {
Call call = DataRetriever.getDataByGet(URLCombiner.GET_FRONT_PAGE_ITEMS);
call.enqueue(new Callback() {
public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
try {
JSONObject result = new JSONObject(response.body().string());
int errorCode = result.getInt("ErrorCode");
if (errorCode == 0) {
JSONArray arrayData = result.getJSONObject("Value").getJSONArray("hot"); //the data I would like to return.
} else {
} catch (JSONException e) {
} else {
I am trying to create an async task for my JsonArray, as it is skipping frames and lagging. I created an asyncTask class put in the parameters and i called my Json request in the do in background , however, how do I now reference my Json onresponse in my postexecute method?
class MyTask extends AsyncTask<URL,String,JSONArray> {
protected JSONArray doInBackground(URL... params) {
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(JSONArray response) {
private void JsonRequestMethod() {
mVolleySingleton = VolleySingleton.getInstance();
//intitalize Volley Singleton request key
mRequestQueue = mVolleySingleton.getRequestQueue();
//2 types of requests an Array request and an Object Request
JsonArrayRequest request = new JsonArrayRequest(Request.Method.GET, URL_API, (String) null, new Response.Listener<JSONArray>() {
public void onResponse(JSONArray response) {
System.out.println("it worked!!!");
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
private ArrayList<Blogs> parseJSONResponse(JSONArray response) {
if (!response.equals("")) {
ArrayList<Blogs> blogsArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < response.length(); i++) {
JSONObject currentQuestions = response.getJSONObject(i);
String text = currentQuestions.getString("text");
String points = currentQuestions.getString("points");
String ID=currentQuestions.getString("id");
String studentId = currentQuestions.getString("studentId");
String DateCreated=currentQuestions.getString("created");
long time=Long.parseLong(DateCreated.trim());
data.append(text + "\n" + points + "\n");
Blogs blogs = new Blogs();
//The dateCreated was off by 1 hour so 3600000 ms where added=1hour, (UPDATE)
} catch (JSONException e) {
return listblogs;
Your volley request is already asynchronous, that's why it has listener interfaces like onResponse() and onErrorResponse(). You don't need it in the AsyncTask at all. Call your volley request from the UI thread, and use your AsyncTask to parse the JSON. For example:
Call your volley request.
In onResponse() from your volley request, create your AsyncTask to handle parsing.
Parse the JSON in your doInBackground() method, "return" the result of the parsing.
Your onPostExecute() will receive the parsing "result," and you can do what you want with it there.
To go even further, you could implement a listener interface for your AsyncTask as well, something like onJSONParsed(), then you could set logic in your UI thread (where you called your volley request), to handle the 100% finished response. For example:
class MyTask extends AsyncTask<URL,String,ArrayList<Blogs>> {
// Listener member variable.
private OnJSONParsedListener mOnJSONParsedListener;
protected ArrayList<Blog> doInBackground(URL... params) {
// Parse JSON.
ArrayList<Blogs> blogsList = parseJSON(response);
// Pass the blogs list to the onPostExecute method.
return blogsList;
protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<Blogs> blogsList) {
// Invoke listener, if present.
if (mOnJSONParsedListener != null)
// Listener interface.
public interface OnJSONParsedListener {
void onJSONParsed(ArrayList<Blogs> blogsList);
// Setter for listener interface member variable.
public void setOnJSONParsedListener(OnJSONParsedListener listener) {
mOnJSONParsedListener = listener;
Then in your UI thread.
// Call your volley request.
mVolleySingleton = VolleySingleton.getInstance();
//intitalize Volley Singleton request key
mRequestQueue = mVolleySingleton.getRequestQueue();
//2 types of requests an Array request and an Object Request
JsonArrayRequest request = new JsonArrayRequest(Request.Method.GET, URL_API, (String) null, new Response.Listener<JSONArray>() {
public void onResponse(JSONArray response) {
// Create AsyncTask.
MyTask parseJSONTask = new MyTask();
// Set listener interface.
parseJSONTask.setOnJSONParsedListener(new MyTask.OnJSONParsedListener() {
public void onJSONParsed(ArrayList<Blogs> blogsList) {
// Do stuff with your blogs list.
// It worked!
System.out.println("it worked!!!");
// Execute.
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
Hope this helps.
I aim to call Volley from another class in, a very succinct, modular way ie:
VolleyListener newListener = new VolleyListener();
VolleySingleton.getsInstance().somePostRequestReturningString(getApplicationContext(), newListener);
JSONObject data = newListener.getResponse();
But am having allot of trouble getting the listener portion to work so as to be able to access the resulting data from a method such as
There are a few questions on this site that generally outline how to set up a volley call from another class, such as: Android Volley - How to isolate requests in another class. I have had success getting the method call to work, but to now get that data into the present class for usage has caused trouble.
I have the action within my VolleySingleton class as:
public void somePostRequestReturningString(final Context context,final VolleyListener<String> listener) {
final String URL = "http://httpbin.org/ip";
JsonObjectRequest set = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, URL, ((String) null),
new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
listener.outPut = response.toString();
//Toast.makeText(context, response.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
Log.d("Error.Response", error.toString());
and within the listener class:
public class VolleyListener {
public static String outPut;
private static Response.Listener<String> createSuccessListener() {
return new Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
outPut = response;
How can I configure this to work and allow Volley calls and data retrieval from another class, particularly how to build callbacks correctly?
For your requirement, I suggest you refer to my following solution, hope it's clear and helpful:
First is the interface:
public interface VolleyResponseListener {
void onError(String message);
void onResponse(Object response);
Then inside your helper class (I name it VolleyUtils class):
public static void makeJsonObjectRequest(Context context, String url, final VolleyResponseListener listener) {
JsonObjectRequest jsonObjectRequest = new JsonObjectRequest
(url, null, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
}) {
protected Response<JSONObject> parseNetworkResponse(NetworkResponse response) {
try {
String jsonString = new String(response.data,
HttpHeaderParser.parseCharset(response.headers, PROTOCOL_CHARSET));
return Response.success(new JSONObject(jsonString),
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return Response.error(new ParseError(e));
} catch (JSONException je) {
return Response.error(new ParseError(je));
// Access the RequestQueue through singleton class.
Then, inside your Activity classes, you can call like the following:
VolleyUtils.makeJsonObjectRequest(mContext, url, new VolleyResponseListener() {
public void onError(String message) {
public void onResponse(Object response) {
You can refer to the following questions for more information (as I told you yesterday):
Android: How to return async JSONObject from method using Volley?
POST Request Json file passing String and wait for the response Volley
Android/Java: how to delay return in a method
Volley excels at RPC-type operations used to populate a UI, such as
fetching a page of search results as structured data. It integrates
easily with any protocol and comes out of the box with support for raw
strings, images, and JSON. By providing built-in support for the
features you need, Volley frees you from writing boilerplate code and
allows you to concentrate on the logic that is specific to your app.
How to create Common GET/POST Method Using Volley .
Create a Application Class
The Application class in Android is the base class within an Android
app that contains all other components such as activities and services
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public static final String TAG = MyApplication.class
private RequestQueue mRequestQueue;
private static MyApplication mInstance;
public void onCreate() {
mInstance = this;
public static synchronized MyApplication getInstance() {
return mInstance;
public RequestQueue getRequestQueue() {
if (mRequestQueue == null) {
mRequestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(getApplicationContext());
return mRequestQueue;
public <T> void addToRequestQueue(Request<T> req, String tag) {
// set the default tag if tag is empty
req.setTag(TextUtils.isEmpty(tag) ? TAG : tag);
public <T> void addToRequestQueue(Request<T> req) {
public void cancelPendingRequests(Object tag) {
if (mRequestQueue != null) {
Make Sure you add this Manifest Section .
Now, You need to create Singleton Class .
Singleton Pattern says that just define a class that has only one
instance and provides a global point of access to it .
public class MySingleton
private static MySingleton mInstance;
private RequestQueue mRequestQueue;
private static Context mCtx;
private MySingleton(Context context)
mCtx = context;
mRequestQueue = getRequestQueue();
public static synchronized MySingleton getInstance(Context context)
if (mInstance == null)
mInstance = new MySingleton(context);
return mInstance;
public RequestQueue getRequestQueue()
if (mRequestQueue == null)
mRequestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(mCtx.getApplicationContext());
return mRequestQueue;
public <T> void addToRequestQueue(Request<T> req)
Now Common Class
public class VolleyUtils {
public static void GET_METHOD(Context context, String url, final VolleyResponseListener listener)
// Initialize a new StringRequest
StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest(
new Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
// Access the RequestQueue through singleton class.
public static void POST_METHOD(Context context, String url,final Map<String,String> getParams, final VolleyResponseListener listener)
// Initialize a new StringRequest
StringRequest stringRequest = new StringRequest(
new Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
* Passing some request headers
* */
public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError {
HashMap<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
getParams.put("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
return headers;
// Access the RequestQueue through singleton class.
Now You should create Interface .
A class implements an interface, thereby inheriting the abstract
methods of the interface .
* Created by Intellij Amiyo on 10-06-2017.
* Please follow standard Java coding conventions.
* http://source.android.com/source/code-style.html
public interface VolleyResponseListener {
void onError(String message);
void onResponse(Object response);
How To Call
public void _loadAPI()
String URL_GET = "";
VolleyUtils.GET_METHOD(MainActivity.this, URL_GET, new VolleyResponseListener() {
public void onError(String message) {
System.out.println("Error" + message);
public void onResponse(Object response) {
System.out.println("SUCCESS" + response);
String URL_POST=" ";
VolleyUtils.POST_METHOD(MainActivity.this, URL_POST,getParams(), new VolleyResponseListener() {
public void onError(String message) {
System.out.println("Error" + message);
public void onResponse(Object response) {
System.out.println("SUCCESS" + response);
public Map<String,String> getParams()
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("YOUR_KEY", "VALUE");
return params;
For demo you should Download Volley-Common-Method
If you followed the general example from Android Volley - How to isolate requests in another class, (including the stuff regarding the singleton stuff) and looking for the parsing part (or, how to actually use the objects you receive), then this is the (again very general) addition
say you have a Json object coming in, that looks somewhat like this :
[{"username":"Jon Doe","userid":83},
{"username":"Jane Doe",userid":84}]}
and our User object would look something like this:
public class User
String username;
int userid;
public String getName()
return username;
public int getId()
return userid;
Important: When working with Gson (you will see later), the object
fields should be named according to params you get in the Json, this
sort of reflection is how the parsing works.
then, the request itself would look something like this
(note the listener callback returning a
object back to the caller, you'll see later):
public class NetworkManager
//... other stuff
public void getUsers(final SomeCustomListener<List<User>> listener)
final String URL = "http://httpbin.org/ip";
StringRequest request = new StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, url,
new Response.Listener<String>()
public void onResponse(String response)
Log.d(TAG + ": ", "getUsers Response: " + response);
List<User> users = MyJsonParser.getListObjects(response, "$.users[*]", User.class);
if(null != users)
new Response.ErrorListener()
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error)
if (null != error.networkResponse)
Log.d(TAG + ": ", "Error Response code: " + error.networkResponse.statusCode);
// ... other stuff
what you would need now is that class to parse the Json string, namely the object list, in this example I use Gson (again - this is a general example, change and reorder stuff according to your needs, you could probably also optimize this some more - it's just for the explanation):
public class MyJsonParser
//... other stuff
public static <T> List<T> getListObjects(String json_text, String json_path, Class<T> c)
Gson gson = new Gson();
List<T> parsed_list = new ArrayList<>();
List<Object> nodes = JsonPath.read(json_text, json_path);
for (Object node : nodes)
parsed_list.add(gson.fromJson(node.toString(), c));
return (parsed_list);
catch (Exception e)
return (new ArrayList<>());
//... other stuff
So, after we have all this (and the following stuff from the pre-mentioned SO question), what you said you were looking for is the callback in your working code, well that can be achieved in a couple of ways:
A straight forward way:
just call the method and override it's callback right there, e.g:
public class SomeClass
private List<User> mUsers;
private void someMethod()
// ... method does some stuff
NetworkManager.getInstance().getUsers(new SomeCustomListener<List<User>>()
public void getResult(List<User> all_users)
if (null != allUsers)
mUsers = allUsers;
// ... do other stuff with our info
// ... method does some more stuff
Or, in an indirect way (considering the time, memory consumption, etc. ), you can save the info you got in the same Singelton (or another container), and create a get method for it, and just get the object later (looks more slick)
remember: fire the request before (considering the latency for the response), as the nature of these callbacks is to be dependent on the response which might be delayed.
It would then look like this:
private List<User> mUsers;
private void someMethod()
// ... method does some stuff
mUsers = NetworkManager.getInstance().getUsersObject();
// ... method does some more stuff
A different option entirely would be to consider using Retrofit, that does the parsing for you, uses annotations, and is supposedly a lot faster , that might be what you're looking for (for the streamlined look) - I would read up on benchmarks, especially since the new 2.0 version came out.
Hope this Helps (although somewhat late)! :)