Maven resources plugin copy file - java

I'd like to copy as if does not exist. I'm using maven 3.2 and Java 7.
I tried the following, but not sure how to map the old file to new.
<!-- here the phase you need -->

You can achieve your goal using maven-antrun-plugin. It seems like copy does exactly is what you need.
value="${project.basedir}/src/test/resources" />
toFile="${resources}/" />
Also I'd suggest you to copy to ${} instead of ${project.basedir}/src/test/resources so it's will not hurt your version control system.


How to delete a file while doing maven install (build) from target directory

I am looking to delete a folder (api-docs) from the target folder. When I do maven build, when the target folder is generated, it should exclude that folder(api-docs). Target contains Classes, codegen, generated-sources, javadoc-bundle-options, maven-archiver, maven-status, test-classes and a war file. I need to exclude(api-docs) which is present in codegen Codegen > generated-sources> web> api-docs( contains css, fonts, images, lang, lib, specs and some other js and html files)
<fileset> dir="${}/target/codegen/generated-sources/web/api-docs"/>
I added that in pom.xml, but couldn't able to delete. Please suggest
Here is the entire contents of build from pom file
<fileset dir="${}/codegen/generated-sources/web/api-docs/swagger-ui.min.js"/>
Please share the entire contents of the build->plugins section of your pom file. It should not be necessary to add the maven-antrun-plugin to your pom. The apidocs folder in your target directory is usually produced by the maven-javadoc-plugin which you possibly have present in your pom file. The first way to prevent the creation of the apidocs folder would be to remove that plugin declaration from your pom. An alternative way would be to supply the maven.javadoc.skip argument as per this answer:
The goal for the antrun-plugin is run, not build. Changing the pom.xml accordingly should help:
You also should double check in which phase the api-doc folder is created and you should call the ant-plugin in a later phase, for example package:
As a third point, the Maven variable ${} usually references the folder target/classes. Please check this answer for more details. Therfore, you could either use
<fileset dir="${project.basedir}/target/codegen/generated-sources/web/api-docs"/>
or - more precise -
<fileset dir="${}/codegen/generated-sources/web/api-docs"/>

Maven-resources-plugin how to execute the same phase and goal with different configuration

I have many subfolder in my src/test/resources and what I want to do is filter each subfolder with a specific filter file which resides in src/test/filters:
I tried something like this:
But I get the error that said that the id should be unique. I tried to use for the second execution copy-resources id and goal but it's not working, so I wonder if there is any ideas?
Simply change one of the ids

Create an artifact overlay

I would like to overlay another person's project, using customizations of specific files (ie one file would use a different controller, or display something in one way, or have different processes). We have been using an overlay that takes all of the files I have in my repository, and overlaying all of the files on top of their files so that my smaller set of customizations still act like the larger project should. We have accomplished it like this so far, but it plays havoc on the IDE. Is there a better way? I tried using maven-builder-helper-plugin but it gave me duplicate classes on the java files I had overriden.
<copy todir="target/overlay" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="src/main/java">
<fileset dir="src/main/resources">
I should note that I'm absolutely fine with using a different direction than this one. I just couldn't figure out a better way to include all of the resource & source files that are needed from them to keep the project running properly. This is for a module that is a part of a web app. The module that is being built and the module it is overlaying are both jar's
We do this using the maven war overlay feature (read about it here). To do this we simply have a dependency from our web client module onto a war type <type>war</type>, and override what we need to in our module. Maven will take the contents of the dependent war and use its files to provide content for our web client, but if there is a clash on filename it'll take the file from our web client, not from the dependent jar. It's as if it takes the dependent jar and overlays our client on top of it to produce a new war. We do this very simply, without any need for ant run -- in years of using maven I have never had to resort to antrun (I consider it an antipattern).
You mention in the comments that you have a separate problem dealing with some xml files. This can be handled by the resource plugin, if you tell it which directory your files are in, and give it a wildcard to define the files you need copying.
So, I figured out a solution that allows me overlay the artifact without messing around with the source directory. Instead of slapping all of the files I want to overlay on top of the artifact files, I realized a simpler way would be to expand the artifact, remove the duplicate classes/resources, and use it as an additional source. I created my own plugin that takes as many 'source' directories as I want and it filters them in the order loaded.

How can I configure maven resources plugin with a few copy tasks?

I have two copy tasks that I want to do with maven-resources-plugin. For example I need to copy config.yml from src/main/resources to root folder and to copy all folder contents from /src/main/resources/examples to src/examples.
/resources --> config.yml (to root)
/examples --> all folder contents (to /src/examples)
The only one solution I've found is this:
<!-- <resource>
</resource> -->
but I can add only one destination folder.
You can create another execution with different ID and configuration:

Maven: Copy resources to dynamic directory

I'm a Maven newbie and my project is finally compiling and running correctly.
On each run my project writes reports on a dynamic location created at runtime (username_timestamp) and sets a called REPORTS_LOCATION with this location. After execution I would like to copy some static resources (style, images, js, etc) to this dynamic folder using a maven goal.
What I can't figure out is how to let Maven know about this dynamic location or access this
I'm about ready to just let my project copy these resources to the directory but I figure I'll give it another try in case there is an easy/Maven way of doing this.
I've gotten as far as copying the resources to a hard coded location. Here is a snippet of the POM. I'm using Jbehave's Maven goals and they do execute in order
<excludes />
<!-- Copy the resources AFTER the execution is done -->
<viewDirectory>${basedir}/src/main/java/project/reports/{NEED TO FEED DIRECTORY HERE}</viewDirectory>
It sounds like you have a piece of Java code calculating {username_timestamp}, and you then want that code to be able to communicate the calculated {username_timestamp} back to Maven for use in later steps of its lifecycle. I'm not sure that this is possible. Instead, how about inverting the process, so that Maven produces the timestamp, and you consume it from your code? You can achieve this using a combination of build-helper-maven-plugin, Maven resource filtering, and Java code to load a properties file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Use build-helper-maven-plugin to generate a timestamp during the
initialize phase and store it as a property named "timestamp".
Turn on resource filtering so that references to ${timestamp} in a
properties file get replaced with the value of the timestamp property.
import java.util.Properties;
public final class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Properties props = new Properties();
Thanks a lot cnauroth, this worked like a charm. Here is my working updated POM in case it helps someone else
<!-- Use build-helper-maven-plugin to generate a timestamp during the initialize
phase and store it as a property named "mavenTimestamp". -->
<excludes />
<!-- THIS WORKS :) Copy the resources AFTER the execution is done -->
If you set the folder as an environment variable during the runtime, you can do the following:
just use
then you can reference to theproperty via ${REPORTS_LOCATION} in you pom
