I was learning the fundamentals of dynamic programming and came over to the question of finding the Longest Increasing Subsequence in an array. Before looking up the DP solution, I decided to code it myself and came up with the following algorithm, the complete code to which can be found here.
The idea is to create a List Array to store all the increasing subsequences, and store the corresponding max value of each subsequence for faster comparisons.
private void findLIS(int[] inputArr) {
List[] listOfSubs = new ArrayList[inputArr.length]; //Max different subsequences in an array would be N
//To store the max value of each of the subsequences found yet
List<Integer> maxValList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
listOfSubs[0] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
listOfSubs[0].add(inputArr[0]); //Add the first element of the array to the list
for (int i=1;i<inputArr.length;i++) {
boolean flag = false;
int iter=0;
//Compare inputArr[i] with the maxVal of each subsequence
for (int j=0; j<maxValList.size(); j++) {
if (inputArr[i]>maxValList.get(j)) {
maxValList.set(j, inputArr[i]); //Update the maxVal in the corresponding position in the list
flag = true;
iter = j;
//If inputArr[i] is not greater than any previous values add it to a new list
if (!flag) {
listOfSubs[iter+1] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//Finding the maximum length subsequence among all the subsequences
int max=0, iter=0, index=0;
for (List<Integer> lst : listOfSubs) {
if (lst!=null && lst.size() > max) {
max = lst.size();
//Print the longest increasing subsequence found
System.out.println("The Longest Increasing Subsequence is of length " + listOfSubs[index].size() +
" and is as follows:");
for (int i=0;i<listOfSubs[index].size();i++) {
System.out.print(listOfSubs[index].get(i) + " ");
The code runs in O(n^2) time and works perfectly for small/medium sized inputs. However, when I try running the code against some of the online practice portals (like HackerRank), I get both TLE (Time Limit Exceeded Errors) and Wrong Answer. I understand the TLE errors, as the efficient solution is a DP O(nlogn) solution, but I'm confused about the wrong answers generated by this algorithm. Since, the inputs for such cases are too big (~10000), I'm unable to manually verify the where the solution goes wrong.
The complete code plus the output to one of the data sets can be found here. The correct answer should be 195 as reported by HackerRank.
I found the problem with my solution. The problem is because of not reading the problem statement carefully.
Say we consider the input as {3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1}. I only consider the sequences {3,6} and {2,6} in my code, but not sequences {2,4,5} or {3,4,5}. Thus, at every iteration if I find a number greater than the max of the previous subsequences, I add it to all such subsequences thereby diminishing the possibility of reaching the latter subsequences.
Given an array of size n and k, how do you find the mode for every contiguous subarray of size k?
For example
arr = 1 2 2 6 6 1 1 7
k = 3
ans = 2 2 6 6 1 1
I was thinking of having a hashmap where the key is no and value is frequency, treemap where the key is freq and value is number, and having a queue to remove the first element when the size > k. Here the time complexity is o(nlog(n)). Can we do this in O(1)?.
This can be done in O(n) time
I was intrigued by this problem in part because, as I indicated in the comments, I felt certain that it could be done in O(n) time. I had some time over this past weekend, so I wrote up my solution to this problem.
Approach: Mode Frequencies
The basic concept is this: the mode of a collection of numbers is the number(s) which occur with the highest frequency within that set.
This means that whenever you add a number to the collection, if the number added was not already one of the mode-values then the frequency of the mode would not change. So with the collection (8 9 9) the mode-values are {9} and the mode-frequency is 2. If you add say a 5 to this collection ((8 9 9 5)) neither the mode-frequency nor the mode-values change. If instead you add an 8 to the collection ((8 9 9 8)) then the mode-values change to {9, 8} but the mode-frequency is still unchanged at 2. Finally, if you instead added a 9 to the collection ((8 9 9 9)), now the mode-frequency goes up by one.
Thus in all cases when you add a single number to the collection, the mode-frequency is either unchanged or goes up by only one. Likewise, when you remove a single number from the collection, the mode-frequency is either unchanged or goes down by at most one. So all incremental changes to the collection result in only two possible new mode-frequencies. This means that if we had all of the distinct numbers of the collection indexed by their frequencies, then we could always find the new Mode in a constant amount of time (i.e., O(1)).
To accomplish this I use a custom data structure ("ModeTracker") that has a multiset ("numFreqs") to store the distinct numbers of the collection along with their current frequency in the collection. This is implemented with a Dictionary<int, int> (I think that this is a Map in Java). Thus given a number, we can use this to find its current frequency within the collection in O(1).
This data structure also has an array of sets ("freqNums") that given a specific frequency will return all of the numbers that have that frequency in the current collection.
I have included the code for this data structure class below. Note that this is implemented in C# as I do not know Java well enough to implement it there, but I believe that a Java programmer should have no trouble translating it.
class ModeTracker
HashSet<int>[] freqNums; //numbers at each frequency
Dictionary<int, int> numFreqs; //frequencies for each number
int modeFreq_ = 0; //frequency of the current mode
public ModeTracker(int maxFrequency)
freqNums = new HashSet<int>[maxFrequency + 2];
// populate frequencies, so we dont have to check later
for (int i=0; i<maxFrequency+1; i++)
freqNums[i] = new HashSet<int>();
numFreqs = new Dictionary<int, int>();
public int Mode { get { return freqNums[modeFreq_].First(); } }
public void addNumber(int n)
int newFreq = adjustNumberCount(n, 1);
// new mode-frequency is one greater or the same
if (freqNums[modeFreq_+1].Count > 0) modeFreq_++;
public void removeNumber(int n)
int newFreq = adjustNumberCount(n, -1);
// new mode-frequency is the same or one less
if (freqNums[modeFreq_].Count == 0) modeFreq_--;
int adjustNumberCount(int num, int adjust)
// make sure we already have this number
if (!numFreqs.ContainsKey(num))
// add entries for it
numFreqs.Add(num, 0);
// now adjust this number's frequency
int oldFreq = numFreqs[num];
int newFreq = oldFreq + adjust;
numFreqs[num] = newFreq;
// remove old freq for this number and and the new one
return newFreq;
Also, below is a small C# function that demonstrates how to use this datastructure to solve the problem originally posed in the question.
int[] ModesOfSubarrays(int[] arr, int subLen)
ModeTracker tracker = new ModeTracker(subLen);
int[] modes = new int[arr.Length - subLen + 1];
for (int i=0; i < arr.Length; i++)
//add every number into the tracker
if (i >= subLen)
// remove the number that just rotated out of the window
if (i >= subLen - 1)
// add the new Mode to the output
modes[i - subLen + 1] = tracker.Mode;
return modes;
I have tested this and it does appear to work correctly for all of my tests.
Complexity Analysis
Going through the individual steps of the `ModesOfSubarrays()` function:
The new ModeTracker object is created in O(n) time or less.
The modes[] array is created in O(n) time.
The For(..) loops N times:
. 3a: the addNumber() function takes O(1) time
. 3b: the removeNumber() function takes O(1) time
. 3c: getting the new Mode takes O(1) time
So the total time is O(n) + O(n) + n*(O(1) + O(1) + O(1)) = O(n)
Please let me know of any questions that you might have about this code.
This question already has an answer here:
Finding all the number combos in array that add up to input number
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm currently working on the following question from a interviewing book:
You are given a random array of 50 unique integers ranging from 1 to 100 inclusive. Write a method using Java that takes in a positive integer as a parameter and returns an array of all the number combinations that add up to that value.
For example, given an array of integers [3,6,1,9,2,5,12] and being passed the integer value 9, you would return [[3,6],[6,1,2],[9],[3,1,5]]. Order of returning the results in the array does not matter, though you should return unique sets (ie. [6,3] and [3,6] are the same and only one should be returned). Also, the individual results should be in the order they are found (ie [6,1,2] should be returned, not [1,2,6]).
I've made decent progress on it, but I fear I may solving this the wrong way.
import java.util.*;
public class findCombinations {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int number;
int[] list = new int[10];
Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);
//fill the array
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
number = (int)(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
list[i] = number;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { //remove duplicates
if (list[i] == list[j]) {
//test output
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
System.out.println("Enter a number: ");
int input = reader.nextInt();
ArrayList<Integer> trimmedList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//cut out the numbers that are impossible to use
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i] <= input) {
//test output
ArrayList<Integer> comboList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
System.out.println("Finding combinations...");
for (int i = 0; i < trimmedList.size(); i++) {
int current = trimmedList.get(i);
if (current == input) { System.out.println(current); }
else if (current < input) {
if (isCombo(comboList, input)) {
else { continue; }
else { continue; }
public static boolean isCombo(ArrayList<Integer> list, int input) {
ArrayList<Integer> combo = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int sum = 0;
for (int i : list)
sum += i;
if (sum == input) { return true; }
else { return false; }
public static void printList(ArrayList<Integer> list) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
I know this is incomplete but I wanted to ask if anyone had any suggestions or improvements I could make on this? I sorted my list and trimmed out all the integers that won't possibly be used, but now the hard part is finding all the combos.
There are many different approaches to solve this problem, each with their own merits, so I wouldn't worry too much about whether your answer is the 'right' one or not...so long as it actually solves the problem! Also, an interviewer will likely be more interested in your thought-process, and the strategies you use, rather than a 100% perfect solution written in the span of a few minutes on a whiteboard.
Here's a couple of things to consider:
As you noticed, you can immediately eliminate any integers larger than your target value.
You're essentially generating arbitrarily-sized subsets of your starting array—so Set is likely the most useful data type to work with. {2, 3} and {3, 2} should be seen as identical when you're generating your response set.
Integer partitioning is an NP-Complete problem. It's hard. I think you've taken the correct approach of starting with the array, rather than with the target value.
There are many algorithms for generating combinations of integers from a larger set. Check out this SO answer for a few of them. You can generate k sized combinations from your (already-filtered) starting set, for k from 1-50.
Actually...there are more direct ways to get the power set of your starting set. Consider the inherent structure of a power set (shown below). By enumerating a few examples, you'll notice a natural recurrence in your strategy for identifying the subsets.
As you're generating these combinations, discard any whose elements don't sum to your target value.
Image Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_set
Since this is a learning exercise, you will benefit most if you can solve this for yourself. So ...
Sorting the numbers first is on the right track
I would use recursion to iterate the solutions. Given a partial sum, only numbers less than a certain number are possible candidates to be added to the sum ...
Work out the algorithm in your head >before< you start coding it.
And I agree with what #nbrooks says on the topic of what the interviewers are looking for. You need to be able to think ... and explain your thinking to the interviewer ... at the algorithmic level. That is what will distinguish the excellent candidates from the ordinary ones.
I realize generating your array of random numbers is not part of the problem statement, but I think your difficulties begin here.
First of all, use a Set<Integer> type collection to collect your generated numbers; break when the set reaches the desired size. If generated order is important, use a LinkedHashSet.
Set<Integer> origSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); // fill with random numbers
At some point, you have a list of numbers for which the order matters. Maintain this list as a List<Integer>. The list preserves the order of your original list so that you can produce the number combinations in the right order (i.e., 6 precedes 1, 1 precedes 2).
List<Integer> origList = new ArrayList<Integer>(origSet); // use indexOf method to find index of a number
You create a second list that is sorted; this list is the one used by your recursion algorithm.
List<Integer> sortedList = new ArrayList<Integer>(origList); // sort this
You don't need to trim the list because a recursive algorithm will trim any branch with no feasible solution.
A recursive algorithm can generate the combos in fewer lines of code. Reordering takes a few more lines.
My question is if given an array,we have to split that into two sub-arrays such that the absolute difference between the sum of the two arrays is minimum with a condition that the difference between number of elements of the arrays should be atmost one.
Let me give you an example.Suppose
Example 1: 100 210 100 75 340
Answer :
Array1{100,210,100} and Array2{75,340} --> Difference = |410-415|=5
Example 2: 10 10 10 10 40
Answer : Array1{10,10,10} and Array2{10,40} --> Difference = |30-50|=20
Here we can see that though we can divide the array into {10,10,10,10} and {40},we are not dividing because the constraint "the number of elements between the arrays should be atmost 1" will be violated if we do so.
Can somebody provide a solution for this ?
My approach:
->Calculate sum of the array
->Divide the sum by 2
->Let the size of the knapsack=sum/2
->Consider the weights of the array values as 1.(If you have come across the knapsack problem ,you may know about the weight concept)
->Then consider the array values as the values of the weights.
->Calculate the answer which will be array1 sum.
->Total sum-answer=array2 sum
This approach fails.
Calculating the two arrays sum is enough.We are not interested in which elements form the sum.
Thank you!
Source: This is an ICPC problem.
I have an algorithm that works in O(n3) time, but I have no hard proof it is optimal. It seems to work for every test input I give it (including some with negative numbers), so I figured it was worth sharing.
You start by splitting the input into two equally sized arrays (call them one[] and two[]?). Start with one[0], and see which element in two[] would give you the best result if swapped. Whichever one gives the best result, swap. If none give a better result, don't swap it. Then move on to the next element in one[] and do it again.
That part is O(2) by itself. The problem is, it might not get the best results the first time through. If you just keep doing it until you don't make any more swaps, you end up with an ugly bubble-type construction which makes it O(n3) total.
Here's some ugly Java code to demonstrate (also at ideone.com if you want to play with it):
static int[] input = {1,2,3,4,5,-6,7,8,9,10,200,-1000,100,250,-720,1080,200,300,400,500,50,74};
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] two = new int[input.length/2];
int[] one = new int[input.length - two.length];
int totalSum = 0;
for(int i=0;i<input.length;i++){
totalSum += input[i];
one[i] = input[i];
two[i-one.length] = input[i];
float goal = totalSum / 2f;
boolean swapped;
swapped = false;
for(int j=0;j<one.length;j++){
int curSum = sum(one);
float curBestDiff = Math.abs(goal - curSum);
int curBestIndex = -1;
for(int i=0;i<two.length;i++){
int testSum = curSum - one[j] + two[i];
float diff = Math.abs(goal - testSum);
if(diff < curBestDiff){
curBestDiff = diff;
curBestIndex = i;
if(curBestIndex >= 0){
swapped = true;
System.out.println("swapping " + one[j] + " and " + two[curBestIndex]);
int tmp = one[j];
one[j] = two[curBestIndex];
two[curBestIndex] = tmp;
} while(swapped);
System.out.println("diff = " + Math.abs(sum(one) - sum(two)));
static int sum(int[] list){
int sum = 0;
for(int i=0;i<list.length;i++)
sum += list[i];
return sum;
Can you provide more information on the upper limit of the input?
For your algorithm, I think your are trying to pick floor(n/2) items and find it's maximum sum of value as array1 sum...(If this is not your original thought then please ignore the following lines)
If this is the case, then knapsack size should be n/2 instead of sum/2,
but even so, I think it's still not working. The ans is min(|a - b|) and maximizing a is a different issue. For eg, {2,2,10,10}, you will get a = 20, b = 4, while the ans is a = b = 12.
To answer the problem, I think I need more information of the upper limit of the input..
I cannot come up with a brilliant dp state but a 3-dimensional state
dp(i,n,v) := in first i-th items, pick n items out and make a sum of value v
each state is either 0 or 1 (false or true)
dp(i,n,v) = dp(i-1, n, v) | dp(i-1, n-1, v-V[i])
This dp state is so naive that it has a really high complexity which usually cannot pass a ACM / ICPC problem, so if possible please provide more information and see if I can come up another better solution...Hope I can help a bit :)
DP soluction will give lg(n) time. Two array, iterate one from start to end, and calculate the sum, the other iterate from end to start, and do the same thing. Finally, iterate from start to end and get minimal difference.
private void findLDS() {
Integer[] array = Arrays.copyOf(elephants.iq, elephants.iq.length);
Hashtable<Integer, Integer> eq = elephants.elephantiqs;
Integer[] lds = new Integer[array.length];
Integer[] prev= new Integer[array.length];
lds[0] = 0;
prev[0] = 0;
int maxlds = 1, ending=0;
for(int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
lds[i] = 1;
prev[i] = -1;
for (int j = i; j >= 0; --j) {
if(lds[j] + 1 > lds[i] && array[j] > array[i] && eq.get(array[j]) < eq.get(array[i])) {
lds[i] = lds[j]+1;
prev[i] = j;
if(lds[i] > maxlds) {
ending = i;
maxlds = lds[i];
for(int i = ending; i >= 0; --i) {
if(prev[i] != -1) {
I have based this algorithm on this SO question. This code is trying to find longest decreasing subsequence instead of increasing. array[] is sorted in descending order, and I also have a hashtable with the elephants IQ's as keys for their weights.
I'm having a hard time properly understanding DP, and I need some help.
My algorithm seems to work fine besides tracking the chosen sequence in prev[], where it always misses one element. Does anyone know how to do this?
A few ways to approach this one:
Sort by weight in decreasing order, then find the longest increasing subsequence.
Sort by IQ in decreasing order, then find the longest increasing subsequence of weights.
and 4. are just (1) and (2), switching the words "increasing" and "decreasing"
If you don't understand the DP for longest increasing subsequence O(N^2), it's basically this:
Since the list has to be strictly increasing/decreasing anyway, you can just eliminate some elephants beforehand to make the set unique.
Create an array, which I will call llis standing for "Longest Increasing Subsequence", of length N, the number of elephants there now are. Create another array called last with the same length. I will assume the sorted list of elephants is called array as it is in your problem statement.
Assuming that you've already sorted the elephants in decreasing order, you will want to find the longest increasing subsequence of IQs.
Tell yourself that the element in the array llis at index n (this is a different "n") < N will be the length of the longest increasing subsequence for the sub-array of array from index 0 to n, inclusive. Also say that the element in the next array at index n will be the next index in array in the longest increasing subsequence.
Therefore, finding the length of the longest increasing subsequence in the "sub-array" of 0 to N - 1 inclusive, which is also the whole array, would only require you to find the N - 1 th element in the array llis after the DP calculations, and finding the actual subsequence would simplify to following the indices in the next array.
Now that you know what you're looking for, you can proceed with the algorithm. At index n in the array, how do you know what the longest increasing subsequence is? Well, if you've calculated the length of the longest increasing subsequence and the last value in the subsequences for every k < n, you can try adding the elephant at index n to the longest increasing subsequence ending at k if the IQ of the elephant n is higher than the IQ of the elephant at k. In this case, the length of the longest increasing subsequence ending at elephant n would be llis[k] + 1. (Also, remember to set next[k] to be n, since the next elephant in the increasing subsequence will be the one at n.)
We've found the DP relation that llis[n] = max(llis[n], llis[k] + 1), after going through all k s that come strictly before n. Just process the n s in the right order (linearly) and you should get the correct result.
Procedure/warnings: 1) Process n in order from 0 to N - 1. 2) For every n, process k in order from n - 1 to 0 because you want to minimize the k that you choose. 3) After you're done processing, make sure to find the maximum number in the array llis to get your final result.
Since this is tagged as homework, I won't explicitly say how to modify this to find the longest decreasing subsequence, but I hope my explanation has helped with your understanding of DP. It should be easy to figure out the decreasing version on your own, if you choose to use it. (Note that this problem can be solved using the increasing version, as described in approaches 1 or 2.)
I wrote the following algorithm for finding all possible permutations of n unique alphabets.
Set<String> results = new HashSet<String>();
int size = 1;
//find the total permutations possible
for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++){
// i is the number of items remaining to be shuffled.
for (int i = array.length; i > 1; i--) {
// Pick a random element to swap with the i-th element.
int j = rng.nextInt(i); // 0 <= j <= i-1 (0-based array)
// Swap array elements.
char tmp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i-1];
array[i-1] = tmp;
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++)
1) Is there anything to be done to improve this algorithm?
2) What would be the time complexity of this algorithm?
PS: I apologize to the people who who reacted to my previous post. I'll try on my own before asking for help.
By utilizing a random shuffling, you're going to have a massive number of iterations that end up not actually putting a new item into the set - you should look for an approach that ensures that on each iteration a new item is placed into the set (by 'new' I simply mean a permutation that hasn't been seen previously).
I wouldn't like to guess at the time complexity of the algorithm supplied above - it's going to be big.
1) Is there anything to be done to improve this algorithm?
Yes. Just to give you some hints how you could generate the permutations deterministically:
imagine the lexicographic order of all permutations on N elements. Imagine, how could you generate the next permutation in that order given the previous
think about what would the set of permutations with a common prefix (eg. 435 126, 435 162 etc.) be and how could you use it in an algorithm.
The best way to generate permutations is to do so iteratively: finding a scheme to go from one permutation to the next until you've seen them all. Knuth has exposed such a scheme in one of the combinatorial fascicles of TAOCP, and without going into his assembly-like pseudo code, you might want to check these nifty C implementation of those algorithms. The algorithm you are looking for is the one that generates permutations.
The advantage of such an algorithm by opposition to (what I understand of) yours, is that it is deterministic and will generate a different permutation every single time.
Thank you for your inputs. I think I have got a better algorithm. Please provide comments
private static List<String> allPerms(char[] array) {
List<String> perms = new ArrayList<String>();
if(array.length<=1 )
char[] newarray = Arrays.copyOf(array, array.length-1);
char lastChar = array[array.length-1];
List<String> soFar = allPerms(newarray);
for(int i=0; i<soFar.size(); i++) {
String curr = soFar.get(i);
for(int j=0;j<array.length;j++){
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(curr);
perms.add(buff.insert(j, lastChar).toString());
return perms; }