AngularJs: Can not read cookies sent from server - java

I've browsed a bunch of questions that are similar to mine, but none of the solutions I have tried seem to work.
I have a Jersey2.0 REST service that adds a cookie to the response and returns it to an Angularjs front end application. I already have the setup done correctly (Access-Control-Allow-Credentials=true, no wildcard in Access-Control-Allow-Origin, etc..).
I do it by adding a "SET-COOKIE" header on the response like so:
MultivaluedMap<String, Object> headers = responseContext.getHeaders();
headers.add("SET-COOKIE", new NewCookie(cookieName, cookieValue);
This works, and I can see the cookie being returned in the response of that particular REST service call to that particular REST endpoint. What I mean is, on the Chrome developer console under the Network tab, I can click on the request that is supposed to return the cookie, and in both the 'Cookies' and 'Headers' tabs, I can see the cookie being returned in the response. In fact, when I make another request to the endpoint, that same cookie is now sent in the request and I can capture it on the Jersey server.
Great. The issue is that the cookie is not showing up on the 'Resources' tab. If I click on the 'Resources' tab, then along the left select the 'Cookies' dropdown and then select localhost, the cookie I'm trying to send in the response is not there. I'm assuming this is also why when I try to get the cookie in my AngularJs application via $cookies.get('cookieId'); using ngCookies, I get undefined.
Also, just in case someone mentions it in an answer/comments, I'm pretty sure the problem here is not HttpOnly. My JSESSIONID cookie gets returned, and I can see it in the 'Resources' tab with the Http field checked indicating HttpOnly.
I thought maybe because I'm in a corporate environment, they don't let me add cookies, but I'm able to do this on the Angular front end via $Cookies.put('cookieId', 'cookieValue'); and it shows on the 'Resources' tab just fine.
Any help as to why my cookies are not being added from the server?

After digging through a few more stackoverflow questions relating to my original one, I found out through this stackoverflow question that cookies that are created on one domain cannot be accessed on another domain using Javascript.
I will have to come up with a workaround for this, but my original question has been answered so marking this as answered.

For your case it is easy to solve if you just set the path of the cookie,
Cookie myCookie = new Cookie("Name_of_cookie", "String_value_of_cookie")
myCookie.setPath("/the domain Js is using ")
Or just leave it as / for the main domain that most probably Js is deployed.


Handling the http cookie from GWT module

I have a small confusion about Cookies, whenever the user is logging in we create cookies and adding to the response header.
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("sessionId", "232hghjghghgh"); // http cookie.
I think the above will be setting into the browser cache and we can get it from the browser cookies.
In our GWT module we already have an existing implementation like
Cookies.getCookie("sessionId"); // Cookies are from GWT
We are able to get the cookie using above line without using anywhere Cookies.setCookie() method.
Is that because of above line response.addCookie(cookie).
Could any body tell me, is my assumption correct?
Yes. Your first example is using a javax.servlet.http.Cookie, and this happens on the server side. The latter is purely GWT (i.e. client side) and returns java.lang.String (i.e. the String value of the cookie). But of course both are conceptually the same and setting one on the server will make the other show up on the client.

Open an authenticated image served by django from java using Apache http client

I Am serving an authenticated image using django. The image is behind a view which require login, and in the end I have to check more things than just the authentication.
Because of a reason to complicated to explain here, I cannot use the real url to the image, but I Am serving it with a custom url leading to the authenticated view.
From java the image must be reachable, to save or display. For this part I use Apache httpclient.
In Apacahe I tried a lot of things (every example and combination of examples...) but can't seem to get it working.
For other parts of the webapp I use django-rest-framwork, which I succesfully connected to from java (and c and curl).
I use the login_reuired decorator in django, which makes the attempt to get to the url redirect to a login page first.
Trying the link and the login in a webviewer, I see the 200 code (OK) in the server console.
Trying the link with the httpclient, I get a 302 Found in the console.... (looking up 302, it means a redirect..)
this is what I do in django:
url(r'^photolink/(?P<filename>.*)$', 'myapp.views.photolink',name='photolink'),
import mimetypes
import os
def photolink(request, filename):
# from the filename I get the image object, for this question not interesting
# there is a good reason for this complicated way to reach a photo, but not the point here
filename_photo = some_image_object.url
# than this is the real path and filename to the photo:
mime = mimetypes.guess_type(filename_photot)[0]
logger.debug("mimetype response = %s" % mime)
image_data = open(path_filename, 'rb').read()
return HttpResponse(image_data, mimetype=mime)
by the way, if i get this working i need another decorator to pass some other tests....
but i first need to get this thing working....
for now it's not a secured url.... plain http.
in java i tried a lot of things... using apache's httpclient 4.2.1
proxy, cookies, authentication negociation, with follow redirects... and so on...
Am I overlooking some basic thing here?...
it seems the login of the website client is not suitable for automated login...
so the problem can be in my code in django....or in the java code....
In the end the problem was, using HTTP authorization.
Which is not by default used in the login_required decorator.
adding a custom decorator that checks for HTTP authorization did the trick:
see this example:

how do i know whether my html link is clicked or not from Servlet?

My Servlet response type is html and my response contains a hyperlink to another web site.So, now i want to capture the information about whether the user clicked the link or not? and also calculate the total clicks? i am using Tomcat 7 as a server.
Is this possible in setting response header (302 or 404)?...
Please Guide me to get out of this issue?
Yes, you can use a 302: instead of providing the link to the other website, you provide a link to your own servlet, do your accounting and then send back a redirection (301/302) http status with the other web-site URL in the response Location header.
This maybe a bit simplistic though, since the user will leave your original page (is this what you want ?) and search engines may not like this if your web app is public.
I think right now you are redirecting the request(link for another website) at client side.In this approach your server cannot get the information about the click.
What you can do create a servlet and call this servlet on click now this servlet is responsible to redirect the request to another website. Add an static integer counter and increment this when servlet call each time.
Use the method setStatus():-

Why do I get an error 500 when I send POST data to an ASP.NET MVC site through Android?

I'm trying to create an android app to check my tests scores of my engineering school. In order to download the Word containing the scores, I need to login to the portal.
I thought it would be simple to do it by sending a POST request.
After bypassing the problem of the self-signed certificate (or whatever) thanks to the code on this page : Self-signed SSL acceptance on Android
I still get an 500 error while trying to send any POST request to the login page, which is here :
I tried various codes from the web to send the POST data (especially How to do a HTTP Post in Android? this one). And even on a pure java app, I get a 500.
When I point the URL to another testing page, I manage to get it working, but not on
Could anyone explain to me why it doesn't work or help me get rid of this error ?
This is what is being sent through my browser (According to chrome developper tools)
Button1:Connecter :
This is the string that i send :
+ URLEncoder
"UTF-8") + "&Username="
+ URLEncoder.encode(mUsername, "UTF-8") + "&Password="
+ URLEncoder.encode(mPassword, "UTF-8")
+ "&Langues=fr&Button1="
+ URLEncoder.encode("Connecter :", "UTF-8");
HTTP error 500 just means that the server side code failed. It has a bug, for example a NullPointerException was been thrown over there. If the response body doesn't contain anything sensible (e.g. a stacktrace) so that you could learn how it is caused and so change the request accordingly, then your best bet is to contact the server admin and report about this bug in the server code and ask how to correctly perform a programmatic login.
If that is not an option for some reason, then you should doublecheck if you don't forget to send a specific cookie, header and/or parameter. Probably the server side code was expecting it, but it was null and the code was buggy and hence it totally broke with a 500. I'd suggest to use Firebug to track the entire HTTP traffic and compare it with the headers/parameters you've set. Probably you need to send a specific cookie back? Or you need to send the name=value pair of the submit button? Etcetera.
Update: you're sending the wrong __VIEWSTATE value along. The website runs on ASP.NET MVC which is a component based MVC framework (like as JSF in Java EE). It stores the component tree as "view state". You should not send a random/non-existing/invalidated view state back as paramter, but a valid one. You need to rewrite the HTTP client so that it first fires a GET request on the page with the form and then use a HTML parser (Jsoup?) to extract the value of the hidden __VIEWSTATE input field and finally fire a POST request with exactly that value (and exactly the same cookie in the request header!).
Like as in JSF, the view state is part of CSRF attack prevention. You cannot submit the form without first requesting the form from the website itself in the same session.

Cookie available in the same request/response

I have found a strange behaviour (strange for me, a novice :D) in my project.
Basicly after an action I create or update a cookie (if it exists or not) and send it to the client. The strange thing is that in the jsp I can read the cookie ONLY when I update its value (and I get the updated value, not the old one) but not the first time, when I create it (I can see the cookie using a browser tool but seems that the jsp can't read it).
Is this a normal behaviour? If yes, what do you suggest to do in order to have the cookie information available also at the first time?
Thanks very much!
If you create or update a cookie, it will be stored in the response header. If you request a cookie, it will be requested from the request header.
I think your problem is that you're forwarding the same request from servlet to JSP and that you expect that the new cookie is already available in the request header. This is not true. The new cookie is only available in the subsequent requests.
You have 2 options:
Redirect to JSP. A redirect will create a new request.
Store the data of interest as request attribute and let EL in JSP access it.
By the way, I saw in one of your comments that you're using plain Java code to read cookies in a JSP. I would only say that using scriptlets in JSP is a bad practice. You can access cookie values easily in EL as follows:
[Edit] oh my, now I see that this is an old topic. Hopefully my effors weren't all for nothing :/
Cookies are stored on client, and so if the response doesn't gets to the client yet, its value is not updated, but it should be available on the next requests.
cookies are used to identify clients when they send you any requests. here's what you are doing when you set the cookie up. you are sending the cookie to the client along with response. And when that client send his next request the cookie that you set comes along with it. so, in the jsp page where you are setting up the cookie, you don't have a request from the client with cookie! so you can't read it. but what you can do like what jerjer has said above. (i.e use a temp and store cookie's value in it and don't try to retrieve cookie. just read the temp value). And i see you say you can read the cookie only when you update. You will be able to read cookie's value from future reqests after cookie is set even if you don't update it. Hope this helps.
