ExecutorService unchecked assignment - java

I'm learning about ExecutorService and Callables, but get a warning from intelij saying I'm doing an unchecked assignment for this line:
Future<OrderWorker<OfferType>> future = executorService.submit(new OrderWorker<OfferType>(anOfferSet));
I don't get how to assign correctly. Here's the code:
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
List<Future<OrderWorker<OfferType>>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
for (OfferType anOfferSet : offerSet) {
// the next assignment is unchecked:
Future<OrderWorker<OfferType>> future = executorService.submit(new OrderWorker<OfferType>(anOfferSet));
Order Worker:
public class OrderWorker<I extends OfferType> implements DataWorker {
private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(OrderWorker.class);
private final OfferType offer;
public OrderWorker(I data) {
this.offer = data;
public OfferType getOffer() {
return offer;
public Object call() throws Exception {
return this;
DataWorker interface:
interface DataWorker<I extends OfferType> extends Callable<I> {}
OfferType is a simple POJO class.
I also tried to give DataWorker a type when implementing it:
public class OrderWorker<I extends OfferType> implements DataWorker<I>
This gives an error saying call() in OrderWorker clashes with call() in Callable -> incompatible return type
What am I doing wrong, and what do I have to do to make the assignment checked?

What you need to change is the declaration of OrderWorker and the return type of call, as next:
public class OrderWorker<I extends OfferType> implements Callable<OrderWorker<I>> {
public OrderWorker<I> call() throws Exception {


Better solution to call method from interface in every service

I would like to create service which searching and returns objects from repositories, so:
I created interface which has method:
public interface ShapeServicesInterface {
List<ShapeEntity> getAll();
String getName();
and few services which implements that interface:
public class CircleEntityService implements ShapeServicesInterface {
private final CircleEntityRepository circleEntityRepository;
public List<ShapeEntity> getAll() {
return new ArrayList<>(circleEntityRepository.findAll());
public String getName() {
return "circle";
and second one:
public class SquareEntityService implements ShapeServicesInterface {
private final SquareEntityRepository squareEntityRepository;
public List<ShapeEntity> getAll() {
return new ArrayList<>(squareEntityRepository.findAll());
public String getName() {
return "square";
and next in other service I would like to call that method for getting all entites from that repositories (entites extend abstract class ShapeEntity) - found solution like that:
public class TestService {
private final ShapeServiceFacade facade;
private final ExecutorService executorService;
public List<ShapeEntity> getAll() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
List<ShapeEntity> allShapes = new ArrayList<>();
List<Future<List<ShapeEntity>>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
for (ShapeServicesInterface shapeDownloader : facade.getServices()) {
futures.add(executorService.submit(new ShapeTask(shapeDownloader)));
for (Future<List<ShapeEntity>> future : futures) {
return allShapes;
ShapeTask is:
private static class ShapeTask implements Callable<List<ShapeEntity>> {
private final ShapeServicesInterface servicesInterface;
public List<ShapeEntity> call() {
return servicesInterface.getAll();
Facade is:
public class ShapeServiceFacade {
private final Map<String, ShapeServicesInterface> shapeServices;
public ShapeServiceFacade(Set<ShapeServicesInterface> allServices) {
this.shapeServices = allServices.stream()
public List<ShapeServicesInterface> getServices() {
return new ArrayList<>(shapeServices.values());
but it is a little complicated. Is there a easier way to call that methods? I would like to add more methods so I will have to implement another task and another method in service, and in interface. I care about searching in every repostiory.
Maybe the ShapeServiceFacade can be omitted, if you are using spring boot, like that
public class TestService {
private final List<ShapeServicesInterface> serviceList;
private final ExecutorService executorService;
public List<ShapeEntity> getAll() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
List<ShapeEntity> allShapes = new ArrayList<>();
List<Future<List<ShapeEntity>>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
for (ShapeServicesInterface shapeDownloader : serviceList) {
futures.add(executorService.submit(new ShapeTask(shapeDownloader)));
for (Future<List<ShapeEntity>> future : futures) {
return allShapes;

How to create a polymorphic structure that can work for both success and error responses in Java?

I'm working on a class that will get a list of strings and process them asynchronously using CompletableFutures. Each string is processed by invoking another class that will perform several operations and return a response or throw an exception if there is an error.
I would like to aggregate the responses that I get, whether they have a valid response or an exception and return them as a list to the caller. I would like the caller to be able to expect a list of SomeResponse and be able to interpret them using polymorphism.
However, I'm stuck on determining if this can be done using polymorphism at all, given that the fields for the success and error response are completely different. I have added some pseudo code below on one alternative I have thought of. Basically have SomeResponse be an interface with an isSuccess method. This will allow the caller to know if it's an error or not. However, the caller would still have to cast it to the correct implementation in order to get the value or the error. Is there a better way to approach this? My requirement is being able to return both a success and error response for each given request in the list. If there is an exception, we don't want to abort the entire operation.
public MyProcessorClass {
private final SomeOtherClass someOtherClass;
public List<SomeResponse> process(List<String> requestList) {
return requestList.stream().map(this::procesRequest)
private processRequest(String request) {
CompletableFuture completableFuture = CompletableFuture
.supplyAsync(() => {
return new SomeSuccessResponse(someOtherClass.execute(request));
.exceptionally(e -> {
return new SomeErrorResponse(e.getCause);
return completableFuture.get();
public interface SomeResponse {
boolean isSuccess();
public class SomeSuccessResponse implements SomeResponse {
private final String value;
private final boolean success;
public SomeSuccessResponse(String value) {
this.value = value;
this.success = true;
public class SomeErrorResponse implements SomeResponse {
private final Throwable error;
private final boolean success;
public SomeErrorResponse(Throwable error) {
this.error = error;
this.success = false;
What you want is the visitor pattern https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visitor_pattern
public class Main {
interface IResponse {
void acceptHandler(IResponseHandler handler);
static class ResponseA implements IResponse {
public void acceptHandler(IResponseHandler handler) {
static class ResponseB implements IResponse {
public void acceptHandler(IResponseHandler handler) {
public interface IResponseHandler {
void handle(ResponseA response);
void handle(ResponseB responseB);
public static void main(String[] args) {
final IResponseHandler handler = new IResponseHandler() {
public void handle(ResponseA response) {
System.out.println("Handle ResponseA");
public void handle(ResponseB responseB) {
System.out.println("Handle ResponseB");
final IResponse someResponse = new ResponseA();

Kotlin vs Java nested generics

I'm having some trouble when trying to translate Java code with nested generics to Kotlin. Take this Java SSCCE as an example (please note the relation between S and T):
public class JavaTest {
private class JavaObjectContainer<S> {
public S obj;
private abstract class JavaSampleClass<S, T extends JavaObjectContainer<S>> {
private Class<S> type;
public JavaSampleClass(Class<S> type) {
this.type = type;
public Class<S> getType() {
return type;
public abstract void callMethod(S s);
private class JavaChildSampleClass extends JavaSampleClass<String, JavaObjectContainer<String>> {
public JavaChildSampleClass() {
public void callMethod(String s) {}
private class JavaTestContainer {
private Map<Class<?>, JavaSampleClass> sampleClasses;
public JavaTestContainer() {
this.sampleClasses = new HashMap<>();
public void registerJavaSampleClass(JavaSampleClass javaSampleClass) {
sampleClasses.put(javaSampleClass.getType(), javaSampleClass);
public void callMethod(Object obj) {
public void test() {
JavaTestContainer javaTestContainer = new JavaTestContainer();
javaTestContainer.registerJavaSampleClass(new JavaChildSampleClass());
Think of this SSCCE as an implementation of a generic factory pattern, where the user registers multiple JavaSampleClass whose methods can be invoked in the future.
As Kotlin does not provide an alternative to wildcards, I have tried the following approach:
class KotlinTest {
private class KotlinObjectContainer<S> {
var obj : S? = null
private open class KotlinSampleClass<S, T : KotlinObjectContainer<S>>(var type: Class<S>) {
fun callMethod(s : S) {}
private class KotlinChildSampleClass : KotlinSampleClass<String, KotlinObjectContainer<String>>(String::class.java)
private inner class KotlinTestContainer {
private val sampleClasses: MutableMap<Class<Any>, KotlinSampleClass<Any, KotlinObjectContainer<Any>>> = mutableMapOf()
fun registerKotlinSampleClass(kotlinSampleClass: KotlinSampleClass<Any, KotlinObjectContainer<Any>>) {
sampleClasses.put(kotlinSampleClass.type, kotlinSampleClass)
fun callMethod(obj : Any) {
fun test() {
val kotlinTestContainer = KotlinTestContainer()
// Exception!
The above code throws the following exception in the IDE:
Type mismatch.
Required: KotlinTest.KotlinSampleClass<Any, KotlinObjectContainer<Any>>
Found: KotlinTest.KotlinChildSampleClass
I have been thinking of declaring sampleClasses map as
MutableMap<*, *>
But then, how can I initialize it? Also, as * represents an out-projected parameter, the IDE shows me an error when trying to put new values in the map.
How can I overcome this issue? I'm quite certain that I'm missing something...
As Kotlin does not provide an alternative to wildcards...
I have been thinking of declaring sampleClasses map as
MutableMap<*, *>
For this case * corresponds to wildcards perfectly well. If you have Class<?> in Java, you want Class<*> in Kotlin, not Class<Any> or *.
private val sampleClasses: MutableMap<Class<*>, KotlinSampleClass<*, *>> = mutableMapOf()
fun registerKotlinSampleClass(kotlinSampleClass: KotlinSampleClass<*, *>) {
sampleClasses.put(kotlinSampleClass.type, kotlinSampleClass)
fun callMethod(obj : Any) {
(sampleClasses[obj.javaClass] as KotlinSampleClass<Any, *>?)?.callMethod(obj)
The only reason you don't need the cast in callMethod in Java is because you are using raw types (as Turing85's comment mentions) and the compiler basically gives up on type checking.

Convert a ListenableFuture chain to the equivalent RxJava structure

Using Guava Listenable Futures
Assume I have the following class:
public class FooService {
ListenableFuture<Foo> getFoo() {
//code to create callable, then
return listeningExecutorService.submit(fooCallable);
and the following class:
public class BarService {
ListenableFuture<Bar> getBar(Foo foo) {
//code to create callable, then
return listeningExecutorService.submit(barCallable);
Note that getBar requires a Foo in the parameters.
If I want to chain these two operations together I would write a transformer function like this:
AsyncFunction<Foo, Bar> fooToBar = new AsyncFunction<Foo, Bar>() {
ListenableFuture<Bar> apply(Foo resultantFoo) {
return barService.get(resultantFoo);
and then apply the transformation like this:
public ListenableFuture<Bar> combinedFooToBar() {
ListenableFuture<Foo> futureFoo = fooService.get();
return Futures.transformAsync(futureFoo, fooToBar);
Question: what is the equivalent syntax for these classes and transformation function if we were to convert them into RxJava? Assume that we want to convert FooService and BarService into the appropriate RxJava structures. Assume we want to chain async tasks using the result of calling FooService as the parameter for BarService.
NB: I am just starting to learn about RxJava syntax. When I have finished studying the syntax I will attempt answer the question myself. However, in the meantime if anyone wants to answer they are welcome.
The Guava code translates into RxJava2 code as follows:
public class FooService {
Observable<Foo> getFoo() {
return Observable.fromCallable(new Callable<Foo>() {
public Foo call() throws Exception {
return new Foo();
public class BarService {
Observable<Bar> getBar(final Foo foo) {
return Observable.fromCallable(new Callable<Bar>() {
public Bar call() throws Exception {
return new Bar(foo);
public class FooBarService {
private final FooService fooService;
private final BarService barService;
public FooBarService(FooService fooService, BarService barService) {
this.fooService = fooService;
this.barService = barService;
Observable<Bar> getFooBar() {
return fooService.getFoo()
.concatMap(new Function<Foo, ObservableSource<? extends Bar>>() {
public ObservableSource<? extends Bar> apply(#NonNull Foo foo) throws Exception {
return barService.getBar(foo);
Hence, concatMap and flatMap are similar to Futures.transformAsync and map is similar to Futures.transform (non-async).
Note also this Github project called Future Converter for conversion between ListenableFuture and Observable.

Use of Generics during validation

I am using apache CXF.
The following API is used to post a Contact.
ResponseResult create(#Context HttpHeaders httpHeaders, #Context Request request, #Context UriInfo uriInfo,
UserContact contact) throws MDMException;
Here the UserContact class contains the contact information about a user which is passed as JSON in the body.
I need to do some business validations on this UserContact object. But I do not like to have too much validation code packed in a single class.
I would like to do something like the following. But I am facing issue with Generics.
interface Rule<S>
void applyRule(S s)throws Exception;
interface Validatable
void validate() throws Exception;
public class MyValidator
private HashMap<? extends Rule ,?> map = new HashMap<>();
public void validate() throws Exception
for(Rule rule : map.keySet())
public <S> void addRule(Rule<S> rule, S data)
this.map.put(rule, data);
class EMailValidationRule implements Rule<String>
private static final Pattern emailPattern = Pattern.compile("email-regex");
public void applyRule(String s) throws Exception
throw new Exception("Not a valid EMail");
So the UserContact has to do the following for its validation purposes. This keeps the code compact (IMO).
class UserContact implements Validatable
// some
// code
// related to User Contact
public void validate() throws Exception
MyValidator validator = new MyValidator();
validator.addRule(new EMailValidationRule(), "developer#stackoverflow.com");
validator.addRule(new PhoneValidationRule(), "+1234567890");
I keep getting error like :
The method put(capture#5-of ? extends Rule, capture#6-of ?) in the type HashMap is not applicable
for the arguments (Rule, S)
Also is the above design good for doing validations?
The problem is that, although your encapsulation ensures it, the compiler can not be sure that the retrieved Rule<...> has a type argument of the same type as the retrieved data.
There is also the problem of not being able to insert a Rule<T> with data of a subtype of T. If you have Rule<S> rule, S data the types have to be an exact match. While a Rule<S> could handle a subtype of S just fine.
While MyValidator is a cool little class, I can't really see the point in having it. Especially because you create a new one every time you call validate. It would also be hard to cache because the rules are static (the same for every instance of the class) and the data comes from individual instances (I'd assume).
You could also just do this:
class UserContact implements Validatable
// some
// code
// related to User Contact
// 1 rule instance for the entire class, not a new one per call to 'validate'
private static EMailValidationRule emailRule = new EmailValidationRule();
private static PhoneValidationRule phoneRule = new PhoneValidationRule();
public void validate() throws Exception
Never the less, here is a working version of MyValidator:
class MyValidator {
private Map<Rule<?>, RuleNode<?>> map = new HashMap<>();
public void validate() throws Exception {
for(RuleNode<?> node : map.values())
public <T, D extends T> void addRule(Rule<T> rule, D data) {
#SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // unchecked, but safe due to encapsulation
RuleNode<T> r = (RuleNode<T>) map.get(rule);
if(r == null) {
r = new RuleNode<T>(rule);
map.put(rule, r);
private static class RuleNode<T> { // Maintains that the rule and data are compatible
private final Rule<T> rule;
private final List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
public RuleNode(Rule<T> rule) {
this.rule = rule;
public void add(T data) {
public void apply() throws Exception {
for(T data : list)
You just need to make a generic Version of the MyValidator Class
A generic class is defined with thss format:
class name<T1, T2, ..., Tn> { /* ... */ }
Defining the class using generics you will specify the types you want to use in your class, in your case <R extends Rule<S> ,S>
class MyValidator<R extends Rule<S> ,S>{
private HashMap<R ,S> map = new HashMap<>();
public void validate() throws Exception{
for(Rule<S> rule : map.keySet()){
public void addRule(R rule, S data){
this.map.put(rule, data);
Once done you just have to build a MyValidator of the desired type :
MyValidator<Rule<String>, String> validator = new MyValidator<>();
And finally add the rules matching the types of the validator :
validator.addRule(new EMailValidationRule(), "developer#stackoverflow.com");
So for example addind a phone validator your UserContact will looks like :
class PhoneValidationRule implements Rule<String>{
private static final Pattern phonePattern = Pattern.compile("phone-regex");
public void applyRule(String s) throws Exception{
throw new Exception("Not a valid phone");
class UserContact implements Validatable{
public void validate() throws Exception{
MyValidator<Rule<String>, String> validator = new MyValidator<>();
validator.addRule(new EMailValidationRule(), "developer#stackoverflow.com");
validator.addRule(new PhoneValidationRule(), "developer#stackoverflow.com");
