Facing issue while installing opentaps - java

I am trying to install opentaps-1.5.0 on a Windows machine, Java version 1.7.0_45.
Getting an error
C:\opentaps-1.5.0>"\bin\java" -Xms512M - Xms1536M -XX:MaxPermSize=1024M -jar ofbiz.jar 1>runtime\logs\console.cog
Syatem cannot find the path specified`

try java version 1.6.... opentaps supports java1.5 or java1.6...
also you have to set java path("C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6"...inmy case) in the systems environment variable ...
check this link..


Launching Inteliji IDEA gives an error. How can I fix that?

I think it has something to do with the idea.exe.vmoptions.
Here is what is inside the vmoptions file
Do I need to remove or add something to this file?
For some reason IntelliJ is not able to install its own version of java in your computer. It tries to do it in E:\Programs\IntelliJ...
Check for right permissions or harddisk space.
The messege tells you that IntelliJ installation of its own java is not mandatory, because if you have your own version you can make IntelliJ run on it. To choose this second option do what message says.
It is not related to vmoptions file. See Selecting the JDK version the IDE will run under for the sequence of variables IDE checks when searchig for JDK to run under. You can define the IDEA_JDK_64 with the path pointing to the 64bit JDK installation. By default the IDE uses the bundled JDK so you can set the bundled JDK path for it. Just make sure the installation home has the jre64 directory which should be present by default unless you've explicitly downloaded distribution without bundled jre.
Uninstalling and reinstalling fixed the problem

Why does the Java JDK not set its own path after installation on Windows?

After installing Java SE version 14.0.1 I tried to run the command java in CMD because I wanted to check if everything works as it should, but an error occurred because CMD could not find what I wanted.
I checked the system environment variable to see if the path for the Java JDK was set, but no, it was not set.
Why was the path not set by the Java JDK after installing Java SE 14.0.1?
It depens on the installator provider by the combianation of vendor and version. As far as I know the AdoptOpenJDK add the PATH variable

VM error while starting Wildfly (JBoss) server

I have wildfly-10.0.0.Final available with PATH variable set. I am using Ubuntu. Also I have jdk1.7.0_79. I am facing the problem that as when I am trying to start server that is executing standalone.sh then I am getting the error,
Unrecognized VM option 'MetaspaceSize=96M'
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Use jdk 1.8 instead of jdk 1.7. MetaspaceSize is a new flag added for Metaspace in jdk 1.8.
Check java -version. If it is not java version "1.8.0_xx", then set the JAVA_HOME environment variable as below and run the command,
bash-4.1$ export JAVA_HOME=LOCATION_TO_JDK1.8.0
You have to put in the standalone.bat file this line set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.4, and change the ubication of the JDK installation.

Multiple java versions installed and java was started but returned exit code=13

I am not able to start eclipse on Windows 7. It was working fine yesterday. Here is the screenshot of error when I start eclipse:
Java versions from CMD
Why it gives different versions for java and javac?
My java home is set to Jdk 7 as below:
JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_60
Note: I have jdk 8 installed on my machine but I have not set jdk 8 path.
This question has been asked couple of times but I am not able to resolve it on my machine so please do not mark it as duplicate.
In the environment variables check your path whether it is starts with C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath
if yes then please remove it and try again
More than likely you've installed JDK 1.70_60 prior to installing JRE 1.8.0_51.
This would mean that your compiler javac is found within the JDK distribution (Java Development Kit) and your java runtime is found within the more recently downloaded JRE (Java Runtime Environment). JRE does not contain the javac (Java compiler).
I was recently facing the same issue, Java 8 installer prepends to the Windows PATH variable C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath that is why you are seeing different versions for java and javac
Your eclipse might not be pointing to the right JDK.
Open your eclipse.ini configuration file for editing. This can be found in the same folder with eclipse.exe file.
-vm C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\javaw.exe
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_60/bin/javaw.exe
Then, restart eclipse.
I have recently installed jdk 8. Java 8 installer prepends to the Windows PATH variable C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath and this is the reason I was seeing different versions for java and javac
For those who runs on the same issues, I have found nice explanation here

Eclipse JDK 7 Start Failure

When I try to use the eclipse.exe file to start the eclipse it fails. This issue started occuring after I installed JDK 7 on my system .
When I use the command line paramater
eclipse -vm "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_06\bin"
eclipse starts just fine. I am assuming it is something related to the JVM which has caused the issue.
Meanwhile when I try to check java version I get the following error:
C:\Test>java -version
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Not sure if the two are related.
java -version failing indicates to me that you probably need to configure the OS environment variables,
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_06
