Pong Ball Leaving Padel - java

I am making Pong in Java right now using Eclipse. I am trying to get the balls to bounce off the padels proportionally to where they hit the padel. If they hit at the top or bottom, I would like them to bounce off at 75 degrees up at the top or 75 degrees down at the bottom. If they hit near the center, then I would like them to bounce off closer to horizontal.
I am calculating the angle in the ball class with this math:
double speed = getSpeed() + ballIncrease;
yPos = Math.abs(yPos);
double angle = multiplier * yPos;
double ratio = Math.tan(angle);
xSpeed = ratio * (speed/(ratio + 1));
ySpeed = Math.sqrt((speed * speed) - (xSpeed * xSpeed));
I think that it should be correct, but the balls don't behave like I expect them to. I was wondering if anyone can help me solve this problem.
package Pong;
/*Place cursor here to start
//Import Libraries
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Random;
public class Pong extends JPanel implements KeyListener{
//Create random instances
Random r2 =new Random();
public final static int padelStart = 150;
public final static int padelSpace = 10;
final static int BOX_WIDTH = 1200;
public final static int BOX_HEIGHT = 800;
double ballX = BOX_WIDTH/2;
double ballY = BOX_HEIGHT/2;
public static Padel padel1 = new Padel(padelSpace,padelStart,true);
public static Padel padel2 = new Padel(BOX_WIDTH-padelSpace-padel1.getWidth(),padelStart,false);
Ball ball1 = new Ball(ballX,ballY);
Ball ball2 = new Ball(300,300);
public static int padel1y1;
public static int padel1y2;
public static int padel2y1;
public static int padel2y2;
public final static int UPDATE_RATE = 200;
//Main game class
public Pong () {
//Set window size
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(BOX_WIDTH,BOX_HEIGHT));
//Start game thread
Thread gameThread = new Thread() {
public void run(){
//Draw objects
padel1y1 = padel1.getY();
padel1y2 = padel1.getY() + Padel.padelLength;
padel2y1 = padel2.getY();
padel2y2 = padel2.getY() + Padel.padelLength;
try {Thread.sleep(1000 / UPDATE_RATE);}
catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP){padel2.setSpeed(-Padel.padelSpeed);}
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN){padel2.setSpeed(Padel.padelSpeed);}
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_W){padel1.setSpeed(-Padel.padelSpeed);}
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_S){padel1.setSpeed(Padel.padelSpeed);}
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP){padel2.setSpeed(0);}
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN){padel2.setSpeed(0);}
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_W){padel1.setSpeed(0);}
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_S){padel1.setSpeed(0);}
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {}
public static void main(String[] args) {
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//Create Frame
Pong pong = new Pong();
Padel Class:
package Pong;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;
public class Padel {
public int y;
public int x;
public boolean ws;
public int speed = 0;
public final static int padelSpeed = 3;
public final static int padelWidth = 30;
public final static int padelLength = 200;
Random rng = new Random();
int r = rng.nextInt(256);
int g = rng.nextInt(256);
int b = rng.nextInt(256);
Color color = new Color(r,g,b);
public Padel(int xPos, int yPos, boolean wands){
y = yPos;
x = xPos;
ws = wands;
public void update(){
if(speed > 0 && y + padelLength < Pong.BOX_HEIGHT){
y = y + speed;
if(speed < 0 && y > 0){
y = y + speed;
public void draw(Graphics g) {
g.fillRoundRect(x, y, padelWidth, padelLength, 25, 25);
public int getX(){
return x;
public int getY(){
return y;
public int getWidth(){
return padelWidth;
public int getLength(){
return padelLength;
public int getSpeed(){
return speed;
public void setSpeed(int speed1){
speed = speed1;
public int getPadelSpeed(){
return padelSpeed;
Ball Class:
package Pong;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.Random;
public class Ball {
Random rng = new Random();
int r = rng.nextInt(256);
int g = rng.nextInt(256);
int b = rng.nextInt(256);
Color color = new Color(r,g,b);
public final static double ballSpeedMin = -2.0;
public final static double ballSpeedMax = 2.0;
public final static double middleSpeedCutoff = 1.0;
public final static double ballIncrease = .2;
public final int ballRadiusMin = 10;
public final int ballRadiusMax = 40;
double x;
double y;
double xSpeed;
double ySpeed;
int ballRadius;
public Ball(double xPos,double yPos){
x = xPos;
y = yPos;
xSpeed = getRandomSpeed();
ySpeed = getRandomSpeed();
ballRadius = getRandomRadius();
public double getRandomSpeed(){
Random r =new Random();
return ballSpeedMin + (ballSpeedMax - ballSpeedMin) * r.nextDouble();
public int getRandomRadius(){
Random r = new Random();
return r.nextInt((ballRadiusMax - ballRadiusMin) + 1) + ballRadiusMin;
public void update(){
x = x + xSpeed;
y = y + ySpeed;
ySpeed = verticalBounce();
double multiplier = .75;
if(getLowX() < Pong.padelSpace + Padel.padelWidth){
if(y>=Pong.padel1y1 && y<=Pong.padel1y2){
double yPos = y - Pong.padel1y1 - (Padel.padelLength/2);
double speed = getSpeed() + ballIncrease;
yPos = Math.abs(yPos);
double angle = multiplier * yPos;
double ratio = Math.tan(angle);
xSpeed = ratio * (speed/(ratio + 1));
ySpeed = -Math.sqrt((speed * speed) - (xSpeed * xSpeed));
else if(yPos>0){
double speed = getSpeed() + ballIncrease;
yPos = Math.abs(yPos);
double angle = multiplier * yPos;
double ratio = Math.tan(angle);
xSpeed = ratio * (speed/(ratio + 1));
ySpeed = Math.sqrt((speed * speed) - (xSpeed * xSpeed));
double speed = getSpeed();
xSpeed = speed;
ySpeed = 0;
if(getHighX() > Pong.BOX_WIDTH - Pong.padelSpace - Padel.padelWidth){
if(y>Pong.padel2y1 && y<Pong.padel2y2){
double yPos = y - Pong.padel2y1 - (Padel.padelLength/2);
double speed = getSpeed() + ballIncrease;
yPos = Math.abs(yPos);
double angle = multiplier * yPos;
double ratio = Math.tan(angle);
xSpeed = - ratio * (speed/(ratio + 1));
ySpeed = -Math.sqrt((speed * speed) - (xSpeed * xSpeed));
else if(yPos>0){
double speed = getSpeed() + ballIncrease;
yPos = Math.abs(yPos);
double angle = multiplier * yPos;
double ratio = Math.tan(angle);
xSpeed = - ratio * (speed/(ratio + 1));
ySpeed = Math.sqrt((speed * speed) - (xSpeed * xSpeed));
double speed = getSpeed();
xSpeed = -speed;
ySpeed = 0;
public void draw(Graphics g) {
int xPos = (int) Math.round(x) - ballRadius;
int yPos = (int) Math.round(y) - ballRadius;
public double verticalBounce(){
if(y - ballRadius<0 || y + ballRadius > Pong.BOX_HEIGHT){
return -ySpeed;
return ySpeed;
public double getY(){
return y;
public double getX(){
return x;
public double getYSpeed(){
return ySpeed;
public double getXSpeed(){
return xSpeed;
public void setYSpeed(double y){
ySpeed = y;
public void setXSpeed(double x){
xSpeed = x;
public double getLowX(){
return x - ballRadius;
public double getLowY(){
return y - ballRadius;
public double getHighX(){
return x + ballRadius;
public double getHighY(){
return y + ballRadius;
public double getSpeed(){
return Math.sqrt((xSpeed*xSpeed)+(ySpeed*ySpeed));

double multiplier = .75;
double yPos = y - Pong.padel1y1 - (Padel.padelLength/2);
double angle = multiplier * yPos;
Are you aware that the angles you pass in trigonometric functions are expressed in radians?Assuming your paddle length is 20, with yPos varying between [-10, 10] your angle will vary between [-7.5, 7.5]. Translate this in radians and you'll see your angle rotates around the circle a bit more than 2 times. Is really this what you want?


Circle to Circle collision in Java

So I am doing circle to circle collision in java. I am aware that there are many similiar questions like mine on this website but my problem is unique from all of them. When I run my code, the circle's collide with each other once every 4 times. Meaning: 3 times they will go through without colliding with one another but one time they will collide. Any help is greatly appreciated.
public class Ball {
float x, y; // coordinates of ball rectangle
float xo, yo;
float vx = 2, vy = 2; // coordinates of velocity vector
Color colour; // ball colour
float d; // diameter of the ball or sizes of ball rectangle
Ellipse2D.Float circle;
// overloaded constructor
Ball(int x, int y, int vx, int vy, int d, Color colour) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.d = d;
xo = x;
yo = y;
this.setVelocity(vx, vy);
circle = new Ellipse2D.Float(x, y, d, d);
public void setColour(Color colour) {
this.colour = colour;
public void setVelocity(int vx, int vy) {
this.vx = vx;
this.vy = vy;
public void show(Graphics g) {
((Graphics2D) g).setPaint(colour);
circle.setFrame(x, y, d, d);
((Graphics2D) g).fill(circle);
xo = x;
yo = y;
public void hide(Graphics g) {
Color c = ((Graphics2D) g).getBackground();
((Graphics2D) g).setPaint(c);
circle.setFrame(xo, yo, d, d);
((Graphics2D) g).fill(circle);
public void setPosition(float x, float y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public void move(int a, int b, int xh, int yh) {
if (vy > 0) {
if (y + d + vy - yh - b > 0) {
y = yh + b - d;
vy = -vy;
} else
y += vy;
} else {
if (y + vy <= b) {
y = b;
vy = -vy;
} else
y += vy;
if (vx > 0) {
if (x + d + vx - xh - a > 0) {
x = xh + a - d;
vx = -vx;
} else
x += vx;
} else {
if (x + vx <= a) {
x = a;
vx = -vx;
} else
x += vx;
The Collision Detector is in the class below
public class Game extends JFrame {
int ah, bh, xh, yh; // parameters of the rectangle frame
Color[] ColorAr = { Color.red, Color.blue, Color.pink, Color.green,
Color.yellow, Color.magenta, Color.black, Color.orange, Color.gray,
Color.cyan };
Ball b[];
int quantity = 4;
public void paint(Graphics g) {
int i;
((Graphics2D) g).setPaint(Color.black);
((Graphics2D) g).drawRect(ah, bh, xh, yh);
for (i = quantity - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for (i = 0; i < quantity; i++) {
public void prepare() {
int i;
ah = 20;
bh = 40;
xh = 400;
yh = 400;
b = new Ball[quantity];
for (i = 0; i < quantity; i++) {
b[i] = new Ball((int) (Math.random() * (300 - 1 + 1)) + 1, 100, 1,
1, 26, ColorAr[(int) (Math.random() * 9)]);
public void collision() {
int radius = 13;
int distance = 2 * radius;
if (b[1].x + distance == b[0].x && b[1].y == b[0].y
|| b[1].x - distance == b[0].x && b[1].y == b[0].y) {
b[1].vx = -b[1].vx;
b[0].vx = -b[0].vx;
public void run() {
int i;
while (true) {
for (i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
b[i].move(ah, bh, xh, yh);// move balls
for (int j = 0; j < 10000000; j++)
; // delay;
// collision();
public static void main(String args[]) {
Game frame = new Game();
// frame.setBackground(Color.white);
frame.setSize(450, 470);
For two circles:
First calculate the sum of lengths: radius_1 + radius_2 (the first and the second circle).
Collision of two circles can be detected if you calculate the length of (imaginary) line between centers. If THAT length <= radius_1 + radius_2, two circles are colliding.

Set Color and Radius using command java

I would like to be able to have the user change the color and radius of the ball, I would also like to be able to change the color of the ball when it has already been created.
I have tried using the setColor but I does not get it to work.
Here is my code:
import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
public class Ball {
public static final double BILLION = 1_000_000_000.0;
private double x, y; // position of the balls center
private double dx, dy; // velocity measured in pixels/second
private double radius;
private Color color;
public Ball(double x0, double y0) {
x = x0;
y = y0;
radius = 10;
color = Color.YELLOW;
public double getX() {
return x;
public double getY() {
return y;
public void setX(double newX) {
x = newX;
public void setY(double newY) {
y = newY;
public double getRadius() {
return radius;
public double getDx() {
return dx;
public double getDy() {
return dy;
public void setVelocity(double newDx, double newDy) {
dx = newDx;
dy = newDy;
public void moveTo(double newX, double newY) {
x = newX;
y = newY;
public void setColor(Color col) {
color = col;
public void move(long elapsedTimeNs) {
x += dx * elapsedTimeNs / BILLION;
y += dy * elapsedTimeNs / BILLION;
public void paint(GraphicsContext gc) {
// arguments to fillOval: see the javadoc for GraphicsContext
gc.fillOval(x - radius, y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2);
public boolean intersectsArea(
double rectX, double rectY,
double rectWidth, double rectHeight) {
double closestX = clamp(x, rectX, rectX + rectWidth);
double closestY = clamp(y, rectY, rectY + rectHeight);
double distanceX = x - closestX;
double distanceY = y - closestY;
return (distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceY * distanceY)
< (radius * radius);
private double clamp(double value, double lower, double upper) {
if (value < lower) {
return lower;
if (value > upper) {
return upper;
return value;
Any tips on how to proceed?
My guess is that you do not call paint after setting the color, you need to redraw to have the color changed

Trying to create a Pong game

I'm trying to create a pong game in Java, and I'm having a little trouble with the ball physics. It all works pretty much perfectly, until the ball gets too slow. I made it so the ball decreases in speed by 0.02 pixels per frame per frame, but I don't want the it to get too slow, so I have a check that prevents it from decelerating once the x and y velocities get below 2. The problem is once this happens, it doesn't keep the current trajectory if the x or y velocity is significantly smaller than the other. It seems to smooth out so that it is almost as straight line, except for moving up or down 1 pixel every few seconds. Here is my ball class:
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
public class Ball {
private static int DIAMETER = 30;
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
double xVel = 5;
double yVel = 5;
double prevX = 0;
double prevY = 0;
double minSpeed = 2;
double maxSpeed = 10;
int drawX = 0;
int drawY = 0;
boolean tooSlow = false;
public game game;
public Ball(game game) {
this.game = game;
public void move()
prevX = xVel;
prevY = yVel;
if(xVel > maxSpeed)
xVel = maxSpeed;
if(yVel > maxSpeed)
yVel = maxSpeed;
if(Math.abs(xVel) < minSpeed && Math.abs(yVel) < minSpeed)
tooSlow = true;
tooSlow = false;
if(x + xVel < 0){
xVel *= -1;
if(x + xVel > 484 - DIAMETER){
xVel *= -1;
if(y + yVel < 0){
yVel *= -1;
if(y + yVel > 261 - DIAMETER){
yVel *= -1;
y += game.paddle.y - game.paddle.prevY;
yVel = -1 * Math.abs(yVel) + (game.paddle.y - game.paddle.prevY);
y += game.paddle.y - game.paddle.prevY;
yVel = Math.abs(yVel) + (game.paddle.y - game.paddle.prevY);
x += game.paddle.x - game.paddle.prevX;
xVel = Math.abs(xVel) + (game.paddle.x - game.paddle.prevX);
yVel += (game.paddle.y - game.paddle.prevY) / 2;
x += game.paddle.x - game.paddle.prevX;
xVel = -1 * Math.abs(xVel) + (game.paddle.x - game.paddle.prevX);
yVel += (game.paddle.y - game.paddle.prevY) / 2;
x += xVel;
y += yVel;
drawX = (int)x;
drawY = (int)y;
public void slow()
xVel = (Math.abs(xVel) - 0.02) * Math.signum(xVel);
yVel = (Math.abs(yVel) - 0.02) * Math.signum(yVel);
public void paint(Graphics2D g) {
g.fillOval(drawX, drawY, 30, 30);
public Rectangle getBounds()
return new Rectangle(drawX, drawY, DIAMETER, DIAMETER);
public boolean collision()
return game.paddle.getBounds().intersects(getBounds());
These are the rest that I use to run the game (in case it helps):
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
public class Paddle {
int x = 50;
int y = 10;
int xVel = 0;
int yVel = 0;
int prevX = 50;
int prevY = 10;
int speed = 4;
private static final int WIDTH = 10;
private static final int HEIGHT = 80;
private game game;
public Paddle(game game)
this.game = game;
public void move()
prevX = x;
prevY = y;
if(y + yVel > 0 && y + yVel < 261 - HEIGHT){
y += yVel;
if(x + xVel > 0 && x + xVel < 484 - WIDTH){
x += xVel;
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP){
yVel = -speed;
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN){
yVel = speed;
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT){
xVel = -speed;
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT){
xVel = speed;
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
yVel = 0;
xVel = 0;
public void paint(Graphics2D g)
g.fillRect(x, y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
public Rectangle getBounds()
return new Rectangle(x, y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
public Rectangle paddleTop()
return new Rectangle(x + WIDTH / 2, y, 1, 1);
public Rectangle paddleLeft()
return new Rectangle(x, y, 1, HEIGHT);
public Rectangle paddleRight()
return new Rectangle(x + WIDTH, y, 1, HEIGHT);
public Rectangle paddleBottom()
return new Rectangle(x + WIDTH / 2, y + HEIGHT, 1, 1);
public Rectangle test()
return new Rectangle(x, y, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.Timer;
public class game extends JPanel implements ActionListener, KeyListener{
private Timer t;
Ball ball = new Ball(this);
Paddle paddle = new Paddle(this);
public game()
t = new Timer(15,this);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {}
public void paint(Graphics g)
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class main {
public static void main(String[]args)
JFrame frame = new JFrame("MLG Pong");
game display = new game();
System.out.println(""+display.getHeight()+" "+display.getWidth());
Sorry for my messy coding, I only learned Java a few months ago.
The problem is in the slow() method:
public void slow()
xVel = (Math.abs(xVel) - 0.02) * Math.signum(xVel);
yVel = (Math.abs(yVel) - 0.02) * Math.signum(yVel);
You are in fact substracting a vector with another direction from the velocity vector. At the beginning, the change in direction is small, but later it becomes bigger. You always substract (+-0.02, +-0.02) from the velocity vector.
An easy fix would be:
public void slow()
xVel = xVel*0.99;
yVel = yVel*0.99;
but this slows down big velocities faster than small ones.
If you don't want this behaviour, you have to calculate a small vector of constant length that has the same direction as the velocity vector, and substract this.
For example:
public void slow()
double len = Math.sqrt(xVel*xVel + yVel*yVel);
double sx = xVel/len*0.02;
double sy = yVel/len*0.02;
xVel = xVel - sx;
yVel = yVel - sy;
You don't have to check the velocity in x and y direction separately. You have to calc the velocity of the ball (in flight direction) and check the result against the minimum Speed.
Change the line
if(Math.abs(xVel) < minSpeed && Math.abs(yVel) < minSpeed)
if(xVel*xVel + yVel*yVel < minSpeed * minSpeed)
There is an error in the slow down calculation. When the speed is very slow abs(v)-0.02 is a non-sense.
By the way, the way you calculate is not good. You should modify the vector not directly their projections:
Take a velocity vector: vv=(length,angle). Then modify the length as you want, either by substracting some constant or use a factor on each frame. Then vx=length*cos(angle) and vy=length*sin(angle).

Moving ball at an Angle

I am a newbie and trying to move a ball at a slope. Here is the code where I am giving coordinates (100,300,300,600) to move the ball in a slope but it's getting away from the the slope line. Here's the code: -
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class AgentMotion extends JPanel implements Runnable
Color color = Color.red;
int dia = 0;
long delay = 40;
private double x;
private double y;
private double x1;
private double y1;
private int dx = 1;
private int dy = 1;
private int dv = 1;
private double direction;
double a;
double b;
double a1;
double b1;
public void abc(double x, double y, double x2, double y2) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.x1 = x2;
this.y1 = y2;
this.a = x;
this.b = y;
this.a1 = x1;
this.b1 = y1;
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g){
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
//int x=100;
//int y=200;
int x3=(int)this.x;
int y3=(int)this.y;
g.fillOval(x3,y3,5,5); // adds color to circle
g2.drawOval(x3,y3,5,5); // draws circle
g2.drawLine(100, 300, 300, 600);
public void run() {
while(dy!=0) {
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
while(dx!=0) {
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
public void move() {
if(x + dv*Math.cos(direction) <a ||x + dia + dv * Math.cos(direction) >b) {
dx *= 0;
color = getColor();
x += dx;
System.out.println(x + dia + dv * Math.cos(direction));
if(x + dia + dv * Math.cos(direction) >b) {
dx *= 0;
color = getColor();
x -= dx;
public void move2() {
if(dv * Math.sin(direction) + y <a1 || dv * Math.sin(direction) + dia + y > b1) {
dy *= 0;
color = getColor();
y += dy;
System.out.println(dv * Math.sin(direction) + dia + y);
if(dv * Math.sin(direction) + y <a1 || dv * Math.sin(direction) + dia + y < b1) {
dy *= 0;
color = getColor();
y -= dy;
public Color getColor() {
int rval = (int)Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
int gval = (int)Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
int bval = (int)Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
return new Color(rval, gval, bval);
public void start() {
while(dx==0) {
try {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
Thread thread = new Thread(this);
A few suggestions
dx and dy should be double
atan is overkill as #Spektre says. What you want is much more simple to calculate direction.
this.direction = (y2 - y) / (x2 - x)
If we give (100,300,300,600) as the arguments to abc (which would presumably be a constructor for this class), the slope is 1.5. Therefore we could say:
dx = 1.0
dy = 1.5
and this would keep on the line perfectly. For the general case where you want to change the begin and the end point, you have to calculate the ratio. So you could set either dx or dy to 1.0 and then set the other one so that the ratio is maintained. Something like the following mathematical pseudocode:
dx = (x2 - x) / minimum(x2-x, y2-y)
dy = (y2 - y) / minimum(x2-x, y2-y)

Calculate x y of Point after increasing distance

I am trying to get the x and y value of a point after increasing the distance r. Perhaps there is a better way of calculate the angle phi too, so that I don't need to check in which quadrant the point is. The 0-point is at the half of the width and height of the window. Here is my attempt:
package test;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Point;
public final class Laser extends java.applet.Applet implements Runnable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7566644836595581327L;
Thread runner;
int width = 800;
int height = 600;
Point point = new Point(405,100);
Point point1 = new Point(405,100);
public void calc(){
int x = getWidth()/2;
int y = getHeight()/2;
int px = point.x;
int py = point.y;
int px1 = point1.x;
int py1 = point1.y;
double r = 0;
double phi = 0;
// Point is in:
// Quadrant 1
if(px > x && py < y){
r = Math.hypot(px1-x, y-py1);
phi = Math.acos((px1-x)/r)*(180/Math.PI);
// Quadrant 2
else if(px < x && py < y){
r = Math.hypot(x-px, y-py);
phi = Math.acos((px-x)/r)*(180/Math.PI);
// Quadrant 3
else if(px < x && py > y){
r = Math.hypot(x-px, py-y);
phi = Math.acos((px-x)/r)*(180/Math.PI)+180;
// Quadrant 4
else if(px > x && py > y){
r = Math.hypot(px-x, py-y);
phi = Math.acos((px-x)/r)*(180/Math.PI)+180;
r += 1;
point1.x = (int) (r*Math.cos(phi));
point1.y = (int) (r*Math.sin(phi));
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawLine(point.x, point.y, point1.x, point1.y);
int h = getHeight();
int w = getWidth();
g.drawLine(0, h/2, w, h/2);
g.drawLine(w/2, 0, w/2, h);
public void initPoints(){
for(int i = 0; i < pointsStart.length; i++){
int x = (int)(Math.random()*getWidth());
int y = (int)(Math.random()*getHeight());
pointsStart[i] = pointsEnd[i] = new Point(x,y);
public void start() {
if (runner == null) {
runner = new Thread(this);
setSize(width, height);
public void stop() {
if (runner != null) {
runner = null;
public void run() {
while (true) {
try { Thread.sleep(700); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { }
public void update(Graphics g) {
You are changing (x,y) to be r from some other point, when it had previously been some distance r' from that point, correct? So why not avoid the trigonometry, and just scale each of the components from that point by r/r'?
Edit: ok, iterate over the pixels along whichever component (x or y) is longer (let's assume it's y); for each xi in (0..x), yi = xi*(y/x), and you plot (xi,yi).
Keep it simple! And use double variables for such computations, I changed it for you.
package test;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
public final class Laser extends java.applet.Applet implements Runnable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7566644836595581327L;
Thread runner;
int width = 800;
int height = 600;
Point2D.Double point = new Point2D.Double(400, 100);
Point2D.Double point1 = new Point2D.Double(405, 102);
public void calc() {
double px = point.x;
double py = point.y;
double px1 = point1.x;
double py1 = point1.y;
double dx = px1 - px;
double dy = py1 - py;
double len = Math.hypot(dx, dy);
double newlen = len+2;
double coeff = Math.abs((newlen-len)/len);
point1.x += dx * coeff;
point1.y += dy * coeff;
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawLine((int)point.x, (int)point.y, (int)point1.x, (int)point1.y);
int h = getHeight();
int w = getWidth();
g.drawLine(0, h / 2, w, h / 2);
g.drawLine(w / 2, 0, w / 2, h);
* public void initPoints(){
* for(double i = 0; i < pointsStart.length; i++){ double x =
* (double)(Math.random()*getWidth()); double y =
* (double)(Math.random()*getHeight()); pointsStart[i] = pointsEnd[i] = new
* Point(x,y); }
* }
public void start() {
if (runner == null) {
runner = new Thread(this);
setSize(width, height);
// initPoints();
public void stop() {
if (runner != null) {
runner = null;
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
public void update(Graphics g) {
