I have to write a (java) web-app, which fetches data from an AWS RDS Postgresql Instance, and renders the data using Vaadin Charts. So my two constraints are: (java) based, and using Vaadin to do so.
Thing is, I have never developped an form of web-app, and am complettely lost. I've read stuff about maven, spring, gradle , containers and am safe to say, have absolutely no clue where to start...
Could anyone point me to some complete tutorials about how to developp web aps from the ground up? everytime I google something I read something different and am completely overflown by information...
If you want to start with something working ASAP you can clone existing repos with vaadin examples. You will have existing code that builds, manages dependencies, starts webserver etc:
All the rest is probably opinion-based like should I you use maven or not? etc.
Im developing a scheduling system that the user must be able to go online login to the website and feed schedules in pdf that will be received by optaplanner which will schedule the resources and return a grid that the user will be able to interact with dynamically. My question is how can i integrate my website with planner.I will appreciate your insight?
There are numerous approaches on how to tackle this. Check out the webexamples and their source. One of the approaches for integrating OptaPlanner in a web-app could be:
create a Java EE web app (for deploying on a application server, f.e. Wildfly, Websphere, ...) with OptaPlanner as a dependency (see the docs for more info)
create a few Servlets that handle login, uploading the PDF schedules, storing them
create an EJB to convert the PDFs into a into a OptaPlanner problem description you implement on the back end (see the integration chapter in the docs and how our examples handle the problem
create another EJB to handle the actual solving (run the solver, wait for the results, notify someone)
create a few Servlets to interact with the solution
Do note, this is just a general outline: there's a lot of things left out for brevity (security, persistence details, etc.). Also, there are currently efforts to build an OptaPlanner execution server, but it's definitely not production ready yet (as of March 2016).
We have a web application that uses Spring/JPA/Hibernate. Currently we are using SolidBase for database change management, which works well in a managed deployment model - however we are now migrating to a non-managed deployment model where users will be able to download the web application. We are building an "Update-Center" type functionality for the web application and are trying to figure out how we should apply database changes.
Ideally, I would like the application to apply any pending database changes at application startup and I would like this to be something that we can code pro grammatically but I don't want to rewrite Hibernate's SchemaExport functionality to do it.
Does anyone have any recommendations, patterns, or best practices on how we can best implement this functionality in to our application?
Is there any update-center application libraries that will solve our problem (I haven't been able to find a single one)?
I discovered this article while researching this
This led me to this post
Which ultimately led me to rolling my own solution to this problem using Apache DdlUtils and the BeanFactory solution offered in the jroller.com blog post.
This ultimately will be a component that can be dropped in to any application, legacy or new to implement update functionality into a web application. It will use XML to apply database updates and with the use of DDL it means that the package will work against any supported database. The updater will also support updates to filesystem resources and data itself (as opposed to schema)
I do not work for BitRock.
This may not be exactly what you are looking for, but I have used InstallBuilder from Bitrock to manage these types of updates for distributed applications. This is the same installer package that the PostgreSQL team uses. It was pretty straight forward to get this working, with minimal headaches. Especially when compared to other installer programs.
I have the following scenario:
I have a view in an Oracle server and all Iwant is to show that view in a web browser, along with an input field or two for basic filtering. No users, no authentication, just this view maybe with a column or two linking to a second page for master detail viewing. The children are just string descriptions of the columns of the master that contain IDs. No inserts or updates.
The question is which is the JAVA based web framework of choice that can accomplish the above in the minimum amount of
code lines
code time(subjective but also kind of objective if someone has expirience with more than one or two frameworks)
configuration effort
deployment effort and requirements.
dependencies and mem footprint
6. Oracle APEX is not an option.
3,4 and 5 are maybe the same in the sense that they are everything except the functionality coding.
I want something that I can compile, deploy by just FTPing to the database host, run and forget. (e.g. For the deployment aspect, Hudson way comes in mind (java -jar hudson.war and that's all)).
Also: 3,4 have priority over 1 and 2. (Explanation with a rant: I dont mind coding a lot as long as it is application code and not "why do we still use javascript over http for everything" code)
EDIT 1: ROO attempt.
First I tried Spring Roo but here is what happened and it is exactly the kind of stuff i want to avoid:
Downloaded Roo (setup env vars, path, etc)
Saw that it requires Maven (1st smell)
Installed maven
Setup my project in roo shell
Tried to run it and it could not build because maven could not locate artifacts.
Searched the web and eventually found that I need to tweak the generated pom because of a problem between springsource repositories and maven central caused when Oracle is used because of a minor bug in ROO that includes the maven repo and not the spring one... etc...etc..
Abandonded Roo because:
I wanted a simple one page presentation of a table view in a locally installed database, and after 30 minutes I had no progress except for searching maven forums for why maven cant find sth called an "artifact" in a list of sth called "repository".
Take a look at Spring MVC and Spring Roo. the latter will generate you Spring application in a matter of minutes with the database access and then you can add your filtering.
The hudson-like deployment should be easy if you're happy with the features an embedded servlet container like jetty or winstone can provide. Just add a main class that fires up the server and sets a few config variables. That should be possible with any java web framework.
Here's how hudson did it:
try (ยต)Micro and see if it works for you. It is Open Source, of course, and I also provided a couple of useful examples to start with. HTH - florin
I am trying to implement a web application(university project) in java using the following Frameworks
Spring Dependency Injection
Spring AOP (Logging and Transaction Management)
Spring DAO
Spring MVC
I create a new Web Application in Netbeans and it gives me a bunch of Files and folders by default.
Could anyone explain me what are the files ?
Where shall i put the code for the data access layer and business Logic?
Or where can i found a basic tutorial to get started(with data access layer, business layer and possibly code example)?
One area in which NetBeans is very good is the online documentation and tutorials so leverage them:
Introduction to the Spring Framework
Developing a Spring Framework MVC application step-by-step using NetBeans and GlassFish
Using Hibernate in a Web Application
etc etc
That is a ton of Java frameworks for a Web Dev course at a university. My advice would be to start small, because you don't need all of those libraries to get a working web application.
As you found, Netbeans is doing a lot of work for you that you really need to know to be effective. Do a simple JSP or Java Servlet tutorial to get something up and running quickly from scratch on a lightweight app server like Jetty or Tomcat.
Also, please take a look at what Model View Controller architecture is prior to diving into Hibernate or SpringMVC. This is a critical step!
It would be good to list the files that you got, but I think I can guess:
WEB-INF/classes is where your compiled .java code will go. Everything should be in packages, so the directory and package structures should match. Your Spring XML and Hibernate .hbm.xml configuration files will go here as well, because that directory is automatically in the CLASSPATH of your web context.
WEB-INF/lib is where your 3rd party .jar files go. All the Spring and Hibernate JARs, plus all their dependencies, belong here.
The WEB-INF/web.xml is where you'll map in the Spring front controller/dispatcher servlet, the context loader listener, etc.
I don't know what others you got. If you list others, I'll try to explain.
Here is Netbeans web application + hibernate tutorial.
code for business and data access would go under
your project name/Source Packages/
Thanks for your input, Drew.
I'm working on a Capstone project and we are thinking about using Netbeans for our Web-based project but were unsure about how difficult it would be to make the Web Based application in a relatively short amount of time. The application is for a College Testing Center and the application will track testing information and data for testing personnel and instructors at our college. I was going to try and follow a few tutorials here on the Netbeans site.
Thanks for your time.
PHP and HTML5 Learning Trail with Netbeans..
Here's a video as well.
Youtube Simple Web App instruction video.
Currently I'm building my Java Web Application on Google AppEngine (GAE), but due to a lot of limitations they have I'm afraid that I'm going to have to switch from GAE to my own server which is running Glassfish (or I can setup any other server if needed). Also I'm planning to run Oracle or MySql databases. What do I need to do in order to switch from GAE to my server? Do I need to rewrite my code? Should I continue using Datanucleus or switch to something else? Anything else?
Why not follow the info given in the original Google campfire ? There was a presentation by IBM on how to run an AppEngine app using DB2. They simply dropped the datanucleus-rdbms jar in the CLASSPATH, changed the connection URL etc, and ran it. Like in this PDF
--Andy (DataNucleus)
We won't be able to give very good advice without knowing how you wrote your app. Did you create a data access layer that separates your datastore access from your business logic? Or do you pass app engine specific objects all over the place? Are you using the gae user service? or memcache?
The first thing you should do is look at all your import statements. Anytime you see a com.google.something in there, you know you need to change that. You didn't give much detail about how you wrote your app, but if you are asking about datanucleus you probably were using JDO or JPA, which means you may be able to reuse most of your data layer. You might have a bunch of Key fields which you'll have to change, and maybe a few gae specific annotations. You'll probably have to double check how you handle transactions, as that is likely to be different in a SQL database, which don't use entity groups like GAE does.
I haven't tried but there is an open source implementation of GAE called appscale http://code.google.com/p/appscale/