My application gets external data which needs to be translated to a corresponding Enum value. This was my first approach:
public enum Side {
public static Side fromByte(Byte b) throws Exception {
case 'l':
return LEFT;
case 'r':
return RIGHT;
throw new Exception("not a valid byte");
Is this okay, or is there a more idiomatic way to do this?
Note: Ignore the byte to char comparison and the very generic exception throw, i will look into that later - especially the char and byte type conversion. Seems to be a bigger deal than i originally anticipated.
I usually go for something like this,
public enum Side
private byte byteValue;
private Side(byte byteValue)
this.byteValue = byteValue;
public byte getByteValue()
return byteValue;
public static Side findByByteValue(byte value)
for(Side side : values())
if(side.byteValue == value)
return side;
return null;
Approach looks good. But if there is a possibility of a large of cases then consider using map(implementation can be HashMap in your case) as it will be more readable and lesser code.
As an exercise I'm converting some old code to functional streams. I don't know much about streams. It seems like it should be simple to convert this code, but I haven't had much luck. The method starts at a given integer, passes it to isPrime, which returns true if it's prime. and then hands off the new(next) prime number to be printed. If isPrime is false i is incremented and we check the next integer.
private static int nextPrime(final int number) {
int i = number + 1;
while (!isPrime(i)) {
return i;
I see no reason to use a Stream for this other than to take advantage of parallelism (if the primes happen to be very far apart, but this won't be true within int bounds, so there's essentially no benefit).
You can iterate over an IntStream of ascending integers (starting from number + 1) and filter only the prime numbers. When one is inevitably found, you can return the first.
private static int nextPrime(final int number) {
return IntStream.iterate(number + 1, i -> i + 1)
Note: The class that I used to test this is called Test, as seen by the method reference. You should change that to your class name.
Based on this answer, for an object like an Enumeration<T> for example, where you can only call .hasMoreElements() & .nextElement(), you can use this kind of code :
public static <T> Stream<T> enumerationAsStream(Enumeration<T> e) {
new Spliterators.AbstractSpliterator<T>(Long.MAX_VALUE, Spliterator.ORDERED) {
public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T> action) {
if(e.hasMoreElements()) {
return true;
return false;
public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super T> action) {
while(e.hasMoreElements()) action.accept(e.nextElement());
}, false);
I am trying to write a method in a Java enum: isBigger(Valoration val), which returns true if if the current rating is bigger than one that is passed as parameter throwing the exception ValorationNoValued if the valuations
compared (or both) is NO_VALUED.
public enum Valoracion {
public boolean isBigger(Valoration val) throws ValorationNoValued {
if (val == NO_VALUED) {
throw new ValorationNoValued("message");
else {
return val.getValor() > this.valor;
I want to know if the current rating is NO_VALUED, but I don't know how.
You can always refer the the “current object” via this be it an enum or not. But…
It seems, your enum has a method getValor() to return the numerical value. Then it would be much cleaner to intercept the exceptional state there rather than in the comparison method:
public enum Valoracion {
#Override int getValor() {
throw new ValorationNoValued("message");
SO_BAD (0),
OK (4),
GOOD (6),
WOW (10);
int getValor() {
return valorValue;
public boolean isBigger(Valoration val) throws ValorationNoValued {
return val.getValor()>this.getValor();
This way, no conditionals are needed and the symmetry between a.isBigger(b) and b.isBigger(a) comes for free.
If you prefer conditionals over overriding the method, you may still implement the getValor() method as
int getValor() {
if(this==NO_VALUED) throw new ValorationNoValued("message");
return valorValue;
without the need to care for two sides in the isBigger method.
Compare this:
If (this == NO_VALUED) {
Hi I am working with the Stack class in java, the problem that I have is that in this Stack I want to insert (to push) elements of type String, but i also want to insert a tree, the code is the following:
public static void Expression(Stack<String> exp)
boolean error = false;
String leftExp,rightExp = "";
Stack<String> stackOp = new Stack<String>();
while(!exp.empty() && (error == false))
case 'I':
error = true;
case 'O':
if(stackOp.size() < 2)
error = true;
rightExp = stackOp.pop();
leftExp = stackOp.pop();
Tree subTree = new Tree();
stackOp.push(subTree);//here is were I have the mistake
public static char elementType(String car){
char c = 'Z';
c = 'I';
else if(car.equals(")"))
c = 'D';
else if(car.equals("+") || car.equals("-") || car.equals("*") || car.equals("/"))
c = 'O';
return c;
This code basically transforms a math expression into a binary tree, for this I need an input, which is the expression, an output which is the binary tree, and another local stack that contains variables, numbers, and subtrees. But how can i make a Stack that contains elements of different types?
Create a class that can hold anything you want to put on the stack -- I think using a string to designate your operation is a bit clumsy, but suit yourself. If you have a class that is StackElement, it can contain a type indicator (look into Java enums) and methods to do or obtain whatever you want.
You could define StackElement to contain a reference to one of several types, then also define all the methods of all the types it might contain; the ones that apply would be pass-throughs (if the type is an operation, a pass-through for getOperationType()), and the others would throw illegalOperationException, or something. So if you try to call getOperationType() on a value, it throws an exception, same for calling getValue() on an operation, etc.
A nice thing about doing it this way is that you do not have to do any instanceof testing of the types you have stored. You can declare your FILO queue to hold StackElement objects, create them with the types you want, and use them, all without instanceof or otherwise breaking OO style.
public class StackElement
private StackElementType type;
private StackOperation operation;
private StackValue value;
public StackElementType getType() { return type; }
public StackOperation getOperation()
switch (type)
case StackElementType.OPERATION: return operation;
default: throw IllegalOperationException
("getOperation() on type " + type.toString());
public StackValue getValue()
switch (type)
case StackElementType.VALUE: return value;
default: throw IllegalOperationException
("getValue on type " + type.toString());
To string on a collection can get into a infinite loop if somewhere in the graph of collected items is a reference back to itself. See example below.
Yes, good coding practices should prevent this in the first place, but anyway, my question is: What is the most efficient way to detect a recursion in this situation?
One approach is to use a set in a threadlocal, but that seems a bit heavy.
public class AntiRecusionList<E> extends ArrayList<E> {
public String toString() {
if ( /* ???? test if "this" has been seen before */ ) {
return "{skipping recursion}";
} else {
return super.toString();
public class AntiRecusionListTest {
public void testToString() throws Exception {
AntiRecusionList<AntiRecusionList> list1 = new AntiRecusionList<>();
AntiRecusionList<AntiRecusionList> list2 = new AntiRecusionList<>();
list1.toString(); //BOOM !
When I have to iterate over risky graphs, I usually make a function with a decrementing counter.
For example :
public String toString(int dec) {
if ( dec<=0 ) {
return "{skipping recursion}";
} else {
return super.toString(dec-1);
public String toString() {
return toString(100);
I won't insist on it, as you already know it, but that doesn't respect the contract of toString() which has to be short and predictable.
The threadlocal bit I mentioned in the question:
public class AntiRecusionList<E> extends ArrayList<E> {
private final ThreadLocal<IdentityHashMap<AntiRecusionList<E>, ?>> fToStringChecker =
new ThreadLocal<IdentityHashMap<AntiRecusionList<E>, ?>>() {
protected IdentityHashMap<AntiRecusionList<E>, ?> initialValue() {
return new IdentityHashMap<>();
public String toString() {
boolean entry = fToStringChecker.get().size() == 0;
try {
if (fToStringChecker.get().containsKey(this)/* test if "this" has been seen before */) {
return "{skipping recursion}";
} else {
fToStringChecker.get().put(this, null);
entry = true;
return super.toString();
} finally {
if (entry)
You can create toString which takes an identity hash set.
public String toString() {
return toString(Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<Object, Boolean>()));
private String toString(Set<Object> seen) {
if (seen.add(this)) {
// to string this
} else {
return "{this}";
I recommend using ToStringBuilder from Apache Commons Lang. Internally it uses a ThreadLocal Map to "detect cyclical object references and avoid infinite loops."
The problem is not inherent to collections, it can happen with any graph of objects that have cyclic references, e.g., a doubly-linked list.
I think that a sane policy is: the toString() method of your class should not call toString() of its children/referenced if there is a possibility that it's part of a object graph with cycles. Elsewhere, we could have a special methods (perhaps static, perhaps as an auxiliary class) that produces a string representation of the full graph.
You could always keep track of recursion as follows (no threading issues taken into account):
public static class AntiRecusionList<E> extends ArrayList<E> {
private boolean recursion = false;
public String toString() {
//Recursion's base case. Just return immediatelly with an empty string
return "";
recursion = true;//start a perhaps recursive call
String result = super.toString();
recursion = false;//recursive call ended
return result;
The simplest way: don't call toString() on the elements of a collection or a map, ever. Just print a [] to indicate that it's a collection or map, and avoid iterating over it entirely. It's the only bullet-proof way to avoid falling in an infinite recursion.
In the general case, you can't anticipate what elements are going to be in a Collection or Map inside another object, and the dependency graph could be quite complex, leading to unexpected situations where a cycle occurs in the object graph.
What IDE are you using? because in Eclipse there's an option to explicitly handle this case when generating the toString() method via the code generators - that's what I use, when an attribute happens to be a non-null collection or map print [] regardless of how many elements it contains.
If you want to go overboard, you could use an aspect that tracks nested collections whenever you call toString().
public aspect ToStringTracker() {
Stack collections = new Stack();
around( java.util.Collection c ): call(String java.util.Collection+.toString()) && target(c) {
if (collections.contains(c)) { return "recursion"; }
else {
String r = c.toString();
return r;
I'm never 100% on syntax without throwing this into Eclipse, but I think you get the idea
maybe you could create an Exception in your toString and leverage on the stacktrace to know where you are in the stack, and you would find it there are recursive calls.
Some framework does this way.
public String toString() {
// ...
Exception exception = new Exception();
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = exception.getStackTrace();
// now you analyze the array: stack trace elements have
// 4 properties: check className, lineNumber and methodName.
// if analyzing the array you find recursion you stop propagating the calls
// and your stack won't explode
I've a Vector of objects, and have to search inside for a random attribute of those objects (For example, a Plane class, a Vector containing Plane; and I've to search sometimes for destination, and others to pilotName).
I know I can traverse the Vector using an Iterator, but I've got stuck at how do I change the comparison made between a String and the attribute on the object. I thought of using switch, but a another opinion would be cool.
Update 1:
The code I've written is something like this (Java n00b alert!):
public int search(String whatSearch, String query){
int place = -1;
boolean found = false;
for ( Iterator<Plane> iteraPlane = this.planes.iterator(); iteraPlane.hasNext() && found == false; ) {
Plane temp = (Plane);
/* Here is where I have to search for one of many attributes (delimited by whatSearch */
return place;
Seems I've to stick to linear search (and that's a price I've able to pay). Anyway, I was thinking if Java had something like variable variable name (ouch!)
I assume that your problem is that you want to have a method that searches for a result based on some property of the collection type. Java is weak on this because it is best expressed in a language which has closures. What you need is something like:
public interface Predicate<T> {
public boolean evaluate(T t);
And then your search method looks like:
public static <T> T findFirst(List<T> l, Predicate<T> p) { //use List, not Vector
for (T t : l) { if (p.evaluate(t)) return t; }
return null;
Then anyone can use this general-purpose search method. For example, to search for an number in a vector of Integers:
List<Integer> is = ...
findFirst(is, new Predicate<Integer> {
public boolean evaluate(Integer i) { return i % 2 == 0; }
But you could implement the predicate in any way you want; for any arbitrary search
Use Collections.binarySearch and provide a Comparator.
EDIT: This assumes that the Vector is sorted. Otherwise, one has to do a linear search.
the equals() method is the best option. For these iterations you could do something like this:
for (Plane plane: planes) {
if ("JFK".equals(plane.getDestination())) {
// do your work in here;
or you could override the equals() method within Plane to see if the String passed in matches your destination (or pilot). this will allow you to use the indexOf(Object) and indexOf(Object, index) methods on Vector to return you the index(es) of the object(s). Once you have that, you could use Vector.get(index) to return to Object for you.
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o.equals(getDestination()) ||
o.equals(getPilot()) ||
there is more work to be done with this option, as you will need to override hashCode() as well (see documentation).
See #oxbow_lakes above -- I think what you want isn't to pass a String as whatSearch, it's to pass a little snippet of code that knows how to get the property you're interested in. For a less general version:
public static interface PlaneMatcher {
boolean matches(Plane plane, String query);
public int search(PlaneMatcher matcher, String query){
int place = -1;
boolean found = false;
for ( Iterator<Plane> iteraPlane = this.planes.iterator(); iteraPlane.hasNext() && found == false; ) {
Plane temp = (Plane);
if (matcher.matches(temp, query) {
found = true;
return place;
// example
int pilotNameIndex = search(new PlaneMatcher() {
boolean matches(Plane plane, String query) {
// note: assumes query non-null; you probably want to check that earlier
return query.equals(plane.getPilotName());
}, "Orville Wright");
(By the way, if it's the index you're interested in rather than the Plane itself, I wouldn't bother with an Iterator -- just use an old-fashioned for (int i = 0; i < planes.size(); i++) loop, and when you have a match, return i.)
Now, the tricky bit here is if what you have to search for is really identified by arbitrary strings at run-time. If that's the case, I can suggest two alternatives:
Don't store these values as object fields -- plane.pilotName, plane.destination -- at all. Just have a Map<String, String> (or better yet, a Map<Field, String> where Field is an Enum of all the valid fields) called something like plane.metadata.
Store them as object fields, but prepopulate a map from the field names to PlaneMatcher instances as described above.
For instance:
private static final Map<String, PlaneMatcher> MATCHERS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<String, PlaneMatcher>() {{
put("pilotName", new PlaneMatcher() {
boolean matches(Plane plane, String query) {
return query.equals(plane.getPilotName());
put("destination", new PlaneMatcher() {
boolean matches(Plane plane, String query) {
return query.equals(plane.getDestination());
public int search(String whatSearch, String query){
PlaneMatcher matcher = MATCHERS.get(whatSearch);
int place = -1;
boolean found = false;
for ( Iterator<Plane> iteraPlane = this.planes.iterator(); iteraPlane.hasNext() && found == false; ) {
Plane temp = (Plane);
if (matcher.matches(temp, query) {
found = true;
return place;
Oh, and you might be tempted to use reflection. Don't. :)
A simple way is to pass a comparison function to your search routine. Or, if you need more speed, use generics.