I am working on a Java application and came across a general implementation/meta question and wanted to reach out for suggestions.
I am looking to associate a Java object with a quantity. The java object is complex. In my case, it is a serializable object that represents JSON data from a 3rd party API. I am looking to associate a quantity with this complex Java object.
As this may be something that is easier to understand with an example, here is one. Say I have a Car class that is used to represent a car. It contains all the details of what make a car a car and is a general form that can be used to communicate over an API. Say I am making an inventory app for a dealership. The dealership would want to know how many of each Car they have. Hence the need for the association.
There are some ways I can think of the do this.
Class it out
One idea would be to create classes that capture this association. One could have an InventoryEntry class that contains a Car and a quantity. Your dealerships inventory would then consist of a List of InventoryEntry objects.
One can also implement this association via an Array mechanism. This can be done by creating an ArrayList<Car> for the cars and an ArrayList<Integer> for the quantity. The index for each list would be used to associate the two.
Would you recommend one of these method or some other implementation?
Using ArrayList makes it a little bit easier to start out, but if you are going to maintaining and extending this application, creating a custom class will save you a lot of time in the long run. The reason is that it would be difficult to change the ArrayList class. Yes, you could subclass the arraylist class, and override the methods that you need to, but that is making more work for yourself.
For the basic scenario that you gave, creating a CarInventory class could be extended for new behavior. The new class could just wrap a basic ArrayList or HashMap implementation, but being able to extend your application for long term maintainability is important.
Based on the Accountability Analysis Pattern:
The concept is that we have a class diagram following the logic of the Accountability Analysis Pattern. How can I use the given function assignStaffContact() to assign contact?
I have undrerstood that StaffContact class is a control class and the Client, StaffMember are entity classes (we don't care about the TimePeriod class).
I cannot figure out which classes are gonna play a part in the procedure of assigning staff contact in order to create the proper sequence diagram (UML) of this action. Arbitrarily there must be a boundary class providing the wanted interface. The actor is gonna pick the case of assigning staff contact, which will trigger the method assignStaffContact() of the control class StaffContact but with which entity classes this will communicate and finally assign the staff?
I am getting confused with class ContactForCampaign and the logic behind it being connecte to the classes Client and StaffMember. I hope I explained well enough my problem and my thought process.
This diagram says that:
A StaffContact instance can be associated to several ContactForCampaign instances
Each instance of ContactForCampaign is associated with exactly one instance of a Campaign, and defines exactly one StaffMember object as responsible, and. one Client object as commissioner (probably for the campaign).
As a consequence, we can only guess that StaffContact::assignContact() requires to know which StaffMember to add (should be an argument of the operation). Since several ContactForCampaign instances can be considered, the ooeration would probably also need to know which ContactForCampaign is relevant for the assignment. Probably this can be determined with the help of a Campaign parameter. Two cases must then be considered: replacing a staff member of an existing ContactForCampaign or create a new one if no assignment exist for a campaign. You have now all the ingredients for your sequence diagram. Note also that the operation would need to know which client is to be assigned as commissioner if a new ContactForCampaign os created.
The result could look like (simplified):
Note that StaffContact::removeStaffContact() does not seem relevant, in view of the multiplicity 1 for the StaffMember, unless you condider removing as well the ContactForCampaign, which would then cause to lose the information regarding the commissioner.
Last but not least, in view of the 1 multiplicity on the side of StaffContact, it would not be a control class, since the control is in princple existing for the time of the use case execution only, and should not have a permanent semantic link to the objects that it controls.
It is not easy to explain my issue.
JPA creates some complex objects for calculations, which are stored in a database.
We decided to set the results in a working copy of this objects.
This means for each object model we created a seperated working copy model file with the same fields but some other LocalDates values and new result fields.
When the calculation was starting the working copies are instantiated.
This approach is not the best i think.
I think of the prototype pattern to clone the object.
There i come to the problem how to add the new fields. How?
Instantion costs and ist creates lots of additionals model class files.
I only think of put the result field in the calculation data models as transient fields.
Maybe inner class or local class?
I also tried to use an interface as data bucket.
But thats not the realy purpose of interfaces and also it works only with many curious trick.
For Unit Tests and user input i think it is the best to use the builder pattern and then tell JPA to store the parent object, or not?
Sorry but my answer was to long for a comment :(
There is big complex object relationship with Lists and Sets One To Many etc. relationship. When i set the result i a new class i cant determine the right object e.g. in a list. So we bild the same structurefor these result and seperated these classes in a package. Maybe it is possible to dont build the structure a second time with also references to the "basic classes". It should be sufficient to reference to each basic class a result class. It would only a little bit more navigation to get values from deeper classes. For a similiar use case there must be a best practise, or? Interfaces or sth. I very dislike the many classes for the result. Is it not possible to clone and add classmember to it for the result or to logical group easier or something like this?
It could be a solution for somebody:
Here you will work with the Eclipse API and create IWorkingCopies.
For the described task toooo much.
I am designing an application that has two widgets:
-A list that contains arbitrary objects
-A table that displays specific properties of the currently selected object
The goal is to be able to pick an object from the list, look at the properties, and modify them as necessary. The list can hold objects of various types.
So say the list contains Vehicle objects and Person objects
public class Person
public String name;
public Integer age;
public class Vehicle
public String make;
public String model;
If I click on a Person object, the table will display the name and age, and I can assign new values to them. Similarly, if I click on a Vehicle object, it will display the make and model in the table and allow me to modify them.
I have considered writing a method like
public String[] getFields()
return new String[] {"name", "age"};
Which returns a list of strings that represent the instance variables I want to look at, and use some reflection methods to get/set them. I can define this getFields method in all of the classes so that I can use the table to handle arbitrary objects that might be thrown into the list.
But is there a way to design this so that I don't resort to reflection? The current approach seems like bad design.
On the other hand, I could create multiple TableModel objects, one for every possible class. The table would know what rows to display and how to access the object's instance variables. But then everytime a new class is added I would have to define a new table model, which also sounds like a weak design.
You have a class (Vehicle) and you know the names of some properties (make, model) that you want to be able to manipulate dynamically for an instance of this class through a JTable UI.
You have various different approaches to chose from.
A. Use the reflection API
This is what the reflection API is made for. If you want something so dynamic, there is nothing wrong with using reflection. The performance overhead will not be significant for this use case.
B. Use a library like beanutils that is based on the reflection API
This should be easier than directly using the reflection API, but it has the drawback that you need to include another dependency in your project.
C. Create dynamically at runtime the different TableModel classes.
You can do this using either the java compiler API or javassist. Based on information available at runtime, you are able to compile a new class for each different type of table model. If you follow this approach you must be aware that the creation of the class is a heavy task, so the first time you create a TableModel the application will take some time to respond.
What to chose?
Of course this is your decision. For the specific use case, the overhead added by reflection or beanutils is insignificant, so probably it is better to chose between A or B. In another use case where performance is more critical, then you could examine the C approach, without forgetting the class creation response time problem.
I just realized that in this specific use case there is another important functionality required. Convert from String to the appropriate data type of each property and vice cersa. Beanutils has perfect support for that, so it gets a plus here.
Say, we have a superclass Car and two subclasses Ford and Porsche. Now an graphical user interface should display a proper representation (e.g. the name of the Car). We could add an additional method getCarName() to each subclass.
But now, we have another GUI which wants to represent the cars by some other property, e.g. the car name plus production country. We then have to add another method, and so on.
Generally spoken, I want to store some kind of configuration/property in a nice way. The original data structure (with perhaps a lot of subclasses) should not be changed each time another representation is wanted. So I thought of creating a HashMap which associates the subclasses to its property and hand this HashMap to the GUI.
But what kind of key should be used ? HashMap<Car, String> is no solution because I do not want to create objects of cars just to store the representation. The String representation is independent of an instance.
Desing patterns are welcome, too.
You can store all the properties/attributes of any car in a POJO(eg: CarPropertyPOJO) and then use this POJO to display which ever attributes you need. This could be uniformly used across you different pages. As per your question CarPropertyPOJO would contain 2 member variable carName and productionCountry.
In a case you just want to display a property of a single car then just passing a CarPropertyPOJO object to UI would solve the problem.
And suppose you wanna display properties of many cars in a tabular form then you can pass a
Collection object (ArrayList<CarPropertyPOJO> or a HashMap). CarSubClassName could just signify the subClass of the car.
To have a clean design, I would rather prefer to have a method like getProductionCountries in the Car class and that can be overridden by each subclass. When you add a new car, you do need to write more code, but that is rather unavoidable.
According to my assignment which asks to develop a small-scale Student Accommodation Management System :
The application should be developed using object-oriented concepts using Student class and Apartment class, implementing the appropriate data fields and methods for the classes. Data may be stored in collections i.e. array of objects, vectors, etc. or into data files except a database.
So far, I have worked with Sets. I am not sure if it the right way but I added HashSets to my classes. Example:
public static Set<Apartment> listOfApartments = new HashSet<Apartment>();
// in Apartment Class)
Now that I just realized I actually need persistent collections or some solutions to actually store the data permanently.
Any Suggestions?
If I where you I would use something such as an ArrayList to store data, especially students. Sets do not allow duplicate data so this could cause problems down the line.
With regards to persisting your data, you should take a look at the ObjectOutputStream to store your objects and to the ObjectInputStream to load them back into your application. You can take a look here for an ObjectStreams tutorial.
What I would recommend though is to use something such as XStream (you can see how to use it here). This will allow your application to store data in a human readable way (which is helpful for debugging) and will also allow your data to be read by different programming languages.
If Appartment is Serializable, then Set<Apartment> is also Serializable and doens't require any extra work to persist it using java.io classes
To make a class Serializable, you must :
make it implement the interface java.io.Serializable
add a default constructor
It is that easy