PDFBox 2.0.3 Set cropBox using TextPosition coordinates - java

I've located a region of interest in the page by tracking TextPosition objects using PDFTextStripper as shown in the example: https://github.com/apache/pdfbox/blob/trunk/examples/src/main/java/org/apache/pdfbox/examples/util/PrintTextLocations.java
As shown, the TextPosition has been retrieved from fields like
text.getXDirAdj(), text.getWidthDirAdj(), text.getYDirAdj(), text.getHeightDir() .
From this example I tried to keep everything else the same except setting the cropBox of the target page.
OLD CROPBOX: [0.0,0.0,595.276,841.89] -> NEW CROPBOX [50.0,42.0,592.0,642.0].
So how can I use the getYDirAdj and getXDirAdj in setting the cropbox correctly ?
The original pdf file I'm processing can be downloaded from here: http://downloadcenter.samsung.com/content/UM/201504/20150407095631744/ENG-US_NMATSCJ-1.103-0330.pdf

Cropping the page
In a comment the OP reduced his problem to
Ok. Given a java PDRectangle rect = new PDRectangle(40f, 680f, 510f, 100f) obtained from TextLocation how would a java code snippet, that sets the cropBox of a single page look like ? Or how would you do it? TextLocation based rect --> some transformation --> setCropBox(theRightBox).
To set the crop box of the page twelve of the given document to the given PDRectangle you can use code like this:
PDDocument pdDocument = PDDocument.load(resource);
PDPage page = pdDocument.getPage(12-1);
page.setCropBox(new PDRectangle(40f, 680f, 510f, 100f));
pdDocument.save(new File(RESULT_FOLDER, "ENG-US_NMATSCJ-1.103-0330-page12cropped.pdf"));
(SetCropBox.java test method testSetCropBoxENG_US_NMATSCJ_1_103_0330)
Adobe Reader now shows merely this part of page twelve:
Beware, though, the page in question does not only specify a media box (mandatory) and a crop box, it also defines a bleed box and an art box. Thus, application which consider those boxes more interesting than the crop box, might display the page differently. In particular the art box (being defined as "the extent of the page’s meaningful content") might by some applications be considered important.
Rendering the cropped page
In a comment to this answer the OP remarked
This is good and works. It correctly saves the page in the PDF file. I've tried to do the same in JPG and failed.
I reduced the OP's code to the essentials
PDDocument pdDocument = PDDocument.load(resource);
PDPage page = pdDocument.getPage(12-1);
page.setCropBox(new PDRectangle(40f, 680f, 510f, 100f));
PDFRenderer renderer = new PDFRenderer(pdDocument);
BufferedImage img = renderer.renderImage(12 - 1, 4f);
ImageIOUtil.writeImage(img, new File(RESULT_FOLDER, "ENG-US_NMATSCJ-1.103-0330-page12cropped.jpg").getAbsolutePath(), 300);
(SetCropBox.java test method testSetCropBoxImgENG_US_NMATSCJ_1_103_0330)
The result:
Thus, I cannot reproduce an issue here.
Possible details to check for:
ImageIOUtil is not part of the main PDFBox artifact, instead it is located in pdfbox-tools; does the version of that artifact match the version of the core pdfbox artifact?
I run the code in an Oracle Java 8 environment; other Java environments might give rise to different results.
There are minor differences in our implementations. E.g. I load the PDF via an InputStream, you directly from file system, I have hardcoded the page number, you have it in some variable, ... None of these differences should cause your problem, but who knows...


pdfbox embedding subset font for annotations

I am trying to use Apache PDFBOX v2.0.21 to modify existing PDF documents, adding signatures and annotations. That means that I am actively using incremental save mode. I am also embedding LiberationSans font to accommodate some Unicode characters. It makes sense for me to use the subsetting feature of PDF embedded fonts as embedding LiberationSans in full makes the PDF file around 200+ KB more in side.
After multiple trials and errors I finally managed to have something working - all but the font subsetting. The way I do this is to initialize the PDFont object once using
try (InputStream fs = PDFService.class.getResourceAsStream("/static/fonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf")) {
_font = PDType0Font.load(pddoc, fs, true);
And then to use custom Appearance Stream to show the text.
private void addAnnotation(String name, PDDocument doc, PDPage page, float x, float y, String text) throws IOException {
List<PDAnnotation> annotations = page.getAnnotations();
PDAnnotationRubberStamp t = new PDAnnotationRubberStamp();
t.setAnnotationName(name); // might play important role
t.setPrinted(true); // always visible
t.setReadOnly(true); // does not interact with user
PDRectangle rect = ....;
PDAppearanceDictionary ap = new PDAppearanceDictionary();
ap.setNormalAppearance(createAppearanceStream(doc, t));
private PDAppearanceStream createAppearanceStream(final PDDocument document, PDAnnotation ann) throws IOException
PDAppearanceStream aps = new PDAppearanceStream(document);
PDRectangle rect = ann.getRectangle();
rect = new PDRectangle(0, 0, rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());
aps.setBBox(rect); // set bounding box to the dimensions of the annotation itself
// embed our unicode font (NB: yes, this needs to be done otherwise aps.getResources() == null which will cause NPE later during setFont)
PDResources res = new PDResources();
_fontName = res.add(_font).getName();
PDAppearanceContentStream apsContent = null;
try {
// draw directly on the XObject's content stream
apsContent = new PDAppearanceContentStream(aps);
apsContent.setFont(_font, _fontSize);
finally {
if (apsContent != null) {
try { apsContent.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); }
return aps;
This code runs, but creates a PDF with dots instead of actual characters, which, I guess, means that the font subset has not been embedded. Moreover, I get the following warnings:
2021-04-17 12:33:31.326 WARN 20820 --- [ main]
o.a.p.pdmodel.PDAbstractContentStream : attempting to use subset
font LiberationSans without proper context
After looking through the source code, I get and I guess that I am messing something up when creating the appearance stream - somehow it's not connected with the PDDocument and the subsetting does not continue normally. Note that the above code works well when the font is embedded fully (i.e. if I call PDType0Font.load with the last parameter set to false)
Can anyone think of some hint to give to me? Thank you!
I don't know - am I lucky? It is very often that luckiness in programming points to something completely wrong or misleading. In any case, if someone can still give a hint, my ears are more than open...
Again, after looking through the code, I saw the following in PDDocument.save():
// subset designated fonts
for (PDFont font : fontsToSubset)
This is not happening in PDDocument.saveIncremental() which I am using. Just to mess around with the code, I went and did the following just before calling saveIncremental() on my document:
_font.subset(); // you can see in the beginning of the question how _font is created
Believe it or not, but the document was saved correctly - at least it appears correct in Acrobat Reader DC and Chrome & Firefox PDF viewers. Note that Unicode codepoints are added to the subset for the font during showText() on appearance content stream.
UPDATE 18/04/2021: as I mentioned in the comments, I got reports from users that started seeing messages like "Cannot extract the embedded font XXXXXX+LiberationSans-Regular from ...", when they opened the modified PDF files. Strangely enough, I didn't see these messages during my tests. It turns out that my copy of Acrobat Reader DC was newer than theirs, and specifically with the continuous release version 2021.001.20149 no errors were shown, while with the continuous release version 2020.012.20043 the above message was shown.
After investigations, it turns out that the problem was with the way I was embedding the font. I am not aware if any other way exists, and I am not that familiar with the PDF specification to know otherwise. What I was doing, as you can see from the above code, was to load the font ONCE for the document, and then to use it freely in the resource dictionary of the appearance stream of EVERY annotation. This had as a result all the resource dictionaries of the annotation content streams to reference an F1 font that was defined with the SAME /BaseFont name. The PDF Reference, 3rd ed. on p.323 specifically states that:
"... the PostScript name of the font - ... - begins with a tag
followed by a plus sign (+). The tag consists of exactly six uppercase
letters; the choice of letters is arbitrary, but different subsets in
the same PDF file must have different tags..."
Once I started to call PDType0Font.load for each of my annotations and calling subset() (and of course setNeedToBeUpdated) after creating appearance stream for each of them, I saw that the BaseName attributes started to look indeed differently - and indeed, the older 2020 version of Acrobat Reader DC stopped complaining.
[edit 07/10/2021: even trying to use a single PDFont object per page (having multiple annotations with this font), and subsetting it once, after having called showText on appearances of all annotations, appears to not work - it appears that the subsetting uses the letters I passed to the first showText, and not the others, resulting in wrong rendering of the 2nd, 3rd etc. annotations that might have characters that didn't exist in the 1st annotation - so I reiterate that what worked was to use loadFont for each separate annotation and then (after modifying appearance with showText, which will mark the letters to be used during subsetting) to call subset() on each of these fonts (which will result in the change of the font name)]
Note that other than using iText RUPS for inspecting the PDF contents, one could use Foxit PDF viewer to at least ensure that the subset font names are different. Acrobat Reader DC and PDF-xChange in Properties -> Fonts just show the initial font name, like LiberationSans, without showing the 6-letter unique prefix.
UPDATE 19/04/2021 I am still working on this issue - because I still get reports about the infamous "Cannot extract the embedded font" message. It is quite possible that the original cause of that message was not (or not only) the fact that the different subsets had same BaseFont names. One thing that I am observing is that on some computers, the stamp annotations that I am using cause Acrobat Reader DC to open automatically the so called "Comments pane" - there are options to turn this automatic thing off (Preferences -> Commenting -> Show comments pane when a PDF with comments is opened). When this pane opens, either manually or automatically, the error message appears (and I was on my wits ends to see why same version of Acrobat Reader DC behaves differently for different machines). I think that Acrobat Reader tries to extract the full version of the font and fails, since it is only a subset. But, I guess, this doesn't have to do with the semantic contents of the document - the document still passes "qpdf --check". I am currently trying to find if it is possible to restrict stamps to not allow comments - i.e. some way to disable the comments pane in Acrobat Reader DC, although I have little hope.
UPDATE 20/04/2021 opened a new question here

add Inline image in pdf document using itext library

we have created an application to generate pdf documents using itext 5 library. As the part of pdf generation, we tried to embed an image inline in pdf which should be non editable and read only. We tried with an addImage method of PdfContentByte as below,
byte[] decoded = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedImage);
image = Image.getInstance(decoded);
After this image is retrieved, used the same in addImage method.
PdfContentByte canvas = pdfStamper.getOverContent(item.getPage(0));
canvas.addImage(image, Boolean.TRUE);
Findings : Since the image is in Base 64 string format, the image is not displayed in the resultant pdf document (if the image is not in Base 64 format, it is working fine).
when we open the pdf , the below error is shown :-------> "An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly. Please contact the person who created the PDF document to correct the problem."
how can we handle this situation ?.
Is any other way to achieve this requirement. Please help
Code :-
PdfReader resultantPdfReader = new PdfReader("template.pdf");
PdfStamper resultandPdfStamper = new PdfStamper(resultantPdfReader, new FileOutputStream("A13.pdf"));
AcroFields acroFields = resultantPdfReader.getAcroFields();
Rectangle fieldPosRec = acroFields.getFieldPositions("imageField").get(0).position;
String encodedSignature = "";
encodedSignature = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("MyImage.png")));
if(encodedSignature.indexOf("data:image/png;base64,") != -1) {
encodedSignature = encodedSignature.substring("data:image/png;base64,".length());
Image image = null;
try {
byte[] decoded = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedSignature);
image = Image.getInstance(decoded);
} catch (Exception e) {
image.setAbsolutePosition(fieldPosRec.getLeft(), fieldPosRec.getBottom());
PdfContentByte canvas = resultandPdfStamper.getOverContent(item.getPage(0));
canvas.addImage(image, Boolean.TRUE);
Base64 Image String : 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Your example image has properties that iText cannot properly translate into an inlined image. Unfortunately it does not recognize this and outputs an erroneous result PDF.
In particular your image file uses transparency. Inline images don't allow for Mask or SMask entries (which images in PDFs use to represent transparency). Thus, your image as is cannot be used as inline image.
As a result the inline image created by iText only consists of a black rectangle while the transparency information (which contains the line drawing) is dropped.
Furthermore, your image uses a calibrated RGB color space. Such calibrated RGB color spaces cannot be inlined themselves, so the color space definition has to be put into the page resources. iText, though, when creating an inlined image, fails to reference that non-inlined part properly.
As a result the inline image created by iText references a color space by the wrong name, causing the "An error exists on this page" error message by Adobe Reader. Fixing that reference one gets a valid result PDF showing the black rectangle mentioned above.
In a comment you explain that your actual objective is to prevent copying image from the generated pdf document.
In general this obviously is not possible - any information a PDF viewer can access to draw on screen or paper also can be accessed by some PDF processor designed for that task to copy to some file. (Let's ignore proprietary, viewer specific DRM extensions here.)
What you can try, though, is draw your data in such a way that the common PDF viewers don't offer to copy it. Trying to use an inline image as you did is one approach in that direction. Other approaches wrap the image in other structures, e.g. in a pattern:
PdfContentByte canvas = resultandPdfStamper.getOverContent(1);
Rectangle pageSize = resultantPdfReader.getPageSize(1);
PdfPatternPainter painter = canvas.createPattern(pageSize.getWidth(), pageSize.getHeight());
canvas.setColorFill(new PatternColor(painter));
canvas.rectangle(0, 0, pageSize.getWidth(), pageSize.getHeight());
(AddImageInPattern test testAddToPageTest3)
Adobe Acrobat Reader here does not offer to copy that image. Also my (admittedly older) Adobe Acrobat Pro does not offer to copy it, merely to remove it (more exactly, remove the whole rectangle filled with the pattern).
Beware, though, what the common PDF viewers do or don't offer is a moving target...

Disable pdf-text searching with pdfBox

I have a pdf document (no form) where I want to disable the text searching using pdfBox (java).
Following possibilities I can imagine:
Flatten text
Remove Text information (without removing text itself)
Add overlay to document.
Currently I've no idea how I can implement that. Does anyone has an idea how to solve that?
many thanks for your help here. I guess I found a way that fit to the requirements. (Honestly, not really clean):
Add the rectangle to the address sections
convert PDF to image
convert image back to pdf.
While losing all text information, the user isn't able to see the critical information anymore. Due to the reason, that this is only for display (the initial PDF document doesn't get changed) this is ok for now.
It depends on your goals:
avoid everything on some texts: print, mark with black ink, and scan again;
delete sensible text: you have to scan inside text, and remove/replace it (with pdfbox), but it is risky (some text are splitted);
mask some text for viewer : find text and add a black rectangle (with pdfbox), but it is not very safe. You can remove the rectangle, or use another tool to read the text. Usually, if text is inside, some tool can find it;
avoiding copy/paste the text (but not search / view): use security options, with password:
see: https://pdfbox.apache.org/2.0/cookbook/encryption.html
PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load(new File("filename.pdf"));
// Define the length of the encryption key.
// Possible values are 40, 128 or 256.
int keyLength = 128;
// 256 => plante
AccessPermission ap = new AccessPermission();
// disable printing, everything else is allowed
// Owner password (to open the file with all permissions) is "12345"
// User password (to open the file but with restricted permissions, is empty here)
StandardProtectionPolicy spp = new StandardProtectionPolicy("12345", "", ap);

using iText api how to stamp image to existing different size pdf in java [duplicate]

I'm using C# and iTextSharp to add a watermark to my PDF files:
Document document = new Document();
PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(strFileLocation);
PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, new FileStream(strFileLocationOut, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None));
iTextSharp.text.Image img = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(WatermarkLocation);
img.SetAbsolutePosition(100, 300);
PdfContentByte waterMark;
for (int pageIndex = 1; pageIndex <= pdfReader.NumberOfPages; pageIndex++)
waterMark = pdfStamper.GetOverContent(pageIndex);
pdfStamper.FormFlattening = true;
It works fine, but my problem is that in some PDF files no watermark is added although the file size increased, any idea?
The fact that the file size increases is a good indication that the watermark is added. The main problem is that you're adding the watermark outside the visible area of the page. See How to position text relative to page using iText?
You need something like this:
Rectangle pagesize = reader.GetCropBox(pageIndex);
if (pagesize == null)
pagesize = reader.GetMediaBox(pageIndex);
That is: if you want to add the image in the lower-left corner of the page. You can add an offset, but make sure the offset in the x direction doesn't exceed the width of the page, and the offset in the y direction doesn't exceed the height of the page.
Although I don't know the specifics of iTextSharp, likely on the pages where your image is not showing, the previous PDF content has modified the current transformation matrix such that whatever you put on the page is moved off the page.
This can be fixed by emitting a gsave operator before the original page content and emitting a grestore operator after the original page content (but before yours). This, however may not fix all cases with a PDF document that modifies the CTM does a gsave and no grestore. This is not supposed to happen in theory, according to the PDF specification:
Occurrences of the q and Q operators shall be balanced within a given content stream (or within the sequence of streams specified in a page dictionary’s Contents array).
but I can tell you from experience that this is not the case in practice.

how can I write java code with syntax highlighting using pdfbox

I am trying to create a java project that simply prints a project source code, be it java, php, c++ and others.
I can create the PDF just fine with iText, but now I need some kind of highlighting the java code I read the same way a code editor like sublime highlights. I discovered pdfbox: a library for creating/manipulating PDF files, but I can't find how to highlight code text(like sublime does) by using this library. Any help?
Copying from another SO question : highlight text using pdfbox when it's location in the pdf is known
PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load(/*path to the file*/);
PDPage page = (PDPage)doc.getDocumentCatalog.getAllPages.get(i);
List annots = page.getAnnotations;
PDAnnotationTextMarkup markup = new PDAnnotationTextMarkup(PDAnnotationTextMarkup.Su....);
markup.setRectangle(/*your PDRectangle*/);
markup.setQuads(/*float array of size eight with all the vertices of the PDRectangle in anticlockwise order*/);
doc.save(/*path to the output file*/);
