Junit: local variables and void methods - java

I'm fairly new to unit testing and have been reading a lot of material online, but I'm having a little trouble figuring stuff out.
For example: If I have the following piece of code :
public class RandomClass
int a = 4;
public void foo(Object obj)
if(a == 4)
AnotherObject anotherObj = new AnotherObject();
//Method call that will be suppressed
I thought of writing my junit test case like this:
public void testFoo()
int a=4;
RandomClass randomClass = new RandomClass();
Object object = new Object();
I have a couple of questions here.
How exactly do I set the integer a from my junit? The way I'm setting it right now doesn't the unit test case any impact. When I debug the unit test, the value of a is NULL so it never passes the if condition!
Also, the method foo returns a void so what can I possibly test/assert?

There are two major techniques when writing unit tests:
Checking the external contract of your class under test. Meaning: you try to write testcases for RandomClass that know nothing about AnotherClass. Instead, your test code only observes behavior of RandomClass objects. In other words: you really don't care about the internal implementation details of RandomClass - because all the things you "want to see" can be observed by checking what RandomClass objects return when you call methods with specific parameters. Occasionally you get there by adding (package protected) getter methods that allow you to inspect some internal state of your class under test.
But sometimes that might not be "good enough"; for example when you know that your class under test must be using some other objects to get its job done. In such situations, you should be looking into mocking objects. In your case, you might want to create a mocked instance of AnotherClass; and then you would use dependency injection in order to provide that object to your class under test.
You see, you actually wrote "hard to test" code - because you are calling new for AnotherClass in your production code. That doesn't seem like a big deal, but depending on what AnotherClass is about ... you really shouldn't do that!
In any case; I recommend you to look into these videos to learn how to write code that works better for unit testing.

A test normally starts with a "setup", "prepare", or "arrange" step, where it creates or modifies the object under test so that it is in the state needed by that particular test.
So, if field a in the RandomClass object needs to have a value 4 (for example), then the test needs to either create the object passing this value as a constructor argument, or to set the value in the object by calling a setter method or by directly accessing the field. In the worst case, you might need to use Reflection to set the field, but that would indicate a design issue in the class being tested.
The next step is to exercise the code under test. This is the "act" step, in the "Arrange, Act, Assert" terminology (AAA, for short).
Finally, the final step is to "assert" (verify) the code being tested did what is was supposed to do.
If the method being tested has void return type, then the test should verify it did what was expected either through state verification or through behavior verification.
In the first case, the test would call some getter method in the object under test, and use it in an "assert" of some kind (for example, an assertEquals(expectedValue, actualValue)).
In the second case, the test would use some mocking library in order to verify that expected calls were made from the code under test to one or more dependencies (other objects or classes on which the class under test depends). For example, here the test could verify that RandomClass#foo did actually call Anotherclass.anotherMethod(...).


Mockito: verify arguments passed to new

I'm trying to work out how to verify the parameters passed to a mocked constructor in Mockito. A simplified version of my code is:
class Mocked {
Mocked(String first, String second, int value) {
class Target {
void testMe() {
new Mocked("Hello", "World", 99);
public void test_Target() {
try (
MockedConstruction<Mocked> mockedNew = mockConstruction(Mocked.class);
) {
new Target().testMe();
Mocked mocked = mockedNew.constructed().get(0);
// TODO: verify all arguments passed to mocked
The class I'm trying to test is "Target"
Target uses an instance of the "Mocked" class. In real code code I'll want to use an actual instance of Mocked, but for the purposes of testing I want to mock it out so I can test "Target" in isolation of "Mocked". I've used the mockConstruction construct to do this.
In my final version of my code the arguments passed to the Mocked constructor are not hardcoded. Instead there will be some business logic to derive them, so and I want to verify they have been derived out correctly. But how?
None of the examples I've Googled show show me how to do this, and org.mockito.Mockito.verify() doesn't appear to have a way to test a constructor.
The only solution I can see is to add mock initialiser function that copies the argument into local variables. But this involves making those variables effectively final (so final one element array) and ugly casts. Surely there has to be something better than that!
What have I missed?
As far as I know, this is not possible using the Mockito API.
You can try a design change where a new MockedFactory class is responsible for creating Mocked objects. You can create a MockMockedFactory for your tests and inject it into Target to use. You will be able to verify the methods called on this factory by the class under test. Not the nicest, adds boilerplate code, but works.
Also, I guess the newly created object is not returned as testing would not be a problem then. It is worth considering if the method you are testing isn't too big doing too many things at once. Maybe some other refactors could help make it more testable.
Or maybe this one: https://groups.google.com/g/mockito/c/WqPlcNrvbOw?pli=1

Equivalent of Answers.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS for a spy in mockito

I have been unable to find a way to use "Deep Stubs" for stubbing methods on a spy in Mockito. What I'm looking to do is something like this:
#Spy private Person person = //retrieve person
public void testStubbed() {
assertEquals("Neil", person.getName().getFirstName());
The code above compiles with no issues, but upon running the test, it fails saying that the return type (the Name class, in this case) cannot be returned by getName().
Normally, when mocking, you have to use
#Mock(answer = Answers.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS) for each mocked object. However, spy does not seem to have anything like this.
Has anyone ever successfully done deep stubbed mocking using a spy?
The error I'm receiving is listed below:
String cannot be returned by getName()
getName() should return Name
Due to the nature of the syntax above problem might occur because of:
1. Multithreaded testing
//I'm not doing multithreaded testing
2. A spy is stubbed using when(spy.foo()).then() syntax. It is safer to stub spies with doReturn|Throw() family of methods
//As shown above, I'm already using the doReturn family of methods.
While I'd still like to know if there's a better way to do this, I'd like to post a solution for anyone who comes looking.
The solution below works fine, by requiring you to create a new mock (or even a real object/spy) for each level of your dependencies. In other words, instead of chaining your method calls to create your stub, you mock each level individually.
#Spy private Person person = //retrieve person
#Mock private Name name;
public void testStubbed() {
assertEquals("Neil", person.getName().getFirstName());
You can get a little closer to the deep stubs you want by using doAnswer(RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS), but you can't override arbitrarily-deep method calls without taking care to stub their parent calls. I'd stick to manual single-level-deep mocks as you do in your answer, or use even less mocking if possible.
A spy's default behavior is to delegate to its real method call, which will typically return a real object (like your Name) and not a Mockito spy. This means that you won't normally be able to change those objects' behavior using Mockito: a spy isn't really the same class as the object being spied on, but rather is a generated subclass where every field value is copied from the spied-on value. (The copying is an important feature, because a delegating spy would have very unintutitive behavior regarding this, including for method calls and field values.)
Foo foo = new Foo();
foo.intValue = 42;
foo.someObject= new SomeObject();
Foo fooSpy = Mockito.spy(foo);
// Now fooSpy.intValue is 42, fooSpy.someObject refers to the exact same
// SomeObject instance, and all of fooSpy's non-final methods are overridden to
// delegate to Mockito's behavior. Importantly, SomeObject is not a spy, and
// Mockito cannot override its behavior!
So this won't work:
// Mockito thinks this call ^^^^^^^^^ should return "Neil".
And neither will this:
// The object here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ won't be a mock, and even if Mockito
// could automatically make it a mock, it's not clear whether that
// should be the same spy instance every time or a new one every time.
In your situation, I'd choose the following, in order from most preferable to least:
Create a real Name object and install it using doReturn. It looks like Name is a data object (aka value object) after all, which likely means it has no dependencies, solid behavior, and difficult-to-mock state transitions. You may not be gaining anything by mocking it.
Create a mock Name and install it as you do in your answer. This is particularly useful if Name is more complicated than it looks to be, or if it doesn't actually exist in the first place.
Replace getName to return a deep stub...
...which you can then override...
...even for arbitrarily deep values.
As a final editorial, one of the hazards of partial mocks is that it makes it really hard to tell which behavior is real and which is faked; this might make it hard for you to guarantee that the behavior you're testing is prod behavior and not mock behavior. Another hazard of deep stubbing is that you may be violating the Law of Demeter by definition. If you find yourself using this kind of technique often in tests, it may be time to consider rearchitecting your system under test.
public void listTypeTest() throws Exception {
doCallRealMethod().when(listType).setRecordCount(new BigInteger("556756756756"));
listType.setRecordCount(new BigInteger("556756756756"));
assertEquals(new BigInteger("556756756756"), listType.getRecordCount());

what is the idea and use of when(mock.method()).thenReturn(someValue) in mockito

In many tutorials found examples with following similar statement
Can anyone please trigger out why this is used?? Is that invoking the method and expecting the result as such given inside thenReturn() statement?? Correct me if I am wrong.
For mocking, you're trying to simulate an object implementation, and the when call helps you describe the return values that the simulated object should have. Because the documentation is pretty self-explanatory, I'll assume for the rest of the answer that you're looking for how Mockito is supposed to work and how when helps you set up your mocks.
Let's make an interface to work with:
interface Foo {
int bar();
Presumably there is some implementor of Foo.bar out there, but maybe that implementation is hard to use in tests: It may use file storage, a network service, or some sort of random value. (Or, maybe, you haven't written the real implementation yet.) Now, you've written a class called YourClass that depends on a Foo instance, but you can't use a real one in your tests for any of the above reasons. What do you do?
One way is to write a very small implementation in your test:
Foo fakeFoo = new Foo() {
#Override public int bar() { return 42; }
YourClass yourClass = new YourClass(fakeFoo);
Now you've written fakeFoo to have a predictable and easy-to-understand return value. This works for something this small, but it doesn't scale: What if Foo has a dozen methods? What if rather than returning 42 every time, you want to return a different predictable value each time? What if you want to check later on whether bar was called? Mockito helps you do all that by switching the syntax:
Foo mockFoo = Mockito.mock(Foo.class);
when(mockFoo.bar()).thenReturn(42); // <- the statement you're asking about
YourClass yourClass = new YourClass(mockFoo);
Now, using the when statement, you're telling the mock Foo you've created what to return, which is just like the fake Foo implementation you wrote above for the same reasons. From there, you can write more when statements, or give your thenReturn more values to return in sequence, or use verify to check whether calls have been made. Above all, remember: You're not using when or making a mock of the class you're testing; you're mocking the classes that collaborate with the class you're testing.

Testing a method which calls private void method inside using mockito

I want to test a method which internally calls a void method.
Below is the code
public String process(MKSConnectionParams mksConnectionParam, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws Exception {
if (null != progressMonitor) {
progressMonitor.beginTask("Starting the creation of report", 100);
if (null == mksConnectionParam) {
else {
initialize(mksConnectionParam, MksLibFactory.getDefault());
public void initialize(MKSConnectionParams mksConnectionParam, IMksLibrary mksLibDefault) throws Exception {
paramMKSConnectionParams = mksConnectionParam;
GlobalConstants.hostName = paramMKSConnectionParams.hostname;
GlobalConstants.port = String.valueOf(paramMKSConnectionParams.port);
try {
localISi = mksLibDefault.getSi(paramMKSConnectionParams);
localIIm = mksLibDefault.getIm(paramMKSConnectionParams);
catch (MksLibException | AuthenticationError e) {
throw e;
ProjectInfo prjInfo = localISi.getProjectInfo(pathToPj);
projRevCmd = prjInfo.getConfigPath().getConfigPath() + "#b=" + projectRevision;
I am writing mockito test case for process() method. Testing is getting failed when initialize(mksConnectionParam, MksLibFactory.getDefault()) is called. It is because in the process we are calling real mks connection and I am passing dummy user name and password.
We aren't able to mock this initialize method. Is there any way to do this?
Small pseudocode would be of great help.
Earlier I had initialize method as private. Would changing it to public make any difference?
There are several ways to test this scenario, and different people would advocate different approaches, mostly based on personal preference.
Notice that testing this, will require changes in the code of the class you're testing (I believe you neglected to mention its name). There is one exception, and that's if you're using PowerMock. I won't go into the details here, but you find out more on how to incorporate it into your mockito code here.
Back to regular testing methods, the problem is that you're using the real IMksLibrary instead of a mock, and that's because you obtain a reference to it inside the process method. Here are a few method that you might want to consider:
Change the signature of the process method to receive the reference to the IMksLibrary instance, so that the test code can supply a mock of it
Instead of creating the reference inside the process method inject a reference to the class, either by using some DI framework (e.g. Spring, Guice, CDI, etc.), or as a constructor parameter
Create a protected method called something like getIMjsLibraryInstance() in the class, that will return MksLibFactory.getDefault(), and use it instead of the explicit code (this is the Extract Method refactoring that can be automatically done by most IDEs for Java nowadays). In the test code, you need to create a subclass (this is why it's my least favorite method) which overrides this method and returns a mock, and test the subclass instead of the real class. Notice that this is the ONLY method that you should subclass
You might feel deterred from using the third method, since in effect, you're not really testing the class that you meant to test (but rather a subclass of it). I tend to agree that this has a bed smell to it. However, keep in mind, that unlike the other two methods, this will not require any changes to the clients of the class (this is a pretty strong argument in favor of it).
There are other methods that you can use, but they are pretty similar in nature to the first two methods, and they also require some changes in the code.
If you feel that any "regular" method of testing is not good enough (due to code changes or whatever other reason), you are welcomed to take a look at PowerMock, which will enable you to intercept the static method call that returns the IMksLibrary instance, and return a mock instead. A word of caution though. There are some serious coupling that happens when these type of solutions are used, so it is usually not highly recommended, unless you are really in a dire need.

How can I unit test void functions?

class Elephant extends Animal {
public Elephant(String name) {
void makeNoise() {
logger.info(" Elephant make Sound");
void perform(String day) {
if (day.equals("thursday") || day.equals("friday")) {
Now i want to test the perform method. How can I unit test this method using JUnit?
Solution with Mockito Spy
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
public class ElephantTest {
public void shouldMakeNoise() throws Exception {
Elephant elephant = spy(new Elephant("foo"));
Negative tests:
public void elephantShouldDontMakeNoisesOnMonday() {
Elephant elephant = spy(new Elephant("foo"));
verify(elephant, never()).makeNoise();
public void shouldDoNotMakeNoisesOnMonday() {
Elephant elephant = spy(new Elephant("foo"));
Read about
void() functions change the state of a program. This can be done by modifying a variable, a file, a database, etc.
In your case you're writing to a logger. If this results in writing " Elephant make Sound" to a file then you can read that file and see if the data in the file includes your noisy elephant.
If it however doesn't involve anything you can check (i.e.: it simply displays the output on the console) then you might want to look at some form of dependency injection (DI) where you can set the output to a file or something else you can easily read.
It should be noted that you can bypass DI by mocking the object and checking the appropriate methods are getting called.
To test any method, the responsibility to be tested must be visible from the out side of the method by changing state of any variable.
Typically it is done by returning value from the method. But without that, it can be done in many ways by modifying something from outside of the method scope, in case you have any "problem" to return something from the method!
In your case, you only log some message. And your code is not really testable in a sense that it does not do something that is directly related to changing the state of any variable (Because you change the state of other resource other than variable, that is not directly accessible by your code. You have to write some code to read the changes from that external resource, hence makes your testing code dependent to the reading also. If you have some problem with reading, your test case will not pass and that does not go with the spirit of the unit testing. The main idea is to reduce the dependency on external codes or libraries as much as possible). But your code can be testable by doing a slight refactoring / shifting responsiblity like below:
String makeNoise() {
return "Elephant make Sound";
String perform(String day) {
if (day.equals("thursday") || day.equals("friday")) {
return makeNoise();
And then you shift the responsibility of logging the value returned from perform method to the one using it like below:
You have various options depending on the tools you are willing to use and the depth your tests should have.
Partial Mocking with plain Java
Create a class (MockElephant) that extends from elephant, overwrite makeNoise so it counts the number of invocations. Use that class in your test to check that makeNoise was called the correct number of times
Partial Mocking with a Framework
You basically do the same as above but instead of manually coding the MockElephant you create it using some mocking framework. Makes the test much simpler, since you need less code. And it is easier to read. But if strange things happen it makes it harder to understand what is going on. In case of Mocking frameworks I think they are worth it.
The reasons why this is called Partial Mocking is that you mock only parts of a class (a single method in this case).
The alternative is to use Normal Mocks, which in your case seems feasible (but can become tough in legacy code).
Here you would inject the Logger as a dependency. For example you could create an additional constructor which allows you to provide the Logger. In your test you would then use a mocked Logger, which again counts it's invocations, probably along with the parameter it received and check that it has the expected values.
Again you can do that with a Mocking Framework or with plain old Java.
