I'm currently working on a school project (a small android game) and so far I've written a code which generates a random equation 2 seconds after the activity InGame is launched and displays it in a textview. Another 5 seconds later, the second equation is generated and displayed in a different textview. Now the user has to decide if the second equation has a bigger result than the first one by either pressing the button bigger or smaller. If it was correct, the next equation should be displayed and it would go on like this until the user decided wrong.
Here is my code so far:
(Code for the first equation):
// Generate random equation and display it in textview
String[] operationSet = new String[]{"+", "-", "/", "*"};
String equation;
static double doubleAnswer1;
public void start1() {
Random random = new Random();
int numOfOperations = random.nextInt(2) + 1;
List<String> operations = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfOperations; i++) {
String operation = operationSet[random.nextInt(4)];
int numOfNumbers = numOfOperations + 1;
List<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfNumbers; i++) {
int number = random.nextInt(10)+1;
String equation = "";
for (int i = 0; i < numOfOperations; i++) {
equation += numbers.get(i);
equation += operations.get(i);
equation += numbers.get(numbers.size() -1);
TextView TextEquation = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textView_first_equation);
// Evaluate the result of the equation
double doubleAnswer1 = eval(equation);
String stringAnswer = Double.toString(doubleAnswer1);
TextView textAnswer = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textView4);
(Code for second equation (basically same as for first equation except the name of the strings and doubles are different)):
String equation2;
static double doubleAnswer2;
public void start2() {
Random random = new Random();
int numOfOperations = random.nextInt(2) + 1;
List<String> operations = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfOperations; i++) {
String operation = operationSet[random.nextInt(4)];
int numOfNumbers = numOfOperations + 1;
List<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfNumbers; i++) {
int number = random.nextInt(10)+1;
String equation2 = "";
for (int i = 0; i < numOfOperations; i++) {
equation2 += numbers.get(i);
equation2 += operations.get(i);
equation2 += numbers.get(numbers.size() -1);
TextView TextEquation = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textView3);
// Evaluate the result of the equation
double doubleAnswer2 = eval(equation2);
String stringAnswer = Double.toString(doubleAnswer2);
TextView textAnswer = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.textView_result2);
And here is my onCreate code:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Display first equation 2 seconds after the activity is launched
final Handler handler1 = new Handler();
handler1.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 2000);
final Handler handler2 = new Handler();
handler2.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 7000);
// Check if user was right or wrong
final Button buttonBigger = (Button)findViewById(R.id.button_bigger);
final Button buttonSmaller = (Button)findViewById(R.id.button_smaller);
View.OnClickListener listener = new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if(v.equals(buttonBigger) && doubleAnswer1 < doubleAnswer2) {
Log.v("TAG", "you are right");
} else if(v.equals(buttonSmaller) && doubleAnswer1 > doubleAnswer2) {
Log.v("TAG", "you are right");
} else {
Log.v("TAG", "you are wrong");
The app launches correctly and it also displays the first and second equation, but when I press one of the button, it tells me in the logcat you are wrong but I decided 100% correct. However if I debug the app, it tells me that doubleAnswer1 and doubleAnswer2 are both = 0. That's why it all ways tells me 'you are wrong'. I don't know how to fix this, maybe I need to store the doubleAnswer1 and doubleAnswer2 somewhere.
I really don't know what to do, so it would really help me if someone has an idea what to do.
If anything is unclear in my question, feel free to ask and I will try to clarify the problem.
Thank you in advance for your help!
I think your problem lies here:
double doubleAnswer1 = eval(equation);
I did a quick internet search and did not find any native function called eval(). Instead you should look into Script Engine Manager for java:
ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
String foo = "40+2";
or exp4j which is shown here:
Executing math equation in Android
change the following:
double doubleAnswer1 = eval(equation);
doubleAnswer1 = eval(equation);
Similarly do the same for doubleAnswer2
I'm trying to use an array of objects to have barrels fall from the top of the screen to the bottom. (Like that old donkey kong game.) However, I can't seem to find a way to create more instances of the object than whatever the initial length of the array was. Anyone know a way to do this?
Here's the code:
Man Man;
Man background;
Man ladders;
PFont font1;
int time;
boolean run;
boolean newBarrel;
int barrelTotal;
Barrel[] barrel = new Barrel[100];
void setup() {
newBarrel = false;
run = true;
barrelTotal = 1;
time = millis();
size(800, 800);
Man = new Man();
background = new Man();
ladders = new Man();
for (int i = 0; i < barrel.length; i++) {
barrel[i] = new Barrel();
void draw() {
if (run == true) {
for (int i = 0; i < barrel.length; i++) {
if ((Man.bottom-10 >= barrel[i].top)&&(Man.bottom-10 <= barrel[i].bottom)&&(Man.Ladder == barrel[i].randomLadder)) {
print("GAME OVER!");
run = false;
if ((Man.top >= barrel[i].top)&&(Man.top <= barrel[i].bottom)&&(Man.Ladder == barrel[i].randomLadder)) {
print("GAME OVER!");
run = false;
if (run == true) {
//spawns a barrel every second
if (millis()> time + 10) {
newBarrel = false;
print(" " + barrelTotal + " ");
time = time + 10;
barrelTotal = barrelTotal+1;
newBarrel = true;
for (int i = 0; i < barrelTotal; i++) {
if (newBarrel == true) {
//if(barrelTotal == 100){
//for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++){
// barrel[i] = "???";
Use an ArrayList instead of a native array. ArrayList will expand capacity as needed, whereas an array is fixed size and cannot be changed (you'd need to create a new larger array each time, which under the covers is what an ArrayList handles for you).
You can use ArrayList for this. You will change
// from
Barrel[] barrel = new Barrel[100]; // i suggest naming it to barrels instead of barrel
// to
ArrayList<Barrel> barrel = new ArrayList<>();
// or better
List<Barrel> barrel = new ArrayList<>();
// from
for (int i = 0; i < barrel.length; i++) {
barrel[i] = new Barrel();
// to
for (int i = 0; i < barrel.length; i++) {
barrel.add(new Barrel());
// from
// to
// etc
I highly recommend this for getting started with lists
Basically I have a function that loads questions for a trivia game. Each game has 10 rounds. Currently I have it in a four loop and tried using CountDownTimer but it would still iterate through and call the function 10 times right away. Just looking on some advice on how to call a round that lasts 10 seconds and then move to the next round.
public class GameActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
int questionCount = 0;
int textUpdate = 0;
Boolean readFlag = true;
Button answerOneBtn, answerTwoBtn, answerThreeBtn, answerFourBtn;
TextView questionTextView;
int playerScore = 0;
Game currentGame = new Game(questionCount, readFlag, playerScore);
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Log.e("Error", "For Loop is Running");
answerOneBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerOneButton);
answerTwoBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerTwoButton);
answerThreeBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerThreeButton);
answerFourBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerFourButton);
questionTextView = findViewById(R.id.questionText);
answerOneBtn.setOnClickListener(v -> {
currentGame.playerOneSelection = answerOneBtn.getText().toString();
Log.e("error", currentGame.playerOneSelection);
answerTwoBtn.setOnClickListener(v -> {
currentGame.playerOneSelection = answerTwoBtn.getText().toString();
Log.e("error", currentGame.playerOneSelection);
answerThreeBtn.setOnClickListener(v -> {
currentGame.playerOneSelection = answerThreeBtn.getText().toString();
Log.e("error", currentGame.playerOneSelection);
answerFourBtn.setOnClickListener(v -> {
currentGame.playerOneSelection = answerFourBtn.getText().toString();
Log.e("error", currentGame.playerOneSelection);
public void playGame() {
answerOneBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerOneButton);
answerTwoBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerTwoButton);
answerThreeBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerThreeButton);
answerFourBtn = findViewById(R.id.AnswerFourButton);
questionTextView = findViewById(R.id.questionText);
Okay, so after a bit of digging and being pointed in a general direction by the comments I found that the right answer was a handler.
My for loop now looks like this
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
handler.postDelayed(() -> playGame(), 10000 * i);
playerAnswered = false;
playerScore += currentGame.checkPlayerAnswer(currentGame.playerOneSelection);
I was trying to build a simple app that takes the plain text and no of lines as input and convert the plain text into cipher text using the rail fence ciphering technique. I was taking no of lines input from user and convert that string input into integer by casting. As i was doing it, it shows NumberFormatException. I wrote the casting line inside the try block and there after the scope of that variable is limited such that my encryption() method is not able to access it. What can i do as my onClick function is not producing the correct desired cipher text?
The button behaves like it was never clicked.
I have tried creating that variable outside the try block and then typecasting it inside the block, i also made that lines variable final as it was accessed within the class. Then it asked me to initialize the variable, I have done that also but it does not seems helping me.
Button decryptBtn, encryptBtn;
TextView hlWrld, encryptedText;
EditText noOfLines, plainText;
int lines;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
decryptBtn = findViewById(R.id.decryptBtn);
encryptBtn = findViewById(R.id.encrptBtn);
hlWrld = findViewById(R.id.hlwWorld);
encryptedText = findViewById(R.id.encryptedText);
noOfLines = findViewById(R.id.lineNo);
plainText = findViewById(R.id.plntxt);
final String plntxt = plainText.getText().toString();
final String noOflines = noOfLines.getText().toString();
int lines = 0;
try {
lines = Integer.parseInt(noOflines);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
final int finalLines = lines;
encryptBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
encryption(plntxt, finalLines);
public void encryption(String plntxt, int lines) {
boolean checkdown = false; // check whether it is moving downward or upward
int j = 0;
int row = lines; // no of row is the no of rails entered by user
int col = plntxt.length(); //column length is the size of string
char[][] a = new char[row][col];
// we create a matrix of a of row *col size
for (int i = 0; i < col; i++) { // matrix visiting in rails order and putting the character of plaintext
if (j == 0 || j == row - 1)
checkdown = !checkdown;
a[j][i] = plntxt.charAt(i);
if (checkdown) {
} else {
// visiting the matrix in usual order to get ciphertext
for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < col; k++) {
System.out.print(a[i][k] + " ");
String en = "";
for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
for (int k = 0; k < col; k++) {
if (a[i][k] != 0)
en = en + a[i][k];
System.out.println(en); // printing the ciphertext
I expect the output to be a cipher text come to me as a result of setText() method that I have applied on my textView. But, nothing is happening at all.
I was taking no of lines input from user and convert that string input into integer by casting. As i was doing it ,it shows NumberFormatException.
That is because you're trying to read a string from an EditText with no input yet as integer which is not a valid number with the following code (see the comment):
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// your view binding code with findViewById
// ...
// here you're trying to read the EditText value,
// but no user input yet because you've only inflate it before.
final String plntxt= plainText.getText().toString();
final String noOflines= noOfLines.getText().toString();
// the noOfLines is "", an empty string.
int lines = 0;
try {
// this raise an exception because empty string is not number.
lines = Integer.parseInt(noOflines);
catch (NumberFormatException e){
I have tried creating that variable outside the try block and then typecasting it inside the block, i also made that "lines" variable final as it was accessed within the class. then it ask me to initialize the variable, i have done that also but it does not seems helping me.
What you done is make more damage to your code because your making the variable value constant. Both the value of plntxt and noOflines will always be an "", empty string. So, your following code won't work:
final String plntxt= plainText.getText().toString();
final String noOflines= noOfLines.getText().toString();
final int finalLines = lines;
encryptBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// this won't work because plntxt is always empty string
// and finalLines is always invalid number.
encryption(plntxt, finalLines);
A simple fix can be done by moving all the text getter to the inside of your onClick method:
encryptBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
String plntxt= plainText.getText().toString();
String noOflines= noOfLines.getText().toString();
int lines = 0;
try {
lines = Integer.parseInt(noOflines);
catch (NumberFormatException e){
encryption(plntxt, finalLines);
how can i scroll a view (recyclerview) in relation to my tts,
ive looked at onUtterance but it seems to only have a start and stop listener, so i need to think outside the box, i give my tts a string from an Arraylist like this
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < SpeakRecyclerGrid.recyclerView.getChildCount(); i++)
list.add(((EditText) SpeakRecyclerGrid.recyclerView.getChildAt(i)).getText().toString());
I was thinking about cutting the string up into sections and giving it to the TTS one string at a time and move the view as I go. I already give my gridlayout manager an int for the amount of columns (called columns).
The array list adds a comma after every word, so I was thinking something like
find the nth/(column) comma
split the string
check if tts is speaking and listen for onUtterance onDone to pass new string
read the string
move the view
and keep doing this until theres no words left and coding for the remainder % im not sure how to do all of that so if anyone wants to help feel free, (I think Im looking at StringUtils and creating each smaller string with a for loop and passing them to the tts in onUtteranceListener onDone, but im still a little new to android), but mainly does anyone have a better way
okay this is what i have so far but it could probably use some work im still an amateur, I've split the string into blocks based on the size of the screen, and the handler that scrolls the screen relies on the amount of letters in each broken up string, also the smoothscrolltoposition is scrolling a custom layout manager that scrolls pretty slowly im having an issue though where on some devices the array list counting the words will only reach 20 not sure why but ill ask and hopefully update this when ive fixed it so here is my speak and move method
public void speakAndMove(){
final ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < SpeakRecyclerGrid.recyclerView.getChildCount(); i++) {
list.add(((EditText) SpeakRecyclerGrid.recyclerView.getChildAt(i)).getText().toString());
Integer numOfWords = list.size();
words = list.toString();
Integer count = 0;
Integer startPoint = 0;
scrollPos = 0;
final Integer speed = words.length() * 15;
Integer leftOver = 0;
final int columns = getResources().getInteger(R.integer.grid_columns);
ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
if (list.size() <= columns) {
if (words.contains("[]")) {
} else if (words.contains(", 's")) {
formatString = words.replaceFirst(", 's", "'s");
} else if (words.contains(", ing")) {
formatString = words.replaceFirst(", ing", "ing");
} else {
if (list.size()>=columns) {
for (int i = 0; i < words.length(); i++) {
if (words.charAt(i) == ',') {
if (count == columns) {
String ab = words.substring(startPoint, i + 1);
if (ab.contains(", 's")) {
formatString = ab.replaceFirst(", 's", "'s");
} else if (ab.contains(", ing")) {
formatString = ab.replaceFirst(", ing", "ing");
} else {
startPoint = i + 1;
count = 0;
leftOver = words.length() - startPoint;
System.out.println("main string"+" scroll " + scrollPos + " startpoint " + startPoint +" speed " + speed);
if (leftOver > 0) {
String ab2 = words.substring(startPoint, words.length());
if (ab2.contains(", 's")) {
formatString = ab2.replaceFirst(", 's", "'s");
} else if (ab2.contains(", ing")) {
formatString = ab2.replaceFirst(", ing", "ing");
} else {
System.out.println("leftovers "+ leftOver + " scroll " + scrollPos + " startpoint " + startPoint +" count " + scrollPos);
count = 0;
//scrollPos = 0;
final Handler h = new Handler();
h.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// This method will be executed once the timer is over
// Start your app main activity
scrollPos = scrollPos + columns;
SpeakGrid.recyclerView.getLayoutManager().smoothScrollToPosition(SpeakGrid.recyclerView, null ,scrollPos);
System.out.println("position "+ scrollPos + " speed " + speed + " list size " + list.size());
if (scrollPos < list.size())
// close this activity
}, speed);
I want to make a Hint button, so when I click on it, I want to delete two buttons from the list (answers list). Now I don't know how to do it,ho w to make the for loop on the button array, so I can make this buttons invisible.
public class ClassicMode extends Activity {//מהמשחק עצמו
String pic;//תמונה של הדגל
Button answer1;//תשובות
Button answer2;
Button answer3;
Button answer4;
Button hint;
TextView guess;
TextView numOfGuess;
TextView score;
TextView scorenum;
DatabaseHandler db = new DatabaseHandler(this);
String fn;
Guesses G;
Bitmap bm;
Score s;
Button [] b = new Button[4];
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();
score =(TextView)findViewById(R.id.score);
scorenum =(TextView)findViewById(R.id.scorenum);
guess =(TextView)findViewById(R.id.guesses);
hint =(Button)findViewById(R.id.hint);
Flags f = new Flags();
Random r = new Random();//הדגל שיבחר לשאלה
int num = r.nextInt(160);//Up
f = db.getFlag(num);//הצגת הדגל הרנדומלי שיצא
fn = f.getName().toString();
pic = f.getImage().toString();
pic_view(pic);//מעבר לפונקציה להשמת התמונה של הדגל במשחק
//מערך ארבע כפתורים כנגד ארבע תשובות
b[0] = (Button)findViewById(R.id.button1);
b[1] = (Button)findViewById(R.id.button2);
b[2] = (Button)findViewById(R.id.button3);
b[3] = (Button)findViewById(R.id.button4);
List<String>Answers=new ArrayList<String>();//מערך תשובות
Answers.add(f.getName().toString());//הוספת התשובה הנכונה
for(int i=1;i<4;i++)
num = r.nextInt(200);
String valToAdd1 = db.getFlag(num).getName().toString();
/*num = r.nextInt(30);
Answers.add(db.getFlag(num).getName().toString());//הוספת 3 תשובות רנדומליות
num = r.nextInt(30);
num = r.nextInt(30);
Collections.shuffle(Answers);//ערבוב התשובות
for(int i=0;i<Answers.size();i++)
b[i].setText(Answers.get(i));//השמת התשובות מהמהערך למערך הכפתורים
}//end of OnCreat
Now what I've done (there is the function check, which check if you answered correctly and the hint which I don't know how to make):
public void check(View v)
Log.d("yes", fn);
Button b = (Button)v;
String text = b.getText().toString();
finish();//כאשר מספר הניחושים
public void hint(View v)
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
for(int j=0;j<4;j++)
Note: this is {mostly} pseudocode
I suggest keeping two separate lists of your answers. Your Flag object already holds the correct answer. You need a list to keep track of the wrong answers (so we don't have to loop and check against each item every time). You also need a list of all of them together that you can shuffle and display.
I took a little bit of liberty making your variable names longer so they are more clear.
onCreate() {
Flag f = db.getFlag(randomNum); // This is the real question & answer
List<String> wrongAnswers = new ArrayList<String>(3);
List<String> allAnswers = new ArrayList<String>(4);
// Loop 3 times for 3 random wrong answers
for (int i=0; i<=3; i++) {
randNum = r.nextInt(200);
String randWrongAnswer = db.getFlag(randNum).getName().toString();
if (! wrongAnswers.contains(randWrongAnswer)) {
I like to declare all my listeners separately further down in the code, to keep the OnCreate method clean and legible.
private OnClickListener hintOnClickListener = new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// Since you shuffled the 'allAnswers' before displaying to the screen,
// we can just pick the first 2 answers from wrongAnswers list
// and it will appear to be random to the user.
for (int i=0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
String buttonText = buttons[i].getText().toString();
if (buttonText.equals(wrongAnswers.get(0))
|| buttonText.equals(wrongAnswers.get(1))) {
Edit: to add hint logic based on OP's comment.