Eclipse project and Maven pom file not in same directory - java

I have a project in Eclipse for which the Pom file(pom.xml) and Eclipse project file(.project) are not in the same directory. The Pom file is next to the source code.
The project resources in Eclipse are defined as Linked Resources(
I added the pom file as a Linked Resource then and converted the project in Eclipse to a Maven project(Configure -> Convert to Maven Project).
Unfortunately Eclipse is not showing the Maven Dependencies for that project and these are not resolved. Just having the Eclipse project file next to the pom and resources works well for that project but I cannot eventually use it(it's a company rule).
Tanks a lot in advance for your help

Unfortunately Eclipse is not showing the Maven Dependencies for that
project and these are not resolved.
Yeah, and I believe that the Eclipse project files are not going to pick up your changes when you convert to a maven project. This is simply the way maven works because you have the .project file elsewhere.
One note may be helpful: it is generally considered bad practice to check in your .project & .classpath files into src control, no matter where they are located. Can you try and have those files removed from source control and generated for each developer locally.
Personally, I always do that when I first create the Eclipse workspace by creating my project from the pom file: File -> import -> Existing Maven Project and then I browse to the pom.xml file. My understanding is that this is (for many) the preferred way to create the java project in Eclipse.


Moved project in Intellij and now I can't compile

I am working on a project in Intellij. I started working on it offline and then created a repo where I moved my project in.
The problem I'm having now is that the .idea folder is no longer generated with all the proper files. Also if I add all of the files back to the .idea I am Intellij says that package does not exist for all of the libraries defined in the Maven pom file.
I did not do a refactor -> move inside Intellij but instead just moved the folders manually.
What might be causing this?
Try to reimport the project from existing sources.
File -> New Project -> Project from existing sources.
Intellij will recreate all necessary files.
If this is not enough, remove every single intellij file + .idea folder. Keep only src files and pom.xml. Then Reimport maven project again as described above.

Can I convert eclipse source folders into packages?

I've forked a Github project, used Eclipse to clone it locally, and imported that as a general project into Eclipse.
The accompanying .project file is an Eclipse .project file with the proper "nature" and "buildCommand" xml tags.
So it seems like a valid Eclipse project. However, I'm unable to specify a run configuration or configure the build path.
When I select the Build Path popup menu item, it says "no actions available" in grayed out text. When I select "Run/Run As" from the main menu,
it shows (none applicable). I'm wondering if the problem is that the project imported completely as source folders:
There are no packages to speak of. I created another project from scratch, and created the proper source folders and packages as needed
to match the package statements in the source code. After manually importing the source from the git repo, I can build and run that project.
If the lack of packages is indeed the problem, is there a quick way in Eclipse to convert source folders to packages?
What you did is you have probably cloned the repo in Eclipse and then Imported this project through a New Project Wizard, because in GitHub there is no existing .project (and no .classpath) files.
The "New Project Wizard" will create a set of defaults for a java project (I suspect that you selected just that), but is anaware of Maven structure, so all source folders will not be recognized and you will end up having to define them on your own. Worse, you will be unaware of any special parts of the Maven build that might be configured within pom.xml.
Because this project uses Maven for building, it would be better to use M2Eclipse while importing it. Install it using Help->Install new software.
Then there are a couple of steps required to make it use all Eclipse features.
Keep your cloned copy of the repository or clone again if you want to start from scratch. Then use File->Import feature to import a maven project into the workspace. Select Exisiting Maven Projects and point to the directory containing pom.xml file in the cloned repo. This will use Maven integration in Eclipse to generate .project and .classpath files based on pom.xml contents, so you will be able to more closely mimic Maven build in Eclipse. All source folders should be properly discovered this way. Eclipse might want to install some additional integrations for Maven features that this particular project uses. Let it, if that is the case.
Now, you will have the project operational and compiling in Eclipse, but it will not be aware that it is managed by Git... This is because M2Eclipse and Git Team provider are not integrated (at least they weren't when I last checked). In order to be able to commit to the repository in Eclipse, remove the project from workspace, but without deleting contents. Then, import from Repository view using Import Projects/Import exsisting Eclipse projects. Since necessary .project file is already generated, Eclipse will autodiscover the project and will use the right configuration prepared earlier by M2Eclipse.
In the end you will have a properly configured Maven project with Git as a team provider for it.
If this is a project meant to be built by Maven that contains a pom.xml file, install M2E before importing the project from your local cloned repository. It will handle this.
Right click at root of project select properties, in the sources tab add the folder "src/main/java" as source folder
Other way is to configure facet as java

Path in Intellij Vs. Eclipse

My company is attempting to make a transition from Eclipse to Intellij Idea and I have a (might be silly) question regarding the paths.
I have a library in the root of the eclipse project and a spring configuration file which simply points to it by "folderName/file.txt". It works fine in Eclipse since it recognizes the folder. In IntelliJ however it seems to not pick the folder at all.
I've tried to mark the folder as a resource/test resource folder but it seems to simply take the contents of the folder and dump it directly into the target folder without the folder itself, just the contents.
Is there a way to configure IntelliJ to work with the folder just like in Eclipse? This is important because some are still using Eclipse, some IntelliJ, so we need a solution that will work for both.
I am guessing your are using maven since you mention the "target folder"
What happens is that since your imported the project from the maven pom.xml intellij build it by following maven.
In maven the default project structure is
This in maven everything you copy in the resources folder, will be copied to your root classpath. so if you make for
resources/myFolder/my.txt then in the build you will have copied to your classpath myFolder/my.txt
Anyway if you are not using maven all you have to do is go to
Project structure (ctrl+alt+shift+s) - Modules - go to your module - mark the folder that your want to add as resource

How to "add Maven nature" to existing netbeans project?

I know "adding Maven nature" is an Eclipse term.
Actually I want to add SOME dependencies from maven repository by editing pom.xml file. Is it possible? I want to remain a directory structure and other JAR tracking of a project intact.
The project is of jMonkey SDK.
in netbeans there are no natures. Either the project is a maven project (by having a pom.xml file in project directory) or it's not. No matter what type, projects are just opened.
if your project is both ant based project (having nbproject/project.xml file and build script) and contains pom.xml, then the ant project takes priority and will be opened as ant project. No way to mix then. to load as maven project you will have to delete ant project related files and restart the IDE.
add minimal pom.xml file
close project
re import it to netbeans as maven project
or create a new minimal maven project and delete source and resource directories and place your project stsructure and
configure pom.xml to match with your directory structure
by specifying resources & source directories in pom.xml

Idea IntelliJ. how creating maven project. what about pom.xml and .iml files

i just started with java, and created a project.
its maven project (i hadn't use maven yet)
so my project have two modules A and B.
and B depends on A, and A depends on some from remote maven repo. and B also depends on some remote repo.
its works fine in Idea IntelliJ and build jars fine.
but afaik .iml files are Idea IntelliJ specific. and pom.xml is maven specific.
and when i inspect files why all depedecy of project is written in .iml files and .idea dir instead of pom.xml(s)
if you want to see the real world source then here it is but its alpha project for learning java deeply.
and when i try to build project on it unable to resolve dependencies of project
I have forked your WebTrimmer repo here : and fixed a couple of issues which were preventing a successful build:
The travisci fails because you have three jars in the lib folder which are not available to the CI since it's doing a maven build. The fix was to remove those three jars and introduce corresponding maven dependencies as in this commit.
While adding the maven dependencies an exclusion was needed as noted here : The following artifacts could not be resolved: javax.jms:jms:jar:1.1
The WebTrimmerUI depends on the classes in it's sibling module WebTrimmerEngine, therefore a corresponding dependency is needed.
I have converted the project into a pure maven project which is IDE-agnostic. With the above changes, I can build the project from command line and expect that the travisci should be able to as well.
Regarding the question about why the dependencies are duplicated in .iml --- That's not the reason the CI job fails. The dependencies in that file are a snapshot of the dependencies in the pom.xml. This snapshot is updated when the maven project is re-imported manually by the user, or automatically if the maven project is set to 'Auto-Import'.
As Peter Lawrey mentioned in his comment above, if you add a jar to the project, maven does not know about it and it will be present only in the .iml file.
In general, to search and add a maven dependency, the following has always worked for me:
Hope this helps !
You need to add dependencies to the pom yourself. The .iml files are for storing project specific settings for whatever project you are currently working on.
Having the pom files allows your maven builds to be IDE independent where as the .iml files require you to have IntelliJ.
You can exclude the .iml files from and version control you are using. You can also open an existing maven project directly via IntelliJ by opening its pom.xml and IntelliJ can auto import everything specified in the pom file and will generate new .iml files.
