I have the python program.
all the code can work in python.
which means that I can use the python run the ontology.py and generate the myOntology.rdf locally.
here is some part of the code:
print"~~~~~~~~~~~generate myOntology.rdf~~~~~~~~"
gs = Graph()
for g in graph:
print gs.serialize(format='xml') ### in java ____ OK
print "save locally???........"
print gs.serialize("myOntology.rdf",format="xml")
##in java______Python Output: None
print gs.serialize(destination="D:\\Desktop\\myOntology.rdf",format="xml")
##in java__ no response
print"~~finish !!! ~generate myOntology.rdf~~~~~~~~"
however, when i use the java to call pyhton and run ontology.py. the program stoped to save the rdf locally. Note: my java program is correct!!!
I really do not know what is the issue as the python code and java code are correct.
but when java call python to run the py, the rdf cannot be saved locally.
file = open("output.rdf", "w")
results.serialize(destination=file, format="xml")
i add the file open,close.... the issue is solved. But i do not know why it works
I am using Netlogo Api Controller With spring boot
this my code (i got it from this link )
HeadlessWorkspace workspace = HeadlessWorkspace.newInstance();
try {
workspace.command("set number-of-residences 900");
workspace.command("set %-similar-wanted 7");
workspace.command("set count-years-simulated 14");
workspace.command("set number-of-residences 500");
workspace.command("set carbon-tax 13.7");
workspace.command("repeat 10 [ go ]");
catch(Exception ex) {
i got this result in the console:
But I want to get the table view and save to database. Which command can I use to get the table view ?
Table view:
any help please ?
If you can clarify why you're trying to generate the data this way, I or others might be able to give better advice.
There is no single NetLogo command or NetLogo API method to generate that table, you have to use BehaviorSpace to get it. Here are some options, listed in rough order of simplest to hardest.
Option 1
If possible, I'd recommend just running BehaviorSpace experiments from the command line to generate your table. This will get you exactly the same output you're looking for. You can find information on how to do that in the NetLogo manual's BehaviorSpace guide. If necessary, you can run NetLogo headless from the command line from within a Java program, just look for resources on calling out to external programs from Java, maybe with ProcessBuilder.
If you're running from within Java in order to setup and change the parameters of your BehaviorSpace experiments in a way that you cannot do from within the program, you could instead generate experiment XML files in Java to pass to NetLogo at the command line. See the docs on the XML format.
Option 2
You can recreate the contents of the table using the CSV extension in your model and adding a few more commands to generate the data. This will not create the exact same table, but it will get your data output in a computer and human readable format.
In pure NetLogo code, you'd want something like the below. Note that you can control more of the behavior (like file names or the desired variables) by running other pre-experiment commands before running setup or go in your Java code. You could also run the CSV-specific file code from Java using the controlling API and leave the model unchanged, but you'll need to write your own NetLogo code version of the csv:to-row primitive.
globals [
;; your model globals here
to setup
;;; your model setup code here
file-open "my-output.csv"
; the given variables should be valid reporters for the NetLogo model
set output-variables [ "ticks" "current-price" "number-of-residences" "count-years-simulated" "solar-PV-cost" "%-lows" "k" ]
file-print csv:to-row output-variables
to go
;;; the rest of your model code here
file-print csv:to-row map [ v -> runresult v ] output-variables
Option 3
If you really need to reproduce the BehaviorSpace table export exactly, you can try to run a BehaviorSpace experiment directly from Java. The table is generated by this code but as you can see it's tied in with the LabProtocol class, meaning you'll have to setup and run your model through BehaviorSpace instead of just step-by-step using a workspace as you've done in your sample code.
A good example of this might be the Main.scala object, which extracts some experiment settings from the expected command-line arguments, and then uses them with the lab.run() method to run the BehaviorSpace experiment and generate the output. That's Scala code and not Java, but hopefully it isn't too hard to translate. You'd similarly have to setup an org.nlogo.nvm.LabInterface.Settings instance and pass that off to a HeadlessWorkspace.newLab.run() to get things going.
I need to write an application for a client that calls a method from a ".dll" file. The ".dll" file was previously executed manually from an ".exe" GUI but now they want to automate the process.
I never worked with .dll files so everything that I found until now is the result of a complete day of research, I also received a small documentation with this tool:
The interface is an ActiveX DLL which provides two functions (GetUnitInfo and SaveResult).
In the moment I just want to run the "GetUnitInfo" method from the Winwdows command line using RUNDLL32.exe.
This is the documentation for the "GetUnitInfo" method:
The interface for GetUnitInfo is as follows:
Public Function GetUnitInfo( _
ByVal strRequest As String, _
ByRef strUnitInfo As String,
Optional ByVal strStationName As String = "") As Long
Sample calling code can be:
Dim lRet As Long
Dim strXML as String
lRet = GetUnitInfo( _“<?xml version=""1.0"" ?><GetUnitInfo
xmlns=""urn:GetUnitInfo-schema"" SerialNumber=""BD3ZZTC8MA"" />", strXML)
So I tried to run this method with some dummy parameters because the method returns an error if the parameters are not OK. The command:
RUNDLL32.EXE FFTester.dll, GetUnitInfo test1, test2
But I receive this error:
I used "Dependency Walker" to list the functions from the dll file:
But this are all the functions, normally I would expected that also "GetUnitInfo" is listed.
Can somebody help? It is not mandatory to use RUNDLL32.
Later edit:
I want to call this DLL from a tool that is written in JAVA, I tried to use JNA but I failed so I was thinking to call the dll functions from the command line because if this works I can use a process builder to execute the command.
I fixed my problem and I will provide a solution, maybe it will help someone else.
I used com4j library to generate the interfaces for my dll. After this you need to register your DLL otherwise most problely your code will throw an "ComException", you can read more in my second question.
To register a DLL:
C:\Windows\SysWOW64>regsvr32.exe "path to your DLL" for 32 bit DLL
C:\Windows\System32>regsvr32.exe "path to your DLL" for 64 bit DLL
Also depending on your DLL type, 32 or 64 bit, you need to use proper Eclipse/JDK.
I have a simple python script in my local machine, which returns a string. I want to run this script from java application and get the return value. I'm trying to do this using Pyrolite. I downloaded the jar files and added them to my java class path. But I'm not able to run the script.
I got the below sample code from readme.txt
NameServerProxy ns = NameServerProxy.locateNS(null);
PyroProxy remoteobject = new PyroProxy(ns.lookup("Your.Pyro.Object"));
Object result = remoteobject.call("pythonmethod", 42, "hello", new int[]{1,2,3});
String message = (String)result; // cast to the type that 'pythonmethod' returns
System.out.println("result message="+message);
But this is not working for me. My system configuration is
OS: Windows 8
JDK: jdk1.7.0_51
Python: 2.6
Please help me with this.
This is how I have edited the code:
NameServerProxy ns = NameServerProxy.locateNS(null);
PyroProxy remoteobject = new PyroProxy();
Object result = remoteobject.call("C:\\trail1.py", null);
String message = (String)result; // cast to the type that 'pythonmethod' returns
System.out.println("result message="+message);
I'm not positive that I understand what you're trying to do.
If you carefully read the tutorial, you'll see that you can't use Pyrolite the way you are. It specifies that you must have a python script running as a server, WITH a name server, where you must define some classes (for example Your.Pyro.Object).
Then you'll be able to call those objects you defined in that python script, but not the script itself.
To do what you want to do you'll need to call a function like C's fork(). Then you're able to call an executable, and you don't need Pyrolite.
I need to call this MATLAB code from Java code. The code clusters an image according to the specified number of clusters and the specified initial cluster centers (i.e. [176;137] in this code).
nrows = size(a_image,1);
ncols = size(a_image,2);
double_a_2_image = double(reshape(a_image,nrows*ncols,1));
nColors = 2;
[cluster_idx_2_a cluster_center] =
a_pixel_labels_2 = reshape(cluster_idx_2_a,nrows,ncols);
figure('Name','a* image labeled by cluster index: 2 colors'),imshow(a_pixel_labels_2,
What is the best tool to convert this code into jar file (or maybe .class file)? Another point: I need to run the resulted jar file on a machine that do not have matlab installed. Is that possible or should I install MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) on this machine?
A simple search on google gives you this link : MATLAB Builder JA, which generate a Java wrapper around your MATLAB code. And for your second question, you won't need it, as the wrapper is taking care of the MATLAB code itself.
I am trying to save a file using write.xslx (when saving with write.csv some row got shift in more columns so I am trying to save the file as xlsx directly).
If I type this command:
write.xlsx (old.data, file ="Documents/new.xlsx", sheetName="Sheet1",col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, append=FALSE)
write.xlsx (old.data, "Documents/new.xlsx", sheetName="Sheet1",col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, append=FALSE)
I get this error:
Error in .jnew("org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFWorkbook") :
Java Exception <no description because toString() failed>.jnew("org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFWorkbook")<S4 object of class "jobjRef">
Can anyone help me sort it out?
I don't think that this question can easily be answered. Is <working_directory>/Documents writeable to you? Can you create the file
write.xlsx ( data.frame( a = 1:10, row.names = letters[ 1:10 ] ), "Documents/new.xlsx", sheetName="Sheet1",col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, append=FALSE)
If this works, but with old.data it doesn't you have to provide a reproducible example.
However, I experienced every here and again weird problems with the xlsx package. From my experience XLConnect is much more robust and bug-free:
writeWorksheetToFile( "Documents/newxlsx", old.data, "Sheet1", header=TRUE, rownames = "rownames.header" )
write_xlsx() from the writexl package works great for me and is way faster! It also works fine with tibbles and does not have the annoying errors or resctrictions from the xlsxpackage. It is also completely written in C so no Java, Perl or Rtools are required.
For more info see https://ropensci.org/technotes/2017/09/08/writexl-release/
I just had this same problem. I think there might be a bug with openXL but I love working with it. So I open and close R and then change the wd, saved the file exactly where the wd was and then I run the exact same code again. It worked.
Today I had that problem after deployment.
At this moment I didn't need to change package and stick to xlsx
I updated dplyr, xlsx, and the one that did the trick was updating rjava.
Since it was a conflict with java and xlsx calls it, I gave it a shot.
Hope this work for you too