I am unable to compile source with Ant via terminal as it seems like dependencies are not resolved correctly despite me issuing 'ant resolve or ant retrieve'?
My build.xml and ivy.xml below
<property name="ant.home" value="${env.ANT_HOME}" />
<property name="ivy.home" value="${ant.home}" />
<property name="ivy.default.ivy.user.dir" value="${user.home}/.ivy2"/>
<target name="setup" description="Install ivy">
<mkdir dir="${user.home}/.ivy2" />
<get dest="${ivy.home}/lib/ivy.jar" src="http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/apache/ivy/ivy/2.3.0/ivy-2.3.0.jar"/>
<target name="resolve" description="Use ivy to resolve classpaths">
<ivy:resolve file="ivy.xml" />
<ivy:report todir='target/ivy-reports' graph='false' xml='false'/>
<ivy:cachepath pathid="ivy.path" conf="compile" />
<target name="retrieve" depends="resolve" description="Use ivy to retrieve dependencies">
<ivy:retrieve sync="true" type="jar" />
<target name="compile" depends="clean, retrieve">
<!-- Create build directory -->
<mkdir dir="target/${ant.project.name}" />
<!-- Compile source code -->
<javac includeantruntime="false" srcdir="src" debug="true" destdir="target/${ant.project.name}" >
<path refid="ivy.path" />
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="target/orderlycalls" />
<delete dir="target/classes" />
<delete dir="target/ivy-reports" />
<target name="clean-all" depends="clean" description="Additionally purge ivy cache">
<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/schemas/ivy.xsd">
<conf name="default" visibility="public" description="The single built artifact. Nothing else"/>
<conf name="compile" visibility="public" description="The master module and transitive dependencies"/>
<conf name="provided" visibility="public" description="Needed for compile. Will be provided outside or war"/>
<conf name="runtime" visibility="public" description="Not required for compile, but for runtime" extends="compile"/>
<conf name="default" visibility="public" description="The default configuration" extends="runtime"/>
<conf name="test" visibility="private" description="Required for testing" extends="runtime"/>
<dependency org="net.sf.trove4j" name="trove4j" rev="3.0.3" conf="provided"/>
<dependency org="org.apache.tomcat.embed" name="tomcat-embed-core" rev="7.0.53" conf="provided"/>
when i run 'ant compile' the on compilation ant is complaining that it can not find 'Servlet Context' which is part of tomcat.jar or 'TObject', 'THashMap' which are part of trove.jar and many more despite the fact that i am retrieving/resolving the jars in build.xml.
Another thing i have noticed is that inside my .ivy2/cache// there are no actual jar files. Only xml files
Any idea what i am doing wrong or not doing at all ?
You have used the cachepath task to create an Ant Path, using dependencies associated with the "compile" configuration.
<ivy:cachepath pathid="ivy.path" conf="compile" />
Your issue lies with your ivy file, where you haven't specified any dependencies with a mapping to the "compile" configuration. This would explain why your javac task cannot see any jars.
<conf name="compile" .../>
<conf name="provided" .../>
<dependency ... conf="provided"/>
<dependency ... conf="provided"/>
I suggest creating an explicit mapping for each of your configurations, for example:
<!-- Compile dependencies -->
<dependency org="net.sf.trove4j" name="trove4j" rev="3.0.3" conf="compile->default"/>
<!-- provided dependencies -->
<dependency org="org.apache.tomcat.embed" name="tomcat-embed-core" rev="7.0.53" conf="provided->master"/>
The only mappings you'll ever need are to the following remote configurations:
default Remote jar plus its transitive dependencies
master Remote jar only
For more information on how ivy interprets remote maven modules please read the following:
How are maven scopes mapped to ivy configurations by ivy
Using ANT Ivy library to manage dependencies for a java application...
Is there any ANT task, or any code suggestions for generating a vulnerability audit / report for our dependent libraries during our autobuilds?
Here is an example (most dependencies removed for brevity) out our dependencies.xml
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="com.yamaha" module="YDS" />
<configurations defaultconfmapping="compile->default;sources;javadoc">
<conf name="compile" description="Required to compile application"/>
<conf name="sources" description="Source jars"/>
<conf name="javadoc" description="Javadoc jars"/>
<conf name="runtime" description="Additional run-time dependencies" extends="compile"/>
<conf name="test" description="Required for test only" extends="runtime"/>
<dependency org="commons-collections" name="commons-collections" rev="[3.2,3.2.+]"/>
<dependency org="commons-beanutils" name="commons-beanutils" rev="1.9.+"/>
Here is our ant code for retreiving dependencies:
<ivy:retrieve file="dependencyFile.xml" type="bundle, jar" sync="true"/>
We would simply like to add some ANT code that will list any vulnerabilities in the dependency.xml file?
<target name="build">
<delete dir="classes" failonerror="false"/>
<mkdir dir="classes"/>
<javac destdir="classes" includeAntRuntime="false" srcdir="src">
<jar destfile="hello.jar">
<fileset dir="classes"/>
Kotlin Website
I am working on integrating Kotlin with my existing Java project (ivy and ant). Currently we use ivy.xml for dependency management and ant for build scripts.
If I used IVY, does it make specifying classpath="${kotlin.lib}/kotlin-ant.jar" redundant ?
I get an error org/jetbrains/kotlin/ant/antlib.xml not found in classpath. How to resolve it ?
How to add kotlin-ant.jar & and all its dependencies using using Ivy ?
If Ivy is used, then no need for specifying classpath="${kotlin.lib}/kotlin-ant.jar"
Regarding 2 & 3.
Create configurations for the Kotlin Dependencies in the ivy.xml
<conf name="kotlin" description="Kotlin Tasks"/>
<dependency org="xxxxx" name="kotlin-ant" rev="xxxxx" conf="kotlin->default"/>
In Build.xml, update the configuration.
<target name="resolve">
<ivy:resolve />
<ivy:cachepath pathid="kotlin.classpath" conf="kotlin"/>
<target name="build" depends="resolve">
<typedef resource="org/jetbrains/kotlin/ant/antlib.xml" classpathref="kotlin.classpath"/>
<kotlinc .....
Problem: I need to have a lib on the eclipse classpath that should not be deployed to Tomcat. (In a maven project it would be scope provided)
I've setup a project with some Ivy dependencies and had to externalize a configuration as JNI (mail/session) in order to do it I had to put the mail-1.4.7.jar inside the Tomcat lib folder.
The problem is that I have a dependency that add to my classpath the javax.mail-1.5.2.jar so I change it to:
<dependency org="org.apache.logging.log4j" name="log4j-core" rev="2.2">
<exclude org="com.sun.mail" name="javax.mail"/>
The problem now is that my project break (compilation errors) because of missing mail classes such as javax.mail.MessagingException
So I have to add the mail dependency but only to eclipse. I've tried some configurations as explained here from what I know from Maven behavior with no avail.
Keeping the mail dependency only in the project, breaks Tomcat, keeping it on both tomcat and project breaks project. When I manually remove it from my project lib folder (WEB-INF\lib), after deploy the project, it works properly.
Bottom line (after deploy):
| |_...
| |_mail-1.4.7.jar
| |_...
|_javax.mail-1.5.2.jar //need to remove it at deploy time only
Can't change it to maven right now. But it is in process :)
This is really a duplicate of this question:
How to copy runtime libraries without the provided ones in IVY
But.. from your question I suspect you're not using ivy configuration mappings. This is unfortunate because this is the mechanism used by ivy to logically group dependencies into functional groupings, similar to how Maven maintains scopes. The following posting attempts to bridge this understanding
How are maven scopes mapped to ivy configurations by ivy
Furthermore you are also using Eclipse, which means that unless you're using the ivy plugin you effectively have two build mechanisms. (ivy and eclipse). I would recommend fixing your ANT build first and then look at how to maintain the Eclipse classpath second.
The first section describes how configurations are declared and used in the ivy file and the second section explains how the ivy ANT tasks are used in the build logic.
You should always declare ivy configurations and use these to control your classpaths. In my builds I always have at least three: compile, runtime and test. Notice how the extends attribute is used to create relationships between the configs, because runtime should also include the compile dependencies.
Adding an additional one for the provided scope jars is easy. Simple stand-alone configuration:
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="com.myspotontheweb" module="demo"/>
<conf name="compile" description="Required to compile application"/>
<conf name="runtime" description="Additional run-time dependencies" extends="compile"/>
<conf name="test" description="Required for test only" extends="runtime"/>
<conf name="provided" description="Needed for compile, but will be present on the target platform."/>
<!-- compile dependencies -->
<dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-api" rev="1.7.5" conf="compile->default"/>
<!-- runtime dependencies -->
<dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-log4j12" rev="1.7.5" conf="runtime->default"/>
<!-- test dependencies -->
<dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.11" conf="test->default"/>
<!-- provided dependencies -->
<dependency org="org.apache.tomcat" name="servlet-api" rev="6.0.16" conf="provided->master"/>
It's the configuration mappings that make things special. The simple explanation is that they fall into two basic types when pulling from a Maven repository:
The first means include the remote module and all its dependencies. The second means include the remote module and exclude it's dependencies. This means you don't need the following exclude trickery:
<dependency org="org.apache.logging.log4j" name="log4j-core" rev="2.2">
<exclude org="com.sun.mail" name="javax.mail"/>
You simply use the following, if all you want is the log4j-core jar:
<dependency org="org.apache.logging.log4j" name="log4j-core" rev="2.2" conf="provided->master"/>
Additional notes:
In ivy mapping to the remote "default" configuration will pull down only the jars you need. It will exclude optional dependencies and other stuff like javadocs.
Sometimes "excludes" are necessary when module authors get their dependencies wrong.
The resolve target will pull down dependencies, generate a report and create the compile and test classpaths. Note the use of configurations to determine which jar groupings should be used:
<target name="resolve" description="Use ivy to resolve classpaths">
<ivy:report todir='${build.dir}/ivy-reports' graph='false' xml='false'/>
<ivy:cachepath pathid="compile.path" conf="compile,provided"/>
<ivy:cachepath pathid="test.path" conf="test,provided"/>
These classpath references are then used by the compile target as normal:
<target name="compile" depends="resolve,resources" description="Compile code">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/classes"/>
<javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${build.dir}/classes" includeantruntime="false" debug="true" classpathref="compile.path"/>
<target name="compile-tests" depends="compile" description="Compile tests">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/test-classes"/>
<javac srcdir="${test.src.dir}" destdir="${build.dir}/test-classes" includeantruntime="false" debug="true">
<path refid="test.path"/>
<pathelement path="${build.dir}/classes"/>
And the test target:
<target name="test" depends="compile-tests" description="Run unit tests">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/test-reports"/>
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes">
<path refid="test.path"/>
<pathelement path="${build.dir}/classes"/>
<pathelement path="${build.dir}/test-classes"/>
<formatter type="xml"/>
<batchtest fork="yes" todir="${build.dir}/test-reports">
<fileset dir="${test.src.dir}">
<include name="**/*Test*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/AllTests.java"/>
Lastly the ivy retrieve task is used to build the war file. Only the "runtime" configuration jars are used:
<target name="package" depends="test" description="Create the WAR file">
<ivy:retrieve pattern="${build.dir}/lib/[artifact].[ext]" conf="runtime"/>
<war destfile="${war.file}" webxml="${resources.dir}/web.xml">
<fileset dir="${resources.dir}" excludes="web.xml"/>
<lib dir="${build.dir}/lib"/>
In conclusion the cachepath ivy task is used to create classpath references based on the ivy configurations and the retrieve task is used when assembling the war file.
I have a project where we store a local copy of some client API jars. These jars may or may not be the same as the final run-time versions used by the client. When I build the project locally for testing, I want to use the local copies of the jars. However, when I'm on-site with the client, I want to look at an external location from my project and check if the client updated jars are available. If they are we use them, if not we fall back on our local copies.
I have found a way to conditionally build a file-set containing the given jars, but I can't figure out how to get the file-set into my classpath.
Below is the script I have generated so far. I do not have access to the ant-contrib IF statements, so this is the only way I've found to conditionally build the file-set.
<condition property="externalFileExists">
<available file="[path to external file]"/>
<target name="buildExternalFileset" if="externalFileExists">
<fileset id="fileset" includes="[path to external library]"/>
<target name="buildInternalFileset" unless="externalFileExists">
<fileset id="fileset" includes="[path to internal library]"/>
<target name="buildFileset depends="buildExternalFileset, buildInternalFileSet>
Once I have this file-set built, how do I include it in the classpath?
<path id="classpath">
<!-- other filesets -->
<!-- line that includes the conditional fileset by ID -->
According to the documentation for path-like structures you can include a path within another path, but I don't see an example for including an external file-set. Perhaps I've answered my question - - should I be building paths instead of file-sets? Additionally, file-set documentation doesn't actually include the option to add IDs, do they work?
If anyone has a better way to do this I'd be more than happy to hear about it!
I would suggest using a dependency manager rather than try and building your own.
Apache ivy is able to download dependencies from configured locations. It also caches downloaded files removing the need to store them locally if they are universally available from Maven Central.
This project has an ivy settings file that pulls dependencies from either the local "lib" directory or from Maven central.
├── build.xml
├── ivysettings.xml
├── ivy.xml
└── lib
├── hamcrest-core-1.3.jar
├── junit-4.11.jar
├── log4j-1.2.17.jar
├── slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar
└── slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar
<project name="demo" default="resolve" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
<property name="build.dir" location="target"/>
<available classname="org.apache.ivy.Main" property="ivy.installed"/>
<target name="install-ivy" unless="ivy.installed">
<mkdir dir="${user.home}/.ant/lib"/>
<get dest="${user.home}/.ant/lib/ivy.jar" src="http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=org/apache/ivy/ivy/2.4.0/ivy-2.4.0.jar"/>
<fail message="Ivy installed run build again"/>
<target name="resolve" depends="install-ivy" description="Use ivy to resolve classpaths">
<ivy:report todir='${build.dir}/ivy-reports' graph='false' xml='false'/>
<ivy:cachepath pathid="compile.path" conf="compile"/>
<ivy:cachepath pathid="test.path" conf="test"/>
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
<target name="clean-all" depends="clean">
Ivy does not come bundled with ANT. The "install-ivy" task ensures it gets installed on the first ant run
The "cachepath" tasks will create classpaths for use in your javac, junit and java tasks.
The "report" and "cleancache" tasks are useful additional tasks.
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="com.myspotontheweb" module="demo"/>
<conf name="compile" description="Required to compile application"/>
<conf name="runtime" description="Additional run-time dependencies" extends="compile"/>
<conf name="test" description="Required for test only" extends="runtime"/>
<!-- compile dependencies -->
<dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-api" rev="1.7.5" conf="compile->default"/>
<!-- runtime dependencies -->
<dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-log4j12" rev="1.7.5" conf="runtime->default"/>
<!-- test dependencies -->
<dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.11" conf="test->default"/>
Uses configurations to keep dependencies separated. Note how this is used by the "cachepath" tasks to control dependency classpaths
<settings defaultResolver="my-resolvers"/>
<chain name="my-resolvers" returnFirst="true">
<filesystem name="local-lib">
<artifact pattern="${ivy.settings.dir}/lib/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/>
<ibiblio name="central" m2compatible="true"/>
This file is optional. By default Ivy will retrieve from Maven Central
The special chain resolver controls which source of dependencies is used. In this case the local "lib" directory is favoured over Maven Cental.
I'm not very familiar with ant, but how about a build configuration on ant ?
Try this site for a tutorial on how to do it: http://ant.apache.org/easyant/history/trunk/howto/BuildConfigurations.html
Try something like this
<fileset dir="[external-path1]">
<include name="**/*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="[external-path2]">
<include name="**/*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="[external-path3]">
<include name="**/*.jar"/>
found here
We recently started using ant-ivy for a java webapp and the journey has been good so far. I have specified transitive='false' for all dependencies and listed log4j version 1.2.16 as a dependency. I have to use a recent version of log4j as I rely on an enhanced pattern layout.
Main problem - when the project is built, there are multiple versions of log4j in the ivy-lib folder. When looking at the package explorer in Eclipse, I see the right version and seems like it downloads only 1.2.16 from ivycachepath.
Any pointers? Do I need to remove each dependency individually and see which one brings older versions?
Thanks for the help.
I've included an example ant build which downloads log4j as a dependency, into a local directory called "lib".
$ ant
$ find lib
As you can see only one version of the jar is present. Hope this helps in diagnosing your issue.
<project xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" name="hello-ivy" default="retrieve">
<property name="lib.dir" location="lib"/>
<property name="report.dir" location="report"/>
<target name="retrieve" description="Retrieve dependencies locally">
<ivy:retrieve pattern="${lib.dir}/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]"/>
<ivy:report todir="${report.dir}" graph="false"/>
<target name="clean" description="Remove build directories">
<delete dir="${lib.dir}"/>
<delete dir="${report.dir}"/>
<target name="clean-all" depends="clean" description="clean ivy cache">
<ivy:cleancache />
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="org.demo" module="demo"/>
<configurations defaultconfmapping="compile->default">
<conf name="compile" description="jars used for compilation"/>
<dependency org="log4j" name="log4j" rev="1.2.16"/>