Maven Jaxb plugin can't generate classes from target folder - java

I try to copy an xsd file from a maven dependency and put it into target folder with others xsd files of my project and after that i wante to generate the jaxb classes but it can't generate them in the same time.
When i make only the code of xsd file of the dependency, it can generate the jaxb classes but for the xsd files of my project it can't.
<!-- copy the xsdl files of my current project into the target folder-->
<!--copy the xsd files of the dependency into the target folder of my current project-->

maven-jaxb2-plugin runs in generate-sources phase by default. You unpack your schemas in generate-resources. Schemas are just not yet there when you try to compile them.
To debug such problems run mvn -X clean install and check the logs.


How to deploy de-Lombok-ed sources with maven

I use Lombok in my library's code and want to use delombok'ed sources when deploying library JAR with sources to maven repository.
How to configure Maven to achieve this?
Update: Most likely, you don't need to deploy delombok'ed sources (check comments below this question for details)
Include following plugins into pom.xml's build/plugins section:

How to use JPA-Entities as a dependency with maven

I got in a multimodule-maven-project an entities project in which there are some Entity and DAO classes. Also there are some integration-tests which I'd like to seperate in an own project called entities-IT.
Now I've put the entities-project as an dependency to the entites-IT-project but if I run the build there occurs an error message like this:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) on project entities-IT: Compilation failure
[ERROR] /some/path/to/project/entities-IT/src/it/java/com/example/persistence/dao/[25,38] cannot access com.example.persistence.ExampleEntity
[ERROR] bad class file: /some/path/to/project/persistence/ExampleEntity.class
[ERROR] illegal start of class file
[ERROR] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath.
This is strange because in the target folder there are all of mentioned .class files and the folderstructure is also correct.
Is there anything to take notice if using Entities as a dependency in another project?
In the pom.xml of the entities-project there is some code-generation going on:
and then I have the dependency set in the entities-IT-project:
and run the tests with the failsafe-plugin:

Generate hashCode and equals methods with JAXB2

I have a Maven project with XJC goals for model generation from XSD schema. I would like that in the generated schemas there are the equals and hashCode methods that are also generated.
I tried that:
I don't really know what is the problem here, when I do a maven generated ressources, the equals and the hashCode methods are not in bonjour model.

Maven dependency not copied to WEB-INF\lib folder

No matter how much I do mvn clean install even with -U this dependency (along with some other) is not being coped into the target\app-1.0-SNAPSHOT\WEB-INF\lib folder:
Not sure why this happens now, when in the pom.xml there is the <packaging>war</packaging>
<!-- Copies static web files from src/main/webapp to target/${webappDirectory} -->
<!-- the exploded goal gets executed during compile phase -->

Maven How to specify a directory of sql files for create-schema command

I have a couple directories containing multiple sql files. How can I configure maven to run all sql files in a directory. My current config is like this:
There are many files in each directory.
How can use directories instead of listing each file?
According to the documentation, instead of listing your files individually you can specify a fileset. An example of which is given here
Complete basedir in pom.xml
