Just double-checking on this: I assume this is not possible and that if you want to keep such info somehow bundled up with the index files in your index directory you have to work out a way to do it yourself.
Obviously you might be using different Analyzers for different directories, and 99% of the time it is pretty important to use the right one when constructing a QueryParser: if your QP has a different one all sorts of inaccuracies might crop up in the results.
Equally, getting the wrong Version of the index files might, for all I know, not result in a complete failure: again, you might instead get inaccurate results.
I wonder whether the Lucene people have ever considered bundling up this sort of info with the index files? Equally I wonder if anyone knows whether any of the Lucene derivative apps, like Elasticsearch, maybe do incorporate such a mechanism?
Actually, just looking inside the "_0" files (_0.cfe, _0.cfs and _0.si) of an index, all 3 do actually contain the word "Lucene" seemingly followed by version info. Hmmm...
PS other related thoughts which occur: say you are indexing a text document of some kind (or 1000 documents)... and you want to keep your index up-to-date each time it is opened. One obvious way to do this would be to compare the last-modified date of individual files with the last time the index was updated: any documents which are now out-of-date would need to have info pertaining to them removed from the index, and then have to be re-indexed.
This need must occur all the time in connection with Lucene indices. How is it generally tackled in the absence of helpful "meta info" included in with the index files proper?
Anyone interested in this issue:
It does appear from what I said that the Version is contained in the index files. I looked at the CheckIndex class and the various info you can get from that, e.g. CheckIndex.Status.SegmentInfoStatus, without finding a way to obtain the Version. I'm starting to assume this is deliberate, and that the idea is just to let Lucene handle the updating of the index as required. Not an entirely satisfactory state of affairs if so...
As for getting other things, such as the Analyzer class, it appears you have to implement this sort of "metadata" stuff yourself if you want to... this could be done by just including a text file in with the other files, or alternately it appears you can use the IndexData class. Of course your Version could also be stored this way.
For writing such info, see IndexWriter.setCommitData().
For retrieving such info, you have to use one of several (?) subclasses of IndexReader, such as DirectoryReader.
I am trying to implement type-ahead in my app, and I got search suggest to work with an element range index as recommended in the documentation. The problem is, it doesn't fit my use case.
As anyone who has used it knows, it will not return results unless the search string is at the beginning of the content being searched. Barring the use of a leading and trailing wildcard, this won't return what I need.
I was thinking instead of simply doing a search based on the term, then returning the result snippets (truncated in my server-side code) as the suggestions in my type-ahead.
As I don't have a good way of comparing performance, I was hoping for some insight on whether this would be practical, or if it would be too slow.
Also, since it may come up in the answers, yes I have read the post about "chunked Element Range Indexes", but being new to MarkLogic, I can't make heads or tails of it and haven't been able to adapt it to my app.
I wrote the Chunked Element Range Indexes blog post, and found out last-minute that my performance numbers were skewed by a surprisingly large document in my index. When I removed that large document, many of the other techniques such as wildcard matching were suddenly much faster. That surprised me because all the other search engines I'd used couldn't offer such fast performance and flexibility for type-ahead scenarios, expecially if I tried introducing a wild-card search. I decided not to push my post publicly, but someone else accidentally did it for me, so we decided to leave it out there since it still presents a valid option.
Since MarkLogic offers multiple wildcard indexes, there's really a lot you can do in that area. However, search snippets would not be the right way to do that as I believe they'd add some overhead. Call cts:search or one of the other cts calls to match a lexicon. I'm guessing you'd want cts:element-value-match. That does wildcard matches against a range index since which are all in memory, so faster. Turn on all your wildcard indexes on your db if you can.
It should be called from a custom XQuery script in a MarkLogic HTTP server. I'm not recommending a REST extension as I usually would, because you need to be as stream-lined as possible to do most type-ahead scenarios correctly (that is, fast enough).
I'd suggest you find ways to whittle down the set of values in the range index to less than 100,000 so there's less to match against and you're not letting in any junk suggestions. Also, make sure that you filter the set of matches based on the rest of the query (if a user already started typing other words or phrases). Make sure your HTTP script limits the number of suggestions returned since a user can't usually benefit from a long list of suggestions. And craft some algorithms to rank the suggestions so the most helpful ones make it to the top. Finally, be very, very careful not to present suggestions that are more distracting than helpful. If you're going to give your users type-ahead, it will interrupt their searching and train-of-thought, so don't interrupt them if you're going to suggest search phrases that won't help them get what they want. I've seen that way too often, even on major websites. Don't do type-ahead unless you're willing to measure the usage of the feature, and tune it over time or remove it if it's distracting users.
Hoping that helps!
You mention you are using a range index to populate your suggestions, but you can use word lexicons as well. Word lexicons would produce suggestions based on tokenized character data, not entire values of elements (or json properties). It might be worth looking into that.
Alternatively, since you are mentioning wildcards, perhaps cts:value-match could be of interest to you. It runs on values (not words) from range indexes, but takes a wild-carded expression as input. It would perform far better than a snippet approach, which would need to pull up and process actual contents.
I am working on an information retrieval application, using Lucene 5.3.1 (latest as of now), I managed to index the terms from a text file and then search within it. The text file happens to contain chapter numbers like 2.1, 3.4.2 and so on and so forth.
The problem is that I don't need these numbers indexed, as I have no need to search for them, and I haven't been able to find out how to exclude certain terms from the tokenizing, I know the Analyzer uses the StopWords set to exclude several terms, but it doesn't do anything with numbers as far as I know.
The simplest answer I can come up with – remove numbers from text before indexing. You can use regular expressions for that. This solution has one side effect – PositionIncrementAttribute will be calculated without those numbers, as they do not appear in text. This can broke some of your PhraseQuery'ies.
Another option, as were already mentioned – write custom TokenFilter to strip numbers out. But you should remember:
to tune Analyzer to not explode terms on dots. Otherwise 2.1 will be two terms instead of one. This again can cause problems with PhraseQuery;
correctly change value of PositionIncrementAttribute (increment it) while removing terms from TokenStream.
I'm working on a Java project for class that stores workout information in a flat file. Each file will have the information for one exercise (BenchPress.data) that holds the time (milliseconds since epoch), weight and repetitions.
What's the most efficient way to store and retrieve this data? It will be graphed and searched through to limit exercises to specific dates or date ranges.
Ideas I had was to write most recent information to the top of the file instead of appending at the end. This way when I start reading from the top, I'll have the most recent information, which will match most of the searches (assumption).
There's no guarantee on the order of the dates, though. A user could enter exercises for today and then go in and enter last weeks exercises, for whatever reason. Should I take the hit upon saving to order all of the information by the date?
Should I go a completely different direction? I know a database would be ideal, but this is a group project and managing a database installation and data synch amongst us all would not be ideal. The others have no experience with databases and it'll make grading difficult.
So thanks for any advice or suggestions.
Don't overcomplicate things. Unless you are dealing with million records you can just read the whole thing into memory and sort it any way you like. And always add records in the end, this way you are less likely to damage your file.
For simple projects, using an embedded like JavaDB / Apache Derby may be a good idea. Configuration for the DB is absolutely minimal and in your case, you may need a maximum of just 2 tables (User and Workout). Exporting data to file is also fairly simple for sync between team members.
As yu_sha pointed out though, unless expect to have a large dataset ( to run on a PC , > 50000), you can just use the file and read everything into memory.
Read in every line via BufferedReader and parse with StringTokenizer. Looking at the data, I'd likely store an array of fields in a List that can be iterated and sorted according to your preference.
If you must store the file in this format, you're likely best off just reading the entire thing into memory at startup and storing it in a TreeMap or some other sorted, searchable map. Then you can use TreeMap's convenience methods such as ceilingKey or the similar floorKey to find matches near certain dates/times.
Use flatworm, a Java library allowing to parse and create flat files. Describe the format with a simple XML definition file, and there you go.
I am looking for Apache Lucene web crawler written in java if possible or in any other language. The crawler must use lucene and create a valid lucene index and document files, so this is the reason why nutch is eliminated for example...
Does anybody know does such a web crawler exist and can If answer is yes where I can find it.
What you're asking is two components:
Web crawler
Lucene-based automated indexer
First a word of couragement: Been there, done that. I'll tackle both of the components individually from the point of view of making your own since I don't believe that you could use Lucene to do something you've requested without really understanding what's going on underneath.
Web crawler
So you have a web site/directory you want to "crawl" through to collect specific resources. Assuming that it's any common web server which lists directory contents, making a web crawler is easy: Just point it to the root of the directory and define rules for collecting the actual files, such as "ends with .txt". Very simple stuff, really.
The actual implementation could be something like so: Use HttpClient to get the actual web pages/directory listings, parse them in the way you find most efficient such as using XPath to select all the links from the fetched document or just parsing it with regex using Java's Pattern and Matcher classes readily available. If you decide to go the XPath route, consider using JDOM for DOM handling and Jaxen for the actual XPath.
Once you get the actual resources you want such as bunch of text files, you need to identify the type of data to be able to know what to index and what you can safely ignore. For simplicity's sake I'm assuming these are plaintext files with no fields or anything and won't go deeper into that but if you have multiple fields to store, I suggest you make your crawler to produce 1..n of specialized beans with accessors and mutators (bonus points: Make the bean immutable, don't allow accessors to mutate the internal state of the bean, create a copy constructor for the bean) to be used in the other component.
In terms of API calls, you should have something like HttpCrawler#getDocuments(String url) which returns a List<YourBean> to use in conjuction with the actual indexer.
Lucene-based automated indexer
Beyond the obvious stuff with Lucene such as setting up a directory and understanding its threading model (only one write operation is allowed at any time, multiple reads can exist even when the index is being updated), you of course want to feed your beans to the index. The five minute tutorial I already linked to basically does exactly that, look into the example addDoc(..) method and just replace the String with YourBean.
Note that Lucene IndexWriter does have some cleanup methods which are handy to execute in a controlled manner, for example calling IndexWriter#commit() only after a bunch of documents have been added to index is good for performance and then calling IndexWriter#optimize() to make sure the index isn't getting hugely bloated over time is a good idea too. Always remember to close the index too to avoid unnecessary LockObtainFailedExceptions to be thrown, as with all IO in Java such operation should of course be done in the finally block.
You need to remember to expire your Lucene index' contents every now and then too, otherwise you'll never remove anything and it'll get bloated and eventually just dies because of its own internal complexity.
Because of the threading model you most likely need to create a separate read/write abstraction layer for the index itself to ensure that only one instance can write to the index at any given time.
Since the source data acquisition is done over HTTP, you need to consider the validation of data and possible error situations such as server not available to avoid any kind of malformed indexing and client hangups.
You need to know what you want to search from the index to be able to decide what you are going to put into it. Note that indexing by date must be done so that you split the date to say year, month, day, hour, minute, second instead of millisecond value because when doing range queries from Lucene index, the [0 to 5] actually gets transformed into +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 which means the range query dies out very quickly because there's a maximum number of query sub parts.
With this information I do believe you could make your own special Lucene indexer in less than a day, three if you want to test it rigorously.
Take a look at solr search server and nutch (crawler), both are related to the lucene project.
I need to index a lot of text. The search results must give me the name of the files containing the query and all of the positions where the query matched in each file - so, I don't have to load the whole file to find the matching portion. What libraries can you recommend for doing this?
update: Lucene has been suggested. Can you give me some info on how should I use Lucene to achieve this? (I have seen examples where the search query returned only the matching files)
For java try Lucene
I believe the lucene term for what you are looking for is highlighting. Here is a very recent report on Lucene highlighting. You will probably need to store word position information in order to get the snippets you are looking for. The Token API may help.
It all depends on how you are going to access it. And of course, how many are going to access it. Read up on MapReduce.
If you are going to roll your own, you will need to create an index file which is sort of a map between unique words and a tuple like (file, line, offset). Of course, you can think of other in-memory data structures like a trie(prefix-tree) a Judy array and the like...
Some 3rd party solutions are listed here.
Have a look at http://www.compass-project.org/ it can be looked on as a wrapper on top of Lucene, Compass simplifies common usage patterns of Lucene such as google-style search, index updates as well as more advanced concepts such as caching and index sharding (sub indexes). Compass also uses built in optimizations for concurrent commits and merges.
The Overview can give you more info
I have integrated this into a spring project in no time. It is really easy to use and gives what your users will see as google like results.
Lucene - Java
It's open source as well so you are free to use and deploy in your application.
As far as I know, Eclipse IDE help file is powered by Lucene - It is tested by millions
Also take a look at Lemur Toolkit.
Why don't you try and construct a state machine by reading all files ? Transitions between states will be letters, and states will be either final (some files contain the considered word, in which case the list is available there) or intermediate.
As far as multiple-word lookups, you'll have to deal with them independently before intersecting the results.
I believe the Boost::Statechart library may be of some help for that matter.
I'm aware you asked for a library, just wanted to point you to the underlying concept of building an inverted index (from Introduction to Information Retrieval by Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schütze).