EclipseLink - ConcurrencyException - signalAttemptedBeforeWait - java

We've been working on an application that uses Tomcat 8 throught connection pool. We control Optimistic exceptions with #Version field, and we control transactions with Entitymanagers isolated by ThreadLocal.
However, the application triggers a concurrency exception sometimes with hangs other processes and requieres to restart the server.
The exception is always like this:
Caused by: Exception [EclipseLink-2004] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.4.v20160829-44060b6):
Exception Description: A signal was attempted before wait() on ConcurrencyManager. This normally means that an attempt was made to commit or rollback a transaction before it was started, or to rollback a transaction twice.
at org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ConcurrencyException.signalAttemptedBeforeWait(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.ConcurrencyManager.releaseReadLock(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymaps.CacheKey.releaseReadLock(
We've been trying to solve this problem or find any specific information about this error with no result. We even followed instructions in
Disabling cache seems to solve the problem, but we cannt afford to not use cache due to performance needs.
Any help would be appreciated.

Finally, after six months of headaches, I managed to solve the problem.
The general error was EclipseLink-2004. If you check Eclipselink error reference:
Eclipse link error reference page, it says "Verify transactions in the application".
I've been using a application managed Entity Managers. To control that transactions were single-thread I used this ManagerHelper class:
The problem was that I was putting a managed object inside a Session attribute. I don't really understand the process inside, but somehow it created new transactions outside the main transaction if it was used to query. Moving the object to Request attributes solved the problem.
I hope this helps to someone in the future.
Best regards


Spring, Interceptors, some ExtJs and a HibernateException on console vs IntelliJ

Weired world... let me try:
I have the follwing mavenized setup:
- Springboot (1.5.5.RELEASE)
- Hibernate (5.0.9.Final; I do know there is newer variants but I stick with what I have right now)
- ExtJs (6.0.0)
- IntelliJ (2017.3)
I do partly get running into an Hibernate Exception:
2018-11-20_15:04:58.007 [http-nio-8081-exec-7] [ERROR] o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/].[dispatcherServlet]:181 - Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is org.hibernate.HibernateException:
Could not obtain transaction-synchronized Session for current thread] with root cause
org.hibernate.HibernateException: Could not obtain transaction-synchronized Session for current thread
at org.springframework.orm.hibernate5.SpringSessionContext.currentSession(
at org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl.getCurrentSession(
This does not happen on all threads! Partly the requests from ExtJs go through, Partly they don't. But would they not open a transaction on the webserver side?
I do have an Interceptor; well a web Interceptor implementing org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerInterceptor
Within the interceptor's preHandle method I do call a Service in order to check if a user is logged in and do some rights management handling.
The called #Autowired service fails. I thought the fact of accessing an #Autowired service method takes care of session/transaction handling.
Well, this was the scenario having my project manually created and run with a java-8 (java 8 sdk; not 9, not 10, not 11) command like from the console:
mvn clean package -DskipTests && java -jar target/MyBuild.jar
I just observed that the login consists of three request from browser to the backend. These three are all handled in separate threads by the backend.
When running the project within IntelliJ it all works fine. Ok, IntelliJ most likely does not jar the application and builds its own startup command.
But exactly that brings me out of rhythm due to the fact that we do process the code through a deployment / CI pipeline where we manually build the project.
And that is where it fails :-(
I changed everything to run with JPA instead of Hibernate (well it is still hibernate in the background). Just as 'M. Deinum' suggested.
Now, the problem still exists.
Two things I somewhat extracted.
In my Interceptor I do have some logging calls which ask the EntityManager for a hibernate-session (entityManager.unwrap( Session.class )).
This is the point where now.
So it seems that on the preHandle(...) of my interceptor there is sometimes no current session active. I am stating 'sometimes' since there are calls to the Interceptor when it works.
The exception comes as following now:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No transactional EntityManager available
at org.springframework.orm.jpa.SharedEntityManagerCreator$SharedEntityManagerInvocationHandler.invoke(
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy117.unwrap(Unknown Source)
at com.mypackage.dataaccess.DataAccessImpl.getCurrentSession(
at com.mypackage.dataaccess.DataAccessImpl.queryByHQL(
Ok. I ended up noting all Spring web controllers to have an #Transactional (where DB usage is given.)
That works.
From my understanding it does not matter where to put the #Transactional annotation as long as the method/owning Object is invoked through spring's #Autowire mechanism.
If I want something to run under the transactional behaviour I would annotated with it on the closest scope possible.
That's how I would decide where to put the #Transactional
At the end it does work but I am not satisfied with the solution.
If anyone could clarify the behaviour and/or my understanding let me welcomely know :-)

Cannot call Connection.commit in distributed transaction

I am using Weblogic 12c and I am getting the below error while committing distributed transactions in my application.
"java.sql.SQLException: Cannot call Connection.commit in distributed transaction. Transaction Manager will commit the resource manager when the distributed transaction is committed"
The part of code throwing exception is:
Session sessionNew = HibernateService.getService().getSession();
This question has been asked several times, but the solution I am seeking is different.
The most common solution is to disable XA transactions to resolve the issue.
But my application contains more than resources like database, JMS etc.
Can anyone please suggest a solution other than the one mentioned above.
Also, I needed to understand if there is any relation between JTA transaction timeout value and the above-mentioned error.
Thanks a lot.
Most likely if you switch #TransactionManagement (TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER) to #TransactionManagement (TransactionManagementType.BEAN) this error will no longer occur.
So you define what you define when you commit, not the server.

Apache solr-5.3.1 SolrCore Collection Detached issue on server restart

I am using the latest version of Bitnami Apache solr and the issue that I am facing is after adding a SolrCore every time services or server got restart the attached SolrCore collection got detached, and the interface shows like there was never been any SolrCore attached before.
But the strange thing is when I am attaching the SolrCore again the solr interface shows a error message "another core is already defined there" and once I refresh the page its like nothing happen everything fine.
enter image description here
This mean core exist on the back end but some reference is removed because of the services restart.
So I need to know why this happening? why core is getting detached after the services restarted? And how can I fix this issue?
Reference link of a solr version I am using:
I bet it is a SoftReference linked inside a Service, which is lost, causing these trouble.
I think you should look for a UnitedService which starts and stop together, keeping an united work in the same Context.
You could start/stop all your webserver and Solr instances together, at the same time, with a batch script. And you can look at how the SoftReferences are working inside Solr manual and which usual problems they are facing with.
Good luck!

jdbc connection error: not associated with a managed connection

My application is trowing the following exception:
java.sql.SQLException: Connection is not associated with a managed
This is happening in production I'm not able to get this problem in development and for that I'm not able to solve it.
The root of the exception is code line dbConn.prepareStatement(sql);
From what I was able to find in the web, the cause for this can be:
Over jdbc connection, a jboss connection is wrapped but the wrapper is empty. The original jdbc connection inside is no longer there.
JDBC Connection is already closed and trying to work with close connection is the reason why I'm getting this exception.
The transaction manger detects transaction that is taking to long then the transaction timeout.
So if someone can point me what is the problem because I'm not able to get this problem in mine development environment.
Also what logs can I add that will help me detect the problem in production - I'm using Java, JBoss, Postgre.
I'have enable connection close monitoringa, and also to add is that the issue is not consistent
I just resolved the issue.
It's my jndi driver not compatible with the latest java frameworks.
I'm using Oracle db and ojdbc6, and i download a latest ojdbc6 from maven repository and replace the old same name jar file. It works like bird now.
If you are using an EJB, it's possible that your Stateless Session Bean Pool is not big enough. The connection can't find an associated thread.
Maybe you have an extended Transaction for a not Stateful Session Bean, wich is maybe not a good idea.

What is the cause of EJB 2.x "reentrant method call detected" Exceptions? How to solve them?

I'm mantaining a EJB 2 CMP legacy app runing on a JBoss 4.0.4 GA application server with deployed entity/stateless session beans. All the EJB boilerplate code is generated via XDoclet from the EntityEJB/EntityEJBManager annotations.
I've noticed that when my GUI client invokes the facade create method, I have lots of cases of EJBException in my server log with the "Reentrant method call detected" message, which rollbacks the transaction.
What does this Exception means? How can I avoid having such error (which unfortunately, I wasn't able to reproduce yet)
Update: Found this link that explains what is meant by reentrancy, however, seems to me that it says my app cannot be accesed concurrently?
I've seen this before where EJB1 calls EJB2 which calls back to EJB1 within the container as part of the same transaction.
You can tell the container to allow this by marking EJB1 as reentrant which will allow it to be accessed multiple times in the same transaction.
This is done in the deployment descriptor with the following tag:
There should be a corresponding EntityEJB annotation that XDoclet can use to generate this for you.
we just came across the same problem and our solution was two-fold. Firstly we ensure that none of ejb's had transaction attributes of NotSupported within our ejb-jar.xml. We then used "instance per transaction" as our optimistic locking strategy. It's a bit of a belt-and-braces approach, but it works
It does mean that the Entity bean in question cannot be accessed concurrently, which makes sense since it would likely corrupt the data.
