Verify existence of message in a Kafka topic - java

I wish to avoid sending duplicate messages to a Kafka topic.
What is the ideal way to achieve it ?
Using Java client for Apache Kafka, is there anyway to verify if a message exists before invoking KafkaProducer.send
I am referring to this doc

Currently (Kafka 0.10.1), there is no way to have exactly-once delivery on write with Kafka. No matter what workaround you want to do, there will be always be a gap and you can end up with either lost messages or duplicates.
However, Kafka will add an idempotent producer (planned for 0.10.2) that will allow you to avoid duplicate writes. The target date for 0.10.2 release is beginning 2017.

It is impractical for you to check whether the same message has been delivered every time you send a new one. Think it another way: you could invoke KafkaProducer.send method with a callback notifying you of the success or failure.

That's pretty much out of scope for Kafka. You need to do that using a different storage that provides proper indexing for random access.
Depending on your needs, that can be (distributed) cache, a key-value store or whatever.
You'll probably want to do that on the consumer-side rather than producer, as different consumers may use different strategies for de-duplication (and some consumers may simply tolerate duplicates).


How to handle session timeout while processing Kafka messages?

I am processing messages from Kafka in a standard processing loop:
while (true) {
ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(Duration.ofMillis(100));
for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) {
What should I do if my Kafka Consumer gets into a timeout while processing the records? I mean the timeout controlled by the property
When this happens, my consumer should stop processing the records, because it would lose its partitions and the records that it processes could be already processed by another consumer. If the original consumer writes some processing results into a database, it could overwrite the records produced by the "new" consumer that got the partitions after my original consumer timed out.
I know about the ConsumerRebalanceListener, but from my understanding its method onPartitionsLost would only be called after I call the poll method from the consumer. Therefore this doesn't help me to stop the processing loop of the batch of records that I received from the previous poll.
I would expect that the heartbeat thread could notify me that it was not able to contact the broker and that we have a session timeout in the consumer, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that...
Am I missing something?
Adding this as an answer as it would be too long in a comment.
Kafka has a few ways that can be used to process messages
At most once;
At least once; and
Exactly once.
You are describing that you would like to use kafka as exactly once semantics (which by the way is the least common way of using kafka). Also producers need to play nicely as by default kafka can produce the same message more than once.
It's a lot more common to build services that use the at least once mechanism, in this way you can receive (or process) the same message more than once but you need to have a way to deduplicate them (it's the same idea behind idempotency on http APIs). You'll need to have something in the message that is unique and have register that that id has been processed already. If the payload has nothing you can use to deduplicate them, you can add a header on the message and use that.
This is also useful in the scenario that you have to reset the offset, so the service can go through old messages without breaking.
I would suggest you to google a bit for details on how to implement the above.
Here's a blog post from confluent about developing exactly once semantics Improved Robustness and Usability of Exactly-Once Semantics in Apache Kafka and the Kafka docs explaining the different semantics.
About the point of the ConsumerRebalanceListener, you don't need to do anything if you follow the solution of using idempotency in the consumer. Rebalances also happen when an app crashes, and in that scenario the service might have processed some records, but not committed them yet to Kafka.
A mini tip I give to everyone who is starting with Kafka. Kafka looks simple from the outside but it's a complex technology. Don't use it in production until you know the nitty gritty details of how it works including have done some good amount of negative testing (unless you are ok with losing data).

Kafka transactions with exception

I have a situation in which Producer A writes on topics A,B and C however listener for topic C throws an exception. All writes are part of a transaction. I want to know if there is a way that all writes can be rolled back automatically, as if no there were no commits in the first place?
I don't think this can be achieved in Kafka out of the box. I would suggest to re-think the design since Kafka/ messaging system is not the best match for your requirement. Kafka consumers are meant to be independent business logic like a micro-service, even if one fails it should not affect the other. If its so critical you may consider a single topic/webservice with all required info in that topic/request and make the client transactional. Otherwise if non-critical(failure of a topic client is not affecting functionality of another topic client), then introduce some audit/alerting mechanism on top of clients to make sure that they are back online.

Mechanism for reading all messages from a queue in one request

I need a solution for the following scenario which is similar to a queue:
I want to write messages to a queue continuously. My message is very big, containing a lot of data so I do want to make as few requests as possible.
So my queue will contain a lot of messages at some point.
My Consumer will read from the queue every 1 hour. (not whenever a new message is written) and it will read all the messages from the queue.
The problem is that I need a way to read ALL the messages from the queue using only one call (I also want the consumer to make as few requests to the queue as possible).
A close solution would be ActiveMQ but the problem is that you can only read one message at a time and I need to read them all in one request.
So my question is.. Would there be other ways of doing this more efficiently? The actual thing that I need is to persist in some way messages created continuously by some application and then consume them (also delete them) by the same application all at once, every 1 hour.
The reason I thought a queue would be fit is because as the messages are consumed they are also deleted but I need to consume them all at once.
I think there's some important things to keep in mind as you're searching for a solution:
In what way do you need to be "more efficient" (e.g. time, monetary cost, computing resources, etc.)?
It's incredibly hard to prove that there are, in fact, no other "more efficient" ways to solve a particular problem, as that would require one to test all possible solutions. What you really need to know is, given your specific use-case, what solution is good enough. This, of course, requires knowing specifically what kind of performance numbers you need and the constraints on acquiring those numbers (e.g. time, monetary cost, computing resources, etc.).
Modern message broker clients (e.g. those shipped with either ActiveMQ 5.x or ActiveMQ Artemis) don't make a network round-trip for every message they consume as that would be extremely inefficient. Rather, they fetch blocks of messages in configurable sizes (e.g. prefetchSize for ActiveMQ 5.x, and consumerWindowSize for ActiveMQ Artemis). Those messages are stored locally in a buffer of sorts and fed to the client application when the relevant API calls are made to receive a message.
Making "as few requests as possible" is rarely a way to increase performance. Modern message brokers scale well with concurrent consumers. Consuming all the messages with a single consumer drastically limits the message throughput as compared to spinning up multiple threads which each have their own consumer. Rather than limiting the number of consumer requests you should almost certainly be maximizing them until you reach a point of diminishing returns.

Is Kafka the right solution for messages with dependencies?

We have messages which are dependent.Ex. say we have 4 messages M1, M2, M1_update1,(should be processed only after M1 is processed),M3 (should be processed only after M1,M2 are processed).
In this example, only M1 and M2 can be processed in parallel, others have to be sequential. I know messages in one partition of Kafka topic are processed sequentially. But how do I know that M1,M2 are processed and now is the time to push M1_update1 and M3 messages to the topic? Is Kafka right choice for this kind of use-case? Any insights is appreciated!!
Kafka is used as pub-sub messaging system which is highly scalable and fault tolerant.
I believe using kafka alone when your messages are interdependent could be a bad choice. The processing you require is condition based probably you need a routing engine such as camel or drool to achieve the end result.
You're basically describing a message queue that guarantees ordering. Kafka, by design, does not guarantee ordering, except in the case you mention, where the topic has a single partition. In that case, though, you're not taking full advantage of Kafka's ability to maximize throughput by parallelizing data in partitions.
As far as messages being dependent on each other, that would require a logic layer that core Kafka itself doesn't provide. If I understand it correctly, and the processing happens after the message is consumed from Kafka, you would need some sort of notification on the consumer end, which would receive and process M1 and M2 and somehow notify the producer on the other side it's now ok to send M1_update and M3. This is definitely outside the scope of what core Kafka provides. You could still use Kafka to build something like this, but there's probably other solutions that would work better for you.

Demultiplexing messages from a queue to process in parallel streams using amqp?

I am trying to figure out if I can switch from a blocking scenario to a more reactive pattern.
I have incoming update commands arriving in a queue, and I need to handle them in order, but only those regarding the same entity. In essence, I can create as many parallel streams of update events as I wish, as long as no two streams contain events regarding the same entity.
I was thinking that the consumer of the primary queue would possibly be able to leverage amqp's routing mechanisms, and temporary queues, by creating temporary queues for each entity id, and hooking a consumer to them. Once the subscriber is finished and no other events regarding the entity in question are currently in the queue, the queue could be disposed of.
Is this scenario something that is used regularly? Is there a better way to achieve this? In our current system we use a named lock based on the id to prevent concurrent updates.
There are at least 2 Options:
A single queue for each entity
And n Consumers on one Entity-Queue.
One queue with messages of all entities. Where the message contains data what it is for an entity. You could than split this up into several queues (One AMQP-Queue for one type of entity) or by using a BlockingQueue implementation.
Benefits of splitting up the Entities in qmqp-queues
You could create an ha-setup with rabbitmq
You could route messages
You could maybe have more than one consumer of an entity queue if it
is necessary someday (scalability)
Messages could be persistent and therefore recoverable on an
Benefits of using an internal BlockingQueue implementation
It is faster (no net-io obviously)
Everything has to happen in one JVM
Anyway it does depend on what you want since both ways could have their benefits.
I am not sure if I got you now, but let me give you some resources to try some things out.
There are special rabbitmq extensions maybe some of them can give you an idea. Take a look at alternate exchanges and exchange to exchange bindings.
Also for basic testing, I am not sure if it covers all rabbitmq features or at all all amqp features but this can sometimes be usefull. Keep in mind the routing key in this visualization is the producer name, you can also find there some examples. Import and Export your configuration.
