Setup Allure Report for Selenium - java

I am trying to implement the Allure Reporting for my Selenium framework. It does not use any test framework like TestNG or JUnit. Basically I dont need TestNG or Junit for that matter as I handling whole framework getting the data from an excel sheet.
Currently I am executing all the Test steps using Java Reflection. Test Steps are basically simple java methods. I have defined them inside a class - executing them one by one for each Test Case.
Example :
[TC_0001, login, createUser, ModifyUser, deletUser]
[TC_0002, createUser]
Executing each Test Case - TC_0001 by executing each Test Step one by one.
TestCase Id - TC_0001
Step 1 - createUser
Step 2 - modifyUser
Step 3 - deletUser
I have defined these methods in a java class and planning to add #Step annotation for Allure Report. Wondering if this is at all possible.
public void login(String username, String password) {
//TestSetup.test.log(LogStatus.INFO, "This step shows the Login Function");"Executing the Login method");
Looking at the Allure Documentation and report example I am interested to implement it in my framework for Test Reports.
However I am unable to do it. Is these any way I can achieve this without any TestNG or Junit adaptor ? Please refer my pom.xml below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<name>Allure JUnit Example</name>
<description>Allure JUnit and WebDriver Usage Example</description>
<!-- Allure Junit Adaptor -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!--Needed only to show reports locally. Run jetty:run and
open localhost:8080 to show the report-->
<!-- Allure Reporting -->
I did Maven clean install site jetty:run but unable to get the report. I am sure I am missing lot of things and any help on these is appreciated.

In short NO.
The Allure Reporting framework will work with any test framework for which the developers have defined an adapter, which is a small library that is attached to particular test frameworks and know how to extract test information to XML.
Please visit -, for more information on how to setup your test with any of the available frameworks.
As far as your pom.xml goes, you seem to have used the allure-junit-adaptor with no version, i.e., ${allure.version}. How do you expect the dependency to be resolved without a version ?
In your example, there is #Step annotation which definitely is from allure, but in the absence of #Test from either TestNg or jUnit or for that matter any thing that specifies that the method is a TEST, Allure will not be able to generate the report because it will not be able to assert for which methods to extract test information to XML.
Once you have implemented the appropriate adapter, you can do - mvn clean test site, and when the test run finishes, just go to the site directory in your project, inside this open the folder which is named after whichever adapter you implemented, here you will find index.html, open this in a browser and you will be able to see the report with the results without running jetty.


How to build standalone executable cucumber jar file?

I want to create a executable jar file so anyone can run it from their computer with least install require components.
I found several tutorial but none of them a work.
When I execute jar file I've built they are return error like:
Error: Could not find or load main class fully.qualified.MainClass
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: fully.qualified.MainClass
OR like this:
Error: Could not find or load main class io.cucumber.core.cli.Main
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: io.cucumber.core.cli.Main
My project run from Intellij with no problem.
Here my project structure
And my pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- JUnit Platform -->
<!-- Selenium -->
<!-- Web Driver Manager -->
<!-- Apache Common -->
I've run mvn clean compile assembly:single, it's output a CucumberSelenium-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar file, but it wont runs.
I just came across a similar issue and, despite trying the ubiquitous
java -cp . org.example.Main
(while on current directory being where the Main.class is), I kept getting this dreaded
"Error: Could not find or load main class"
I eventually resorted to comparing the actual command with parameters invoked by IntelliJ (on IntelliJ IDEA's debug log) with mine, and discovered that the following solves the issue:
java -cp C:\Users\WebViwer\IdeaProjects\MyProj\target\classes org.example.Main
I am guessing that once the fully qualified class name is specified, the current directory (where the class resides) is no longer valid as a classpath: Only the top level classes directory should be specified (in this org.example, 2 levels up).
You have a a few problems going on.
The maven-assembly-plugin should not be a in the dependencies section. It is not a dependency used by the runtime code of your project.
Your step definitions, feature files and glue code located in src/test are not included in the jar file build by the assembly plugin.
Your test scoped dependencies will also not be included by the assembly plugin either.
You must configure the containerDescriptorHandler of the assembly plugin with metaInf-services or the plugin will not merge files in META-INF/services correctly.
You can verify most of these by opening the generated jar file (it's a .zip file in disguise).
My project run from Intellij with no problem.
When running tests in Intelij you are using the test scope, the jar file only includes runtime scoped code.
For a more comparable test you must create a new run configuration that invokes the main method.
I found several tutorial but none of them a work.
It appears that you are relatively new to Java and Maven. It would be prudent to follow a proper course first rather than tutorials. You are missing fundamental knowledge that is generally not taught in tutorials.
I want to create a executable jar file so anyone can run it from their computer with least install require components.
It's also prudent to consider why you are doing this.
Tests will typically change as quickly as the source code they are testing does. Manually distribution of jar files won't keep up with this.
This means it's generally better to integrate the tests and the test source code into the automated build pipeline of the project they test.
This also means that you don't need to distribute your tests as a jar. Rather you should expect (and possibly train) people to use Maven, GIT and Java.

How to configure Surefire to include '*Spec' Spock tests?

How can I make sure that certain tests are executed in a Maven build and not silently ignored?
I was recently forced to switch to Groovy 3. As a result, I updated my Spock version as well. Unfortunately, I missed the fact that Spock 2 requires JUnit 5. I only had JUnit 4 and Spock tests, therefore the Maven Surefire plugin used the JUnit 4 provider to execute tests. All Spock test were ignored. I just noticed this by accident.
I'm looking for a way to check if certain (or any) tests ending in *Spec are among the tests executed. I looked at the Maven Surefire and the Maven Enforcer plugin but could not find anything which suits my needs. If I'm skipping test execution completely this check should not fail.
Edit: This is a shortened version of the Spock example project as kriegaex suggested posting some pom.xml files. The problem applies to all Java projects, though. To me, a solution within the build process of the project itself would be superior to configuring CI/CD jobs as this can can easily be forgotten when moving/migrating the project to another CI pipeline.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Spock Framework - Example Project</name>
<!-- Mandatory plugins for using Spock -->
<!-- The gmavenplus plugin is used to compile Groovy code. To learn more about this plugin,
visit -->
<!-- Optional plugins for using Spock -->
<!-- Only required if names of spec classes don't match default Surefire patterns (`*Test` etc.) -->
<useModulePath>false</useModulePath> <!-- -->
<!-- Mandatory dependencies for using Spock -->
Sorry for the misunderstanding about spock-junit4. You only need that if you want to run JUnit 4 extensions, such as PowerMock runner, under Spock 2. If you want to run JUnit 4 tests beside Spock 2 tests, you need org.junit.vintage:junit-vintage-engine:5.7.1 for Spock 2.0-M5. Adding that dependency, fixes your POM for me.
However, I took the liberty to upgrade to Spock 2.0 final, Groovy 3.0.8 and JUnit 5.7.2, all in harmony with Spock 2.0. If you use a default Maven directory layout and name your Spock specs src/test/groovy/*Test instead of *Spec, you can even do without the Surefire class name filter. You should however specify Java source and target levels. Without them, my JDK complained about the default 1.5.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Spock Framework - Example Project</name>
<!-- Mandatory plugins for using Spock -->
<useModulePath>false</useModulePath> <!-- -->
<!-- Required if you want to run JUnit 4 tests alongside Spock 2 -->
P.S.: Actually, first I wanted to close your question as a duplicate of that one. But because since then the version numbers have changed a bit, I thought I would post a new answer here for your convenience.
Update: You can make sure that both testes named *Test and *Spec are executed, by fixing the filter in your question by adding .java or .class extensions. Weirdly enough, .groovy will not work, which is a known Surefire quirk.

Configuring Geb and Spock with Maven in Eclipse

Disclaimer: I've gone through so many different sources before I came here to ask this question. I've referenced the GitHub project for geb with maven, book of geb, numerous YouTube tutorials, etc. Nothing has worked.
I'm simply trying to just get a project up and running that does a very simple automated search engine test, just so I can play with the tools.
Here is my pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>testing this</name>
<description>testing this</description>
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
Main Groovy test class:
import spock.lang.Specification
import geb.*
class MyBaseTests extends Specification {
def "search 'Groovy Browser Automation' in duckduckgo"() {
given: "we are on the duckduckgo search-engine"
go ""
when: "we search for 'Groovy Browser Automation'"
$("#search_form_homepage").q = "Groovy Browser Automation"
then: "the first result is the geb website"
assert $("#links").find(".links_main a", 0).attr("href") == ""
This is the exception I get in the test. I've run a really simple assert Hello World test that has passed, I eliminated that for the sake of clarity.:
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types:
(java.lang.String) values: [] Possible solutions:
is(java.lang.Object), Mock(), Spy(), any(), grep(),
Mock(groovy.lang.Closure) at 'Groovy
Browser Automation' in duckduckgo(MyBaseTests.groovy:22)
It's worth noting that in my IDE (Eclipse), it seems some of the keywords are either not recognized or are not legit (ie: go ""). Makes me feel like I haven't configured something.
You need to extend geb.spock.GebSpec and not Specification if you want to use geb. See also
On GitHub I have a set of three Maven projects which together set up Spock, Geb and multi-browser testing via Maven configuration. You can switch the browser used easily among HtmlUnit, PhantomJS, Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge, Opera. It comes with a small series of sample tests and a prepared Geb configuration:
Maven BoM
Test resources
Sample tests
Just clone and build them all mvn clean install in the order listed here and run the tests from the third. You can, of course, put everything into one module, but I think it makes more sense to keep version management and dependency management separate from the actual application so as to be able to re-use those test dependencies, as is good Maven practice.
Then just add your test to the sample project and run it. I renamed the class so as to end with *Test instead of *Tests because this is how Maven by default finds unit tests via Surefire. If you rather like it to run as an integration test because it opens a browser and basically is slow, rename it to *IT.
I also fixed the base class as Leonard suggested correctly and changed the explicit to an implicit assert.
import geb.spock.GebSpec
class MyBaseTest extends GebSpec {
def "search 'Groovy Browser Automation' in duckduckgo"() {
given: "we are on the duckduckgo search-engine"
go ""
when: "we search for 'Groovy Browser Automation'"
$("#search_form_homepage").q = "Groovy Browser Automation"
then: "the first result (excluding ads) is the geb website"
$("#links").$(".links_main a", 0).attr("href") == ""

Jenkins + Maven + TestNG = MojoFailureException

When I run in Eclipse, Maven and TestNG work fine and pass, but when I run in Jenkins, the following failure message appears:
Unlike many other errors, this exception is not generated by the Maven core itself but by a plugin. As a rule of thumb, plugins use this error to signal a failure of the build because there is something wrong with the dependencies or sources of a project, e.g. a compilation or a test failure.
The concrete meaning of the exception depends on the plugin so please have a look at its documentation. The documentation for many common Maven plugins can be reached via our plugin index.
This is my pom.xml:
<project xmlns=""
<name>Load Testing</name>
<description>Selenium Load Testing Example using TestNG and Maven</description>
<!-- Below plug-in is used to execute tests -->
<!-- TestNG suite XML files -->
<!-- Include the following dependencies -->
Please help -- I don't know what's wrong with my plugin or dependencies.
The first possible problem I see: you define the property: testng.version, set the value to: 6.9.10, but then ignore the testng.version property later in your pom.xml, and set the <version> of TestNG to: 6.8.
Try changing the definition of your TestNG <dependency> from what you curently have:
So that the definition is defined as follows:

Intellij Idea taking forever to resolve maven dependencies

I am using intellij idea ultimate version 12.1.4 and trying to use maven with a project. Here is my pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>General data-binding functionality for Jackson: works on core streaming API</description>
org.xml.sax,org.w3c.dom, org.w3c.dom.bootstrap,,
javax.xml.datatype, javax.xml.namespace, javax.xml.parsers
<!-- Generate into this directory. -->
<!-- Builds on core streaming API; also needs core annotations -->
<!-- and for testing, JUnit is needed, as well as quite a few
libs for which we use reflection for code, but direct dep for testing
<dependency> <!-- from core we just test for repackaged cglib, not hibernate proper -->
<!-- Inherited from oss-base. Generate>
When I do a maven dependency resolution, its taking forever to get it through and this is what I get:
And it sticks here forever.
Here are my maven settings:
I followed steps given in this SO answer.
Please let me know where am I doing wrong and how do I get rid of it.
If this should help, I am trying to run this code:
I am not sure whether its an issue with the pom.xml itself. Perhaps if someone is able to have it working on his IDE, it may be concluded that its an issue with my specific IDE config.
If this is an issue very specific to intellij, I would suggest do the following steps
You can try running mvn clean install.(Depending on your network speed it will pull every dependency)
Change intellij settings in
Preferences->build,execution,deployment->maven->Maven home directory->{now change this to point to your mvn home rather than bundled mvn}
mvn -v in command line should give you the maven home path.
Now it won't try to download dependencies again.
File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Maven |
Threads (-T option) | 8 (or however many threads you want to try)
mvn compile -T 8
I had the same issue. Maven was taking an hour in IntelliJ and also running from the command line. Using the -T parameter you can tell Maven to use more threads to download artifacts simultaneously. Takes only about 15 minutes now.
Don't use bundled mvn. Point "Maven home directory" to the path on your file system.
After you're done building. Check "Work offline". This stops mvn from searching remote websites each time you build. Uncheck when you update your POM file so it can search for the changes.
You can also skip tests. This is evertyhing from the command line.
mvn clean install -T 8 -o -DskipTests
Select File, Settings, then set VM options for Maven importing to -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m.
For me, issue was related to and it was not responding.
I added another mirror( in settings.xml
