I was learning javafx and came across these two statements which I don't know their difference.
Pane pane = new Pane();
StackPane pane = new StackPane();
Can somebody enlighten me about the difference and when to use which?
Both are layouts but the Pane is the basis of all the other layouts, the difference is that the Pane offers a free positioning of nodes, and The StackPane (and other Node with the suffix Pane called Built-in Layout) in return, follow their own logic (Positions/Constraints...). The 'StackPane' for example lays out its children in a back-to-front stack StackPane. This is only superficial and limited information, here's a good tutorial : Layout in JavaFX
The difference between both layouts is positioning of the children and the resizing of resizeable children.
Pane does not do any positioning. The child's layoutX and layoutY are left unmodified. Furthermore resizeable children are resized to their preferred sizes.
StackPane determines the position of children based on the alignment set for the child itself or the one set for the StackPane itself, if no position is set for the child. Resizable children are resized to a size that fits the StackPane's size best (still taking into account max size). Both can be modified by a margin set for individual children...
for my school project I am trying to make Classdiagrams graphical editor in JavaFX.
I have one rootpane (Pane) and by iterating through input parser I print graphical objects.
Every graphical object is child of Pane which holds elements (rect,text,line...) and that Pane with elements is child node of Rootpane (Pane). So Rootpane (Pane) has few childs of Pane.
Problem is, that after creating the Panes with graphical elements they do make some overlay around every Pane and I cannot drag other Panes.
I need to explicitly set Pane dimensions for example to be clipped by main Rectangle.
But this is not possible. Only way to do is make child nodes StackPane instead of Pane but my whole implementation now stands on absoulete positioning so It would be to rework whole project.
Does anyone know, by which command Can I set bounds to every Pane node not to overlay other nodes.
I would not make the elements a Pane. Instead I would use a Group node. And you can set a clipping path for every node (the group in your case), so I do not quite understand what your problem is.
In one of my javafx projects I have a button that triggers the program. Upon displaying new data sometimes the button is pushed downwards due to other components of the borderpane expanding. Any way I can lock the button to a specific position so that it does not move if that occurs?
You could try placing the button on a separate Pane outside of the BorderPane, then grouping both Panes on a root Pane/main Pane of some sort, like so:
Any layout changes to child components of the BorderPane will not affect the layout of any components outside of it.
As you can see though, this leaves empty space at the top of the application. You can overlap the StackPane with the Button on top of the BorderPane if you fiddle with its layout settings, but this does mean that any child components of the BorderPane can be hidden behind the StackPane. It's up to you to decide which way you prefer.
I have a HBox in my Javafx application with below configuration
HBox belowBox = new HBox(10);
belowBox.getStyleClass().addAll("pane", "vbox");
belowBox.getChildren().addAll( .... );
But still if I resize my application the HBox grows vertically. Is there a way to fix the height.
Thank you
But this is the exact behavior of the HBox layout pane. If you read the HBox documentation, you will see the following:
HBox lays out its children in a single horizontal row...
And also:
HBox will resize children (if resizable) to their preferred widths and uses its fillHeight property to determine whether to resize their heights to fill its own height or keep their heights to their preferred (fillHeight defaults to true)...
As said, if for some reason you set the fillHeight property from HBox, you can make the nodes contained within to fill the vacant vertical space, But this will only occur for the nodes that are resizable. For more information about using the JavaFX layout panels, look here. If I'm not mistaken, texts, geometric shapes and ImageView are not resizable objects.
I'm using JavaFX in a project instead of Swing because of the enhanced multimedia, webviewer and possibility to use visual effects. However, what I've learned from what I found on the web (http://docs.oracle.com/javafx/2/layout/jfxpub-layout.htm and others) is that JavaFX layout managers focus on scaling the size of the parent based on the size of the content, whereas Swing focusses on scaling the content according to the parent, at least based on the Layout being used.
Right now I'm using an Accordion with some TitledPane children. One of them contains a GridPane for the simple reason it is the best way I know to emulate a GridLayout (as I learned from my previous question here: JavaFX layout equivalent to GridLayout). I want to have the TitledPane's content split in 2 rows and 1 column, each row with a 50% height of the available space in the TitledPane (scaling with the Stage or Scene), equivalent to what a GridLayout(2,1) inside a BorderLayout.CENTER would accomplish. For this, I've added a GridPane with 2 RowConstraints using setPercentHeight(50) and 1 ColumnConstraint with setPercentWidth(100). However, I've noticed the contents are scaling with the grid properly, but the grid is not taking up all available space in the TitledPane (because apparently it doesn't act like a BorderPane's center). I've also tried with setMaxWidth to make the content scale with the parent, but it doesn't seem to work either (as said here: JavaFX: How to make my custom component use all available space from parent layout?). And even if it would, do I need to set the max width to EACH descendent in my UI elements tree to have all of them scale?
Either way, does anyone know how to make a TitledPane with 2 equal spaces in it underneath eachother that scale with the titledpane's size?
In fact, your gridpane is growing to fill all its parent.
Consider the below code, I have added a background color (red) to the gridpane for debugging purposes.
Accordion accordion = new Accordion();
TitledPane titledPane = new TitledPane();
GridPane gridPane = new GridPane();
gridPane.add(new TextArea("Hello"), 0, 0);
gridPane.add(new TextArea("World"), 0, 1);
If you execute this code, the gridpane will fill all its parent (check the red color spans all over the titledpane content).
However, the content of the gridpane will not fill all the column. If you try to resize the window, you will see that the textareas are not changing in width along with the gridpane.
To fix that, you need to tell the first column of the gridpane to grow with the gridpane itself.
The way to do that is to add the following constraint:
ColumnConstraints columnConstraints = new ColumnConstraints();
I have a simple BorderPane instance which is the root node of my Scene. The border pane include a panel on the right side with some GUI controls, including a button. When I click on this button, I create an instance of class (Foo) which extends StackPane and I put this instance as a center node of the border pane.
I would like to get the width and height values of the available center space of the border pane from the Foo instance by calling this.getLayoutBounds.getWidth(), respectively ...getHeight() but it always returns zero?
Add a listener to the StackPane's layoutBoundsProperty or bind to it's height and width properties.
JavaFX will just return zero for the height and width of the StackPane until it has executed a layout pass on it. Because a StackPane is a resizable node, JavaFX usually does not know what size it will be until it has been added to a scene and shown on a Stage.
If you only want to know it's initial size, you can call getHeight or getWidth on the StackPane after you have invoked stage.Show.
Future layout passes may resize the StackPane as it's available area changes, hence the recommendation to use listeners or binds if you want to always be informed of the current pane size.