val observable = Observable(...)
val subscription = observable.connect
observable.doOnsubscribe(() => doSomething)
The doSomething is never called. The exact same code for RxJava was working properly. It seems for whatever reason it was never propagated to the underlying Java Observable
So my workaround is
.doOnSubscribe(new Action0 {
override def call(): Unit = {
publish creates a connected Observable. This is a bit different from a standard Observable and you need to call connect() in order for the connected Observable to start emitting. See the documentation here.
I created the below method to find an Analysis object, update the results field on it and then lastly save the result in the database but not wait for a return.
public void updateAnalysisWithResults(String uuidString, String results) {
findByUUID(uuidString).subscribe(analysis -> {
This feels poorly written to subscribe within a subscribe.
Is this a bad practice?
Is there a better way to write this?
entry point
public Mono<Void> patchAnalysisWithResults(#PathVariable String uuid, #RequestBody String results) {
return computeSCAService.updateAnalysisWithResults(uuid,results);
public Mono<Void> updateAnalysisWithResults(String uuidString, String results) {
// findByUUID(uuidString).subscribe(analysis -> {
// analysis.setResults(results);
// });
return findByUUID(uuidString)
.doOnNext(analysis -> analysis.setResults(results))
Why it is not working is because you have misunderstood what doOnNext does.
Lets start from the beginning.
A Flux or Mono are producers, they produce items. Your application produces things to the calling client, hence it should always return either a Mono or a Flux. If you don't want to return anything you should return a Mono<Void>.
When the client subscribes to your application what reactor will do is call all operators in the opposite direction until it finds a producer. This is what is called the assembly phase. If all your operators don't chain together you are what i call breaking the reactive chain.
When you break the chain, the things broken from the chain wont be executed.
If we look at your example but in a more exploded version:
void brokenChainTest() {
updateAnalysisWithResults("12345", "Foo").subscribe();
public Mono<Void> updateAnalysisWithResults(String uuidString, String results) {
return findByUUID(uuidString)
.doOnNext(analysis -> analysis.setValue(results))
private Mono<Data> save(Data data) {
return Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
System.out.println("Will not print");
return data;
private Mono<Data> findByUUID(String uuidString) {
return Mono.just(new Data());
private static class Data {
private String value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
in the above example save is a callable function that will return a producer. But if we run the above function you will notice that the print will never be executed.
This has to do with the usage of doOnNext. If we read the docs for it it says:
Add behavior triggered when the Mono emits a data successfully.
The Consumer is executed first, then the onNext signal is propagated downstream.
doOnNext takes a Consumer that returns void. And if we look at doOnNext we see that the function description looks as follows:
public final Mono<T> doOnNext(Consumer<? super T> onNext)`
THis means that it takes in a consumer that is a T or extends a T and it returns a Mono<T>. So to keep a long explanation short, you can see that it consumes something but also returns the same something.
What this means is that this usually used for what is called side effects basically for something that is done on the side that does not hinder the current flow. One of those things could for instance logging. Logging is one of those things that would consume for instance a string and log it, while we want to keep the string flowing down our program. Or maybe we we want to increment a number on the side. Or modify some state somewhere. You can read all about side effects here.
you can of think of it visually this way:
_____ side effect (for instance logging)
___/______ main reactive flow
That's why your first doOnNext setter works, because you are modifying a state on the side, you are setting the value on your class hence modifying the state of your class to have a value.
The second statement on the other hand, the save, does not get executed. You see that function is actually returning something we need to take care of.
This is what it looks like:
/ \ < Broken return
___/ ____ no main reactive flow
all we have to do is actually change one single line:
// From
// To
flatMap takes whatever is in the Mono, and then we can use that to execute something and then return a "new" something.
So our flow (with flatMap) now looks like this:
setValue() save()
______ _____
/ / \
__/____________/ \______ return to client
So with the use of flatMap we are now saving and returning whatever was returned from that function triggering the rest of the chain.
If you then choose to ignore whatever is returned from the flatMap its completely correct to do as you have done to call then which will
Return a Mono which only replays complete and error signals from this
The general rule is, in a fully reactive application, you should never block.
And you generally don't subscribe unless your application is the final consumer. Which means if your application started the request, then you are the consumerof something else so you subscribe. If a webpage starts off the request, then they are the final consumer and they are subscribing.
If you are subscribing in your application that is producing data its like you are running a bakery and eating your baked breads at the same time.
don't do that, its bad for business :D
Subscribe inside a subscribe is not a good practise. You can use flatMap operator to solve this problem.
public void updateAnalysisWithResults(String uuidString, String results) {
findByUUID(uuidString).flatMap(analysis -> {
Just starting to understand reactive programming with Reactor and I've come across this code snippet from a tutorial here building-a-chat-application-with-angular-and-spring-reactive-websocket
class ChatSocketHandler(val mapper: ObjectMapper) : WebSocketHandler {
val sink = Sinks.replay<Message>(100);
val outputMessages: Flux<Message> = sink.asFlux();
override fun handle(session: WebSocketSession): Mono<Void> {
println("handling WebSocketSession...")
.map { it.payloadAsText }
.map { Message(id= UUID.randomUUID().toString(), body = it, sentAt = }
.doOnNext { println(it) }
{ message: Message -> },
{ error: Throwable -> sink.error(error) }
return session.send(
.thenMany( { session.textMessage(toJson(it)) })
fun toJson(message: Message): String = mapper.writeValueAsString(message)
I understand what it does but not why the author uses a consumer within the subscribe method vs chaining another doOnNext(consumer). ie. the lines:
.doOnNext { println(it) }
{ message: Message -> },
{ error: Throwable -> sink.error(error) }
From the Reactor documnetation I have read that the Flux.subscribe(Consumer <? super T> consumer):
Subscribe a Consumer to this Flux that will consume all the elements in the sequence. It will request an unbounded demand (Long.MAX_VALUE).
For a passive version that observe and forward incoming data see doOnNext(java.util.function.Consumer).
However from that I don't understand why one would choose one over the other, to me they seem functionally identical.
The difference is much more conventional rather than functional - the difference being side-effects vs a final consumer.
The doOnXXX series of methods are meant for user-designed side-effects as the reactive chain executes - logging being the most normal of these, but you may also have metrics, analytics, etc. that require a view into each element as it passes through. The key with all of these is that it doesn't make much sense to have any of these as a final consumer (such as the println() in your above example.)
On the contrary, the subscribe() consumers are meant to be a "final consumer", and usually called by your framework (such as Webflux) rather than by user code - so this case is a bit of an exception to that rule. In this case they're actively passing the messages in this reactive chain to another sink for further processing - so it doesn't make much sense to have this as a "side-effect" style method, as you wouldn't want the Flux to continue beyond this point.
(Addendum: As said above, the normal approach with reactor / Webflux is to let Webflux handle the subscription, which isn't what's happening here. I haven't looked in detail to see if there's a more sensible way to achieve this without a user subscription, but in my experience there usually is, and calling subscribe manually is usually a bit of a code smell as a result. You should certainly avoid it in your own code wherever you can.)
I am trying to write test for my DAO object that uses reactive interface. I have a table with recipes and I want to test that when I insert data to this table, the subscriber receives list with recipes.
I am using TestSubscriber class and performing asserts on that class. My simple test look like this:
fun testSubscriber() {
val testSubscriber = TestSubscriber.create<List<Recipe>>()
assertEquals(1, testSubscriber.onNextEvents[0].size)
The problem is that assertion testSubscriber.assertValueCount(1) fails because no item was emitted. But when I insert this line above
testSubscriber.awaitTerminalEvent(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), the test is successful. My observable does not emit terminal event and therefore the timeout is performed, but in the meantime of waiting, the onNext was called with list of recipes.
My getRecipes method:
fun getRecipes(): Observable<List<Recipe>> {
return query(SELECT("*")
How is that possible? I thought that when I use Schedulers.immediate(), the operation will be performed on the same thread and my TestSubscriber receives the events. If not, how should I write this test so it succeeds? I want to test that onNext is called and I don't want to insert artificial sleep commands between.
The problem was that I was using library SqlBrite with additional framework SqlBrite-Dao. SqlBrite is observing a query on specific Scheduler and when none was provided to DaoManager of SqlBrite-Dao, was used. The solution is to provide scheduler to DaoManager.Builder or apply RxJavaPlugins and return Schedulers.immediate() as all Schedulers.
Is there a concept of using promises in java (just like ut is used in JavaScript) instead of using nested callbacks ?
If so, is there an example of how the callback is implemented in java and handlers are chained ?
Yep! Java 8 calls it CompletableFuture. It lets you implement stuff like this.
class MyCompletableFuture<T> extends CompletableFuture<T> {
static final Executor myExecutor = ...;
public MyCompletableFuture() { }
public <U> CompletableFuture<U> newIncompleteFuture() {
return new MyCompletableFuture<U>();
public Executor defaultExecutor() {
return myExecutor;
public void obtrudeValue(T value) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void obtrudeException(Throwable ex) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
The basic design is a semi-fluent API in which you can arrange:
(sequential or async)
(functions or actions)
triggered on completion of
i) ("then") ,or ii) ("andThen" and "orThen")
others. As in:
MyCompletableFuture<String> f = ...; g = ...
f.then((s -> aStringFunction(s)).thenAsync(s -> ...);
f.andThen(g, (s, t) -> combineStrings).or(CompletableFuture.async(()->...)....
UPDATE 7/20/17
I wanted to edit that there is also a Library called "ReactFX" which is supposed to be JavaFX as a reactive framework. There are many Reactive Java libraries from what I've seen, and since Play is based on the Reactive principal, I would assume that these Reactive libraries follow that same principal of non-blocking i/o, async calls from server to client and back while having communication be send by either end.
These libraries seem to be made for the client side of things, but there might be a Server reactive library as well, but I would assume that it would be wiser to use Play! with one of these client side reactive libraries.
You can take a look at
which implements this functionality here
Additonal reading
Creating non-blocking actions
Because of the way Play works, action code must be as fast as possible, i.e., non-blocking. So what should we return from our action if we are not yet able to compute the result? We should return the promise of a result!
Java 8 provides a generic promise API called CompletionStage. A CompletionStage<Result> will eventually be redeemed with a value of type Result. By using a CompletionStage<Result> instead of a normal Result, we are able to return from our action quickly without blocking anything. Play will then serve the result as soon as the promise is redeemed.
The web client will be blocked while waiting for the response, but nothing will be blocked on the server, and server resources can be used to serve other clients.
How to create a CompletionStage
To create a CompletionStage<Result> we need another promise first: the promise that will give us the actual value we need to compute the result:
CompletionStage<Double> promiseOfPIValue = computePIAsynchronously();
CompletionStage<Result> promiseOfResult = promiseOfPIValue.thenApply(pi ->
ok("PI value computed: " + pi)
Play asynchronous API methods give you a CompletionStage. This is the case when you are calling an external web service using the play.libs.WS API, or if you are using Akka to schedule asynchronous tasks or to communicate with Actors using play.libs.Akka.
A simple way to execute a block of code asynchronously and to get a CompletionStage is to use the CompletableFuture.supplyAsync() helper:
CompletionStage<Integer> promiseOfInt = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> intensiveComputation());
Note: It’s important to understand which thread code runs on which promises. Here, the intensive computation will just be run on another thread.
You can’t magically turn synchronous IO into asynchronous by wrapping it in a CompletionStage. If you can’t change the application’s architecture to avoid blocking operations, at some point that operation will have to be executed, and that thread is going to block. So in addition to enclosing the operation in a CompletionStage, it’s necessary to configure it to run in a separate execution context that has been configured with enough threads to deal with the expected concurrency. See Understanding Play thread pools for more information.
It can also be helpful to use Actors for blocking operations. Actors provide a clean model for handling timeouts and failures, setting up blocking execution contexts, and managing any state that may be associated with the service. Also Actors provide patterns like ScatterGatherFirstCompletedRouter to address simultaneous cache and database requests and allow remote execution on a cluster of backend servers. But an Actor may be overkill depending on what you need.
Async results
We have been returning Result up until now. To send an asynchronous result our action needs to return a CompletionStage<Result>:
public CompletionStage<Result> index() {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> intensiveComputation())
.thenApply(i -> ok("Got result: " + i));
Actions are asynchronous by default
Play actions are asynchronous by default. For instance, in the controller code below, the returned Result is internally enclosed in a promise:
public Result index() {
return ok("Got request " + request() + "!");
Note: Whether the action code returns a Result or a CompletionStage<Result>, both kinds of returned object are handled internally in the same way. There is a single kind of Action, which is asynchronous, and not two kinds (a synchronous one and an asynchronous one). Returning a CompletionStage is a technique for writing non-blocking code.
Some info on CompletionStage
which is a subclass of the class mentioned in #Debosmit Ray's answer called CompletableFuture
This Youtube Video by LinkedIn dev Mr. Brikman explains a bit about Promises in
I believe the first video gives an example of a promise, the second video might also give some good info, I don't really recall which video had what content.
Either way the information here is very good, and worth looking into.
I personally do not use Play, but I have been looking at it for a long, long time, as it does a lot of really good stuff.
If you want to do Promise even before Java7, "java-promise" may be useful. (Of course it works with Java8)
You can easily control asynchronous operations like JavaScript's Promise.
import org.riversun.promise.Promise;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
.then(new Promise((action, data) -> {
new Thread(() -> {
String newData = data + "bar";
.then(new Promise((action, data) -> {
System.out.println("Promise in Java");
Promise in Java
I'm attempting to allow for an infinite stream of both on next and on error calls.
The below code uses the retry() method which I assumed would allow me to see all 3 calls to onNext however after the error nothing else is called.
public class TesterClass {
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final PublishSubject<Void> publishSubject = PublishSubject.create();
aVoid -> System.out.println("onNext"),
() -> System.out.println("onComplete")
publishSubject.onError(new Exception("onError"));
My ideal use case would allow me to subscribe and take action on all errors and all next calls from the subject / observable.
I've also attempted to implement a solution using a custom Operator as shown here but I've had no luck with this either.
Is it a possibility to achieve what I'm setting out to do or does the design of RxJava's onError breaking the chain completely block this idea.
As mentioned in this thread (Rxjava discussion) this can't be done.
Wrap the error into a message through OnNext if the error should not terminate the stream.