Configure Jenkins to use Chrome - Selenium 3.0.1 Maven TestNG - java

I've been trying to get Jenkins to use Chrome for my automated tests. When I run the tests locally I am able to get it to use Chrome by -Dbrowser=chrome in JDK VM options for TestNG.
For some reason it seems to be stuck on using Firefox no matter what I try.
Here is my before method
alwaysRun = true
public static void configureBrowserBeforeTest(Method testMethod) {
try {
userAgent = determineUserAgent();
} catch (Exception var2) {
logger.error("Failed to configure browser.", var2);
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to configure browser.", var2);
And POM File
<project xmlns=""
A template designed to get up and running quickly with Selenium and Appium.
I'm sure the solution is something simple, I have Jenkins running as a service and using a local admin account. I have installed the chromedriver plugin for jenkins as well as the Selenium plugin. The tests are being found OK but they are using Firefox and FF version 50 doesnt seem to work with the gecko driver on Selenium 3.0.1, so I would rather use Chrome which I know works just fine but for the life of me I cant figure out how to tell Jenkins to use Chrome instead of FF. Thanks in advance for your help! And apologies if I've missed anything out.
OS - Windows Server 2012
Selenium 3.0.1

I am guessing that the default browser defined to be used is firefox and your test code is not able to find the browser flavour to use (via command line (or) JVM args (or) via parameters) so its defaulting to what it knows of viz., firefox.
I noticed that in your IntelliJ run configurations screenshot, you have specified the browser flavour using the JVM argument -Dbrowser=chrome but for some reason I don't see the same in your Jenkins configuration page screenshot.
You seem to be having something like this clean install package -DBrowserName="$BROWSERNAME" -e
Can you please change it to clean install package -Dbrowser=$BROWSERNAME -e (I dont think you need to enclose $BROWSERNAME with quotes and am assuming that BROWSERNAME refers to a valid parameter in your Jenkins configuration page )
That should basically take care of your issue.


TeaVM and WebAssembly - build errors

I want to use Java code in the web. For this I want to convert Java to WASM and use this wasm-file in JavaScript. For converting Java to WebAssembly, I am using TeaVM.
First, I created an archetype with this command: mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.teavm.flavour -DarchetypeArtifactId=teavm-flavour-application -DarchetypeVersion=0.2.0
In addition, I added these two dependencies (according to
and added the following in the plugin section:
My Java file:
public class Client extends ApplicationTemplate {
private String userName = "ABC";
public static void main(String[] args) {
Client client = new Client();
#Export(name = "getUserName")
public String getUserName() {
return userName;
But when I am doing mvn clean package, I am getting to following error (but a wasm file is created):
my complete pom:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
How can I create a complete WASM without errors? Thank you in advance!
Wasm backend of TeaVM does not support JSO interop layer. It also supports subset of features available in JavaScript backend. So there's no way to make TeaVM Flavour work in Wasm, instead your should prefer JavaScript target. If you want to learn how to deal with Wasm BE, you can take a look at example.
Wasm has proven to be extremely inappropriate to run Java, so I recommend to use JavaScript BE of TeaVM. Also, please note that official site (htts:// lists links where you can get help (google groups, gitter, direct email). I don't follow StackOverflow questions about TeaVM and don't receive notifications from SO.

Deployment of basic Java web application to AWS : javax/xml/bind/JAXBException

I keep getting this error while trying to deploy an application to AWS:
An internal error occurred during: "Updating AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment:
Here is what I do:
I create new Maven project based on maven-archetype-webapp 1.0
I configure the pom.xml file with dependencies (full file below)
I type in whatever to index.jsp (it's supposed to be super easy application)
I run it on tomcat7:run, it works like a charm on http://localhost:8080/
I create AWS Server
I select the project, I choose Amazon Web Services Tool --> Deploy to AWS Elastik Beanstalk, choose the added server and I keep getting this message:
I am not able to find any information about this error in the internet. The only thing that I have found is that it is connected to Java version, but I am running Java 1.8 (as was suggested in one post that I found).
Can anyone please help me? I am following this instruction for deployment of the application.
I'm super new to AWS so I don't even know where to start!
<h2>Hello There!</h2>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>SampleWebApplication Maven Webapp</name>
Project structure
Please, please, please help!
Finally, I find an answer to this problem in the website:
The examples there were in Unix. Mine is in Window 7. What I did base on the website suggestion is:
Find where is the file jaxb-api-2.2.5.jar located. I am not sure if version 2.2.5 is a must. Suggest try whatever you have.
Mine is located in
Exit the Eclipse IDE.
Open PowerShell in Admin mode.
cd to your user directory (my case C:\Users\myUserName) and execute the following command to open the Eclipse IDE with a -dev option which points to the jaxb-api-2.2.5.jar.
C:\Users\myUserName\eclipse\jee-2020-09\eclipse\eclipse -dev $(ls ~/.m2/repository/javax/xml/bind/jaxb-api/*/*[0-9].jar | Select-Object -Last 1)
Certainly, the location of your eclipse.exe can be different.
Happy coding!

Could not resolve dependencies for my Maven project

I am trying to create a program that will use the sikulix libraries. So I copy pasted the dependencies from Then I ran mvn install to install the libraries and I got this error
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project auto-fish: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.bine:auto-fish:jar:1.0: Could not find artifact com.github.vidstige:jadb:jar:-v1.0-g94ebf38-23 in central (
After doing some research I realized I may need to add a repositories tag with the sikulixapi repo. That gave me this error.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project auto-fish: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.bine:auto-fish:jar:1.0: Could not find artifact com.github.vidstige:jadb:jar:-v1.0-g94ebf38-23 in Sikulix Repo (
At this point I am unsure as to what I should do. This is my first every Maven project.
<!-- FIXME change it to the project's website -->
<id>Sikulix Repo</id>
<!-- -->
<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
<!-- clean lifecycle, see -->
<!-- default lifecycle, jar packaging: see -->
<!-- site lifecycle, see -->
The code is split up but note that they are all in the pom file for my maven project. Also the first 5 lines aren't not showing up for some reason but I feel like they are not important. And i'm using Vs code for all this.
And if you're wondering the goal of this is to create something that will play some dumb fishing game for me, but this is more of a test to see if I can pull it off rather than something I actually need lol.
If you look at your vidstige artifact in, you'll see it lists "Mulesoft" as the only repo that contains it. Following that link shows as the optional repository URL you should be adding, not the mvnrepository URL you added which was just a link to the mvnrepository search engine results.
So in short, this should hopefully work:
<id>Mulesoft Repo</id>
Note I'm unfamiliar with this repository, so if it requires any kind of authentication or licensing you would want to follow up with instructions from that repo owner.
Alternatively you can skip the dependency download using exclusion.
Since i am not aware of your source code. I am just suggesting this solution
Solution found from LaunchPad

Filter JUnit 5 test cases with the annotation #Tag("name_test") using Maven

I want to filter my Junit 5 test cases, I am using the annotation #Tag("type_test"). I run my test with maven with the command mvn -Dtests=a test but it runs all the cases. For example, I have two methods and I want run only the method with #Tag("a"), but the result in console is "Hello word 1" and "Hello word 2". See the example code.
static Properties properties = null;
public static void setUp() throws Throwable {
properties = CommonMethods.loadConfigPropertiesFile();
RestAssured.baseURI = properties.getProperty("BASE_HOST");
public void test1() {
System.out.println("hello word 1");
public void test2() {
System.out.println("hello word 2");
The versions and libraries you're using are outdated. Please retry with:
Maven Surefire 2.22.1 (better: 3.0.0-M3)
JUnit Jupiter 5.3.2 (better: 5.4.0-M1)
See this sample pom.xml file that also covers how to filter tags:
<!-- JUnit 5 requires Surefire version 2.22.1 or higher -->
<!-- excludedGroups>slow</excludedGroups -->
For more details on how to configure the JUnit Platform with Maven see the JUnit 5 User Guide or the Maven Surefire documentation:
No need to touch your POM file.
mvn surefire:test -D groups=a,b should also do the trick.
If you need to compile before running the tests, use:
mvn test -D groups=a,b
Note that the space put between -D and groups=a,b is optional and purely for cosmetic reasons.
I found a solution. It important verify and try with the latest version of each dependency. In this example:
maven-surefire-plugin (3.0.0-M3)
junit-platform-surefire-provider (1.3.0-M1)
junit-jupiter-engine (5.4.0-M1)
junit-jupiter-api (5.4.0-M1)
Without profiles:
And you can use the command mvn test -Dtests=a to execute only the methods with the annotation #Tag("a")
With profiles:
Add this example code in the pom.xml
And for example you can use the command mvn test -Pserverdevelop to execute only the methods with the annotation #Tag("develop"). This is very useful for separating test cases by environments.

Passing environment variables to file via maven

I have a java file which reads as follows:
I am wanting to pass in the values to ${mosURL} and ${mopURL} when I initiate my build with Maven. These properties are environment specific URL's.
My POM file is below and you can see I have set up property profiles for each environment. (EDIT. POM Example now contains suggestted changes mentioned in Anser below.) I have set env-uat as my default by having <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault> present in the env-uat section.
But when I run mvn test everyting starts off as expected but when the test fails when attempting to use the URL and I get an error to inform me that no URL is present. So somewhere the link of passing from pom.xml into isnt working.
I can run "mvn help:active-profiles" from command and I can see the following:
The following profiles are active:
- env-uat (source:
Is there a missing link that I dont know about?
EDIT: I can run mvn resources:resources and when I look at the generated .properties file in the target/classes folder I can see that all the properties are listed correctly as I would expect. But they are not being passed into my java propeties.config file when I run 'mvn test'.
I have started reading about Spring and wondering if I need to configure something with Spring to get these values form Maven into my Java file? The Maven population of the properties look fine.
<!-- specify UTF-8, ISO-8859-1 or any other file encoding -->
The problem here should be connected to the "default" value of your variables.
Try adding the properties in the global properties declaration, on the top of your pom
//add them here aswell
I have the same configuration as yours, and the only difference seems to be this one.
Hope this helps
I'm posting this as an answer in case it's useful to anyone who may stumble across this in future.
After a discussion with the CI developer we decided that holding system specific values in my framework was the wrong approach. The property values are best held outside of Maven and let the CI environment pass them in on build. So I stripped out all environment specific properties from my POM.
I then created a separate class with static return methods to hold each of my config values such as below:
public class Config {
public static String getUrl1() {
return System.getProperty("url1");
public static String getUrl2() {
return System.getProperty("url2");
My code that would read these properties would be as simple as:
String strUrl1 = Config.getUrl1();
I would pass in the actual value from Maven comand such as:
mvn clean test -Durl1= -Durl2=https://url2goeshere
So it is then up to our CI developers to hold and pass in my specific variables. We are holding the environment values in Octopus which will then pass it to placeholders in TeamCity that will then construct and pass a command to Maven. So when we deploy to Dev through Octopus it will know to pass in the Dev parameters and so on for other environments.
