I have inputs height if first coordinate, height of last coordinate, and n where n is a number of points I need to create on the edge including first and last.
I created points that are at equal distance but they form a straight line. I want to have a sinusoidal wave-like curve instead of a straight line. That means points closer to the first coordinate and last coordinates and the rest of the points are gradually increasing.
final double heightOfFirstCoordinate = 0;
final double heightOfLastCoordinate = 6;
final int n = 4;
final double step = (heightOfLastCoordinate - heightOfFirstCoordinate) / (n - 1);
final List<Double> collect = IntStream.range(0, n)
.mapToObj(i -> heightOfFirstCoordinate + step * I)
As you can see on the screenshot what I produced is the black line but I need to produce the brown line.
I can't think of any simple algorithm to do this thing without making it much complicated.
assumed the derivative of the start and end points are exactly 0, you can use a cubic function running from 0 to 1 and returning values from 0 to 1:
double cubic(double x)
return 3*x*x-2*x*x*x;
To transform from the actual coordinates, use
y = y0+dy*cubic((x-x0)/dx);
where x0,y0 is the starting point the dy,dx are the deltas between start and end points.
I looked up the solution to this problem yesterday and tried to solve on my own today but found myself trying to solve this problem in a different way. I feel I may be overcomplicating the problem but I still want an answer to my possible solution just because it is bugging me to know (I am sure everyone has experienced this at some point or another). Anyway here is the problem:
My idea is that you would first check to see if your array length was equal to the rotations you want then you would simply return the original. There is no work needed to be done.
My next idea would be to check to see if our rotations is greater than our array length. If this is the case, we can either do rotations - array length or ABS VALUE(array length - rotations), which gives us the same result. We can reassign this value to D.
Next, we can create a case to rotate right instead of left. When your rotation is greater than your array length / 2, then we would not to rotate left since we are doing extra work. We instead would want to rotate right. For example:
Array Length 4
Rotations 3 (LEFT)
We can simply rotate right once instead of rotating left 3 times. We could set the rotateRight boolean to true (otherwise set to false which indicated to rotateLeft as normal)
Anyway this is the part I get caught on. I am unsure of how to rotate my elements here. I was thinking of returning a new array. How can I get the correct values for my new array? I am facing issues with IndexOutOfBounds exceptions. Can I also use try catches in this example or is it overkill?
Here is the code I have currently it should match my thoughts from up above:
static int[] rotLeft(int[] a, int d) {
int aLength = a.length;
int counter = 0;
int[] newArray = new int[aLength];
boolean rotateRight = false;
if (aLength == d) {
return a;
if (a.length - d < 0) {
d = Math.abs(a.length - d);
if(d > a.length/2) {
rotateRight = true;
return newArray;
If you need any more info let me know.
There is little benefit to trying to simplify the maths, if it leads to a harder-to-write program -- especially since you do not want to rotate the array at all, and can simply place the correct values in the correct places directly.
If the old position of element i was i, after d left-rotations of an array of size len, its new position will be (i-d)%len. If d == len+1 this is indeed equivalent to (i+1)%len -- easier for humans, but computers calculate either expression just as happily.
So the suggested code is:
static int[] rotLeft(int[] a, int d) {
int[] b = new int[a.length];
for (int s=d, t=0; t<a.length; s++, t++) {
// t is target position; s is source position
b[t] = a[s%a.length];
return b;
Note: code is untested
This is the problem:
"A 2d array of ints will be used to represent the value of each block in a city. The value could be negative indicating the block is a liability to own. Complete a method that finds the value of the most valuable contiguous sub rectangle in the city represented by the 2d array. The sub rectangle must be at least 1 by 1. (If all the values are negative "the most valuable" rectangle would be the negative value closest to 0.)
Consider the following example. The 2d array of ints has 6 rows and 5 columns per row, representing an area of the city. The cells with the square around it represent the most valuable contiguous sub rectangle in the given array. (Value of 15.)"
I am completely stumped as to how to go about solving this. I'm thinking that I could start on every single value and make every possible subplot with it and update a variable for the highest value. Is there another way of going about doing this? I'm not looking for the answer, I just need some guidance. Thanks
int most=-10000;
int current=0;
for(int i=0;i<city.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<city.length;j++){
return most;
This is my attempt so far. Hopefully you guys can see where I'm going with it. I start at 0,0 and check the entire line and update most accordingly.
The algorithm is to explore all rectangular shapes, and scan the city for that shape. The maximum value is found in a particular shape in a particular part of the city.
Algorithm (assume the city is NxM):
Set MAX = Lowest value in the city
// ROW / COL represent the shape of the rectangle
for ROW = 1 to N
for COL = 1 to M
// scan the city for a shape the size of ROWxCOL
for POS_X = 0 to N-ROW
for POS_Y = 0 to M-COL
// You now have a top,left co-ordinate for the shape (POS_X,POS_Y)
// This represents the position in the city[][] array
SUM Values from co-ordinate POS_X,POS_Y to POS_X+ROW-1, POS_Y+COL-1
I'm trying to calculate the perimeter of the union of a n rectangles, of which I have the bottom left and top right points. Every rectangle sits on the x axis (bottom left corner of every rectangle is (x, 0)). I've been looking into different ways of doing this and it seems like the Sweep-Line algorithm is the best approach. I've looked at Graham Scan as well. I'm aiming for an O(n log n) algorithm. Honestly though I am lost in how to proceed, and I'm hoping someone here can do their best to dumb it down for me and try to help me understand exactly how to accomplish this.
Some things I've gathered from the research I've done:
We'll need to sort the points (I'm not sure the criteria in which we are sorting them).
We will be dividing and conquering something (to achieve the O (log n)).
We'll need to calculate intersections (What's the best way to do this?)
We'll need some sort of data structure to hold the points (Binary tree perhaps?)
I'll ultimately be implementing this algorithm in Java.
The algorithm is a lot of fiddly case analysis. Not super complicated, but difficult to get completely correct.
Say all the rectangles are stored in an array A by lower left and upper right corner (x0, y0, x1, y1). So we can represent any edge of a rectangle as a pair (e, i) where e \in {L, R, T, B} for left, right, top, and bottom edge and i denotes A[i]. Put all pairs (L, i) in a start list S and sort it on A[i].x0.
We'll also need a scan line C, which is a BST of triples (T, i, d) for top edges and (B, i, d) for bottom. Here i is a rectangle index, and d is an integer depth, described below. The key for the BST is the edges' y coordinates. Initially it's empty.
Note that at any time you can traverse C in order and determine which portions of the sweep line are hidden by a rectangle and not. Do this by keeping a depth counter, initially zero. From least y to greatest, when you encounter a bottom edge, add 1 to the counter. When you see a top edge, decrement 1. For regions where the counter is zero, the scan line is visible. Else it's hidden by a rectangle.
Now you never actually do that entire traversal. Rather you can be efficient by maintaining the depths incrementally. The d element of each triple in C is the depth of the region above it. (The region below the first edge in C is always of depth 0.)
Finally we need an output register P. It stores a set of polylines (doubly linked lists of edges are convenient for this) and allows queries of the form "Give me all the polylines whose ends' y coordinates fall in the range [y0..y1]. It's a property of the algorithm that these polylines always have two horizontal edges crossing the scan line as their ends, and all other edges are left of the scan line. Also, no two polylines intersect. They're segments of the output polygon "under construction." Note the output polygon may be non-simple, consisting of multiple "loops" and "holes." Another BST will do for P. It is also initially empty.
Now the algorithm looks roughly like this. I'm not going to steal all the fun of figuring out the details.
while there are still edges in S
Let V = leftmost vertical edge taken from S
Determine Vv, the intersection of V with the visible parts of C
if V is of the form (L, i) // a left edge
Update P with Vv (polylines may be added or joined)
add (R, i) to S
add (T, i) and (B, i) to C, incrementing depths as needed
else // V is of the form (R, i) // a right edge
Update P with Vv (polylines may be removed or joined)
remove (T, i) and (B, i) from C, decrementing depths as needed
As P is updated, you'll generate the complex polygon. The rightmost edge should close the last loop.
Finally, be aware that coincident edges can create some tricky special cases. When you run into those, post again, and we can discuss.
The run time for the sort is of course O(n log n), but the cost of updating the scan line depends on how many polygons can overlap: O(n) for degenerate cases or O(n^2) for the whole computation.
Good luck. I've implemented this algorithm (years ago) and a few others similar. They're tremendous exercises in rigorous logical case analysis. Extremely frustrating, but also rewarding when you win through.
The trick is to first find the max height at every segment along the x axis (see the picture above). Once you know this, then the perimeter is easy:
NOTE: I haven't tested the code so there might be typos.
// Calculate perimeter given the maxY at each line segment.
double calcPerimeter(List<Double> X, List<Double> maxY) {
double perimeter = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < X.size(); i++){
// Add the left side of the rect, maxY[0] == 0
perimeter += Math.abs(maxY.get(i) - maxY.get(i - 1))
// add the top of the rect
perimeter += X.get(i) - X.get(i-1);
// Add the right side and return total perimeter
return perimeter + maxY.get(maxY.size() - 1);
Putting it all together, you will need to first calculate X and maxY. The full code will look something like this:
double calcUnionPerimeter(Set<Rect> rects){
// list of x points, with reference to Rect
List<Entry<Double, Rect>> orderedList = new ArrayList<>();
// create list of all x points
for(Rect rect : rects){
orderedList.add(new Entry(rect.getX(), rect));
orderedList.add(new Entry(rect.getX() + rect.getW(), rect));
// sort list by x points
Collections.sort(orderedList, new Comparator<Entry<Double,Rect>>(){
#Override int compare(Entry<Double, Rect> p1, Entry<Double, Rect> p2) {
return Double.compare(p1.getKey(), p2.getKey());
// Max PriorityQueue based on Rect height
Queue<Rect> maxQ = new PriorityQueue<>(orderedList, new Comparator<Rect>(){
#Override int compare(Rect r1, Rect r2) {
return Double.compare(r1.getH(), r2.getH());
List<Double> X = new ArrayList<>();
List<Double> maxY = new ArrayList<>();
// loop through list, building up X and maxY
for(Entry<Double, Rect> e : orderedList) {
double x = e.getKey();
double rect = e.getValue();
double isRightEdge = x.equals(rect.getX() + rect.getW());
maxY.add(maxQ.isEmpty() ? 0 : maxQ.peek().getY());
maxQ.dequeue(rect); // remove rect from queue
} else {
maxQ.enqueue(rect); // add rect to queue
return calcPerimeter(X, maxY);
I am using a 2 dimensional boolean array to check where an entity is inside of my 2D side scroller as well as for collision. I know I am not looking for how high or low an entity away is and that is intentional. When I run this code it says the closest entity is 15 cells away. However, when I run my code it says the closest entity away is 15 blocks. Also when I print out distanceX it prints out the following:
15. I don't know why it won't register 9 as the closest even though that's is the first closest distance it recieves.
I can't post pictures yet however the reason 0,0,2, and 2 get printed is because I have 4 rectangles in all four corners of my player that are considered true in the grid so it detects the two on top of eachother and the other 2 or 2 spots away in the grid. Since I cant upload pictures try to see what I mean with this image i made. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/OLSDPshjeU0YMahcmc0MDk-NocBMoG-7iN2xFTeFsQ8mAfF-sEPD8NBqXP4ENoN4YWmfUQ=s114
Thanks for any help!!
//Loop through my grid of booleans
for (int x = 0; x < map.getMapGrid().length; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < map.getMapGrid().length; y++) {
//For comparison
Long distance = Long.MAX_VALUE;
// The second part of the if statement is to make sure it is checking for
// entities that arent the floor, therefor one above the grid position of the player
if (map.getMapGrid()[x][y] && y > ((Player) player).getGridPositionLeft().y - 1){
// distanceX = where something true was found (x) - where the player is in the grid
// Ex: 1 - 4 = |-3|, there is an entity 3 away
distanceX = Math.abs((int)(x - ((Player) player).getGridPositionLeft().x));
// if the distance of the entity from the player is less then the comparison variable,
// the closest entity x coordinate is distanceX
if(distanceX < distance){
closestCoord.x = distanceX;
closestCoord.y = 0;
return closestCoord;
Long distance = Long.MAX_VALUE;
This variable is never re-assigned, so it will always have the value Long.MAX_VALUE.
Also it is declared inside the innermost loop, so it will reset on each iteration. If you want the value of a variable to be remembered between iterations you need to declare and initialize it outside the loops.