I have the following the code currently.
Method - parseGreeting()
public GetGreetingNmsObjects parseGreeting(String greetingType, GetGreetingNmsResponse xmlFromNms) {
GetGreetingNmsObjects objectFound = null;
List<GetGreetingNmsObjects> objList = xmlFromNms.getObject();
for (GetGreetingNmsObjects obj : objList) {
List<Attribute> attrs = obj.getAttributes();
Optional<Boolean> found = attrs.stream()
.filter(a -> a.name.equals(GREETING_TYPE))
.map(a -> a.value.equals(greetingType))
if(found.get()) {
objectFound = obj;
return objectFound;
GetGreetingNmsObjects .java
public class GetGreetingNmsObjects {
List<Attribute> attributeList;
public List<Attribute> getAttributes() {
return attributeList;
In the above method, is there a way to avoid the for loop and if statement and handle with streams itself?
I tried to use 'flatmap' and get the stream for 'attributesList' but once the match is found, I could not get reference to 'GetGreetingNmsObjects' object.
GetGreetingNmsObjects objectFound = objList.stream()
.flatMap(grt -> grt.getAttributes())
.filter(a -> a.name.equals(GREETING_TYPE))
.map(a -> a.value.equals(greetingType))
Your original code contains a logic error:
Optional<Boolean> found = …
.map(a -> a.value.equals(greetingType))
This will return the result of an arbitrary comparison, in a sequential context, it’s likely the result of the first element.
I’m quite sure that you actually want to know whether there is any matching element, hence, should use
boolean found = …
.anyMatch(a -> a.value.equals(greetingType));
This can be simply used as predicate to find the first element having the matching element:
return xmlFromNms.getObject().stream()
.filter(obj -> obj.getAttributes().stream()
.filter( a -> a.name.equals(GREETING_TYPE))
.anyMatch(a -> a.value.equals(greetingType)))
I have a list of valid values for a type:
Set<String> validTypes = ImmutableSet.of("TypeA", "TypeB", "TypeC");
From a given list I want to extract the first value which has a valid type. In this scenario I would write something of this sort:
public class A{
private String type;
private String member;
List<A> classAList;
.filter(a -> validTypes.contains(a.getType()))
However I would like to give preference to TypeA, i.e. if classAList has TypeA and TypeB, I want the object which has typeA. To do this one approach I've is:
Set<String> preferredValidTypes = ImmutableSet.of("TypeA");
.filter(a -> preferredValidTypes.contains(a.getType()))
.orElseGet(() -> {
return classAList.stream()
.filter(a -> validTypes.contains(a.getType()))
Is there a better approach?
filter list by type, order by type, collect to list, then just get first element
List<A> collect = classAList.stream()
.filter(a -> validTypes.contains(a.getType()))
You can use a custom comparator like:
Comparator<A> comparator = (o1, o2) -> {
if (preferredValidTypes.contains(o1.getType()) && !preferredValidTypes.contains(o2.getType())) {
return 1;
} else if (!preferredValidTypes.contains(o1.getType()) && preferredValidTypes.contains(o2.getType())) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
to sort the list and then findFirst from that list with your conditiion.
i don't like the answers already given which use Comparator. Sorting is an expensive operation. You can do it with one walk through the list. Once you find a preferred value, you can break out, otherwise you continue to the end to find a valid.
In this case anyMatch can provide the possibility to break out from the stream processing:
MyVerifier verifier=new MyVerifier(validTypes,preferredValidTypes);
System.out.println("Preferred found:"+verifier.preferred);
System.out.println("Valid found:"+verifier.valid);
public static class MyVerifier implements Predicate<A> {
private Set<String> validTypes;
private Set<String> preferredValidTypes;
A preferred=null;
A valid=null;
public MyVerifier(Set<String> validTypes, Set<String> preferredValidTypes) {
this.validTypes = validTypes;
this.preferredValidTypes = preferredValidTypes;
public boolean test(A a) {
if(preferred==null && preferredValidTypes.contains(a.getType())) {
// we can stop because we found the first preferred
return true;
} else if(valid==null && validTypes.contains(a.getType())) {
return false;
One can, of course, define two lists, one with all valid types, and one with the preferred types.
However, here is another approach. Define one list, or actually, a Map, with the keys being the valid types, and the boolean values being whether the type is preferred.
Map<String, Boolean> validTypes = ImmutableMap.of(
"TypeA", false,
"TypeB", false,
"TypeC", true
Using AtomicReference
One option is the following:
AtomicReference<A> ref = new AtomicReference<>();
.filter(t -> validTypes.containsKey(t.getType()))
.anyMatch(t -> validTypes.get(ref.updateAndGet(u -> t).getType()));
AtomicReference now contains a preferred A if available, or another valid A, or if the stream is empty, then it contains null. This stream operation short-circuits if an A with a preferred type is found.
The drawback of this option is that it creates side-effects, which is discouraged.
Using distinct()
Another suggestion would be the following. It uses the same map structure, using a boolean to indicate which values are preferred. However, it does not create side effects.
Map<Boolean, A> map = listOfAs.stream()
.filter(t -> validTypes.containsKey(t.getType()))
.map(t -> new Carrier<>(validTypes.get(t.getType()), t))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Carrier::getKey, Carrier::getValue));
It works as follows.
filter discards any element that is not a valid type.
Then, each element is mapped to a Carrier<Boolean, A> instance. A Carrier is a Map.Entry<K, V> which implements its equals and hashCode methods regarding only the key; the value does not matter. This is necessary for the following step,
distinct(), which discards any duplicate element. This way, only one preferred type and only one valid type is found.
We limit the stream to have 2 elements, one for each boolean. This is because the stream, which is lazy, stops evaluating after both booleans are found.
At last, we collect the Carrier elements into a Map.
The map contains now the following elements:
Boolean.TRUE => A with a preferred type
Boolean.FALSE => A with a valid type
Retrieve the appropriate element using
A a = map.getOrDefault(true, map.get(false)); // null if not found
Well you have to take care into account that sorting is stable, that is equal elements will appear in the same order as the initial source - and you need that to correctly get the first element from that List<A> that will satisfy your requirement, thus:
String priorityType = "TypeB";
Stream.of(new A("TypeA", "A"),
new A("TypeB", "B"),
new A("TypeC", "C"))
.sorted(Comparator.comparing(A::getType, Comparator.comparing(priorityType::equals)).reversed())
.filter(x -> validTypes.contains(priorityType))
In Java8 you can use streams:
public static Carnet findByCodeIsIn(Collection<Carnet> listCarnet, String codeIsIn) {
return listCarnet.stream().filter(carnet -> codeIsIn.equals(carnet.getCodeIsin())).findFirst().orElse(null);
Additionally, in case you have many different objects (not only Carnet) or you want to find it by different properties (not only by cideIsin), you could build an utility class, to ecapsulate this logic in it:
public final class FindUtils {
public static <T> T findByProperty(Collection<T> col, Predicate<T> filter) {
return col.stream().filter(filter).findFirst().orElse(null);
public final class CarnetUtils {
public static Carnet findByCodeTitre(Collection<Carnet> listCarnet, String codeTitre) {
return FindUtils.findByProperty(listCarnet, carnet -> codeTitre.equals(carnet.getCodeTitre()));
public static Carnet findByNomTitre(Collection<Carnet> listCarnet, String nomTitre) {
return FindUtils.findByProperty(listCarnet, carnet -> nomTitre.equals(carnet.getNomTitre()));
public static Carnet findByCodeIsIn(Collection<Carnet> listCarnet, String codeIsin) {
return FindUtils.findByProperty(listCarnet, carnet -> codeIsin.equals(carnet.getCodeIsin()));
If you have preferred valid types in other collection so you can follow this code.
Map<String,A> groupByType = classAList
/* additional filter to grouping by valid types.*/
.collect(Collectors.toMap(A::getType, Function.identity(),(v1, v2)->v1));
then use:
A result = preferredValidTypes
or just group by preferred valid types
A result2 = classAList
.filter(a -> preferredValidTypes.contains(a.getType()))
.collect(Collectors.toMap(A::getType, Function.identity(), (v1, v2) -> v1))
Is there any way to Stream the list --> map --> filter --> map back to original object type of list?
There is solution if we are doing it using foreach as below:
List<Query> updatedQueries = getUpdatedQueries();
List<Query> finalQueries = new ArrayList<>();
updatedQueries.forEach(query -> {
Period period = getPeriodRequest(query);
boolean isValidPeriod = periodService.validatePeriodicity(period);
if(isValidPeriod && isMandatory(period)){
But is there any way to do it using following way ?
List<Query> updatedQueries = getUpdatedQueries();
List<Query> finalQueries = updatedQueries
.map(this::getPeriodRequest) //returns the object of type Period
//is any way we can map back to Query object (without any object translation function)
Try this one
List<Query> finalQueries = updatedQueries
Period period = getPeriodRequest(query);
return periodService.validatePeriodicity(period )&& isMandatory(period))
You can expand the filter as:
List<Query> finalQueries = updatedQueries
.filter(query -> {
Period period = getPeriodRequest(query);
return periodService.validatePeriodicity(period) && isMandatory(period);
First of all your actual result is of type List<Period> finalQueries because of that map(this::getPeriodRequest). Simply use some "longer" lambdas:
.filter(q -> periodService.validatePeriodicity(q.getPeriodRequest()))
.filter(q -> isMandatory(q.getPeriodRequest()))
You can even compress those two filters into a single one and read q.getPeriodRequest() only once if you really wanted to.
Or you could map to a SimpleEntry for example:
.map(x -> new SimpleEntry<>(x, x.getPeriodRequest()))
.filter(e -> periodService.validatePeriodicity(e.getValue()))
.filter(e -> isMandatory(e.getValue()))
No. You have to store original object somehow.
Like this
class Pair<A, B> {
A a;
B b;
// constructors and getters skipped
Then you can do following:
.map(x -> new Pair<>(x, getOtherObject()))
.filter(x -> checkOther(x.getB()))
Why use Streams in the first place?
updatedQueries.removeIf(query-> {
Period period = getPeriodRequest(query);
return !periodService.validatePeriodicity(period) || !isMandatory(period));
This removes all elements from updatedQueries which don't match the filter. Behaves the same, but doesn't introduce a new List.
The best approach would probably using just a simple for-loop if you care about performance:
for (Iterator<Query> it = updatedQueries.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Period period = getPeriodRequest(it.next());
if(!periodService.validatePeriodicity(period) || !isMandatory(period))) {
Based on some sports results data, I have a Fixture object which has getHome() and getAway() method. I'd like to shorten this method which I've written to only use a single lambda function (instead of creating a new list and two lambdas), is this possible?
private Collection<FixtureResult> finalResults(Team team) {
List<FixtureResult>finalResults = new ArrayList<>();
List<FixtureResult> homeResults = resultList.stream().filter(fixture ->
List<FixtureResult> awayResults = resultList.stream().filter(fixture ->
return finalResults;
Simple enough
.filter(fixture -> fixture.getHome().equals(team) || fixture.getAway().equals(team)))
EDIT: This is on the assumption that order does not matter to you. If your final list needs to have home result and then away, have a look at Elliott Frisch's answer.
If you wan to get fancy with lambdas:
Predicate<FixtureResult> isHome = fr -> fr.getHome().equals(team)
Predicate<FixtureResult> isAway = fr -> fr.getAway().equals(team)
You could even extract the compose predicate to test it in isolation, with no streams involved, which is good for more complex predicates:
Predicate<FixtureResult> isHomeOrAway = isHome.or(isAway)
Assuming the order doesn't matter, you can do it on one line. Like,
private Collection<FixtureResult> finalResults(Team team) {
return resultList.stream()
.filter(fixture -> fixture.getHome().equals(team)
|| fixture.getAway().equals(team))
If the order matters (home results and then away), you can do it with a single List like
private Collection<FixtureResult> finalResults(Team team) {
List<FixtureResult> al = new ArrayList<>(resultList.stream()
.filter(fixture -> fixture.getHome().equals(team)).collect(toList()));
.filter(fixture -> fixture.getAway().equals(team)).collect(toList()));
return al;
You can simply create a conditions concatenations or can concatenate multiple filter call
Conditions concatenations
.filter(element -> (condition1 && condition2 && condition3))
Multiple filter call
.filter(element -> condition1)
.filter(element -> condition2)
.filter(element -> condition3)
You can do the following
someStream.filter(((Predicate<SomeClass>) someObject-> someCondition).or(someObject-> someOtherCondition))
Or you can define your own "or" function that won't cause such a deep hierarchy
<R> Predicate<R> or(Predicate<R> ...predicates) {
return r -> Arrays.stream(predicates).anyMatch(p -> p.test(r));
That gives you a cleaner interface without casting and the nesting
yourObject -> {
return false;
yourObject -> {
return false;
yourObject -> {
return false;
yourObject -> {
return false;
I'd like to know if there is a good way of reusing a common stream operation that varies in the end for different outputs.
The example bellow is exactly what I'm trying to compact into a one-step operation:
public static DepartmentInfo extractDepartmentInfo(BaselinePolicy resource) throws ResourceProcessorError {
Function<Exception, Exception> rpe = e -> new ResourceProcessorError(e.getMessage());
List<String> parents =
() -> Arrays.asList(Exceptions.dangerous(resource::getParentIds).expecting(CMException.class).throwing(rpe))
.map(cId -> Exceptions.dangerous(cId, resource.getCMServer()::getPolicy).expecting(CMException.class).throwing(rpe))
.filter(policy -> PagePolicy.class.isAssignableFrom(policy.getClass()))
.filter(page -> Exceptions.dangerous(page,
p -> Boolean.valueOf(p.getComponentNotNull(ComponentConstants.POLOPOLY_CLIENT,
.map(page -> Exceptions.dangerous(page, p -> p.getExternalId().getExternalId()).expecting(CMException.class).throwing(rpe)), ResourceProcessorError.class)
String externalId = parents.get(parents.size()-1).toString();
List<String> list =
() -> Arrays.asList(Exceptions.dangerous(resource::getParentIds).expecting(CMException.class).throwing(rpe))
.map(cId -> Exceptions.dangerous(cId, resource.getCMServer()::getPolicy).expecting(CMException.class).throwing(rpe))
.filter(policy -> PagePolicy.class.isAssignableFrom(policy.getClass()))
.map(page ->
p -> p.getChildPolicy(PATH_SEGMENT) != null &&
SingleValued.class.cast(p.getChildPolicy(PATH_SEGMENT)).getValue(): p.getName()).expecting(CMException.class).throwing(rpe))
.filter(val -> val != null && !val.isEmpty()), ResourceProcessorError.class)
if(list.size() > 3) {
list = list.subList(list.size() - 3, list.size()-1);
switch(list.size()) {
case 0: {
throw new ResourceProcessorError("br.com.oesp.XMLRender.error.noProduct");
case 1: {
return DepartmentInfo.withProduct(list.get(0), externalId);
case 2: {
return DepartmentInfo.withProduct(list.get(0), externalId).withDepartment(list.get(1));
default: {
return DepartmentInfo.withProduct(list.get(0), externalId).withDepartment(list.get(1)).withSubDepartment(list.get(2));
Notice that the first step is repeated for both:
List<String> parents =
() -> Arrays.asList(Exceptions.dangerous(resource::getParentIds).expecting(CMException.class).throwing(rpe))
.map(cId -> Exceptions.dangerous(cId, resource.getCMServer()::getPolicy).expecting(CMException.class).throwing(rpe))
.filter(policy -> PagePolicy.class.isAssignableFrom(policy.getClass()))
It's not only a problem for reading but specially because I'm redoing a heavy operation twice, meanwhile in a more imperative way I'd do it once.
There are two things you're trying to do:
avoid the redundant work of creating the input array
avoid the redundant code of the map/filter/map
The first is easy:
List<Id> list = Arrays.asList(Exceptions.dangerous(resource::getParentIds)
Now you can pull streams from this source twice without rematerializing it.
The next bit is simply a Function from List to Stream:
Function<List<Id>, Stream<Something>> asStream =
list -> list.stream().map(...).filter(...).map(...);
Now, just start your stream with this:
I have List with objects
List<FrameworkAdminLeftMenu> menu = getMenuFromDB();
each FrameworkAdminLeftMenu object has method
public Set<FrameworkAdminLeftMenuCategories> getFrameworkAdminLeftMenuCategorieses() {
return this.frameworkAdminLeftMenuCategorieses;
and method
public String getCssClassName() {
return this.cssClassName;
each FrameworkAdminLeftMenuCategories object has method
public Integer getId() {
return this.id;
How can I filter all List and Set to get FrameworkAdminLeftMenuCategories object by getId(1) ?
For example, something like
List<FrameworkAdminLeftMenu> collect = menu.stream()
f -> f
List<FrameworkAdminLeftMenuCategories> categs = collect
f -> f.
.filter(c -> c.getId() == 1)
If I understand the question correctly, you want to aggregate the categories from all the sets and filter the ones with the right ID. In this case, you should use flatMap.
Try something like this (untested, obviously):
List<FrameworkAdminLeftMenuCategories> categs = menu.stream()
.filter(f -> f.getCssClassName().contains("adm-content"))
.flatMap(f -> f.getFrameworkAdminLeftMenuCategorieses().stream())
.filter(c -> c.getId() == 1)