Cross Domain Issue : Camel Swagger with Jetty in a Karaf Environment - java

I'm working in a OSGi environment project. I have discovered that camel offer an integration for swagger. So i have used it. It's working well until launching a request with swagger UI.
I mean when i put in swagger ui the uri i have defined with camel-swagger-java, it works. Swagger discovers my api !
But when i want to launch a request with swagger ui, i have some issue with cross domain request.
I have found several solutions :
- first one with camel rest
.dataFormatProperty("prettyPrint", "true")
.contextPath("/").port(8080).apiContextPath("/api-doc/login").apiProperty("api.title", "Login API").apiProperty("api.version", "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT")
.apiProperty("cors", "true").apiProperty("apiContextIdListing", "true");
I have set to true cors property. But it didn't solved my issue. Then after some search, i found it might be jetty which forbidden cross domain request. But a this point, i have not found how to configure Jetty in a OSGi environment (Karaf / Fellix) to accept this kind of request.
Thanks for your help

I found a solution. With Camel i had to create OPTIONS Rest Interface per Service. It's very dirty( So I used this solution :


Camel Salesforce Kafka Source Connector does not start

I am trying to run the Camel Salesforce Kafka Source Connector version 1.0.x (LTS) and following the documentation as described on all I need to do is to configure a bunch of properties which is exactly what I did.
Let's just assume that camel.kamelet.salesforce-source.clientId=xyz
When trying to run the connector it fails to start complaining that clientId is an unknown parameter:
Failed to resolve endpoint: salesforce://event/Case__e?clientId=xyz due to:
There are 1 parameters that couldn't be set on the endpoint.
Check the uri if the parameters are spelt correctly and that they are properties of the endpoint.
Unknown parameters=[{clientId=xyz}]
Running out of ideas I tried to configure a camel route myself and specified the clientId part of the salesforce endpoint. The issue was exactly the same. Running out of ideas I asked this question Unable to create camel salesforce endpoint and got a valid explanation for that behaviour: This type of settings should be done at component level not at endpoint level.
Digging further I checked that version 0.11.x (LTS) allows us to configure properties as opposed to 1.0.x (LTS) which only has In fact I was able to start the 0.11.x (LTS) connector.
Now it is hard to believe the migration from 0.11.x to 1.0.x was not fully tested and I am tempted to say I am missing some basic setup.
Can anyone bring some light in here?
Thank you in advance for your inputs.

Spring security client PKCE with Keycloak

I have a Java application using Spring Security 5.2.1 and secured by Keycloak.
The client in Keycloak is a public openid-connect client.
It works fine.
I have now a requirement to use PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange).
As Client Support for PKCE has been added to Spring Security 5.2.0.M2 and as I use Spring Security 5.2.1, I can use Spring Security to implement it.
That's the good news.
The 'bad' news is that I found nearly nothing on the Web or in the Spring Security documentation on how I must implement it, practically.
Adding "enable-pkce": true in keycloak.json doesn't work, and I don't find any clear example of what to do.
Is there some documentation, website or whatever else, describing what to do to implementsthis ?
Thank you very much !
From the Spring Security reference documentation
PKCE will automatically be used when the following conditions are true:
client-secret is omitted (or empty)
client-authentication-method is set to "none" (ClientAuthenticationMethod.NONE)

Configuring cxf service listing in karaf

It is a web service deployed on Apache Karaf using camel-cxf. I am able to see the cxf service listing in URL localhost:8181/cxf which has some rest and soap services deployed on it.
The problem is it is returning the service listing whenever any request comes with keyword "services". For example the url http://localhost:8181/abcd/services returns cxf service listing page instead of processing the actual request.
I got to know from that its is because of the default value of service-list-path of CXFServet is services.
Here is my Question. If I want to override this, I should set this property in etc/org.apache.cxf.osgi.cfg. This cfg file is not present under etc folder in my karaf. What are the steps to be taken if I am creating this property file manually? What features I need to install? Or creating this cfg is sufficient ?
Appreciate your help !
There should be no extra installation requirements, just create a new file etc/org.apache.cxf.osgi.cfg.
There are three settings you may be interested in:
org.apache.cxf.servlet.context = /mycxf
org.apache.cxf.servlet.service-list-path = /myservices
org.apache.cxf.servlet.hide-service-list-page = false
Where the default URL for the CXF service listing is usually like http://localhost:8181/cxf/services, with the changes above the URL would become http://localhost:8181/mycxf/myservices
If you change from false (default value) to true, then your services will be hidden and you will instead get a page stating No service was found.
Because these are initialisation settings you need to shut down Karaf for the changes to apply.
I see several points here --
The CXF framework is installed by default in karaf under the context-path /cxf.
/cxf/services can be considered as a CXF internal app that displays the list of services deployed in CXF. I don't think you can configure the name "services" here (and why would you change that?)
the "url-pattern in web.xml" you speak of (if I understand correctly) determines the context path of your servlet/application. You can specify this is camel like this:
<cxf:rsServer id="secureRsServer" address=""
(for the RS Server, probably same for the WS server).

Configuring CORS in Felix's HTTPService (backed with Jetty)

I'm running a felix container with HttpService implemented by Jetty.
Jetty supports CORS using the Cross-Origin-Filter and it's usually configured in web.xml as seen e.g. here
Unfortunately, the Felix HTTPService doesn't expose anything of the sort as far as I can tell, so the question is: how do I get that configuration to my "felix wrapped" Jetty?
I haven't figured out how to break through the Felix barrier to programmatically configure Cross-Origin-Filters, but a possible workaround, if very simple filters are needed, is to manually add the required fields, as in:
resp.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

Servlet spring-servlet is not available (Spring+BlazeDS Integration)

I'm trying to setup a Flex project using the Spring + BlazeDS integration by working through the refcard kindly posted by James Ward on
Some problems/challenges are sticking their heads out. The Tomcat deployment is going well, all the files are on the server and I can summon main.swf through the browser.
I get the following ActionScript exception when trying to make the AMF request to Spring/BlazeDS:
RPC Fault faultString="Send failed"
error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP:
Failed: url:
When placing the "Failed: url:" URL directly in the browser, Tomcat displays the following error message:
HTTP Status 404 - Servlet Spring MVC
Dispatcher Servlet is not available
I've setup all the files like James Ward instructed on his refcard, application-config.xml, web.xml and services-config.xml are all in order as far as I can see.
Any ideas as to what I'm messing up?
PS: I'm noticing small changes in terms of James' refcard and the stable release of the integration. Is there something that changed after the M2 release that might be biting me in the behind?
I have the same problem and I fixed it by adding backport-util-concurrent.jar and cfgatewayadapter.jar from test-drive-sample of flex-spring integration , thank you josamoto for your post , finally the integration works good .
If you follow along the reference card your URL would be http://localhost:8080/dzone-server/spring/messagebroker/amf. The context-root in the reference card is dzone-server.
The key step is to make sure the URL above matches the endpoint url defined in the services-config.xml. So the matching endpoint for the above URL would be:
<endpoint url="http://{}:{server.port}/{context.root}/spring/messagebroker/amf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>
Note: this is almost the default added by creating a new flex project in Flex Builder except it has spring added to the endpoint URL.
I'm going to answer my own question, it all boils down to me being the dummy. There where some .jars that I did not include in my WEB-INF/lib folder. I copied them accross from the blazeds+spring integration testdrive and that fixed my problem!
