I want to list the recently added songs,albums and artists on my application.
I can able to get the date of song by using this code.
May I know how to get the DATE ADDED of album and artist ?
Maybe the MediaMetadataRetriever can be of help here. With String extractMetadata(int keyCode) you can retrieve Metadata from a media file. For your application the keyCodes METADATA_KEY_DATE or METADATA_KEY_YEAR might be interesting.
METADATA_KEY_DATE gives you the time and date the file was last modified.
METADATA_KEY_YEAR gives the year the file was originally created (if this Information was added by the creator and not mdified by someone else)
You can find more Details here:
Adroid MediaMetadataRetriever
I'm a newbie and in progress learning to code. Currently, I'm learning to chap Retrofit & API but have meet a problem that don't have on Google,I researched 2 days ago but cannot :(
This is my all images that i uploaded in 1 album: https://imgur.com/gallery/3fEbSEz
This is all informations related to authorization that i just registered (i think so, i followed the API docs imgur):
Client Name Client ID Client Secret
Get Images Imgur e17abdfa6dd2f71 85411f4e553fd0a5aab2740ea48abe296c8370bf
Through this link: https://api.imgur.com/models/gallery_album , I tried copy paste and replace content in {} by 3fEbSEz.
Example: https://api.imgur.com/3/gallery/album/3fEbSEz/images but as you can see, it cann't access into my album and display as json file format.
I wanna see the result like this: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/photos . Yupp, like this, but ... hmm, i tried many times :((
So who can help me for this case, thanks so much for all helping!!!
This is error be returned when i tried manual link
I have a data in Firebase like:
sm_1 : "Titan"
sm_2 : "Europa"
sm_3 : "Triton"
sm_4 : "Io"
My strings.xml file is like below
<string name="sm_1">/*Data from firebase*/</string>
<string name="sm_2">/*Data from firebase*/</string>
<string name="sm_3">/*Data from firebase*/</string>
<string name="sm_4">/*Data from firebase*/</string>
I want the string sm_1 to have the data Titan, sm_2 = Europa and likewise. I am able to retrieve the data from Firebase and assign to a Listview.
But how to assign to a string in strings.xml?
I am fairly sure you cannot create string resources on runtime as they are compiled into your apk when you are bundling your project. What you are thinking is persisting your data from Firebase, which can be done in many ways.
You could save your instance state, create a Room database, a SQL database, use shared preferences even. However since you already seem to have a Firebase database set up maybe use that always.
It is actually possible by following codes but however, this ain't a good practice at run time. Instead, try saving strings in a variable then setting your data to adapter or etc.
In your Strings.xml:
<string name="sm_1">%1$s</string>
In Java-Kotlin side:
val yourString = "Titan" // Or you can set this from FireBase output
val formatted = getString(R.string.my_xml_string, yourString)
I would like to read all appointments from one user between some dates. And get from them the information about what, from when till when, which color (category) it has, the state if out of office.
I didn't found a sample which worked. Can you show me a sample for that.
I'm using win7 and EWS Java API 1.2 from MS
Use a CalendarView with a start and end date on the Calendar folder to get everything within a set date range. Place the properties you'd like in a PropertySet, set it in the CalendarView, and use ExchangeService.findAppointments() to get them:
CalendarView view = new CalendarView(startDate, endDate);
PropertySet p = new PropertySet(ItemSchema.Categories, AppointmentSchema.Start,
FindItemsResults<Appointment> find = service.findAppointments(
WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, view);
Iterate through the FindItemsResults and get what you need. I'm not sure if it's necessary, but various operations won't always return the information you need even if you request it with the PropertySet. If that's the case, then you'll need to use Appointment.load(PropertySet) or ExchangeService.loadPropertiesForItems(Items, PropertySet) to get them. I'm not sure what you mean by out of office on the Appointment itself. Do you mean the status of the Appoinment? The state as in province? By out of office, do you mean outside of the office of the user or if the user has a status of "Out of Office" (aka OOF) when the Appointment is scheduled?
I must've gone through ever Stack Overflow question based on the Google Calendar so far with no luck what so ever. I've been trying this for hours now and got little to no results at all.
I'm a pretty new programmer with Java and Android, with quite little experience out of the field as it is. Basically the main problem I am having is with viewing another user's Google Calendar which is set to public.
At the moment, from the Google tutorials and other sites I've managed to get the calendar showing, which is pretty simple enough. It'll just load up and show the current user's calendar. Which can literally be done with (with a simple button in the layout).
public void onClick(View view) {
// A date-time specified in milliseconds since the epoch.
long startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
Uri.Builder builder = CalendarContract.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon();
ContentUris.appendId(builder, startMillis);
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).setData(builder.build());
Obviously this doesn't pass in any user data for the public account or anything, I've been reading through the Calendar Provider Developer guides within the Google tutorials. I've tried to set up the account details thing, but it just never works. I've tried to do it as a Sync Adapter, but honestly I just know I'm not doing it right. I don't know if I really even need to use a Sync Adapter as all I want to do is literally see the events, not modify anything or update anything.
I am using API 14+ and want to user the Calendar Provider etc. It looks simple enough but I've been bashing my head against this for a few days and put a lot of hours into it and seemingly nothing I do works. At least I've got some sort of calendar opening but it's not what I want.
Is it all just down to the sync adapter? If so how will I be able to call a calendar? Another question similar had
private static Uri buildCalUri() {
return CalendarContract.Calendars.CONTENT_URI
.appendQueryParameter(CalendarContract.CALLER_IS_SYNCADAPTER, "true")
.appendQueryParameter(Calendars.ACCOUNT_NAME, ACCOUNT_NAME)
.appendQueryParameter(Calendars.ACCOUNT_TYPE, CalendarContract.ACCOUNT_TYPE_LOCAL)
I'm hoping this is something similar to what I need but I'm very unsure. In the developer tutorial ACCOUNT_TYPE_LOCAL was important if the account wasn't on the device
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
If you are looking to integrate the public Google Calendar (www.google.com/calendar) with your Android Application, you have to use the Google Calendar API.
The easiest method would be download the Google Calendar Client Library from here and then use the API Reference here. In the Client Library Page, you want to download "Google APIs Client Library for Java (rc)" package to integrate into your Android App.
You will first need to go to API Console to create an App with Calendar API Access .
If you do not want to use the native library, you can even do it using REST API (use HTTP GET & POST Commands), example App here
Hope this helps.
For anybody that has followed the Android Developer API example, but still can't find how to add a public calendar. Try out
CalendarListEntry gracieCal = new CalendarListEntry();
Events events = mService.events().list(gracieCal.getId())
.setTimeMin(new DateTime(System.currentTimeMillis()))
List<Event> items = events.getItems();
'mService' is the com.google.api.services.calendar.Calendar instance that you should have already created. (see the api tutorials mentioned by the other answer)
'your-public-calendar-id' can be found in the settings for your public google calendar.
I am writing my first Android app. It will have hundreds of menu links that will change with each version released. I am looking for a way to process the onclicks based on the Resource ID.
Menus are defined in XML like so:
<item android:id="#+id/Spring_2013" android:title="Spring 2013" android:showAsAction="ifRoom|withText" />
The onclicks will load a URL stored in strings.xml:
<string name="Summer_2013">file:///android_asset/catalog/current/genadmissionreq.html</string>
So, seems like all I need is a simple, single onclick method that loads whatever string is needed based on the selected Resource ID. The MenuItem ID is ALWAYS equal to the URL string ID in my code. So, without using hundreds of if() or switch/case statments, cant I just say:
String url = getString("R.string." + menuItem.getItemId());
Obviously that assignment wont work for a number of reasons. But you get the idea right? So, how CAN I make this work?
Im sorry for the newb question. I know it should be simple but I've been reading for days and cannot find any way to do this without an if() statement for EVERY menu item. That method would make the weekly updates a nightmare!
Try using getIdentifier()
String title = menuItem.getTitle().toString().replace(' ', '_');
id = getResources().getIdentifier(title, "string", getPackageName());
String string = getString(id);
The first line fetches Spring 2013 and converts it to Spring_2013.
The second line builds "R.string." with whatever the title is, in this case "R.string.Spring_2013".
The third line simply fetches the String resource.