I am using RedisTemplate in my spring boot application and I am able to read using singleKey.
String valueJson = (String) redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(setKey(someId));
I have now a List of "someId" like "List someIds" and I want to get the data of all Ids. Of course I can iterate on the list and hit redis with indivisual keys, but I dont want that, instead I want provide the whole list to get the response in one go.
Please help.
You need to use pipelining: https://redis.io/topics/pipelining
List<Object> results = redisTemplate.executePipelined(
new RedisCallback<Object>() {
public Object doInRedis(RedisConnection connection) throws DataAccessException {
StringRedisConnection stringRedisConn = (StringRedisConnection)connection;
for(String id:someIds)
return null;
Or in Java 8:
List<Object> results = redisTemplate.executePipelined((RedisCallback<Object>) connection -> {
StringRedisConnection stringRedisConn = (StringRedisConnection) connection;
someIds.forEach(id -> {
return null;
The results List will contain all that you want.
I have the below Stream class that is getting returned from DB:
Stream<Transaction> transctions=transRepository.findByTransctionId();
public class Transaction{
String transctionId;
String accountId;
String transName;
String accountName;
Now my Requirement is as below:
Transaction entity has 4 fields. So, from DB all the 4 fields were fetched by Jpa.
But client who needs this data ,he has sent the columnsName in list that he is looking from Transaction model
List<String> columnNames=Arrays.asList("transctionId","accountName")
I have post this data to Kafka.I have to take each Transction from this stream post it to kafka.
But cline is looking for only this 2 fields "transctionId","accountName" should go as part of Transaction in Kafka instead of all 4 fields.
The data should go in form of json to Kafa having below format:
"accountName" :"test-account"
Basically only those fields should go to kafka which they have asked for instead of converting the whole pojo to json and send it.
Is there any way to achieve that?
If you need to invoke a method, but you only have its name, the only way I know is via reflection. I would do it like this:
Stream<Transaction> transctions=transRepository.findByTransctionId();
List<Transaction> outTransactions = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<>();
transactions.forEach(tr -> {
Transaction outTransaction = new Transaction();
columnNames.forEach( col -> {
try {
var getMethod = tr.getClass().getMethod("get" + StringUtils.capitalize(col));
Object value = getMethod.invoke(tr);
String valueStr = value instanceof String ? value.toString() : "";
var setMethod = outTransaction.getClass().getMethod("set" + StringUtils.capitalize(col));
setMethod.invoke(outTransaction, valueStr);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException e) {
There is a lot of traversing, but with the requirements you have, this is the generic solution I can come up with. Another shortcoming to this solution is the creation of new Transaction objects. Which means that if Transactions are many, memory usage can grow. Maybe this solution can be optimised to take advantage of streaming the transactions from the DB.
Another way to do it is to have different endpoints for each known set of properties that the client sends you. For example:
List<Transaction> getTransactionsIdAndName() {
... obtain Transactions, return a new list of Transactions, with transaction_id and name ... }
List<Transaction> getTransactionsNameAndStatus() {...}
I have a Query for getting lastSeenTime only for one user
but what I need is to get a map of ids by their last seen for a list of users in elastic search
can somebody help me with converting this query to find last seen of a list of users ssoIds?
static Map<String, Object> getLastSeen(String ssoId) {
SearchResponse response = transportClient.prepareSearch(ChatSettings.ELASTIC_LAST_SEEN_INDEX_NAME)
Map<String, Object> result = null;
if (response.getHits().getTotalHits() > 0) {
result = response.getHits().getAt(0).getSource();
return result;
actually I want something like this
static Map<String, Object> getLastSeens(List<String> ssoIdList)
You can use fetch in your elastic query to return only selected fields:
.setFetchSource(new String[]{"field1","field2}, null)
And for passing multiple IDs, you can pass the Array of ids to the idsQuery()
So, in your case it will become:
SearchResponse response = transportClient
//.prepareSearch(ChatSettings.ELASTIC_LAST_SEEN_INDEX_NAME) // you might need to pass the columns here
.setFetchSource(new String[]{"id","lastSeenTime"}, null) // or you can pass the columns here
.setQuery(QueryBuilders.idsQuery().addIds(ssoIds)) // where ssoIds is a array of Ids
post this, rest of the code will work as it is.
According to the official documentation Update API - Upserts one can use scripted_upsert in order to handle update (for existing document) or insert (for new document) form within the script. The thing is they never show how the script should look to do that. The Java - Update API Doesn't have any information on the ScriptUpsert uses.
This is the code I'm using:
//My function to build and use the upsert
public void scriptedUpsert(String key, String parent, String scriptSource, Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters) {
Script script = new Script(scriptSource, ScriptType.INLINE, null, parameters);
UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest(index, type, key);
if (parent != null) {
//A test call to validate the function
String scriptSource = "if (!ctx._source.hasProperty(\"numbers\")) {ctx._source.numbers=[]}";
Map<String, List<Integer>> parameters = new HashMap<>();
List<Integer> numbers = new LinkedList<>();
parameters.put("numbers", numbers);
bulk.scriptedUpsert("testUser", null, scriptSource, parameters);
And I'm getting the following exception when "testUser" documents doesn't exists:
DocumentMissingException[[user][testUser]: document missing
How can I make the scriptUpsert work from the Java code?
This is how a scripted_upsert command should look like (and its script):
POST /sessions/session/1/_update
"scripted_upsert": true,
"script": {
"inline": "if (ctx.op == \"create\") ctx._source.numbers = newNumbers; else ctx._source.numbers += updatedNumbers",
"params": {
"newNumbers": [1,2,3],
"updatedNumbers": [55]
"upsert": {}
If you call the above command and the index doesn't exist, it will create it, together with the newNumbers values in the new documents. If you call again the exact same command the numbers values will become 1,2,3,55.
And in your case you are missing "upsert": {} part.
As Andrei suggested I was missing the upsert part, changing the function to:
public void scriptedUpsert(String key, String parent, String scriptSource, Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters) {
Script script = new Script(scriptSource, ScriptType.INLINE, null, parameters);
UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest(index, type, key);
request.upsert("{}"); // <--- The change
if (parent != null) {
Fix it.
Is there any way to Iterate all described services in routes file? URL and HTTP methods are needed.
I need this feature for running some integration test.
I am using Play for Java.
Not easily. I managed to hack my way through it a while ago(no scala know-how). I'll post that code maybe it can be of use.
public static List<String[]> parseRoutes() {
scala.Option<play.core.Router.Routes> option = Play.application().getWrappedApplication().routes();
if (option.isDefined()) {
play.core.Router.Routes routes = option.get();
scala.collection.Seq<scala.Tuple3<String, String, String>> doc = routes.documentation();
scala.collection.Iterator<scala.Tuple3<String, String, String>> it = doc.iterator();
List<String[]> listOfRoutes = new ArrayList<String[]>();
while(it.hasNext()) {
scala.Tuple3<String, String, String> tuple = it.next();
//tuple._1() is the method and tuple._2() the url... tuple._3() is the controller name
String[] route = {tuple._1(), tuple._2()};
Logger.debug("route -> " + Arrays.toString(route));
return listOfRoutes;
return null;
Don't worry about the .iterator() showing a The method iterator() is ambiguous for the type Seq<Tuple3<String,String,String>>. It compiles just fine in play.
When executing queries on a standalone Neo4J server using the RestCypherEngine, what is the best practice to retrieve a collection of nodes?
I have this code snippet running....
public DbService() {
gd = new RestGraphDatabase("http://neo4jbox:7474/db/data/");
engine = new RestCypherQueryEngine(gd.getRestAPI());
public String testData() {
try (Transaction tx = gd.beginTx()) {
QueryResult<Map<String, Object>> result;
result = engine.query(
"match (n:Person{username:'jomski2009'}) return n ",
Iterator<Map<String, Object>> itr = result.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Map<String, Object> item = itr.next();
return result.toString();
When I run the code, I get the following result...
services.DbService : http://neo4jbox:7474/db/data/node/177
which is a link to the node rather than the node itself. Now I know that if I return just a subset of the properties of the node in the same query that works well. What I'd like to know is how do I retrieve complete node object without necessarily specifying the properties in the query?
Thanks for your help guys.
It is just the to-string representation of a RestNode, it still has the properties. But not the relationships fetched those will be fetched on demand.
I would recommend to try to fetch primitive values over the wire with Cypher, works best as it minimizes the transferred data and you only get what you need.