Invalid format String containing % - java

I've read others posts about this link warning but they didn't solve my problem and I still don't get what I've doing wrong.
In default file strings.xml, I have:
<string name="rating_dialog">You\'re about to rate this app with %s stars.</string>
Later, I call it inside an override onClick method:
v.getContext().getString(R.string.rating_dialog, String.valueOf(rating))
It's appearing like:
You're about to rate this app with {String.valueOf(rating)} stars.
Link Warning:
Format string is not a valid format string so it should not be passed to string.format
v is a View and rating is an int value.
I've checked other strings.xml files for other languages, and all translations seems alright.
Solved: for hindi string.xml, instead of %s, there was only %.

You need to assign a position to each placeholder you define in your XML.
Your string then becomes:
<string name="rating_dialog">You\'re about to rate this app with %1$s stars.</string>

You can do it like below:
In string.xml:
If you want to assign integer value then use "%1$d" and if String then use "%1$s"
1 is use for defining position. If you want to use multiple values then you can use "%1$d","%2$d",....etc
<string name="rating_dialog">You\'re about to rate this app with %1$d stars.</string>
Then in code do it like :
v.getContext().getString(R.string.rating_dialog, rating);
Hope it helps you.


How to retrieve data from Firebase and assign to a string in strings.xml in Android Studio

I have a data in Firebase like:
sm_1 : "Titan"
sm_2 : "Europa"
sm_3 : "Triton"
sm_4 : "Io"
My strings.xml file is like below
<string name="sm_1">/*Data from firebase*/</string>
<string name="sm_2">/*Data from firebase*/</string>
<string name="sm_3">/*Data from firebase*/</string>
<string name="sm_4">/*Data from firebase*/</string>
I want the string sm_1 to have the data Titan, sm_2 = Europa and likewise. I am able to retrieve the data from Firebase and assign to a Listview.
But how to assign to a string in strings.xml?
I am fairly sure you cannot create string resources on runtime as they are compiled into your apk when you are bundling your project. What you are thinking is persisting your data from Firebase, which can be done in many ways.
You could save your instance state, create a Room database, a SQL database, use shared preferences even. However since you already seem to have a Firebase database set up maybe use that always.
It is actually possible by following codes but however, this ain't a good practice at run time. Instead, try saving strings in a variable then setting your data to adapter or etc.
In your Strings.xml:
<string name="sm_1">%1$s</string>
In Java-Kotlin side:
val yourString = "Titan" // Or you can set this from FireBase output
val formatted = getString(R.string.my_xml_string, yourString)

how to set specific language for a word in android string resources file

I am working with an Android app, which shows some text in Bengali.
This sentence is in the app resources string file:
<string name="sentence">১৯৭৫ সালে বিল গেটস(Bill Gates) এবং পল এলেন(Paul Allen) একসাথে "মাইক্রোসফট"("MicroSoft") নামক কোম্পানি প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন, যেটা পরবর্তীতে পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে বড় পিসি কোম্পানির মর্যাদা পায়।</string>"
I want to show this whole sentence in Bengali, so I set typeface to my textview and I can use different Bengali fonts, but the problem is I need to show names (Bill Gates, Paul Allen and Microsoft) in English instead of Bengali font. How can I do it?
You can use HTML commands in your text view and then apply different typefaces to different parts of this TextView.
You can do this:
textView.setText(Html.fromHtml("<font size=... color=... face=...>" + getString(R.string.sentence) + "</font>"))
This would set the typeface of the whole sentence to the defined one. To do this only on parts, save the String resource to a local variable, and then apply the different Html commands to the desired parts.
Also see here and for the allowed Html tags here

How to use strings on java (Android)

I'm working on a project where I've defined several strings to use on my project.
I want to use a string to be displayed as my subtitle of the page on the toolbar. The reason I'm using strings is because I want my app to be translation supported.
Here is how I use subtitles on the toolbar of my activity: ab = getSupportActionBar();
I want to use a string on java (like #string/helloworld in xml) but I don't know how can I do that.
Can anyone help me?
In your "res" directory, there might be "strings.xml" file. (If you didn't remove it). Add string tags like bellow code snippets.
<string name="title">Title Message</string>
<string name="sub_title">Sub Title Message</string>
And in your java file.
String mStringTitle = getString(R.string.title);
String mStringSubTitle = getString(R.string.sub_title);
You can also use these string resources in your layout XML like follows.
android:text="#string/title" />
For more information, please refer to the bellow URLs.
What is the string resource in Android? android_string_resources
How to support multiple locales?
support_different_language //
In this case, use R.string.helloworld, because these methods require a resource ID.
This is the code -
Implementation of the above code -
snackbar = Snackbar.make(constraintLayout,R.string.message_failure, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT)
//String_file.xml code -
<string name="message_failure">Failure</string>

Android-Stringbuilder Returns Numeric, Not Alpa

Really new to Java and Android but trying to learn. In process of creating a dialog alert I am using the stringbuilder to put together a message to the user. I am taking several lines of text from my string.xml file that looks like
<string name="lbl_deactivated_error">YOU HAVE BEEN DEACTIVATED</string>
<string name="lbl_notification_line2">Call Customer Service 1–800-xxx-xxxx-/string>
<string name="lbl_notification_line3">Email</string>
<string name="lbl_notification_line6">Please Exit By Pressing Home.</string>
My stringbuilder looks like
AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(ErrorActivity.this);
When executed, the alert shows with the title but the message shows a set of numbers, not the text as shown in the strings.xml. It prints each line of the text with the returns, but I get something like
Is there an obvious mistake I am making? Does it have something to do with the hyphens in the phone number maybe?
You need to get the String not the resource ID.
Whenever you build it creates an R file that holds resource IDs (ints) for your resource pointers. You want to use the getString(R.string.lbl_notification_line3) instead.

Load a string resource based on selected MenuItem resource ID - Android JAVA

I am writing my first Android app. It will have hundreds of menu links that will change with each version released. I am looking for a way to process the onclicks based on the Resource ID.
Menus are defined in XML like so:
<item android:id="#+id/Spring_2013" android:title="Spring 2013" android:showAsAction="ifRoom|withText" />
The onclicks will load a URL stored in strings.xml:
<string name="Summer_2013">file:///android_asset/catalog/current/genadmissionreq.html</string>
So, seems like all I need is a simple, single onclick method that loads whatever string is needed based on the selected Resource ID. The MenuItem ID is ALWAYS equal to the URL string ID in my code. So, without using hundreds of if() or switch/case statments, cant I just say:
String url = getString("R.string." + menuItem.getItemId());
Obviously that assignment wont work for a number of reasons. But you get the idea right? So, how CAN I make this work?
Im sorry for the newb question. I know it should be simple but I've been reading for days and cannot find any way to do this without an if() statement for EVERY menu item. That method would make the weekly updates a nightmare!
Try using getIdentifier()
String title = menuItem.getTitle().toString().replace(' ', '_');
id = getResources().getIdentifier(title, "string", getPackageName());
String string = getString(id);
The first line fetches Spring 2013 and converts it to Spring_2013.
The second line builds "R.string." with whatever the title is, in this case "R.string.Spring_2013".
The third line simply fetches the String resource.
