I am doing Popular-Movies project stage ONE! I have one problem by using Glide Library to load the picture from TheMovieDB API.
I am using a recylerview adapter to display my data model in a Grid layout. Everything works very well except by loading some posters into the Gridlayout that some of them haven't been loaded properly. Please take a look at my screenshot and let me know if you come up with some idea.
by adding "fixedsize" and "cachesize" to my recyclerview that solve my problem, but I think I have go to find that how I can solve the problem for the dynamic environment.
I want to load images Asynchronously from web to my Gridview in place of bubdub image without blocking the UI.
I want the app icons get loaded from web.
you can use picaso library for that
write below line in your adapter
Picasso.with(context).load("Your web Utl").into(imageView);
this will not block ur ui
have a look at that http://square.github.io/picasso/
add picasso library to your project and add this code to your Adapter's Getview method where you are trying to add set ImageResource.
Hope this helps cheers
I am wanting to implement Pull To Refresh in my application, but I was wanting to find something else other than using the Actionbar Pull to Refresh Design. I found a couple of apps (Umano / Reddit is Fun) that implement this circular overlay Pull to refresh style and I was wondering if anyone knows what library they are using? I just assumed it was a library because they are basically the same in terms of animation and flow. Its a circle that overlays the listview. Anyone know by chance?
Some screenshots for reference:
This is the SwipeRefreshLayout, someone asked a very similar question here here: Android Lollipop - Pull to refresh
That should solve your problem
I am currently using the MuPDF library from here: http://www.mupdf.com/
I've successfully compiled the library and everything is working great, though I am at a loss on how to achieve the following.
I want to attach views, such as button views, textviews, webviews and imageviews to the MuPDFReaderView. But everytime I try to add the view I fail to get any visible results, I can not see the attached view anywhere and I'm sure it's being added because when I debug it, the code is successfully run.
The reason I want to do this is to overlay views on the PDF view which will then scale and move along with the PDF document.
I ofcourse realise there isn't any code in this question, but I can't really post the entire MuPDF source code here, so here's what I think is relevant in a pastebin:
So yeah, how and where would I attach views to the document so they scale and move with the document properly?
We have a similar feature in our Android customizable magazine app, using muPDF: we add views on top on the pdf view to display slide shows or videos inside a magazine page.
This app is open source and available on Github. It should be easy for you to review the code, and see how we implemented this feature.
This is best described with pictures. Before scrolling in my ListView, everything looks fine:
After scrolling:
What could be causing this odd behavior? I am testing it on a Google Nexus running Android 4.2.2 and have tried it on the emulator running Android 3.2 with the same result. In this example I am using a ListView with two types of rows, but I get the same result with a standard ListView with just one row type.
It turns out the problem was that I did not set a background color in my layout XML file... If someone could explain to me why this fixes the problem, I would greatly appreciate it. Adding
android:background="#000000" to my main layout fixed it, though.
I am using Sergey Tarasevich's library Universal Image Loader in my Android project to load images into a ListView. At the moment I am loading my pictures in the getView() method in my adapter and everything works as expected.
The problem is I want to load some images (three or four) in advance so that the user doesn't need to wait for the images to load when scrolling. What would be the best approach to achieve this using Universal Image Loader?
You can use loadImage(...) for following images in getView(...) to pre-cache them.