I want to dynamically generate model attribute name and use it in JSP.
For eq:
for (Integer integer : integers){
model.addAttribute("model_" + integer, integer);
in jsp:
<c:foreach items=${integers} var=integer>
${model_integer} // Want to Print the value but throwing error.
This should work.
<c:foreach items=${integers} var=integer>
<c:set var="totalBuild" value="${0}"/>
<c:set var="totalBuild" value="${totalBuild + integer "/>
<c:set var="modelAtt" value="model_${totalBuild}" />
To print out the value you'll need to use the out tag
<!-- You need to surround the values of your attributes with quotes -->
<c:foreach items="${integers}" var="integer">
<c:out value="${integer}" /> <!-- the var name in the for each" -->
You should also add the integers to a list of some sort, then add the list as a model attribute.
I need iterate a Set what is into a List using JSTL.
When I try to iterate the set, I get the following error:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "codis"
What I'm trying:
<c:forEach var="game" items="${games}">
<a href="<c:url value="/product?id=${game.name}"/>"id="${game.id}">
<c:set var="codi" value="${game.codes}"></c:set>
The "codes" are supposed to be the SET but i get the above error.
Please try below code. Iterating over a Set or List has no difference in JSTL
<c:forEach var="game" items="${games}">
<a href="<c:url value="/product?id=${game.name}"/>"id="${game.id}">
<c:forEach var="codi" items="${game.codes}">
<c:out value="${codi}"/>
Tag <c:set> is used to set value to some variable, while your case is to iterate the set and display its content.
I am trying to access a Hashtables value based on its key, which is a number as String in JSTL.
But if I increment/decrement the keys value, it does not work anymore.
I iterate the sorted list of keys in a for loop. I use this item to access Hashtable.
<c:forEach items="${helper:getSortedList(hashtableObj)}" var="lineNumber" varStatus="loop">
<c:if test="${param.lineNbr eq lineNumber}">
<c:if test="${lineNumber>1}">
<fmt:parseNumber var="prevLineNumberKey" type="number" value="${lineNumber-1}" />
<c:out value="PREV ${hashtableObj[prevLineNumberKey]}" escapeXml="false"/><br/>
<c:out value="Current :${lineNumber}" /><br/>
<c:if test="${lineNumber<fn:length(hashtableObj)-1}">
<fmt:parseNumber var="nextLineNumberKey" type="number" value="${lineNumber+1}" />
<c:out value="NEXT ${hashtableObj[nextLineNumberKey+1]}" escapeXml="false"/><br/>
The output is
PREV Current :51 NEXT
But what I expected is
PREV 50 Current :51 NEXT 52
Any pointers are appreciated.
If keys in your Map is String than to get an element you must query it with String value. Your current solution queries a Map with Long value.
You can convert number to String and then query a Map like this:
<c:set var="numberAsString">${50 - 1}</c:set>
<c:out value="value: ${hashtableObj[numberAsString]}"/>
Try replacing:
<fmt:parseNumber var="prevLineNumberKey" type="number" value="${lineNumber-1}" />
<c:set var="prevLineNumberKey">${lineNumber-1}</c:set>
And replace:
<fmt:parseNumber var="nextLineNumberKey" type="number" value="${lineNumber+1}" />
<c:out value="NEXT ${hashtableObj[nextLineNumberKey+1]}" escapeXml="false"/><br/>
<c:set var="nextLineNumberKey">${lineNumber+1}</c:set>
<c:out value="NEXT ${hashtableObj[nextLineNumberKey]}" escapeXml="false"/><br/>
Couple of questions though:
1) Is hashtableObj really a hashtable or is it a hashmap?
2) Is the value of the hashtableObj, really a number that is equal to the key? In other words you are expecting:
... that means you are expecting the value of the hashtable/map to be 50 AND the key is also 50?
I found a workaround.
<fmt:parseNumber var="prevLineNumberKey" type="number" value="${lineNumber-1}" />
<c:out value="Previous ${hashtableObj[sortedList[prevLineNumberKey-1]]}" escapeXml="false"/><br/>
I used the list element as a key for Hashtable and it works. Thanks to all answers.
Hi here I am using jstl to loop over the content I need to convert the number in status1.noOfPages into integer and i want to use this integer in the begin value of next loop.....could anybody plz help me out....
<c:forEach var="status1" items="${list1}">
<c:set var="wins" ><fmt:parseNumber type="number" value="${status1.noOfPages}" /></c:set>
<c:forEach begin="0" end="wins" varStatus="loop">
Index: ${status1.noOfPages}<br/>
<fmt:parseNumber type="number" value="${status1.noOfPages}" var="beginningIndex"/>
<c:forEach begin="${beginningIndex}" ...
But you shouldn't have to parse anything in a JSP. Why isn't status.noOfPages an int to begin with? Or why don't you parse it in the controller, and provide the parsed value to the JSP?
With a forEach loop I'd like to create table cells (for a row) whereas each cell contains an input field of a form. The number of table cells is always fixed (12). That is actually no problem. However, here comes the challenge: the forEach should also enter a variable number of default values into the input fields that have to be obtained from a Map(Long, Double).
This is my (simplified) attempt:
<c:forEach var="number" begin="1" end="12" >
<input type="text" value="${requestScope.aMapWithData[number]}" />
But this doesn't show any value from the Map in the input fields. I guess the problem is that "number" is of type String and not Long. So I wonder if this problem can be solved without using scriptlets.
What number do you want to show? Is it index number of each map entry?
<c:forEach items="${aMapWithData}" var="item" varStatus="status">
<c:out value="${status.count}."/>
<input type="text" name="${item.key}" value="${item.value}" />
Try this
<c:forEach items="${aMapWithData}" var="mapEntry">
<c:set var="mapKey" value="${mapEntry.key}"></c:set>
<c:set var="mapValue" value="${mapEntry.value}"></c:set>
This question is related to my previous question :
Jsp iterate trough object list
I want to insert counter that starts from 0 in my for loop, I've tried several combinations so far :
<c:forEach var="tableEntity" items='${requestScope.tables}'>
<c:forEach var="rowEntity" items='${tableEntity.rows}' varStatus="count">
<c:out value="${count}" />
<c:set var="count" value="0" scope="page" />
<c:forEach var="tableEntity" items='${requestScope.tables}'>
<c:forEach var="rowEntity" items='${tableEntity.rows}'>
<c:out value="${count}" />
Problem with first approach is that outer loop has 3 items and inner loop has 7 items, so for each outer item the count starts from 0. The second one I get compile error. Here is basically what I want :
counter = 0;
outer for loop
inner for loop
//cout/echo/print counter value should start from 0
end inner loop
end outer loop
I'm just not totally familiar with the syntax. thank you
Try the following:
<c:set var="count" value="0" scope="page" />
//in your loops
<c:set var="count" value="${count + 1}" scope="page"/>
The varStatus references to LoopTagStatus which has a getIndex() method.
<c:forEach var="tableEntity" items='${requestScope.tables}' varStatus="outer">
<c:forEach var="rowEntity" items='${tableEntity.rows}' varStatus="inner">
<c:out value="${(outer.index * fn:length(tableEntity.rows)) + inner.index}" />
See also:
Hidden features of JSP/Servlet
You can use varStatus in your c:forEach loop
In your first example you can get the counter to work properly as follows...
<c:forEach var="tableEntity" items='${requestScope.tables}'>
<c:forEach var="rowEntity" items='${tableEntity.rows}' varStatus="count">
my count is ${count.count}
what led me to this page is that I set within a page then the inside of an included page I did the increment
and here is the problem
so to solve such a problem, simply use scope="request" when you declare the variable or the increment
//when you set the variale add scope="request"
<c:set var="nFilters" value="${0}" scope="request"/>
//the increment, it can be happened inside an included page
<c:set var="nFilters" value="${nFilters + 1}" scope="request" />
hope this saves your time