Unresizable ever JavaFX Window - java

My problem is that my JavaFX window expands further than it should at the bottom, thus showing a weird blank background...
I set stage.setResizable(false) but it doesn't seem to work. I also set
I think it's due to some ImageView bigger than the window, but I really would like my window to stick to the max I set and be absolutely not resizable ever.
Here's what it looks like : click here
I also noticed it happens only when I set stage.initStyle(StageStyle.TRANSPARENT).
But I don't want my window to be decorated with stage.initStyle(StageStyle.DECORATED)... :(
Thank you in advance for your help. :)

Have you tried directly using setWidth and setHeight:
I think the setMaxWidth, setMinHeight... etc. only works on a decorated screen because its main purpose is to limit the sizes the user can set the window. Here's my example:
public class FixedWindowSize extends Application
public static void main(String[] args)
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception
Pane p = new Pane();
p.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(Color.RED, null, null)));
p.setMinSize(6000, 6000); //Make this go out beyond window bounds.
Scene s = new Scene(p);
//This doesn't work
//This should work.


My Scene changes its color once I add element to it [duplicate]

I have a program that first starts up a little splash screen, and after 5 seconds it continues to a new Stage.
The strange thing is, until now it worked fine, but now that I'm starting to build the new Stage I'm declaring new Nodes in the class to use it.
Now all of the sudden the splash screen has a white background, commenting the before created nodes out will revert the image back to being transparent.
public static Pane pane = new Pane(); //this is fine
//Uncommenting this Node will change the splash screen background white
//public static TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
public static Image splashImage = new Image(Class.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("image.png"));
public static ImageView splashImageView = new ImageView(splashImage);
public static BorderPane splashPane = new BorderPane(splashImageView);
public static Scene splashScene = new Scene(splashPane);
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
Here a shortened version of my code
Could this be because of memory issues or something? I have never encountered anything like this.
Any help is appreciated.
The default style sheet is only loaded if a control (i.e an instance of Control or one of its subclasses) is created. (The idea behind this is to avoid the performance overhead of loading CSS for applications that manage all their own graphics and don't use any controls, such as games or simulations.)
The default stylesheet sets the background color of the root node (the splashPane in your example) to a very light grey (specifically, it is 26.4% brighter than the color #ececec).
Since the text area is the only control in your class, creating it causes the default style sheet to be loaded, which sets the background color of the splashPane to a very light grey.
If you need to instantiate controls and want the background of the pane to be transparent, you need to specify that in an external CSS:
.root {
-fx-background-color: transparent ;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
(As a quick check that this will work, you can just test with
splashPane.setStyle("-fx-background-color: transparent; ");

JavaFX: Text in button not centered when using custom font

I want to use the "Another Danger" font in my project. However JavaFX isn't quite liking it. Labels and buttons seem to estimate the height of the letters wrong and take a completely wrong size.
I wrote a simple example illustrating the problem:
public class HelloApplication extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void start(Stage stage) {
Button button = new Button("Test");
Scene scene = new Scene(button, 320, 240);
button.setFont(Font.loadFont(HelloApplication.class.getResourceAsStream("/fonts/AnotherDanger-Demo.otf"), 30));
The text in the button is clearly not centered. However, when I remove the custom font everything works perfectly. Is this a problem with the font? And if so is there any way to fix this?
I'd be very thankful for any help here.
EDIT: Here are screeshots as requested:
With the font:
Without the font:

JavaFX: Just Declaring Nodes changes Background of other Nodes

I have a program that first starts up a little splash screen, and after 5 seconds it continues to a new Stage.
The strange thing is, until now it worked fine, but now that I'm starting to build the new Stage I'm declaring new Nodes in the class to use it.
Now all of the sudden the splash screen has a white background, commenting the before created nodes out will revert the image back to being transparent.
public static Pane pane = new Pane(); //this is fine
//Uncommenting this Node will change the splash screen background white
//public static TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
public static Image splashImage = new Image(Class.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("image.png"));
public static ImageView splashImageView = new ImageView(splashImage);
public static BorderPane splashPane = new BorderPane(splashImageView);
public static Scene splashScene = new Scene(splashPane);
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
Here a shortened version of my code
Could this be because of memory issues or something? I have never encountered anything like this.
Any help is appreciated.
The default style sheet is only loaded if a control (i.e an instance of Control or one of its subclasses) is created. (The idea behind this is to avoid the performance overhead of loading CSS for applications that manage all their own graphics and don't use any controls, such as games or simulations.)
The default stylesheet sets the background color of the root node (the splashPane in your example) to a very light grey (specifically, it is 26.4% brighter than the color #ececec).
Since the text area is the only control in your class, creating it causes the default style sheet to be loaded, which sets the background color of the splashPane to a very light grey.
If you need to instantiate controls and want the background of the pane to be transparent, you need to specify that in an external CSS:
.root {
-fx-background-color: transparent ;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
(As a quick check that this will work, you can just test with
splashPane.setStyle("-fx-background-color: transparent; ");

JavaFX virtual keyboard overlaps nodes

i have a question about using virtual keyboard on touch supported pc with Windows 8.1. I have managed to show the virtual keyboard when textfield is focused with java switch:
-Dcom.sun.javafx.isEmbedded=true -Dcom.sun.javafx.virtualKeyboard=javafx
I found how to that on JavaFX Virtual Keyboard doesn't show1.
But when the keyboard show's up, it overlapps nodes below the keyboard.
According to what I read, http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/user-interface-tutorial/embed.htm, it should't be working like that.
Does anyone have any experience with that kind of problem?
When i run the test application it shows in full screen and embedded virtual keyboard is showing, becasue the textfield has focus. The textfield in this case is not visible until i "hide" the keyboard. I am not sure that this is the right approach so i need help please.
java -Dcom.sun.javafx.isEmbedded=true -Dcom.sun.javafx.virtualKeyboard=javafx application.TestVKB
public class TestVKB extends Application{
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
TextField tfComment = new TextField();
tfComment.setPromptText("Enter comment");
BorderPane borderPane = new BorderPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(borderPane);
After click in field username or password
I would be grateful for any advice. Thanks in advance.
As I've already pointed out in my first answer, the virtual keyboard is embedded in a PopupWindow, created in a different stage, and displayed on top of your current stage.
The option -Dcom.sun.javafx.vk.adjustwindow=true works, moving the main stage so the control is visible and there is no overlapping.
But when this input control is located at the bottom of the main stage, this is moved up to the center of the screen leaving a big empty gap that shows whatever is behind.
This second answer gives a solution to move the main stage just the required distance, without any gap, also taking into account the fade in/out animations of the virtual keyboard.
For starters, in our scene, we add a Button on the center, and the TextField on the bottom. With two controls we can change the focus easily and show/hide the keyboard.
To maximize the stage I'll use getVisualBounds(), so the taskbar can be visible.
private PopupWindow keyboard;
private final Rectangle2D visualBounds = Screen.getPrimary().getVisualBounds();
private final Rectangle2D bounds = Screen.getPrimary().getBounds();
private final double taskbarHeight=bounds.getHeight()-visualBounds.getHeight();
public void start(Stage stage) {
TextField tfComment = new TextField();
tfComment.setPromptText("Enter comment");
BorderPane borderPane = new BorderPane(new Button("Click"));
Scene scene = new Scene(borderPane);
We need to find the new stage when it's shown. In the same way as Scenic View, we'll use a deprecated method to get a valid window:
private PopupWindow getPopupWindow() {
final Iterator<Window> windows = Window.impl_getWindows();
while (windows.hasNext()) {
final Window window = windows.next();
if (window instanceof PopupWindow) {
if(window.getScene()!=null && window.getScene().getRoot()!=null){
Parent root = window.getScene().getRoot();
Node popup = root.getChildrenUnmodifiable().get(0);
return (PopupWindow)window;
return null;
return null;
We'll call this method when the textfield gets the focus:
Once we have the window, we can listen to changes in its position and move the main stage accordingly:
//findWindowExecutor.execute(new WindowTask());
System.out.println("wi "+keyboard.getY());
double y = bounds.getHeight()-taskbarHeight-keyboard.getY();
Note that instead of moving up the stage, another option will be resizing it (if there is enough space within the controls).
This will be the case where the textfield gets the focus and the virtual keyboard is fully shown:
Basically, the virtual keyboard is embedded in a PopupWindow, created in a different stage, and displayed on top of your current stage, at the bottom of the screen, no matter where the InputControl that triggers the keyboard is located.
You can see that on the FXVKSkin class:
winY.set(screenBounds.getHeight() - VK_HEIGHT);
But, just inmediately after that, you can find this:
if (vkAdjustWindow) {
So, there's another command line option that you can use to move the stage so the node (the textfield in this case) will be on the center of the screen and you can type without overlapping it:
Note that when the textfield loses the focus, the keyboard is hidden and the stage is moved again to its original position:
I've tested this option successfully, but when you have the textfield at the bottom of the screen, this will move your stage bottom to the center of the screen, leaving a big gap between both stages (you'll see whatever you have on the background).
I've managed to add a listener to the new stage and adjust the position just the necessary. If you are interested I could post it.
Note this command line option won't work if the stage is maximized. A simple solution for this is:
Rectangle2D bounds = Screen.getPrimary().getBounds();
I liked the solution, but in my case I prefer to move the keyboard using the showed method getPopupWindow i created a listener on textfield and changed the position of the keyboard directly.
textField.focusedProperty().addListener((ob, b, b1) -> {
if (keyboard == null) {
keyboard = getPopupWindow();
Platform.runLater(() -> {

How to resize Swing control which is inside SwingNode in JavaFX8?

How to resize Swing control which is inside SwingNode in JavaFX8?
Sometimes, I has controls resized inside SwingNode. But SwingNode seems to resist this.
It is said in resize() apidoc, that
Applications should not invoke this method directly. If an application
needs to directly set the size of the SwingNode, it should set the
Swing component's minimum/preferred/maximum size constraints which
will be propagated correspondingly to the SwingNode and it's parent
will honor those settings during layout.
But apparently it does not work.
Example code is below.
The question is: how to allow control to turn bigger?
public class Try_Sizes_01 extends Application {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Try_Sizes_01.class);
private static final String text = "Very Long Text For Appear On Button ";
private static int position = 7;
//private JButton button = new JButton("short");
private JButton button = new JButton(text.substring(0, position));
private SwingNode swingNode = new SwingNode();
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
Group group = new Group();
Scene scene = new Scene(group);
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new Timer(1000, new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
button.setText(button.getText() + text.charAt(position));
if( position >= text.length() ) {
button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension((int)button.getPreferredSize().getWidth()+10, (int)button.getPreferredSize().getHeight()));
button.setMinimumSize(new Dimension((int)button.getPreferredSize().getWidth(), (int)button.getPreferredSize().getHeight()));
//button.setBounds(0, 0, (int)button.getBounds().getWidth()+10, (int)button.getBounds().getHeight());
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//swingNode.autosize(); // does not work
//swingNode.resize(button.getBounds().getWidth(), button.getBounds().getHeight()); // does not work and cancels button resizing
//swingNode.setContent(button); // works sometimes but imperfect
log.info("Swing thread");
log.info("Preferred width is now = {}", button.getPreferredSize().getWidth());
log.info("Bounds width is now = {}", button.getBounds().getWidth());
public static void main(String[] args) {
After fighting for hours with basically the same issue, I finally figured out what was going on.
Basically, the problem is that the parent of the SwingNode is trying to set its size when layout occurs, based on the size of the parent. So when you resize your button, and then trigger a layout, the parent of the SwingNode sets it back to its default size. This is occurring because SwingNode overrides the isResizable() method to return true, giving permission to its parent objects to resize it.
In order to avoid this, you can:
Create a custom subclass of SwingNode which overrides isResizable() to false,
Call setAutosizeChildren(false) on the Group which contains the SwingNode.
The latter technique will probably need to be used if you are defining your classes in FXML.
Note, by the way, that you can still call resize(width,height) on a SwingNode even if it overrides isResizable() to false.
I'm not sure if its exactly the same case, but seems related in the sense of getting swing components to size properly with the parent containers. In my case I had a SwingNode containing a JFreeChart (ChartPanel), which I simply couldn't get to resize properly when the parent frame (a border pane within a SplitPane) was itself resized. In the end i simply added a listener to the height/width properties:
pane.widthProperty().addListener((w,o,n)->c.resizeChart((int)n.intValue(), (int)pane.getHeight()));
pane.heightProperty().addListener((w,o,n)->c.resizeChart((int)pane.getWidth(), (int)n.intValue()));
Nothing else I tried could emulate this.
I found the pane listener helps but due to the proprietary nature of my component it still didn't resize. I was using fxml and attempting to place the SwingNode inside a Pane for layout purposes. I then I noticed a number of the examples used a StackPane rather than just a Pane and suddently have just made this change the code worked. This was inside a AnchorPane which also seemed to ensure the initial display of the component filled all the available space. In summary a StackPane within the AnchorPane with all the Anchors set to 0 ensured the controlled filled all the initial available space and then did all the resizing, when the manual resize listeners where added it all started working.
pane.widthProperty().addListener((w,o,n)->c.resizeChart((int)n.intValue(), (int)pane.getHeight()));
pane.heightProperty().addListener((w,o,n)->c.resizeChart((int)pane.getWidth(), (int)n.intValue()));
