WebSphere Liberty Profile AdminClient coonection - java

For monitoring WebSphere application server via Perf Mbean
I have choose the either RMI or SOAP connector port to get connection from Adminclient. As following code describes,
Properties localProperties = new Properties();
localProperties.put("type", "RMI");// RMI or SOAP
localProperties.put("host", localhost);
localProperties.put("port", 2809);// connector port
AdminClient client = AdminClientFactory.createAdminClient(props);
So I need same for WebSphere Liberty profile 8.5. There is no detailed about admin console i cannot find the connector port details RMI or SOAP. How to configure or choose connector port and connect to adminclient as above code. what i do in server.xml to enable the RMI or SOAP port.

Liberty doesn't have an admin client like you're using with traditional WAS. You can use JMX to connect to and manage Liberty as explained in the IBM KnowledgeCenter topic. The list of available mbeans for Liberty can be found here.


Connection refused when trying to connect to ActiveMQ Artemis deployed on Openshift

We have an Openshift project ( project1 ) in which we setup an AMQ Artemis broker using the image : amq- amq-broker-7-tech-preview/amq-broker-71-openshif . Being the basic image we don't have any configuration such as SSL or TLS. In order to do the setup we used as example : https://github.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-amq-7-broker-openshift-image/blob/amq71-dev/templates/amq-broker-71-basic.yaml
After the deployment of the image on Openshift we have the following:
broker-amq-amqp (5672/TCP 5672) No route
broker-amq-jolokia (8161/TCP 8161) https://broker-amq-jolokia-project1.
broker-amq-mqtt ( 1883/TCP 1883 ) No route
broker-amq-stomp ( 61613/TCP 61613 ) No route
broker-amq-tcp ( 61616/TCP 61616 ) No route
From another Openshift service, in Java we try to connect to the broker but we receive the following error :
[org.apache.activemq.transport.failover.FailoverTransport] (ActiveMQ Task-1) Failed to connect to [tcp://broker-amq-amqp-project1.] after: 230 attempt(s) with Connection refused (Connection refused), continuing to retry.
The Java code:
user = "example";
password = "example";
String address = "queue/example";
InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
queue = (Queue) context.lookup(address);
ConnectionFactory cf = (ConnectionFactory) context.lookup("ConnectionFactory");
try (Connection connection = cf.createConnection(user, password);) {
session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
The JNDI Properties file
It looks as if you're trying to connect to the broker using an OpenShift route, when there is no route defined for the relevant service. You (or the installer) defined a route for Jolokia, but there's no route for the broker.
You won't get a helpful error message here, because any hostname that ends with the right domain will get connected to the OpenShift router. However, the router won't know how to process the connection without a valid route, and will probably just return some sort of meaningless error packet to the JMS client.
If you're trying to connect to the broker from another application in the same OpenShift namespace as the broker, you don't need to connect via the router -- just use the service name (presumably broker-amq-tcp) and service port explicitly in your JMS set-up.
If you're connecting to the broker from another application in a different OpenShift namespace in the same cluster, you might be able to configure the networking subsystem to allow direct connections to the service across namespaces. This is, unfortunately, a little fiddly to set up after OpenShift is installed.
If you're connecting to the broker from outside an OpenShift namespace, and you can't use services directly, you'll have to connect via a route, and you must use an encrypted connection. That's not necessarily for security -- the router will read the SNI information from the SSL header to work out how to route the request.
So you'll need to create a service for the broker's SSL port, create a route for that service, export server certificates from the broker, import those certificates into your client, and configure the client to use an SSL connection URI via the router. Clearly, using the service directly is easier, if you can ;)
All these set-up steps are described in Red Hat's AMQ7-on-OpenShift documentation:
although I can't deny that there's an awful lot of information to wade through in that document.
Addition and clarification to answer by Kevin Boone (which is very much correct).
In order for the AMQ broker running inside pod named "broker-amq-tcp" to be reachable from other pods in same cluster:
start broker inside the container on address This is critical - localhost (loopback; will prevent any connections from outside of the pod from reaching the broker;
create service (e.g. "broker-amq-tcp-service") for broker-amq-tcp that maps a pod port to container's 61616; e.g. 62626 (or any other);
connect from other pods using tcp://broker-amq-tcp-service:62626.
The part cost me few days of debugging :)

Embedded Jetty: How to set the JMX port in source code

We have system tests and when they start an Embedded Jetty boots via the setup. The Embedded Jetty includes a JMX server, too. Then we have tests which must connect to the JMX Server via:
JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://:<JMX_PORT>/jmxrmi");
JMXConnector jmxc = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(url, null);
The problem is we cannot connect from the tests to the JMX server when we do not know the JMX port up front. Has anybody a clue how to specify the JMX port up front when the Embedded Jetty is built within the source code? The system property stuff is of no help here.

Connecting to Azure Redis from proxy server

I am trying to connect to Azure redis cache from inside of corporate network. Could anyone give suggestion how to connnect to Azure redis via Proxy? I am using Jedis and spring boot.
According to the official document and the case Does Azure Redis work over http?, Azure Redis use TCP protocol and does not support HTTP protocol.
So you need to use Socket 4/5 proxy instead of HTTP proxy, then set proxy parameters in the Java app.
Properties prop = System.getProperties();
prop.setProperty("socksProxyHost", "IP ADDRESS");
prop.setProperty("socksProxyPort", "PORT");
Authenticator.setDefault(new MyAuthenticator("userName", "Password"));

Remoting SSL Connection in JBoss AS7

I am trying to achieve SSL connection between Java client and JBoss AS 7 while accessing Remoting EJB's.
I have added following properties in client application:
However there is no SSL handshaking between server and client.
Please guide how can i achieve SSL connection in JBoss AS7

How to activate SSL(HTTPS) in Glassfish 3.0 embedded API?

We are implementing an application with a webservice as component and decided to use the Glassfish 3.0 embedded distri to provide the webservice. And it works.
We need a SSL(HTTPS) connection to the webservice, but we didn't find any documentation or hint how to activate it programmatically via the embedded API.
Thus we tried to configure the embedded Glassfish via domain.xml, what has a listener configured with SSL. And the port is reachable but only without SSL. The embedded Glassfish seem to ignore the configuration to activate SSL for the port.
Has anyone experience in configuring embedded Glassfish with SSL?
sorry that it took so much time for my answer.
The programmatical embedded API seems not to porvide a way to do this task.
Except to run an asadmin command:
logger.debug("Configure port for SSL");
String command = "create-http-listener";
ParameterMap params = new ParameterMap();
params.add("listeneraddress", "");
params.add("listenerport", "443");
params.add("defaultvs", "server");
params.add("securityenabled", "true");
params.add("enabled", "true");
params.add("DEFAULT", "http-listener2");
CommandRunner runner = server.getHabitat().getComponent(CommandRunner.class);
ActionReport report = server.getHabitat().getComponent(ActionReport.class);
runner.getCommandInvocation(command, report).parameters(params).execute();
Running this code is simmlar to execute:
asadmin create-http-listener --listeneraddress --listenerport 443 --defaultvs server securityenabled=true --enabled=true http-listener2
But this solution creates a new port with SSL. Reconfigure the already started port would be a nice option.
