I am working on a library which will take an object DataRequest as an input parameter and basis on that object, I will construct an URL and then make a call to our app servers using apache http client and then return the response back to the customer who is using our library. Some customer will call the executeSync method to get the same feature and some customer will call our executeAsync method to get the data.
executeSync() - waits until I have a result, returns the result.
executeAsync() - returns a Future immediately which can be processed after other things are done, if needed.
Below is my DataClient class which has above two methods:
public class DataClient implements Client {
private final ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool(16);
private CloseableHttpClient httpClientBuilder;
// initializing httpclient only once
public DataClient() {
try {
RequestConfig requestConfig =
SocketConfig socketConfig =
PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager poolingHttpClientConnectionManager =
new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();
httpClientBuilder =
} catch (Exception ex) {
// log error
public List<DataResponse> executeSync(DataRequest key) {
List<DataResponse> responsList = null;
Future<List<DataResponse>> responseFuture = null;
try {
responseFuture = executeAsync(key);
responsList = responseFuture.get(key.getTimeout(), key.getTimeoutUnit());
} catch (TimeoutException | ExecutionException | InterruptedException ex) {
responsList =
Collections.singletonList(new DataResponse(DataErrorEnum.CLIENT_TIMEOUT,
// logging exception here
return responsList;
public Future<List<DataResponse>> executeAsync(DataRequest key) {
DataFetcherTask task = new DataFetcherTask(key, this.httpClientBuilder);
return this.forkJoinPool.submit(task);
Below is my DataFetcherTask class which also has a static class DataRequestTask which calls our app servers by making URL:
public class DataFetcherTask extends RecursiveTask<List<DataResponse>> {
private final DataRequest key;
private final CloseableHttpClient httpClientBuilder;
public DataFetcherTask(DataRequest key, CloseableHttpClient httpClientBuilder) {
this.key = key;
this.httpClientBuilder = httpClientBuilder;
protected List<DataResponse> compute() {
// Create subtasks for the key and invoke them
List<DataRequestTask> requestTasks = requestTasks(generateKeys());
// All tasks are finished if invokeAll() returns.
List<DataResponse> responseList = new ArrayList<>(requestTasks.size());
for (DataRequestTask task : requestTasks) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return responseList;
private List<DataRequestTask> requestTasks(List<DataRequest> keys) {
List<DataRequestTask> tasks = new ArrayList<>(keys.size());
for (DataRequest key : keys) {
tasks.add(new DataRequestTask(key));
return tasks;
// In this method I am making a HTTP call to another service
// and then I will make List<DataRequest> accordingly.
private List<DataRequest> generateKeys() {
List<DataRequest> keys = new ArrayList<>();
// use key object which is passed in contructor to make HTTP call to another service
// and then make List of DataRequest object and return keys.
return keys;
/** Inner class for the subtasks. */
private static class DataRequestTask extends RecursiveTask<DataResponse> {
private final DataRequest request;
public DataRequestTask(DataRequest request) {
this.request = request;
protected DataResponse compute() {
return performDataRequest(this.request);
private DataResponse performDataRequest(DataRequest key) {
MappingHolder mappings = DataMapping.getMappings(key.getType());
List<String> hostnames = mappings.getAllHostnames(key);
for (String hostname : hostnames) {
String url = generateUrl(hostname);
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url);
try (CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClientBuilder.execute(httpGet)) {
HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
String responseBody =
TestUtils.isEmpty(entity) ? null : IOUtils.toString(entity.getContent(),
return new DataResponse(responseBody, DataErrorEnum.OK, DataStatusEnum.OK);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// log error
return new DataResponse(DataErrorEnum.SERVERS_DOWN, DataStatusEnum.ERROR);
For each DataRequest object there is a DataResponse object. Now once someone calls our library by passing DataRequest object, internally we make List<DataRequest> object and then we invoke each DataRequest object in parallel and return List<DataResponse> back where each DataResponse object in the list will have response for corresponding DataRequest object.
Below is the flow:
Customer will call DataClient class by passing DataRequest object. They can call executeSync() or executeAsync() method depending on their requirements.
Now in the DataFetcherTask class (which is a RecursiveTask one of ForkJoinTask's subtypes), given a key object which is a single DataRequest, I will generate List<DataRequest> and then invokes each subtask in parallel for each DataRequest object in the list. These subtasks are executed in the same ForkJoinPool as the parent task.
Now in the DataRequestTask class, I am executing each DataRequest object by making an URL and return its DataResponse object back.
Problem Statement:
Since this library is being called in a very high throughput environment so it has to be very fast. For synchronous call, executing in a separate thread is ok here? It will incur extra costs and resources for a Thread along with the cost of context switch of threads in this case so I am little bit confuse. Also I am using ForkJoinPool here which will save me in using extra thread pool but is it the right choice here?
Is there any better and efficient way to do the same thing which can be performance efficient as well? I am using Java 7 and have access to Guava library as well so if it can simplify anything then I am open for that as well.
It looks like we are seeing some contention when it runs under very heavy load. Is there any way this code can go into thread contention when runs under very heavy load?
I think in your situation it's better to use async http call, see link: HttpAsyncClient. And you don't need to use thread pool.
In executeAsync method create empty CompletableFuture<DataResponse>() and pass it to client call, there in callback call set the result of completableFuture by calling complete on it (or completeExceptionally if exceptions raise).
ExecuteSync method implementation looks good.
For java 7 it's only need to replace a completableFuture to promise implementation in guava, like ListenableFuture or anything similar
The choice to use the ForkJoinPool is correct, its designed for efficiency with many small tasks:
A ForkJoinPool differs from other kinds of ExecutorService mainly by virtue of employing work-stealing: all threads in the pool attempt to find and execute tasks submitted to the pool and/or created by other active tasks (eventually blocking waiting for work if none exist). This enables efficient processing when most tasks spawn other subtasks (as do most ForkJoinTasks), as well as when many small tasks are submitted to the pool from external clients. Especially when setting asyncMode to true in constructors, ForkJoinPools may also be appropriate for use with event-style tasks that are never joined.
I suggest to try the asyncMode = true in the constructor since in your case the tasks are never joined:
public class DataClient implements Client {
private final ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool(16, ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory, null, true);
For the executeSync() you can use the forkJoinPool.invoke(task), this is the managed way to do a synchronous task execution in the pool for resources optimisation:
public List<DataResponse> executeSync(DataRequest key) {
DataFetcherTask task = new DataFetcherTask(key, this.httpClientBuilder);
return this.forkJoinPool.invoke(task);
If you can use Java 8 then there is a common pool already optimised: ForkJoinPool.commonPool()
I'm using Feign Client in Reactive Java. The Feign client has an interceptor that sends a blocking request to get auth token and adds it as a header to the feign request.
the feign request is wrapped in Mono.FromCallable with Schedulers.boundedElastic().
my question is: does the inner call to get the auth token considered as a blocking call?
I get that both calls will be on a different thread from Schedulers.boundedElastic() but not sure is ok to execute them on the same thread or I should change it so they'll run on different threads.
Feign client:
#FeignClient(name = "remoteRestClient", url = "${remote.url}",
configuration = AuthConfiguration.class, decode404 = true)
#Profile({ "!test" })
public interface RemoteRestClient {
#GetMapping(value = "/getSomeData" )
Data getData();
public class ClientRequestInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
private IAPRequestBuilder iapRequestBuilder;
private String clientName;
public ClientRequestInterceptor(String clientName, String serviceAccount, String jwtClientId) {
this.iapRequestBuilder = new IAPRequestBuilder(serviceAccount, jwtClientId);
this.clientName = clientName;
public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
try {
HttpRequest httpRequest = iapRequestBuilder.buildIapRequest(); <---- blocking call
template.header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, httpRequest.getHeaders().getAuthorization());
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Building an IAP request has failed: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
throw new InterceptorException(String.format("failed to build IAP request for %s", clientName), e);
feign configuration:
public class AuthConfiguration {
private String serviceAccount;
private String jwtClientId;
public ClientRequestInterceptor getClientRequestInterceptor() {
return new ClientRequestInterceptor("Entitlement", serviceAccount, jwtClientId);
and feign client call:
private Mono<Data> getData() {
return Mono.fromCallable(() -> RemoteRestClient.getData()
You can sort of tell that it is a blocking call since it returns a concrete class and not a Future (Mono or Flux). To be able to return a concrete class, the thread needs to wait until we have the response to return it.
So yes it is most likely a blocking call.
Reactor recommends that you use the subscribeOn operator when doing blocking calls, this will place that entire chain of operators on its own thread pool.
You have chosen to use the publishOn and it is worth pointing out the following from the docs:
affects where the subsequent operators execute
This in practice means that up until the publishOn operator all actions will be executed using any available anonymous thread.
But all calls after will be executed on the defined thread pool.
private Mono<Data> getData() {
return Mono.fromCallable(() -> RemoteRestClient.getData()
You have chosen to place it after so the thread pool switch will be done after the call to getData.
publishOns placing in the chain matters while subscribeOn affects the entire chain of operator which means it's placing does not matter.
So to answer your question again, yes it is most likely a blocking call (i can't confirm by 100% since i have not looked into the source code) and how you wish to solve it with either publishOn on subscribeOn is up to you.
Or look into if there is an reactive alternative library to use.
I want to read a message at a specific position in an class other than InboundHandler. I can't find a way to read it expect in the channelRead0 method, which is called from the netty framework.
For example:
String msg = context.readMessage;
If this is not possible, how can I map a result, which I get in the channelRead0 method to a specific call I made in another class?
The Netty framework is designed to be asynchronously driven. Using this analogy, it can handle large amount of connections with minimal threading usage. I you are creating an api that uses the netty framework to dispatch calls to a remote location, you should use the same analogy for your calls.
Instead of making your api return the value direct, make it return a Future<?> or a Promise<?>. There are different ways of implementing this system in your application, the simplest way is creating a custom handler that maps the incoming requests to the Promises in a FIFO queue.
An example of this could be the following:
This is heavily based on this answer that I submitted in the past.
We start with out handler that maps the requests to requests in our pipeline:
public class MyLastHandler extends SimpleInboundHandler<String> {
private final SynchronousQueue<Promise<String>> queue;
public MyLastHandler (SynchronousQueue<Promise<String>> queue) {
this.queue = queue;
// The following is called messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext, String) in 5.0.
public void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, String msg) {
// Or setFailure(Throwable)
We then need to have a method of sending the commands to a remote server:
Channel channel = ....;
SynchronousQueue<Promise<String>> queue = ....;
public Future<String> sendCommandAsync(String command) {
return sendCommandAsync(command, new DefaultPromise<>());
public Future<String> sendCommandAsync(String command, Promise<String> promise) {
synchronized(channel) {
After we have done our methods, we need a way to call it:
sendCommandAsync("USER anonymous",
new DefaultPromise<>().addListener(
(Future<String> f) -> {
String response = f.get();
if (response.startWidth("331")) {
// do something
// etc
If the called would like to use our a api as a blocking call, he can also do that:
String response = sendCommandAsync("USER anonymous").get();
if (response.startWidth("331")) {
// do something
// etc
Notice that Future.get() can throw an InterruptedException if the Thread state is interrupted, unlike a socket read operation, who can only be cancelled by some interaction on the socket. This exception should not be a problem in the FutureListener.
I am working on a project in which I am supposed to make synchronous and asynchronous behavior of my client. In general, how our client will work as below -
Customer will call our client with a userId and we will construct a URL from that userId and make a HTTP call to that URL and we will get a JSON String back after hitting the URL. And after we get the response back as a JSON String, then we will send that JSON String back to our customer.
So in this case, as I mentioned above, I need to have synchronous and asynchronous methods, some customer will call executeSynchronous method to get the same feature and some customer will call our executeAsynchronous method to get the data back.
Below is my Interface -
public interface Client {
// for synchronous
public String executeSynchronous(final String userId);
// for asynchronous
public Future<String> executeAsynchronous(final String userId);
And then I have our SmartClient which implements the above Client interface.
public class SmartClient implements Client {
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
// This is for synchronous call
public String execute(String userId) {
String response = null;
Future<String> handle = getHandle(userId);
try {
response = handle.get(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
return response;
// This is for asynchronous call
public Future<String> executeAsync(String userId) {
return getHandle(userId);
private Future<String> getHandle(String userId) {
Future<String> future = null;
Task task = new Task(userId);
future = executor.submit(task);
return future;
Below is my simple class which will perform the actual task -
class Task implements Callable<String> {
private final String userId;
public Task(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public String call() throws Exception {
String url = createURL(userId);
// make a HTTP call to the URL
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
String jsonResponse = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);
return jsonResponse;
// create a URL
private String createURL(String userId) {
String generateURL = somecode;
return generateURL;
Is this the correct and efficient way of doing this problem? And how about exception handling? Do I need any other catch blocks at any places? If any, then just a high level code example will help me understand to better.
If there is any better way, then please let me know... I am still learning..
I would implement executeSynchronous this way:
public String execute(String userId){
Task task = new Task(userID);
return task.call(); //Task executes in the caller thread
I would not use execution framework since call shall execute in the caller thread. Bu think you meant to provide a timeout mechanism in the synchronous method so that caller does not get blocked. If not I think there is no need to use execution framework in the synchronous method.
I'm running a process in a separate thread with a timeout, using an ExecutorService and a Future (example code here) (the thread "spawning" takes place in a AOP Aspect).
Now, the main thread is a Resteasy request. Resteasy uses one ore more ThreadLocal variables to store some context information that I need to retrieve at some point in my Rest method call. Problem is, since the Resteasy thread is running in a new thread, the ThreadLocal variables are lost.
What would be the best way to "propagate" whatever ThreadLocal variable is used by Resteasy to the new thread? It seems that Resteasy uses more than one ThreadLocal variable to keep track of context information and I would like to "blindly" transfer all the information to the new thread.
I have looked at subclassing ThreadPoolExecutor and using the beforeExecute method to pass the current thread to the pool, but I couldn't find a way to pass the ThreadLocal variables to the pool.
Any suggestion?
The set of ThreadLocal instances associated with a thread are held in private members of each Thread. Your only chance to enumerate these is to do some reflection on the Thread; this way, you can override the access restrictions on the thread's fields.
Once you can get the set of ThreadLocal, you could copy in the background threads using the beforeExecute() and afterExecute() hooks of ThreadPoolExecutor, or by creating a Runnable wrapper for your tasks that intercepts the run() call to set an unset the necessary ThreadLocal instances. Actually, the latter technique might work better, since it would give you a convenient place to store the ThreadLocal values at the time the task is queued.
Update: Here's a more concrete illustration of the second approach. Contrary to my original description, all that is stored in the wrapper is the calling thread, which is interrogated when the task is executed.
static Runnable wrap(Runnable task)
Thread caller = Thread.currentThread();
return () -> {
Iterable<ThreadLocal<?>> vars = copy(caller);
try {
finally {
for (ThreadLocal<?> var : vars)
* For each {#code ThreadLocal} in the specified thread, copy the thread's
* value to the current thread.
* #param caller the calling thread
* #return all of the {#code ThreadLocal} instances that are set on current thread
private static Collection<ThreadLocal<?>> copy(Thread caller)
/* Use a nasty bunch of reflection to do this. */
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Based on #erickson answer I wrote this code. It is working for inheritableThreadLocals. It builds list of inheritableThreadLocals using same method as is used in Thread contructor. Of course I use reflection to do this. Also I override the executor class.
public class MyThreadPoolExecutor extends ThreadPoolExecutor
public void execute(Runnable command)
super.execute(new Wrapped(command, Thread.currentThread()));
private class Wrapped implements Runnable
private final Runnable task;
private final Thread caller;
public Wrapped(Runnable task, Thread caller)
this.task = task;
this.caller = caller;
public void run()
Iterable<ThreadLocal<?>> vars = null;
vars = copy(caller);
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException("error when coping Threads", e);
try {
finally {
for (ThreadLocal<?> var : vars)
copy method:
public static Iterable<ThreadLocal<?>> copy(Thread caller) throws Exception
List<ThreadLocal<?>> threadLocals = new ArrayList<>();
Field field = Thread.class.getDeclaredField("inheritableThreadLocals");
Object map = field.get(caller);
Field table = Class.forName("java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap").getDeclaredField("table");
Method method = ThreadLocal.class
.getDeclaredMethod("createInheritedMap", Class.forName("java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap"));
Object o = method.invoke(null, map);
Field field2 = Thread.class.getDeclaredField("inheritableThreadLocals");
field2.set(Thread.currentThread(), o);
Object tbl = table.get(o);
int length = Array.getLength(tbl);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
Object entry = Array.get(tbl, i);
Object value = null;
if (entry != null)
Method referentField = Class.forName("java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry").getMethod(
value = referentField.invoke(entry);
threadLocals.add((ThreadLocal<?>) value);
return threadLocals;
As I understand your problem, you can have a look at InheritableThreadLocal which is meant to pass ThreadLocal variables from Parent Thread context to Child Thread Context
I don't like Reflection approach. Alternative solution would be to implement executor wrapper and pass object directly as a ThreadLocal context to all child threads propagating a parent context.
public class PropagatedObject {
private ThreadLocal<ConcurrentHashMap<AbsorbedObjectType, Object>> data = new ThreadLocal<>();
//put, set, merge methods, etc
public class ObjectAwareExecutor extends AbstractExecutorService {
private final ExecutorService delegate;
private final PropagatedObject objectAbsorber;
public ObjectAwareExecutor(ExecutorService delegate, PropagatedObject objectAbsorber){
this.delegate = delegate;
this.objectAbsorber = objectAbsorber;
public void execute(final Runnable command) {
final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object> parentContext = objectAbsorber.get();
delegate.execute(() -> {
}finally {
Here is an example to pass the current LocaleContext in parent thread to the child thread spanned by CompletableFuture[By default it used ForkJoinPool].
Just define all the things you wanted to do in a child thread inside a Runnable block. So when the CompletableFuture execute the Runnable block, its the child thread who is in control and voila you have the parent's ThreadLocal stuff set in Child's ThreadLocal.
The problem here is not the entire ThreadLocal is copied over. Only the LocaleContext is copied. Since the ThreadLocal is of private access to only the Thread it belongs too using Reflection and trying to get and set in Child is all too much of wacky stuff which might lead to memory leaks or performance hit.
So if you know the parameters you are interested from the ThreadLocal, then this solution works way cleaner.
public void parentClassMethod(Request request) {
LocaleContext currentLocale = LocaleContextHolder.getLocaleContext();
executeInChildThread(() -> {
//Do whatever else you wanna do
//Continue stuff you want to do with parent thread
private void executeInChildThread(Runnable runnable) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("something is wrong");
If you look at ThreadLocal code you can see:
public T get() {
Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
current thread cannot be overwritten.
Possible solutions:
Look at java 7 fork/join mechanism (but i think it's a bad way)
Look at endorsed mechanism to overwrite ThreadLocal class in your JVM.
Try to rewrite RESTEasy (you can use Refactor tools in your IDE to replace all ThreadLocal usage, it's look like easy)
I have a Java Thread like the following:
public class MyThread extends Thread {
MyService service;
String id;
public MyThread(String id) {
this.id = node;
public void run() {
User user = service.getUser(id)
I have about 300 ids, and every couple of seconds - I fire up threads to make a call for each of the id. Eg.
for(String id: ids) {
MyThread thread = new MyThread(id);
Now, I would like to collect the results from each threads, and do a batch insert to the database, instead of making 300 database inserts every 2 seconds.
Any idea how I can accomplish this?
The canonical approach is to use a Callable and an ExecutorService. submitting a Callable to an ExecutorService returns a (typesafe) Future from which you can get the result.
class TaskAsCallable implements Callable<Result> {
public Result call() {
return a new Result() // this is where the work is done.
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(300);
Future<Result> task = executor.submit(new TaskAsCallable());
Result result = task.get(); // this blocks until result is ready
In your case, you probably want to use invokeAll which returns a List of Futures, or create that list yourself as you add tasks to the executor. To collect results, simply call get on each one.
If you want to collect all of the results before doing the database update, you can use the invokeAll method. This takes care of the bookkeeping that would be required if you submit tasks one at a time, like daveb suggests.
private static final ExecutorService workers = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
Collection<Callable<User>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<User>>();
for (final String id : ids) {
tasks.add(new Callable<User>()
public User call()
throws Exception
return svc.getUser(id);
/* invokeAll blocks until all service requests complete,
* or a max of 10 seconds. */
List<Future<User>> results = workers.invokeAll(tasks, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
for (Future<User> f : results) {
User user = f.get();
/* Add user to batch update. */
/* Commit batch. */
Store your result in your object. When it completes, have it drop itself into a synchronized collection (a synchronized queue comes to mind).
When you wish to collect your results to submit, grab everything from the queue and read your results from the objects. You might even have each object know how to "post" it's own results to the database, this way different classes can be submitted and all handled with the exact same tiny, elegant loop.
There are lots of tools in the JDK to help with this, but it is really easy once you start thinking of your thread as a true object and not just a bunch of crap around a "run" method. Once you start thinking of objects this way programming becomes much simpler and more satisfying.
In Java8 there is better way for doing this using CompletableFuture. Say we have class that get's id from the database, for simplicity we can just return a number as below,
static class GenerateNumber implements Supplier<Integer>{
private final int number;
GenerateNumber(int number){
this.number = number;
public Integer get() {
try {
}catch (InterruptedException e){
return this.number;
Now we can add the result to a concurrent collection once the results of every future is ready.
Collection<Integer> results = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
int tasks = 10;
CompletableFuture<?>[] allFutures = new CompletableFuture[tasks];
for (int i = 0; i < tasks; i++) {
int temp = i;
CompletableFuture<Integer> future = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(()-> new GenerateNumber(temp).get(), executor);
allFutures[i] = future.thenAccept(results::add);
Now we can add a callback when all the futures are ready,
System.out.println(results); // do something with result
You need to store the result in a something like singleton. This has to be properly synchronized.
This not the best advice as it is not good idea to handle raw Threads.
You could create a queue or list which you pass to the threads you create, the threads add their result to the list which gets emptied by a consumer which performs the batch insert.
The simplest approach is to pass an object to each thread (one object per thread) that will contain the result later. The main thread should keep a reference to each result object. When all threads are joined, you can use the results.
public class TopClass {
List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>();
void addUser(User user) {
synchronized(users) {
void store() throws SQLException {
//storing code goes here
class MyThread extends Thread {
MyService service;
String id;
public MyThread(String id) {
this.id = node;
public void run() {
User user = service.getUser(id)
You could make a class which extends Observable. Then your thread can call a method in the Observable class which would notify any classes that registered in that observer by calling Observable.notifyObservers(Object).
The observing class would implement Observer, and register itself with the Observable. You would then implement an update(Observable, Object) method that gets called when Observerable.notifyObservers(Object) is called.