i am trying to sort an array of strings which are terms of a polynomial. every position is 1 term of the polynomial as a string, and signed approapriately, however i want to sort them in order by the power.
how i have approached this is by creating a second array storing just the power, and i want to sort them both based off this array. ie
for (int i=0; i<sortArray.length; i++) {
if (sortArray[i].indexOf("^")!= -1)
sortArrayDegree[i] = Integer.parseInt((sortArray[i].
substring(sortArray[i].indexOf("^") + 1, sortArray[i].length())));
else if (sortArray[i].indexOf("x")!= -1)
however i am not sure how to link the two, so any changes to the second happen to the first
currently that means the second array looks like this
i thought i could make a new array and store this as the second column(clash of data types), but that still leaves the sorting problem
I'm not sure that the way you want achieve this is the wisest way, but this is how you could do it:
Create a class of both the power and the number of the polynomial member. Make that class Comparable, then put it in one array and the sort method will use the comparable method you have overridden from the Comparable interface.
public class PolynomialMember implements Comparable<PolynomialMember> {
public int power; // public for brevity, but should be private with getters and setters
public String number; // public for brevity, but should be private with getters and setters
public PolynomialMember(String number, int power) {
this.number = number;
this.power = power;
public int compareTo(PolynomialMember o) {
return Integer.compare(this.power, o.power);
// optional: override for pretty printing
public String toString() {
if(!number.equals("0")) {
if(number.charAt(0) == '-') {
return number + "x^" + power;
} else {
return "+" + number + "x^" + power;
} else {
return "";
this way you don't need two arrays, and you certainly shouldn't "link" two arrays.
You can use this class like this:
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<PolynomialMember> polynom = new ArrayList<PolynomialMember>();
polynom.add(new PolynomialMember("-5", 3));
polynom.add(new PolynomialMember("7", 1));
polynom.add(new PolynomialMember("4", 0));
polynom.add(new PolynomialMember("8", 2));
for(PolynomialMember pm : polynom) {
System.out.print(pm + " ");
// prints: -5x^3 +7x^1 +4x^0 +8x^2
Collections.sort(polynom); //this is where the magic happens.
for(PolynomialMember pm : polynom) {
System.out.print(pm + " ");
// prints: +4x^0 +7x^1 +8x^2 -5x^3
If I understand correctly, which I'm really not sure, you want to bind the data of 2 arrays containing value types\immutables. The easiest way i know to bind data from 2 arrays is to create a class containing both of them as private members and exposing public methods to control them. in these methods you could implement the logic that defines the relationship between them.
What should be my return at the end of my for loop? I'm trying to display the added results of all three parties numDemocrat, numRepulican and numIndepent by
calculating and then printing the number of democrats (party is "D"),
republicans (party is "R"), and independents (party is anything else).
I'm currently looping over the MemberOfCongress ArrayList returned by parseMembersOfCongress and counting up how many of each party type there are.
Also in my loop I need to check which party the current member belongs to and increment the proper variable. After the loop completes I then print the totals.
public void printPartyBreakdownInSenate()
ArrayList<MemberOfCongress> parseMembersOfCongress; String jsonString;
System.out.println("Number of Members of the Senate of the " + "&congressNum=" + "?chamber=");
public String[]
int numDemocrats = 0;
int numRepblican = 0;
int numIndepent = 0;
ArrayList<MemberOfCongress> members;
for (MemberOfCongress memberParty : members) {
if (memberParty.getParty() == "D" ) {
else if (memberParty.getParty() == "R" ){
else if (memberParty.getParty() == "null"){
return ???;
Firstly i'm 99% positive you cannot return multiple values, unless your return either an array, an array list or a map.
But what you could do as a work around is one of the following.
1). Return a String array of party members.
2). Return a 2D array mapping name to age or something similar.
3). Return a hashmap of the data with a custom class of information mapped to a name.
4). Use getters to get different pieces of the data at time or all at once.
Java (like the majority of programmming languages) allows only a single return value from a method. There are lots of good reasons for this.
If you need to return multiple values then you will need a separate class for which your method can return a reference to an instance.
For example, in your case:
public enum Party {
public Map<Party, Integer> senatorsByParty(List<MemberOfCongress> senators) {
return senators.stream()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(MemberOfCongress::getParty, Collectors.counting()));
Apologies if you are not aware of the Java 8 syntax here. The stream functions are really just saying 'take all the senators, group them by party and then count them'. The key point is that you are returning a map from parties to integers representing the count of senators.
I am trying to make a new command for the first time and was following this tutorial
which is slightly old but I believe will still work. After finishing it I tried running my mod and everything ran fine but my command did not exist. Here is my code:
public class MainRegistry {
public void serverStart(FMLServerStartingEvent event) {
MinecraftServer server = MinecraftServer.getServer();
ICommandManager command = server.getCommandManager();
ServerCommandManager manager = (ServerCommandManager) command;
manager.registerCommand(new FireBall5());
And my actual CommandBase class:
public class FireBall5 extends CommandBase {
public String getCommandName() {
return "fireball 5";
public String getCommandUsage(ICommandSender var1) {
return "Shoots fireball with explosive power 5";
public void processCommand(ICommandSender icommandsender, String[] var2) {
if (icommandsender instanceof EntityPlayer) {
EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) icommandsender;
World par2World = player.worldObj;
if (!par2World.isRemote)
par2World.spawnEntityInWorld(new PlayerFireBall(par2World, 5.0f));
It is calling an entity PlayerFireBall which I created myself and is simply a fireball with increased explosion power.
Commands cannot contain whitespaces. To implement your command, please follow the following:
public String getCommandName() {
return "fireball"; // Remove the argument - Leave the command only.
The argument has to be read like this instead:
if (sender instanceof EntityPlayer) {
final EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) sender;
final World par2World = player.worldObj;
final float power;
// The "default" method:
// power = 5; // Write the default value here!
if (var2.length > 0) try {
power = Float.parseFloat(var2[0]); // Parse the first argument.
} catch(NumberFormatException ex) {}
// The "validation" method:
if (var2.length == 0) {
sender.sendMessage("You forgot to specify the fireball power.");
if ( !var2[0].matches("\\d{2}")) { // Asserts this argument is two digits
power = Float.parseFloat(var2[0]);
if ( !par2World.isRemote)
par2World.spawnEntityInWorld(new PlayerFireBall(par2World, power));
Read more:
Reading arguments as Integer for a Bounty in a Bukkit plugin
See #Unihedron answer for the fix for the actual problem with this code. This answer simply cleans up his code even more.
CommandBase from which you inherit actually has several static methods that make parsing numbers and such from arguments much safer.
The ones you might want to use are:
CommandBase.parseDouble(ICommandSender, String) - Parses the given string and returns a double safely
CommandBase.parseDoubleWithMin(ICommandSender, String, int min) - Same as above, but with a required minimum value
CommandBase.parseDoubleBounded(ICommandSender, String, int min, int max) - Same as above, but with an upper limit as well
All these have an integer counterpart as well.
Also, not useful for your context, but maybe for future use is this:
CommandBase.parseBoolean(ICommandSender, String) - Parses the given string and returns a boolean safely
Look through the CommandBase class for many more useful static methods.
So for example, rather than this:
if (var2.length > 0) try {
power = Float.parseFloat(var2[0]); // Parse the first argument.
} catch(NumberFormatException ex) {}
Try this:
if(var2.length > 0){
//bounded because you don't want a size less than 0, could really be anything
power = CommandBase.parseDoubleWithMin(sender, var2[0], 0);
Minecraft will automatically tell the player if there is something wrong with there input and safely return the parsed value to you.
Good luck with your mod and have fun!
As a fairly green Java coder I've set myself the hefty challenge of trying to write a simple text adventure. Unsurprisingly, I've encountered difficulties already!
I'm trying to give my Location class a property to store which exits it contains. I've used a boolean array for this, to essentially hold true/false values representing each exit. I'm not entirely convinced that
a) this is the most efficient way to do this and
b) that I'm using the right code to populate the array.
I would appreciate any and all feedback, even if it is for a complete code over-haul!
At present, when instantiating a Location I generate a String which I send through to the setExits method:
String e = "N S U";
In the Location class, setExits looks like this:
public void setExits(String e) {
if (e.contains("N"))
bexits[0] = true;
else if (e.contains("W"))
bexits[1] = true;
else if (e.contains("S"))
bexits[2] = true;
else if (e.contains("E"))
bexits[3] = true;
else if (e.contains("U"))
bexits[4] = true;
else if (e.contains("D"))
bexits[5] = true;
I'll be honest, I think this looks particularly clunky, but I couldn't think of another way to do it. I'm also not entirely sure now how to write the getExits method...
Any help would be welcome!
The most efficient and expressive way is the following:
Use enums as Exits and use an EnumSet to store them. EnumSet is an efficient Set implementation that uses a bit field to represent the enum constants.
Here is how you can do it:
public enum Exit { North, West, South, East, Up, Down; }
EnumSet<Exit> set = EnumSet.noneOf(Exit.class); // An empty set.
// Now you can simply add or remove exits, everything will be stored compactly
set.add(Exit.North); // Add exit
set.contains(Exit.West); // Test if an exit is present
set.remove(Exit.South); //Remove an exit
Enum set will store all exits in a single long internally, so your code is expressive, fast, and saves a lot of memory.
Is there any reason why you are doing this with Strings and aren't passing in booleans, i.e.
public void setExits(boolean N, boolean E, boolean S, boolean W, boolean U, boolean D)
Or having setters?
public void setNorthOpen(boolean open)
bexits[4] = open;
Secondly, why are you storing the exits as an array of booleans, it's a small finite set, why not just
boolean N,S,E,W,U,D;
As then you don't need to keep track of which number in the array each direction is.
This is a correct answer (if not completely optimal like that of #gexicide) but I fully encourage anyone to look at the other answers here for an interesting look at how things can be done in Java in different ways.
For future reference
Code which works belongs on Code Review, not Stack Overflow. Although as #kajacx pointed out, this code shouldn't -in fact- work.
OK, first of all, your setExits() method will not work as intended, chained if-elseif will maximally execute 1 branch of code, for example:
if (e.contains("N"))
bexits[0] = true;
else if (e.contains("W"))
bexits[1] = true;
Even if e contains both N and W, only bexits[0] will be set. Also this method will only add exits (for example calling setExits("") will not delete any existing exits.
I would change that method to:
bexits[0] = e.contains("N");
bexits[1] = e.contains("W");
Also, i definetly wouldn't remember that north is on index 0, west in on 1, ... so a common practice is to name your indexes using final static constants:
public static final int NORTH = 0;
public static final int WEST = 1;
Then you can write in your setExits method:
bexits[NORTH] = e.contains("N");
bexits[WEST] = e.contains("W");
(much more readible)
Finally, if you want your code even more well-arranged, you can make a Exits class representing avaliable exits, and backed by boolean array. Then on place where you create your String, you could create this class instead and save yourself work with generating and then parsing a string.
as #gexicide answers, there is a really handy class EnumSet which would be probably better for representing the exits than bollean array.
The EnumSet in the other answer is the best way to do this, I just wanted to add one more thing though for the future when you start looking not just at whether you can move but where you are moving to.
As well as EnumSet you also have EnumMap.
If you define a Room class/interface then inside the Room class you can have
Map<Direction, Room> exits = new EnumMap<>(Direction.class);
You can now add your links into the map as follows:
exits.put(Direction.NORTH, theRoomNorthOfMe);
Then your code to move between rooms can be very general purpose:
Room destination=currentRoom.getExit(directionMoved);
if (destination == null) {
// Cannot move that way
} else {
// Handle move to destination
I would create an Exit enum and on the location class just set a list of Exit objects.
so it would be something like:
public enum Exit { N, S, E, W, U, D }
List<Exit> exits = parseExits(String exitString);
Given what your code looks like, this is the most readable implementation I could come up with:
public class Exits {
private static final char[] DIRECTIONS = "NSEWUD".toCharArray();
public static void main(String... args) {
String input = "N S E";
boolean[] exits = new boolean[DIRECTIONS.length];
for(int i = 0; i< exits.length; i++) {
if (input.indexOf(DIRECTIONS[i]) >= 0) {
exits[i] = true;
That being said, there's a number of cleaner solutions possible. Personally I would go with enums and an EnumSet.
By the way, your original code is incorrect, as it will set as most one value in the array to true.
If you're defining exits as a string, you should use it. I would do it like:
public class LocationWithExits {
public static final String NORTH_EXIT="[N]";
public static final String SOUTH_EXIT="[S]";
public static final String EAST_EXIT="[E]";
public static final String WEST_EXIT="[W]";
private final String exitLocations;
public LocationWithExits(String exitLocations) {
this.exitLocations = exitLocations;
public boolean hasNorthExit(){
return exitLocations.contains(NORTH_EXIT);
public static void main(String[] args) {
LocationWithExits testLocation=new LocationWithExits(NORTH_EXIT+SOUTH_EXIT);
System.out.println("Has exit on north?: "+testLocation.hasNorthExit());
using array of booleans might cause a lot of problems if you forget what exactly means bexits[0]. Os it for north or south? etc.
or you can just use enums and list of exits available . Then in methid test if list contain a certain enum value
Personally, I think you can hack it around a bit using an enum and turn the following:
public void setExits(String e) {
if (e.contains("N"))
bexits[0] = true;
else if (e.contains("W"))
bexits[1] = true;
else if (e.contains("S"))
bexits[2] = true;
else if (e.contains("E"))
bexits[3] = true;
else if (e.contains("U"))
bexits[4] = true;
else if (e.contains("D"))
bexits[5] = true;
public enum Directions
private String identifier;
private Directions(String identifier)
this.identifier = identifier;
public String getIdentifier()
return identifier;
and then do:
public void setExits(String e)
String[] exits = e.split(" ");
for(String exit : exits)
for(Directions direction : Directions.values())
bexits[direction.ordinal()] = true;
Although after having written it down, I can't really tell you if it's that much better. It's easier to add new directions, that's for sure.
All the approaches listed in the answeres are good. But I think the approach you need to take depends on the way you are going to use the exit field. For example if you are going to handle exit as strings then Ross Drews approach would require a lot of if-else conditions and variables.
String exit = "N E";
String[] exits = exit.split(" ");
boolean N = false, E = false, S = false, W = false, U = false, D = false;
for(String e : exits){
N = true;
} else if(e.equalsIgnoreCase("E")){
E = true;
} else if(e.equalsIgnoreCase("W")){
W= true;
} else if(e.equalsIgnoreCase("U")){
U = true;
} else if(e.equalsIgnoreCase("D")){
D = true;
} else if(e.equalsIgnoreCase("S")){
S = true;
setExits(N, E, S, W, U, D);
Also if you have an exit and you want to check whether a location has that particular exit then again you will have to do the same
public boolean hasExit(String exit){
return this.N; // Or the corresponding getter method
} else if(e.equalsIgnoreCase("E")){
return this.E;
} else if(e.equalsIgnoreCase("W")){
return this.W;
} else if(e.equalsIgnoreCase("U")){
return this.U;
} else if(e.equalsIgnoreCase("D")){
return this.D;
} else if(e.equalsIgnoreCase("S")){
return this.S;
So if you are going to manipulate it as a string, in my opinion the best approach would be to go for list and enum. By this way you could do methods like hasExit, hasAnyExit, hasAllExits, hasNorthExit, hasSouthExit, getAvailableExits etc etc.. very easily. And considering the number of exits (6) using a list (or set) wont be an overhead. For example
public enum EXIT {
private String exitCode;
private EXIT(String exitCode) {
this.exitCode = exitCode;
public String getExitCode() {
return exitCode;
public static EXIT fromValue(String exitCode) {
for (EXIT exit : values()) {
if (exit.exitCode.equalsIgnoreCase(exitCode)) {
return exit;
return null;
public static EXIT fromValue(char exitCode) {
for (EXIT exit : values()) {
if (exit.exitCode.equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(exitCode))) {
return exit;
return null;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Location {
private List<EXIT> exits;
public Location(){
exits = new ArrayList<EXIT>();
public void setExits(String exits) {
for(char exitCode : exits.toCharArray()){
EXIT exit = EXIT.fromValue(exitCode);
if(exit != null){
public boolean hasExit(String exitCode){
return exits.contains(EXIT.fromValue(exitCode));
public boolean hasAnyExit(String exits){
for(char exitCode : exits.toCharArray()){
return true;
return false;
public boolean hasAllExit(String exits){
for(char exitCode : exits.toCharArray()){
EXIT exit = EXIT.fromValue(exitCode);
if(exit != null && !this.exits.contains(exit)){
return false;
return true;
public boolean hasExit(char exitCode){
return exits.contains(EXIT.fromValue(exitCode));
public boolean hasNorthExit(){
return exits.contains(EXIT.NORTH);
public boolean hasSouthExit(){
return exits.contains(EXIT.SOUTH);
public List<EXIT> getExits() {
return exits;
public static void main(String args[]) {
String exits = "N E W";
Location location = new Location();
System.out.println(location.hasAllExit("N W"));
System.out.println(location.hasAnyExit("U D"));
Why not this if you want a shorter code:
String symbols = "NWSEUD";
public void setExits(String e) {
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
bexits[i] = e.contains(symbols.charAt(i));
If you want a generic solution you can use a map, which maps from a key (in your case W, S, E.. ) to a corresponding value (in your case a boolean).
When you do a set, you update the value the key is associated with. When you do a get, you can take an argument key and simply retrieve the value of the key. This functionality does already exist in map, called put and get.
I really like the idea of assigning the exits from a String, because it makes for brief and readable code. Once that's done, I don't see why you would want to create a boolean array. If you have a String, just use it, although you might want to add some validation to prevent accidental assignment of strings containing unwanted characters:
private String exits;
public void setExits(String e) {
if (!e.matches("[NSEWUD ]*")) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
exits = e;
The only other thing I would add is a method canExit that you can call with a direction parameter; e.g., if (location.canExit('N')) ...:
public boolean canExit(char direction) {
return exits.indexOf(direction) >= 0;
I like enums, but using them here seems like over-engineering to me, which will rapidly become annoying.
**Edit**: Actually, don't do this. It answers the wrong question, and it does something which doesn't need to be done. I just noticed #TimB's answer of using a map (an EnumMap) to associate directions with rooms. It makes sense.
I still feel that if you only need to track exit existence, a String is simple and effective, and anything else is over-complicating it. However, only knowing which exits are available isn't useful. You will want to go through those exits, and unless your game has a very plain layout it won't be doable for the code to infer the correct room for each direction, so you'll need to explicitly associate each direction with another room. So there seems to be no actual use for any method "setExits" which accepts a list of directions (regardless of how it's implemented internally).
public void setExits(String e)
String directions="NwSEUD";
for(int i=0;i<directions.length();i++)
the iterative way of doing the same thing..
Long chains of else if statements should be replaced with switch statements.
Enums are the most expressive way to store such values as long as the efficiency is not a concern. Keep in mind that enum is a class, so creation of a new enum is associated with corresponding overhead.